SS3 is the best form. If you disagree you're a spic.
Just look at that face. A truly chiseled chad. And the hair? Raditz's design done right. I won't even get into the divine glow it gives off, it's not fair to the other forms.
Up until Super ruined everything, it was the strongest Saiyan form that could stand up to the worst threats imaginable.
SS3 has its drawbacks that make it challenging to master. Fans of inferior forms will claim that these drawbacks make it a "shit form" but the truth is indeed the opposite.
>Vegeta can't learn it
Perhaps most telling is the fact that Vegeta cannot achieve Super Saiyan 3, suggesting that the form is inaccessible to manlets.
Dragon Ball Super
when he went ssj3 on toonami for the first time i literally came
Goku is a manlet himself and GT made it a useless and weak form
non-canon trash only enjoyed by spics and pedos
>could have ended the arc right then and there
>leave it to sons instead
>gotenks fails miserably
>gohan fails miserably
this face doesn't belong on goku, he should feel cringeworthy, also fuck large chins
i wonder who is behind this post
how many threads do we need?
chads of Yea Forums baby
Super ruined a lot of good concepts that Z has done. Ruined saiyan backstory. Ruined super saiyan origins. Ruined fusion. Ruined Frieza's clan. Ruined Buu's origins...Dragon Ball GT may had it's flaws but it didn't ruined any stuff that the previous series had done.
>SS3 a unstable/draws ki too fast
Like Goku did had mastered the SS form, he could had do the same with the 2 and 3. No problem at all. Super made this as an excuse to force up that recolor garbage and I hate this.
Such a chad face, stand and attitude! God and furry can't even compete.
God I wish that was me.
damn, Vegeta looks like THAT?
Poor Buu. He looks like he has no idea whats going on and then POW.
Wait so Gohan's girlfriend is actually Vegeta?
I forgot how bad buu saga is, I usually don't bother with it when I rewatch
It's the best saga though.
When will Super CHAD 3 return?
No, user. The green villain is called Cell, not Buu. It's the Cell Saga that is the best.
No. Because he is super expansive.
Never because nu-Toei doesn't know how to draw it
>arc that completely ruined dragon ball
>arc that completely ruined dragon ball
The Cell arc wasn't the one that introduced all the Saiyan faggotry.
people always chant
>Go Broly
>Come on Broly
they never ask
>Hey Broly
>Are you okay Broly
>Super ruined a lot of good concepts that Z has done.
If I was forced to include DBS, I would say that Dragon Ball is overall a bad franchise.
>arc that completely ruined dragon ball
Arc that all the Z fighters could be relevant. Arc that Piccolo had a great shine. Arc that didn't focused only on Goku. You're an idiot.
They could make Super without doing all of that, but nooo! Cheap fan services and tons of new forms are more lucrative, right? I blame the fanbase for being so stupid and with low standards. That's why I always hated the spic fandom and it's bad fanfictions and fanarts. AF included.
>that clock at the beginning
>Strongest Saiyan form that could stand up to the worst threats imaginable
>couldn't beat Fat Buu, Super Buu+ Gohan, or Kid Buu
>can't even be worth a damn in non canon and jobs to Janemba and is treated like a side note in GT
>Hair is a complete bitch to draw and animate
i LOVE gt
>writing is an absolute disaster the whole way through
>ruined freeza
>introduced the super saiyan bargain sale
>made super saiyan hair banana yellow
>further increased the gap between saiyans and everyone else
>flanderized vegeta into the retard who fucks up, jobs and seethes about goku for the rest of the arc
>o my heart virus
>cell's tournament was just another excuse for toriyama not to have to write multi-man fights
>retconned gohan into a pussy pacifist even though he had never displayed those traits prior to coming out of the time chamber
>piccolo's "great shine" lasted one chapter before cell became stronger than him again without even transforming
he was unironically used better in the buu saga. i could go on. everything about the cell arc is shit.
SSG is the best and it is indisputable. It is just too nice.
>all Z fighters could be relevant
Tenshinhan was the only guy who did shit. The rest of them stood on the side lines like always.
