Join the Little Busters

Join the Little Busters.

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I'll join if I can kill the little shit, okay?

I would if I could.
Why do they no longer make series that capture the fleetingness of the best times of your life like this?

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Reminder that there are plebs on Yea Forums that will unironically defend the anime adaptation.

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I'd rather join the student council.

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no thanks. I dont wanna die in a bus accident.

It had an anime adaptation?
I'm still mad.

I thought it was alright. And that was right after reading the VN, too. What was wrong with it?


Did *literally* nothing wrong. Also he's pretty hot in a non gay way.

Why did Key use the concept of "afterlife high school" twice? I mean, LB was only sorta that, but still.

KEY stopped writing good VNs and KyoAni is busy making gay shit and massive flops like VEG

I trained to hit girls with the ball in the baseball minigame on purpose.

Ah, I see you're also a man of culture. If only the cats would stop intercepting my balls.

The first season is better because it removes the romance, which never should have existed in the first place. It should have always been Riki helping the girls because of friendship. The first 2 episodes of Refrain are great since it has the best animation in the entire series and just so happens to be my waifus route. Outside of that Refrain is way better in the VN.

Attached: cap_[DarkHollow] Little Busters! Refrain 01 [BD][x264,1080p,FLAC][10Bit][7F10CDD9]_00_17_33_21.jpg (1920x1080, 121K)

Imagine that semen demon falling in love with the biggest beta simp ever created, LB was shit for that fact alone.

>has his sister raped, inducing trauma
>forces his otp
>kills 2nd best girl literally a million times
>did nothing wrong
I don't think so Tim
But she loves raping Kud

As much as I love Little Busters, Komari has the most grating voice I've ever had the displeasure of hearing.

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The other routes work without the romance element, but Kurugaya's is literally based around it. It doesn't work if they are "just friends."

I just wish the art was less eye-gougingly awful. Some like Kud and Rin look fine enough, but that monstrosity with the cherry hair ties deserves to be crucified.

>KEY stopped writing good VNs

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Its also the only Route where its about falling in love. Thats why she is Best girl and actual Main girl

Masato's route still gives me shivers

Will you watch Kud's anime?

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only if Riki gets ntr'd or offed.

What happened to the supposed Rewrite+Harvest Festa translation anyway?

Sekai got their hands on it. Go figure.

I want to protect this smile.

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This isn't a Tomoyo After adaption.

No thanks, I'd rather join the Kazama family.

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I love my waifu.

Attached: cap_[DarkHollow] Little Busters! Refrain 02 [BD][x264,1080p,FLAC][10Bit][2607192C]_00_05_55_13.jpg (1920x1080, 165K)

Attached: cap_Little Busters! 2012 - EP15 [BD 1920x1080 23.976fps AVC-yuv420p10 FLACx2 PGS Chap] - mawen1250_0 (1920x1080, 141K)

All right anons, post your field positions!

Im gay for Kyousuke

I know nothing about how to play baseball so I just stick with what Kyousuke goes with.

How much better LB would be if it had Kyousuke as the main character?

9999% better fuck lb would be actually good with anyone but little shit as the mc

True. Moesato almost made me drop the anime adaptation right in the first minute.

LB Boyband manager
Masato x Kyousuke best pairing

Isnt the whole point of Little Busters(at least the VN) how Rikki evolves from a spineless faggot to a half-decent guy?
I dont get all the hate on him if his character was supposed to be that way from the start.

Why was he so fucking hot?

Can’t kill what’s already dead

I reckon they made AB because they thought LB wouldn’t get an anime adaptation