Why are girls addicted to social media?

Why are girls addicted to social media?

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showoff aspect
it's all about attention

please tell me why you're on Yea Forums, talking to random strangers who you will probably never meet in your life.


it adheres to their natural instinct to advertise themselves to as many males as possible


because i enjoy discussing my hobbies and interests with other people. is that a satisfactory response?

Because Yea Forums doesn't dress up the impartial nature of online interaction

This. No censorship, no coddling, no point system to encourage attention seeking.

They depend on social appearance much more than we do
Social media to them is kinda like porn to us, they go there to get a quick pleasure boost

ok retard


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Narcissism + attention seeking.
They want to advertise themselves and having people look at them, pretty simple, if not just look at the time spent on overage between men and women in social media or just how much they devote to choose a picture to upload.

god I want to cum inside a woman and change

>persona 5 got all those episodes but desu2 got shit
not fair

Change what?

>persona 5 got all those episodes
And it still needed way more. What we got was rushed as fuck


those things are completely unrelated

Baki the grappler says otherwise
Baki is also shit

Why does Japan still use those phones?

t. had sex and changed

All normalfags do, not just girls.