Less than worthless. Is actually the reason 17 gets absorbed by Cell thanks to Cell tracking Piccolo's energy. Even if Cell wasn't there 17 would have beaten Piccolo.
Barely even shows up in any arc until the very end of it.
Super Saiyan is the one and only real game changer in the series. Every additional transformation was just artificial padding.
it's gay
>ruined saiyan backstory
what backstory?
>What if..
>(contains raffter)
>What if we get base form
>(About to explode)
>And make it red!
>(Raughs so hard Toriyama coughs)
but the author of AF is now officially Toriyama's right-hand man
Marketing tactics. Everything after movie 13 is garbage anyway.
>"ruined freeza"
How? You expected him to be the villain forever? Super brought Frieza back and look at the joke that he became!
>introduced the super saiyan bargain sale
Says this but defends Buu Saga.
>further increased the gap between saiyans and everyone else
>flanderized vegeta into the retard who fucks up, jobs and seethes about goku for the rest of the arc.
Vegeta was still Vegeta, an asshole who didn't gave a shit about anyone. He was like this on Frieza Saga too.
>cell's tournament was just another excuse for toriyama not to have to write multi-man fights
Most of the shonen are focused on 1v1 fights
>retconned gohan into a pussy pacifist even though he had never displayed those traits prior to coming out of the time chamber.
Before that Gohan was a fucking crybaby.
>piccolo's "great shine" lasted one chapter before cell became stronger than him again without even transforming.
Just like happened on the Frieza saga. Nothing new here. At least Cell was smart instead of just asspulling a lot of forms like Frieza did.
Kek. I can imagine this.
every single character got 2x stronger than buu and could have ended it instantly but didnt because of plot stupidity
>asspulling forms
that was hinted since Zarbon.
meanwhile Cell got every character act stupid just so he could absorb the Androids
dragon ball was ruined the minute aliens were introduced
buu is still a massive pile of garbage
>ruined freeza
Superfags have shit taste.
Also, took three tries to get to the arc's actual villain.
Gohan was a crybaby but would always fight when he had to, the pacifist bullshit was an asspull so Goku's secret plan would fail.
If Toriyama wasn't such a hack, he would have introduce a different McGuffin rather than continuously rely on "muh secret Saiyan power!". In YuYu Hakusho, Yusuke got kidnapped by humans with powers after winning the Dark Tournament.
>How? You expected him to be the villain forever? Super brought Frieza back and look at the joke that he became!
By bringing him back, giving him a terrible new design and jobbing him out to a guy who ultimately ends up doing nothing of value. If you ask me, pic related is the worst page in DB history. Worst of all, it cheapened the Namek ending. Super has handled Freeza well and it's one of the few things they've done right.
>Says this but defends Buu Saga.
By that point there was no going back.
>Most of the shonen are focused on 1v1 fights
>Before that Gohan was a fucking crybaby.
Sure but he could handle watching a fight and was more than willing to fight without whining about how barbaric it is.
>Just like happened on the Frieza saga. Nothing new here. At least Cell was smart instead of just asspulling a lot of forms like Frieza did.
Piccolo had no business in the Freeza arc. His role was a glorified cameo. Freeza's transformations were foreshadowed early in the arc. Cell's transformations were a result of the editors thinking Toriyama's third submission for arc villain still wasn't good enough.
>Super has handled Freeza well and it's one of the few things they've done right.
Unsurprisingly, you are a homo.
>Super has handled Freeza well and it's one of the few things they've done right.
Stopped reading on this line.
>no arguments
I eagerly await your concessions in my mailbox.
Reminder that cute toddler Gohan is best Gohan.
I want to ask Broly how he is.
kek at everyone's reaction 0:27, they knew it's fucked up for goku to have sex and have children
Emperor Tier:
Great Tier:
>Piccolo Daimou
Good Tier:
>Moro (so far)
>Jackie Chun
>Piccolo Jr
CHAD Tier:
Bad Tier:
SHIT Tier:
>Expecting me to explain things to retards
I need a degree in Special Education for that.
