ITT: Kino moments in average series. Pic related

ITT: Kino moments in average series. Pic related.

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I loved those few episodes.
If the suffering can continue like those episodes I'm sold on season 2.

A kino of shit maybe,

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it was just melodrama.

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How's it like having shit taste, user?

Think I found one

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I can't hear Gruppa Krovi playing in the background

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deku vs kacchan

I know. It's bad.

This is referencing how character models spaz out when first spawned in?

Some of his deaths are pure nightmare material, if they didn't changed it after the WN

You should give yourself a mercy kill. No one should be forced to live with such shit taste.

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Don't deny it

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Cherry blossom
Cherry blossom
Te wo furu kimi no kata ni

Thread could have ended here, honestly.

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You're right, it's great.

You probably thought I was gonna say it's below average aren't you ha, such a tired and overused response.

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evangelion had nothing but its kino moments going for it

I would say it's a below average series but yeah this moment was good in the movie

Whole show was kino desu


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Then that's not a "kino moment in an average series," is it, retard?

I'm not sold on it being just average but that scene was fucking kino

This and the scenes where he laughs

But doesn't that make the whole thing kino? Which it is

low IQ

Those few first episodes were great.

Suck a dick nigger? There are no rules saying kino shows cannot be average retard face :)

Fight with the Doctor in YYH

that scene turned a mediocre movie into a pile of shit simply because of that poor election of music. funk anno, that why sadamoto will always be the best one.

Nice bait

0 was rather dull aside from those scenes.

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Ouran was just some hit or miss comedy but once she recognizes the twins on episode 5 the ending riff hits out of nowhere and we get an emotional scene. Fucking unexpected.

I also consider to be kino the rapebait scene on episode 8 with glasses guy telling her to pay the debt with her body and then Mamoru Miyano steps in. It's a fucking nice setup that goes nowhere.

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If this show didn't have some pacing issues and that cop-out ending it would have been a 10/10

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where is this from?


The show was forgettable but pic realted was a pretty nice moment.

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Otonashi's backstory single-handedly made Angel Beats worth watching to me, at the same time it makes me frustrted because all of the other characters could have gotten the same treatment if the show had more episodes.

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>Komm Süsser Tod
>poor selection of music

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Angel Beats had plenty of kino moments and was far from average. Held back from being a masterpiece, but definitely not average.

Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul

I agree Angel Beats has a handful of kino moments, but it lacked the length to give those moments the impact they could have. For example, I would have liked Yui's disappearance a lot more if the show had more time to flesh out her character and her relationship with Hinata, the scene would have been significantly more powerful that way.

Pretty much everyone can agree that AB would have been better suited as a two-cour show, with more episodes like 3 and 10 to dedicate to individual characters. I still say it was too good on too many levels to be "average."

>he thinks Hinata actually loved Yui and wasn't just helping her with feeling loved so she could move on

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>nothing is real! The plot isn't real!
folks, this is what happens when you participate in too many pseudo intellectual anime theory discussions

It's more because the show is really ambiguous about them being in love or not, I can see they were friends and all, but I never saw them as a romantic couple before the goodbye scene


Nice b8 m8

user pls don't...

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Goblin Slayer adaptation was pretty lame but that ending scene reflected in the birds eye was memorable, especially with the hilarious CR fuckup of not rolling the credits so it was 90 seconds of inaction and music, as if taken out of some Lynch movie or something.

Sorry Kyoanifags.

Shit tier taste.

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