>sees a boy getting beaten up
>"hey why don't you guys rape me instead"
Sees a boy getting beaten up
yes, she's fucked up in the head. that should have been obvious
isn't that the normal course of action? I usually offer my ass to people to avoid confrontation
the fat frog man was the greatest character design I've ever seen, I think I'm gonna remember it for the rest of my life
>isn't that the normal course of action? I usually offer my ass to people to avoid confrontation
This, this is how bonobo resolve all their conflicts.
Less violence, more sex.
This was the episode where I dropped Boogiepop. I realized it wasn't going to get any less dumb.
same here
i literally just alt+f4'd out of the scene OP posted and deleted that garbage off my hard drive immediately
That's hot. Did they rape her?
Almost but no
What the fuck Japan, you got my hopes up with that one 90s ova about apocalypse with monster rape. Then you do Valvarare and GS and then disappointment after disappointment.
>Find a boy you like who is cute
>Get a bunch of guys to attack him due to conformity with the rest of the class
>only helps the girl get with him instead
>End up lobotimized unable to access your gay feelings.
Valvrave was great. You even learn later alien vampire sex is the rune suckinf, and so L-Elf was part Haruto and why his descendant is their gay lovechild.
Where is the snow I was promised?
Was he the one who suffered the most?
Yes. But the suffering of a fellow faggot is my nourishment so I love it.
Geee I wonder who is behind this post
Toilet-chan did nothing wrong
This, calming raging high-test males is a female duty.
Doing her patriotic duty as a comfort woman.
Is It gay if I want to fuck this creepy bubble?
I don't know
Can you repeat the question?
Yes, regardless of your gender.
you can't fuck an idea
This is true. And that's the reason of why bonobos are the epitome of civilization.
Unfortunately sex sells and marketing shapes our society. Sex will never ever be as available to humies as to bonobos. You must tick off many boxes by buying shit corps are selling to you before you can apply for sex.
Why boogie has so much lewd official art?
This sounds a lot more like extremely normalized rape as punishment than love but ok, you do you
Ah, yes, the Shin Sekai Yori approach.
Ask Takeda
Based and SPOOKYpilled
normies get out
FUCK jinbros and FUCK spookybros
SaotomeCHADS rise up.
Has Takeda popped Touka's boogie in the novels?
Echoes is the real CHAD
Exactly the opposite. Chimpanzees, who are the more "patriarchal" counterpart of bonobo's, are not only more intelligent but also use tools. They're also bigger and stronger. Bonobo's are weaklings who can't survive anywhere outside of the Congo river valley (where they don't have to deal with external threats and the river provides them with everything they need) and don't even use tools in the wild (though they can be taught to use tools in captivity).
Bonobo's are the exact opposite of civilization, they're complacent hedonism. Chimpanzee's are more "civilized" in that they struggle to survive in environments where Bonobo's would get their shit pushed in.
Chimps are also murderous assholes.
Truly our closest companions
she sees your boogie!
How much for a pop?
>it's snowing here
It's not rape if she's giving herself to them.
Unexpected but not unforeseen.
Worst arc.
This kinda turns me on
Public Toilets shouldn't turn you on.
At dawn arc needed more lolipop