>Frieza on Z:
Fucking hates the saiyans to the core, specially Goku! Wants to become immortal to live and rule forever on his tyranny .
>Frieza on Super:
Whinny pussy that only talks but keeps jobbing. Give up immortality because he wants to be taller. Asspull some ridiculous training to archive a supersaiyan wanabe form. Even fucking hating saiyans, go ask for Paragus and Broly to do the job, even with his "prodigy" bullshit that made him surpass decades of saiyan evolution in some weeks.
Eat shit.
How do you feel about punished Zamasu?
The only time Freeza jobbed in Super involved actual divine intervention.
>Give up immortality because he wants to be taller.
Hilarious gag that got a great response in theaters. Cope.
>Asspull some ridiculous training to archive a supersaiyan wanabe form.
>Even fucking hating saiyans, go ask for Paragus and Broly to do the job, even with his "prodigy" bullshit that made him surpass decades of saiyan evolution in some weeks. Eat shit.
Literal seething ramblings. Cope and concede.
Lacks his character
Probably won't ever kill anyone
We don't even know if he is still immortal
Probably my favorite version of Zamasu.
Punished > Merged > Normal > FAP ARM MUTATION OH GOD
Due to DBS being Dragon Ball Simpsons, Frieza arbitrarily refuses to wish for immortality or reform despite not wanting to go to Hell. Goku arbitrarily tolerate Frieza's evil actions despite promising to stop him if he does something evil. It is a shitty sitcom.
His eye patch still looks a jock strap.
>No naked Bulma butt or actual not E rated female fanservice.
>No naked shota dick like the original and GT.
>No blood and actual violence like Frieza torturing Krillin,even GT had blood.
>Shitty bright Telletubie-esque colors.
>Le Pilaf gang and nu Broly reformed.
How can any sane human enjoy Super is beyond me.
>Reused joke from OG Dragon Ball was hilarious even lacking sense.
>Ignore him jobbing to Veget, the Pride Troopers and Broly.
You're too retard for me to keep wasting more time. Be on your own misery from now on.
The only violent part of the show was Toppo beating the hell of Frieza.
Purple > Green.
Is the right from a movie? The anatomy and pretty much everything is better. Left looks like another bulma is sitting on her shoulders.
>shota like in original and GT
Z had plenty of them too
blew him up and killed him
>Pride Troopers
stayed in gold the whole time while goku and vegeta got the shit kicked out of them and knocked back to base in 20 seconds
Yeah, second one if from "The path to power" movie
The only point I disagree with is the color palette. DBZ was quite colorful at times. Planet Namek and the Kaiohshin realm. Though the digital art of Super does make it look exactly like what it is, a Saturday morning cartoon.
Not as much and certainly not as "in your face".
Fanservice in Toriyama's style never quite looks right.
But with everything looking like plastic/rubber.
Speak for youself.
Kinda proving my point there. Neither of those are that great.
boys fanservice is cuter
Based, but switch Tien and Zamasu, imo
Kinda proving you are a faggot.
Agreed, Sadly we won't see it anymore.
Will demons ever be relevant outside of heroes or did Dabura jobbing ruin the entire race?
Enter CHADren
>Will demons ever be relevant outside of heroes or did Dabura jobbing ruin the entire race?
Dragon Ball already ended so why do you give a fuck?
>Dragon Ball FagTubers
He isn't wrong but I don't need some Superhomo telling me why DBS is shit.
I always find it cute when Goku takes his clothes off in front of Pan. He is her grandpa but also a boy her age, the weirdness makes it work well
a shame they didn't let Goku fight Oceanus while naked for remainder of the episode
jiren was the protagonist
A real shame.
>Pretty much the entire tournament was everybody vs U7
>Jiren is the protagonist
>You know, Zarbon, with great power comes great responsibility. My father called it "The Lizard Man's Burden". Myself? I just call it as I see it; the duty of the master to discipline the servant.
