Just finished golden time. Did that ending satisfy you...

Just finished golden time. Did that ending satisfy you. Ghost Banri FTW but he didnt win kinda idk I didnt like the ending.

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Ghost Banri was funny for memes, but in the show he was shit. Koko a best. Both OPs comfy af.

Couldnt even Commit murder suicide maybe he deserved to be cucked

Can't be cucked if you never had her in the first place.

She was going to say yes...

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the childhood friend? no waaaaay

No way.

Would of been better if everything was in Banriā€™s mind.

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>Ghost Banri FTW
Stopped reading here

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Ghost banri was a faggot, new Banri was the man.

chill fampai

Ghost Banri had Superpowers controlled the weather and a legitimate love interest.
Ghost Banri>Normie Banri

I wasn't satisfied with the ending, and he should have gotten with Nana , I'm pretty sure she was down to fuck that one night after her concert. Isn't it passed your bedtime old timer

NaNa was best girl she was underused

this. ghost banri was a gay teary faggot. nu-banri was based and alpha.

Ghost Banri was the best and worst part of the anime to be honest.

He made the series less well written but at least he was amusing to watch.

>Did that ending satisfy you
no, but thats what White Album 2 is for.

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post more ghost banris

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He was fucking schizo

Watched this 5 years ago. My mind kinda blurry what is ghost Banri? I only remember in road they almost have a car crash. In village after highschool reunion he cracked the mirror on brige and in the end everyone shouting his name

would have been better had it ended like pic related.

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Is this some leditor meme

Wow, 2D-kun is literally me