Akira Toriyama will be 64 years old on April 5th. That's tomorrow! Will you get him a present?

Akira Toriyama will be 64 years old on April 5th. That's tomorrow! Will you get him a present?

Attached: toriyama_and_jackiechan.jpg (1024x896, 104K)


He's richer than I will ever be, so no.

Arale's panties and Goku's magic stick

I want to meet Jackie Chan

Seething commie, haha

He made this comic called Sandland. It's okay I guess. One of this other characters, Dabura, makes a cameo in it.

Attached: sandland.jpg (474x685, 169K)

a coloring book

>that grin on Toriyamas face

that means dragonball is going to suffer for atleast 20 years more.

I-is that jackie chan or im a racist?

Wow you racist piece of shit that's Chaky John

Don't they pronounce it Jackie Chen in Japanese? Or maybe it was just a show making a reference while avoiding a copyright.

No, it's Malcolm in the Middle

Who is the homely woman on the left?

Lel, apparently he's named in the Panama Papers as one of the rich people keeping his money overseas to avoid taxes.

Fucking Japanese and their long lifespans.

OTOH, Dragonball without Toriyama = GT, so careful what you wish for.

Toriyama's wife, assumedly.

Anyone have a pic of Toriyama taken by that journalist who accidentally found him taking out garbage and that he wanted to find Toriyama because Toriyama apparently was mentioned in the Panama Papers?

Is that Jackie Chan in the middle?


Read the filename

Is Jackie Chan Japanese? I always thought he was American

Name 3 anime that isnt Jacky Chan adventure

Why is the doing the "you know I had to do it to em"?

> always thinks Hackriyama is some 90 age old faggot who don't know and don't wanna learn how to draw. All those samefaces in DB and DQ.
Him's still in 60. What his excuse?

He's made millions drawing same faces, why bother?

King of the Hill
Corey in the House
Bible Black

>Fixing shit that's not broken


Is Jackie chan's brother Jackie kun?

Happy early birthday!

This looks like the opening of an NTR JAV where jackie fucks his wife.

when will he die?
i had enough of his sameface shit


Because Beerus, Freeza, Hit, Zamasu, Jiren all have the same face.

Gross as fuck

thats clearly jackie chun

jackie chan.

Hong Kong

GT was good, I wish for a sequel! :3

Attached: D05L3D4U8AAGtQd.jpg (800x834, 157K)

>Is Jackie Chan Japanese?
Only if you're watching Cannonball Run.

I agree. GT was fun. More adventures and less endless fighting and powering up forever. Good times.

Did Toriyama adopt Jackie Chan?

Isn't Toriyama's net worth only like 20 millions ?
Did he get fucked by contracts and the 90% tax rate in Japan ?
Or just hiding the money ?


should've just stayed with Beerus and Jiren

No because he isn't working on the new dragon quest movie

It looks fine I'm hyped

tomorrow is my birthday too
are you guys getting me a present too?

>Puts Jackie Chan in dragon ball
>Jackie Chan comes to meet him in person
This is wholesome.
I like this.

I've had a sketch of goku as a cute girl years ago, maybe I'll finish it for his next birthday.

Only if you get me one since it's my birthday too.

Nothing because I've got 20 cents so there's not much I could get him

Happy birthday, pals.

Attached: c8ke.png (1364x877, 35K)

Nigga that's Jackie-chan.

Oh hey, right before my birthday.

Jackie Chan hasn't visited Japan in decades

Nigga that’s Jackie Chan next to Toriyama

Kobayashi Yuu?

That's not Jackie Chan you fucking racists.


No it's not, that's literally Jackie Chan with his parents

that's literally Jackie Chan with his mother and father

Which one is Jackie Chan?

I didn't know Tori is into swing.

I want to fuck Pan.

Jackie chan is older than Toriyama
By a year and a couple days apparently, his 65th birthday is on the 7th of April.

Bet you guys didnt know Jackie Chan had already dressed up as Arale one time back in 85. The movie is My Lucky Stars, I highly recommend it. You can really see where Toriyama gets the comedic fighting from in it, if you haven't seen any other older Jackie films.

Attached: Czbj7YUXgAAN73M.jpg (1200x675, 117K)

>if you haven't seen any other older Jackie films.
Thanks for reminding me that I need to find a place to download old martial arts films from.

the one who fucks the wife

Maybe a nice table doily for his grandmother's house in Montecito

fuck off