>Freeza turns to look directly at the camera
>The monkeys, the Namekians, the Earthlings...It's our duty to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall be blown up from orbit. The day of the Supernova is near, Dodoria. We'll have every lower life form in this galaxy dead or in chains in ten years, and may I be cut in half by my own ki disc if I'm wrong. Freeza-sama bless the Planet Trade Organizationl
BASED transformation.
Is Pan on track to become one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse?
non canon
I still think the naming is dumb.
Redhead should just be Saiyan God, while blue-hair is Super Saiyan God.
This SSGSS stuff is stupid.
You are right, Super isn't canon only GT is.
>suggesting that the form is inaccessible to manlets
>Goku's official height: 5'9''
Ever notice how the GTpedos are only active when either everyone is asleep or at work/uni?
This is cute.
Because they know no one is going to stop them.
Once everyone appears (like the Gohanfags and the Vegeta 2-0 guy and etc) and the thread's more active they'll disappear until everyone's gone again.
And the cycle repeats.
By this logic Toriyama himself would be one
Ever noticed how those anons who dislike DBGT are unfriendly and hateful towards DBGT?
Why can't they just accept DBGT as part of DB series?
It really makes you think, doesn't it?
B-bros... that hair colour....
Where is Champa
They use "canon" as an excuse, but they're the same anons posting and talking about Cumber over and over again
It's quite hypocritical.
Because they're edgyfags
>1/3 of the thread is filtered
>im a coward: the post
I don't understand how you people can spend everyday in these threads repeating the same shit over and over. You don't even have new ways to shitpost
>1/3 of the thread is filtered
For what purpose?
a frieza fan with decent taste. that's new.
Anyone who likes Toyotaro's manga deserves to be shot
Silence, Toeimutt
Shut the fuck up spic
Did they ever bring up that Goten and Trunks had their tails removed or did Toriyama forget that they should have had tails?
Every fight uses the same panels
No original imagery
No unique pages
Every highlight is from other work
Poor writer
Nobody has personality
Nobody is important
Goku is grossly out of character
Shit tier villains
The manga fucking sucks.
Is GT ten or five years after EoZ?
>being such an american you can't tell media from shit
toriyama said they were born without tails
t.butthurt faggot with shit taste
EoZ is 10 years after the buu saga. GT is 5 years after EoZ.
Apparently the Heroes mangaka is now doing chapters for both Universal Conflict and Demon Realm Revival arcs.
Reminder that Cell is popular in Japan, as a fetish
SSJ2 is the best, this is not a debate
dbz recaps 54-162
old funimation dub
Best boi beats up tuffle mutants.
ss2 is just ss1 but edgier
Reminder that SS Cumber is officially only as strong as 2 SS4, and needs SS3 to fight Jobppo and Jobyspo.
just a minor mistake
Toppo at full power is SS2-tier
Dyspo is SS1
B-But muh gaem intro...stronger than Vegetto... m-muh jobren is stronger too...AHAHAHAHAHAHA
There is a 100% chance that Cumber will either go ssj4 or invent an evil god form.
>Toppo at full power is SS2-tier
>Dyspo is SS1
Also SS Vegeta is stronger than the tuffles twins, Dyspo is struggling with Oren, doesn't that make SS Vegeta => SS Cumber?
why didn't toriyama draw goku cutting gohan's hair? he really hates wholesome stuff, doesn't he?
What was the last kino arc in Dragon Ball and why was it the Cell arc?
Why do I find him so annoying, lads?
Everyone had their moments. The fights and training scenes was good. Mr Satan appeared. Maron was a blessing.
This is what the Jobrentard has been latching on for months as some great canon/official achievement, and with the same results as any other trash he spams, a redundant flop and more ammunition to stomp on Jobrentards.
jobrenspics have been to quiet, not even a rebuttal to the fact that jobren full power ~ Kanba base < SS4
the last one that tried to tell a story rather than being dumb memes, at least in the anime
reminds of you tardku
Ganbatte Toppo kun!
Toppo doesn't use his god form in the Heroes manga? Kek, even Heroes knows that shit isn't canon
>Trying power level logic on Super
>Trying power level logic on Heroes
He has a weird triangle head
>Another retard that jobs to bubblegum
When will the saiyans learn?
