KinoVania 3 is on the way. What are your predictions, expectations, etc.?

KinoVania 3 is on the way. What are your predictions, expectations, etc.?

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Dracula is genuinely resentful at being revived and makes no attempt to avoid castlevania coming under siege

>Isaac becomes Death
>Hector goes from bitch to alpha
>Hype-ass Trevor vs Hector fight, followed by either vs Isaac
>Remix of The Beginning
>Insane Aristocracy and Abandoned Castle.
>Sub plot of Dracula in the afterlife learning about Chaos, the cosmology of the CV universe, and his role as the Dark Lord


>muh anime is made in japan
Anime is a style.

No, it's not.

Another misses the whole point of the game adaptation

More of my waifu please

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It's not. It's a term used to refer to animation originating from Japan. This is not up for debate, it's fact, just like you being a faggot is.

Yes, it is. What defines an anime and a cartoon isn't where it's made. That's completely retarded logic.

>アニメじゃない , ダ...
>...or as a Japanese-disseminated animation style often characterized by colorful graphics, vibrant characters and fantastical themes.[2][3] The culturally abstract approach to the word's meaning may open up the possibility of anime produced in countries other than Japan

So the only issue here is weebs like you being autistic about the word.

More Hector bullying.
More Trevor/Sypha shenanigans.
More Alucard daddy/mommy issues.
Isaac researching how to resurrect Dracula.
2 episodes with actual animation.

Also goodbye thread.

>having terms signifying country of origin is retarded logic

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Not anime

For the exact same thing, yes.
They're both cartoons made in the same style, just different countries.

Not heterosexual.

The shorthand "weeb" form of "weeaboo" is one that only came into common usage a few years ago with the advent of "ironic" appreciation of anime. It also makes no sense in the context you used. Combining that with you taking issue with commonly acepted word definitions in this community pretty much proves that you're a clueless newfag who doesn't know shit about fuck. You have no authority to voice any opinion in regards to anime and manga as you lack both the seniority and expertise in this particular community.

Is Chibi Maruko-chan anime or a cartoon?

Attached: [MaruChanSubs] Chibi Maruko-chan - My Favorite Song - Watashi no Suki na Uta [English Subs].mkv_snap (848x456, 67K)

>made in the same style
But they aren't, at all
Character design isn't what makes anime anime

Both? Anime is cartoons.

Or maybe I was just calling you it for the fun of it, like "cuck", and the fact you got mad over it is even funnier. Stay mad, weeb cuck.

I didn't say it was purely about character design.

I liked it.
Would like to see more.

More childish religionbashing.

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>I'm going to continue to be retarded haha joke's on you
I don't get it, you take pride in the idea that nobody is going to value anything you ever say ad that you'll never be taken seriously? That's honestly a bizarre defeatist attitude.

More like more realistic depiction of medieval religion.

After what a huge dissapointement season 2 was I don't think I want to see any more.


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I'm atheist and this cliche portrayal of religion in western media always makes me cringe.

Yeah that's why people like Castlevania, the realism.

The fact that you're now just obsessing over the usage of a word instead of the point is proof you've got no actual argument and are just being a complete retard. Fuck off, you smelly weeb twat.


Yeah it's totally childish, unrealistic bashing. I mean it's not like the things shown in the anime caused a massive schizm and a war lasting 30 years in the real world or anything.

The final fight was one of the best-animated fights ever.

> クソ外人アニメ

Hey mods, rather than delete this thread, move it to

>one of the best-animated fights ever.
Oh fuck off.

Why is it so hard for some people to admit that the catholic church had some massive corruption issues.

One episode after 6 of total irrelevant boredom can't save the series.

A point requires communication to make. Communication relies on language and the rules that govern it. You are literally incapable of making any point because you are unable to follow the linguistic conduct surrounding the subject of this board. Your posts are gibberish.

It's not? How the fuck do you take my second comment in that post to mean it's not realistic?

>catholic church
This takes place in Romania.

Great argument. Was there not enough screaming, power-ups, and shitty camera moves for your liking?

Hardly. Go oaway and sniff your farts, you utter bore.

Not anime you nigger

Post best

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>b-better than battle shonen!
Wow great bar you have there.

>What defines an anime and a cartoon isn't where it's made.
I bet you're the kind of faggot that think Shounen/Seinen/Shoujo/Josei are genres and not demographics.

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No, but seeing as those were the easy buzzword scapegoats you immediately jumped to, I can easily see that you barely watched any actual good fights before. Fuck off before you make you out yourself as a newfag even more and make a bigger laughingstock of yourself.


I'll bet you're the kind of faggot that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around.

Name a Japanese anime fight that *isn't* like that.

>Name a Japanese anime fight that *isn't* like that.
My god, you really are only a newfag that watches shonen jump anime.

Please enlighten us as to what a "good fight" looks like, you pretentious faggot, because you should know that these are all opinion-based examples.

>Name a Japanese anime fight that *isn't* like that.
>Yea Forumsnigger literally THIS sheltered
OH NO NO NO NO! Big oof!

get ready for your expectation to be subverted

I'm waiting. Stop stalling and provide a decent anime fight that doesn't look like a giant mess of style over substance.

lol. Talking like you're some hardened anime watcher from the streets? Oof and yikespilled.

>It's an idiot from Yea Forums gets laughed at by Yea Forums episode.

Lurk more newfag

Include me in the screencap.

Samefag trying to make himself look good to his Discord friends. End yourself, tranny.

It’s not, and even if it was this isn’t an anime-style show, it’s more in line with stuff like the DC films

It's not, there is not one general style that you can call an anime. And even if there was, Castlevania has western style designs.

Kill yourself.

I thought last season wrapped everything up, what else is there to tell other than chase the crazy bitch?

The plot point of Lisa getting burned at the stake and that causing Dracula‘s attack was in the games though.

Not anime. Sage and report

Hector and Isaak, Carmilla and the inevitable resurrection of Dracula.

It'll just be an episodic SOL that shows that as long as evil exists in the hearts of men, Dracula will always return.

What was her problem?

People actually want this? Season 2 was trash and I'm not interested in watching S3 with a mary sue female vampire that want to get fucked by animals.

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These should be instabans on Yea Forums

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What was debiruman cry baby?

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I'm glad you were alive during the medieval era to confirm this and not rewritten propaganda being passed off as history.

The Roman Catholic church was just a point of central power back in the day. Just like with any form of government today, there's always some degree of corruption.

Indeed but not to the degree that is sensationalized in modern entertainment media whose sole intent is to brainwash people into religion bashing.

>noooo my cartoons inspired by disney, drawn by koreans and targeted towards international audience are completely separate and unique form of art that can only be made in japan
Oh, it's THIS thread again.

t. Christian apologist

A fight between goth mommy and dark magician gypsy.

I'm Muslim actually.

Look it's not my fault the writer only knows the catholic church exists and the church in the series having a catholic look instead of an Eastern orthodox

I hope that this was just irony.

>Forgetting how the church banished the Belmonts in the games because they were afraid of them
The church always swings both ways when it comes to supernatural stuff in Catlevania. It's almost like that one Bishop was horribly corrupt and overly zealous.