Now that is over, what do we think of it?

Now that is over, what do we think of it?

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It’s not over

5 chapters left sweetie

everything important is done

Power levels were stupid in DBZ.

Decades later, still stupid.

The pacing was too fast.
After some time there was barely any breather chapters.
Without a doubt he could have added 50 additional chapters, without harming the story.

the demon king was such a dissapointment desu

nah, hawk is about to dab on meliodas

WSM is screwed now lmao

Huh, I thought Nakaba said he had another huge arc planned after the demons. Did it get axed?

God he's lucky

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Final battle was shitty.
Meliodas conveniently knowing how to break the curse is the icing on the pile of shit that was this arc.
The series peaked at it's halfway point and got worse and worse after Mel got taken out by Mael.

>sells like total shit

So uh what about the Supreme Deity? Is she supposed to be like nonexistent?

>3 years
>still cant outsell most of the SoLshit in the magazine
yeah, no

it really took a big nose dive after Mael became an ally didn't it

No, he said last year that he decided to focus more on Elizabeth/Meliodas instead of making a third saga. We still somehow reached almost 40 volumes as originally intended.

Can’t wait for butthurt when that anime boost hits

No, she exists in the celestial realm like all the other angels. She just doesn't do anything at all for no reason.

I see. Too bad, I would have loved the see the NNT world get expanded.

It annoys me how nobody dies and every villain turns good. Literally EVERY SINGLE ONE

otherwise decent

Can't wait for it to be totally forgotten like it kind of already is. Literally no hype in Japan for this shit manga.

But he knew how to since when he decided to gather the 10C

Went to shit after the first 100 chapters

Thanks for the screenshot


Now that his character "arc" is finished, guess it's time to go ahead and appreciate the fantastic writing behind Mael.

Mael is a character that, due to jealousy and guidance from his brother, becomes a genocidal killing machine without a single shred of remorse. He just labels the other side as bad and deems his actions completely justified. OG Gowther then messes up his mind and the guy keeps doing the same thing he did when he was on the other side. He doesn't slow down or change his approach, proving that there was no actual, sensible reasoning behind his killing, rather Mael was just rationalizing to cover, to protect himself, from what he actually wanted to do... Kill. He was fueled by hate and enjoyed the hunt and the way he acted as Esta was his true nature, because, as a demon, he could let go of the purity and goodness act and behave the way he wanted.

After the Esta illusion gets broken, Mael rolls back to his "good" act and, while in pain for killing his own kind, he actually crumbles because he failed to be the shining beacon of goodness he set himself up to be. It's his ego, with the commandments adding fuel to the fire, that makes him fall apart. It's that same ego that then demands revenge first and foremost, even at the cost of the lives of his fellow archangels. It's not until he believes everything is lost that he finally lets go of that selfishness and gives into the pain and guilt caused by what he did to his comrades and loves ones.

Prepared to die, Mael takes a look back at his own cruel fate and asks with teary eyes an earnest "why?", just as honestly as a small child would, and D. Gowther responds with insight that builds up to one of the most beautiful moments in manga. He gets shown that the other side can hurt just as much as he does and finally realizes that all those differences that determine which banner one carries to war are but skin deep.

Hats off to the author for creating such marvelous character growth.

bad pasta

Peaked in first arc then only downhill.

Is Edens Zero doing that badly?

Hard to tell. Vol 1 sold well and Vol 2 showed nice growth, but Vol 3 sold a bit less than the last for whatever reason. If vol 4 sales end up lower too then its fucked.

>If vol 4 sales end up lower too then its fucked.
Hope it ends up lower then

Stay mad

this ending is as bad as Nakabas colouring


this is by the soul Eater person right?

yes but its way worse

Why? It's actually making an effort to not be another Fairy Tail.
>inb4 rehashed designs

Why? Because it’s fucking trash that’s why, stop pretty it’s good because it made your pee pee hard.


MHA killer right here.

Uh sweetie Black Clover is the MHA killer lol

>It's actually making an effort to not be another Fairy Tail.

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didn’t Hiro put a Erza look alike into this series and gave her some tongue and cheek version of her name?

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WSM should try and get Kubo.

Yeah, she's a side character though, along with another Siegfried/Jellal
That's like 1-2 chapters my guy, and was clearly played as a joke. And if you think the latest fight was actually power of friendship bullshit the you really are a brainlet.