Toppo is a character that shouldn't even exist. They basically created him in a month when Toriyama said that Jiren has to be stoic and couldn't have Toppos personality. That's why in the preview during the tournament against u9 it originally had Jiren cloaked but in the episode it suddenly changed to Toppo
They'll learn when to open their assholes accordingly
JOBrentardo will say Toppo and Dyspo are stronger than Goku and Vegeta and their fusions.
screencap this
It's not the fault of the Saiyan's that toriyama created something more OP than Broly
>TFS faggotry
>shitty clickbait titles/thumbnails
>presents his shitty fanfics as analysis
The list goes on.
>I-it's accurate when jobrenspics spam it!
>>presents his shitty fanfics as analysis
This is what pisses me off the most. I mindlessly clicked one of his "what if Radditz was redeemed" videos thinking it would be an analysis of the franchise and where things would change if something like that happened, but it was literally just fanfiction. A story he wrote. It's so fucking cringy
That's why they shouldn't mess with the bubblegum! It will get everywhere.
>Cumber has a fur tail again
They can't even do continuity right from chapter to chapter kek
Toriyama didn't create this thing, besides the one who gave him his powers should be the most dangerous of the bunch.
So he's Jiren's nobody?
Anybody here looking forward to the new RPG game?
I'm curious if they do ANYTHING interesting with the story or if they just rehash Raditz to Buu for the millionth time
Pretty sure it's just Post-Majunior to Frieza this time.
>Some DB games only covers to Frieza or Cell arc
Who the fuck thought this is a good idea?
No way to say for sure. The only reason people are speculating that is because thats what Legacy of Goku was. But that game was restricted by it's the year it came out so hopefully a 2019 PS4 game can be a bit more expensive
I know he didn't make Finn. I'm saying that toriyama created the concept of majin buu.
Buy the next game for the rest :)
>A story he wrote. It's so fucking cringy
It is neither framed in what would happen in the DB universe or how would Toriyama write. Unlike the typical "What-If Stories" in Budokai, he insist on continuing the story way pass the point of convergence and expecting the plot to the similar or adding his shitty fan-characterizations.
Gimme that monkey bum
fucking fanfic shit
a random monster literally apperas out of fucking nowhere and suddenly he can catch SSJ4 Fusion off guard
pure bullshit
>They use "canon" as an excuse, but they're the same anons posting and talking about Cumber over and over again
It's quite hypocritical.
Exactly this and they don't even consider DBH to be canon. They just hate DBGT for baseless reasons and because, GT=BAD/ EVERYTHING ELSE=GOOD.
>or adding his shitty fan-characterizations.
Please tell me he doesn't actually do this
Gotta love that demon realm magic
You mean Dee El Cee
>SS J 4
If its not vegito, its useless
He did exactly the same thing as Gogeta did to Omega - depowered Cumber and then defused.
At least he repelled Cumber and adapted the M12 Gogeta personality, that's pretty good for a potara
Well, are you?
Maybe so
Just saw this, thoughts?
>What-if Goku was female?
>Bulma thinks girls can fight now.
>Yamcha fights Goku, realizes that Goku is a girl and now respects wammen.
>What if Goku marries Bulma?
>the permanently retarded and autistic Goku turns down Chi-Chi saying that he likes Bulma despite their relationship being closer to brother and sister.
>Yamcha somehow ends up with Chi-Chi.
>Frieza kills Bulma
>Goku jumps to SSJ2
Best boi
Nice get, Dyspo truly is best boy.
>Jobrentard seething
So that's how he copes when his shitty cards, dokkan and Pedroes get shut down!
What's the matter Brolyboy? Can't handle some bants?
gohan was, is and will always be stronger than goku
Fuck potara and fuck Vegito for being Jobgeta dominant, 2-0 my ass
Did anyone else fap to Boo arc Bulma
Toriyama fucking forgot and made a stupid excuse to fix his mess, as he always do.
Zamasu became more powerful after summoning his “Light of Divine Justice” and became grotesque as the result. He also gained more power at the cost of speed when he made himself bigger. Fusion was needed to fight, Zamasu after that power up.
Sound about right. Goku really is a good friend. Now that their minds have been merged, Bejita is probably aware of this. He's just too embarrassed to bring it up.
Goku definitely got Pan all hot and bothered with his carefree nudism
It doesn't drain too fast.
Goku's body simply couldn't handle its immense power. It all disappear in a moment not over time when goku was trying to raise ss3 power to his maximum.
Go watch kid buu fight again.
Goku is handling him fine in ss3 (he never actually used ss2 vs buu) and vegeta switches for goku to push ss3 to his maximum.
When it fails Goku explicitly says that his mortal body couldn't handle the power and gave up on him. He could when he was dead. His power was rising, completly stops, and disappears.
Gotenks saw no leaking. Goku also didn't mention anything vs fatty. And barely used it vs buutenks.
Ss3 draining stamina is a fanbase myth. Goku mortal body was simply weak for ss3 maximum . Just like it couldn't handle kk4 in the first vegeta fight.
>still no dogleash edit
What the fuck bros?
If that was the case then, Goku wouldn’t have used SS3 against, Kid Boo at all. The only time he held back his power was the fight against, Vegeta when he was powered up by Babidi.
>literally kaioken
At that point, Bejita already knew about it. The cat was out of the bag and he knew he would have bitched and moaned if he didn't use it. Goku could have dabbed on Boo hardcore style but he wanted to get that spirit bomb kill.
I NEED to fuck Burma sans breats
Still, reasoning is just pure headcanon nonsense. Let’s not forget that Kaioken was still crippling before the ToP arc. That’s a more plausible headcanon.
>literally non-canon garbage fanfic
GODren wins again
It actually makes sense. His time in hell proved immortality sucks if you are confined to something you hate.
Death brings a way out.
5 minutes in photoshop
>literally non canon fanfic
>but its okay when the Jobrenfags start shilling the title MUH STRONGEST VS STRONGEST for a thousand times
this goku feels so out of character after dbs
I see ignorance is bliss in this thread.
Ignoring D B G T ain't going to make it go away. Shying away from important and insightful DBGT contributions, are an affront to the good intentions of anons who uphold DBGT in high esteem.
Another victory for Dragon ball GT!
He's not interested in Adulthan, only Shotahan
SS3 was a mistake.
>best form
Silence, mine precious pet, mine MOST obedient and dutiful hound. SILENCE. AT ONCE.
The CHADyans are the heart and soul of Dragon Ball, cope.
Buu arc. never had a good story game in 3d though. Point me to one Vegetto vs Buu battle in videogames that was done any decently, you can't.
Have you never seen a picture of Kaioken or something? Stupid spic
>said Pedro Lopez Escobar Manuel Marquez de la Cruz el Salvador, Jr.
>Panspic pedo retard is talking to itself
>SS3 was a mistake.
Explain this?
Or perhaps I shall explain it for you.
Could it be that SS3 eventually leads to SS4? Which is synonymous with DBGT?
And this could be the reason for you to come up to your conclusion?
For your possible vehement hatred for DBGT?
Note carrying Goku!
>Goku is grossly out of character
>he says as he defends the non-canon cancelled Filipino fanfiction like a dutiful spic dog
GT Isn't canon.
Cabba is the absolute fastest warrior.
>this much projection
even if he lives forever his life will still be short
>Could it be that SS3 eventually leads to SS4?
Err... no? Golden Oozaru leads to SS4, not SS3. Vegeta never went SS3 but he still achieved SS4.
Knowing this and that base Goku is > jobren, how can anyone in their right mind say jobren is anything but weaker than base Broly?
Me on the bottom right(Tien)
Wait did he actually do these?
>Actually giving 'it' (You)s
>One of a fusion's parts is stronger than the fusion itself
Every time I see someone saying this I wonder if they're just trying to shitpost, because the alternative is absolutely unacceptable levels of stupidity.
You're really pissed that people aren't giving you attention anymore, aren't you, Panspic?
Because hes a fucking dumb faggot that comes to threads he hates
>shitposter crying that someone can't see his "COPE COPE DOG COPE DOG DOG SPIC DOG COPE COPE COPE" shitposts
Jiren has always been weaker than base Broly, this is just further proof for it.
>Err... no? Golden Oozaru leads to SS4, not SS3. Vegeta never went SS3 but he still achieved SS4.
>Could it be that SS3 eventually leads to SS4?
I did say "eventually"
Nerve status: struck
>supporting your headcanon with more retarded headcanon
>As they came into the battle
>It was the sound of a crescendo
>They came into his lizard fight
>They left the bloodstains on the volcano
>He ran underneath the rocks
>They could see he was unable
>So he ran into the lava
>He was struck down, it was his doom
>Broly, are you okay? So, Broly are you okay? Are you okay, Broly?
>Broly, are you okay? So, Broly are you okay? Are you okay, Broly?
>Broly, are you okay? So, Broly are you okay? Are you okay, Broly?
>Broly, are you okay? So, Broly are you okay? Are you okay, Broly?
>Broly, are you okay? So, Broly are you okay? ARE YOU OKAY, BROLY?
>Broly are you okay? Would you tell us, that you're okay?
>There's a sign in the battle
>That they struck you - a crescendo, Broly!
>They came into your lizard fight
>Left the bloodstains on the volcano
>Then you ran into the lava
>You were struck down, it was your doom
Cope and concede, you pathetic shitposting dog.
>Goku jumps to SS2 after Freeza kills Bulma
I want him to fucking die
>look mom I posted my headcanon fanfiction again!
Cringe as fuck
>is stronger than everyone in this thread combined
>Literal solid evidence from the show itself
>literally proving his point
Look at you, conceding so readily, dutifully, and most obediently. Good boy. There's a very good pup.
>Toei's fanfiction
Pick one.
>cries about non-canon whenever his argument is threatened
>posts non-canon shit to support his argument
I accept your hypocritical concession, pet.
I pick evidence. I win again
I heard Jobrentards were seething, is that true?
>Goku was always 100% serious and got shit done always in this mode
>Doesnt job around like in literally every other form including blue
This reason alone makes 3 the best and will always be better.
And yet you have none. Cope.
Im getting tired of blowing you the FUCK out
>doesn't job around
>SS3 has literally never won a single canon fight
What did you mean by this?
What is this?
>continues clinging to the irrelevant and non-canon Pedroes fanfiction when even that has just BTFO of WEAKren
Strongest character in anime history
>when even that has just BTFO of WEAKren
ESL as fuck. KEK
>can't comprehend basic English
>starts screeching about ESL
Cope and concede, my pet.
>that filename
>Cumber is barely stronger than Dyspo or Toppo
JOBrentardo 1 digit IQ everyone!
>Jiren stops SSG with his finger
>Jobly with his dumb ape face
>Strongest character
>weaker than Goku
>weaker than Vegeta
>weaker than Vegito
>weaker than Gogeta
>weaker than Broly
>weaker than Moro
>weaker than Beerus
>weaker than the angels
>weaker than Zeno
>I’m bursting
Nice krillin
>one shots Vegitto SSBKK
>weaker than anything other than Chadren or MUI
>that pic
>degenerate furfag toyotaco
>literally face-tanked an SSG punch while INFERIORren had to block it
>seething Toeipoodle
Gonna have to try harder than that, Pablo
Was he jobbing?? How did kid buu get defeated again?
>Goku and Vegeta are weaker than a SS in there
>that makes jobren the strongest anything
What did he mean by this?
With a Spirit Bomb from base Goku after SS3 jobbed.
>HAD to block it
These spics are hilarious. I feel like im throwing pet food to the monkeys in the zoo.
>no arguments whatsoever
Too easy.
>Gets his shitty bait proven wrong
>Literally runs away
HAHAHAHA Fuck Im so good at this.
Nice Vidya gaem intro headcanon retard
The End.
This is your final acknowledgement, exposed shitposting Toeisperg. Use it well.
>>Goku and Vegeta are weaker than a SS in there
>Holding back Vegeta
Debunked has always
>Talks about Heroes without even watching it
>Gets btfo
Im feeling smarter by the second
Stop responding to the Jirentard, it's clearly the same autistic Toeifag.
>T-this is the last time!
Hahahahaha pathetic.
>Holding back
is toriyama seething that tardku was chosen for olympics ambassador or laughing? it's like germany chose hitler
We both know that toyospergo will keep barking at the Toeichads while they engage in meaningful conversations
>Jobrentard doesn't know about god ki control
>Jobrentard thinks Vegeta has any energy left after exploding it all seconds before
>Literally retarded spic tier headcanon
>Thinks he is doing anything but embarrassing himself
Please keep going
What if Puar looked like this?
It is too nice.
Way too nice.
>Be Goku, combat genius
>Spend life and afterlife training
>Near-death situations all the time
>Achieves SS3, a form so powerful it actively shortens your lifetime
>The state of being alive cannot contain your power
>Then a weird dog god appears
>Oh hold up a minute, could you guys hold hands please?
>Yeah just like that, that's great
>Oh, you're pregnant Videl?
>Why get in here too!
>Alright Goku, go super saiyan
>That form you gained through blood and sweat fighting Frieza
>That culmination of years of immense effort and talent
>Just stand in the middle
>Alright, now you're way more powerful than SS3
>J-just like that!?
>muh vidya g-gaem intro is canon get b-btfo!
Yet another thread that proves CHADren is the strongest mortal in all anime.
As you can see, the sorry attempts at arguments against CHADren seen here are among the following:
>SSBE and SSBKK are SS1 tier
>T-They were holding back all the time haha
>C-Cumber is Buu saga SS3 tier haha
>B-Base Goku is angel tier and stronger than J-Jiren haha
But hey, you can't expect the monkeys in the zoo to be coherent when you are throwing food at them right? I mean they only want the (you)s, not to make good arguments.
And on that note, I rest my case.
>Jobrentard seething
Au Au Au
Agree everything except calling beerus a dog.
Please give respect to egipcian cats. They lack fur it's an awful life.
I thought he might be seething because he seemed pretty mad about his potrayal in db/z/gt and evolution
Well said Panbro!
Is End of Z even canon at this point?
True. GT>Super
>Jobren doesn't even have a theme that hypes him up
What a weakling.
Don't be affraid to ask next time
And even super.
Goku is not supposed to be heroic, but he is not supposed to never be serious either and he is not a drooling retard. He is supposed to be innocent, and lacking knowledge from living alone isolated in the mountains. The manga had plenty of serious and caring goku. Heroic goku is toei crap, and gets worse in murican dub.
-my ass
He has two(2) themes. Pick one
America Goku is how he should be.
Another reason why the dub is the best.
Post Jobbers
Can't, I don't save Jobren pictures.
>You're really pissed that people aren't giving you attention anymore, aren't you, Panspic?
GT Isn't canon.
Go watch superman.
Jiren should be a tier below shit because he's the worst character in all of Dragon Ball.
>GT Isn't canon.
This was epic during the fight but seeing it outside if the movie with no context makes it look fucking hilarious
Does he still shapeshift?
>Jobrenfags posting CHADly who never canonically jobbed
Literally SEETHING
Keep seething little cuck
Sure, but why would he if he's already perfect?
Has SS3 won a fight in canon?
>who never canonically jobbed
Too bad he perfectly fits the definition of jobber. Literally only existed to make Gogeta shine. kek
Looks like Yamcha got himself a boyfriend, sorry Frieza.
Jiren is shit, and so is Tournament of Power. Get the fuck out of there with your trash taste.
>CHADly who never canonically jobbed
The movie isn't canon now? Jobly isn't canon?
>Panspic is mind-broken
>people actually think this is better than civilized Pan discussion
Really goes to show the priorities of the shitposters here.
Would you a Puar?
>literally opposite of the author's vision
Vegeta was always tsundere for Gohan.
Quiet, dog.
Based retard
It's the other way around, Gogeta only exists because Broly is invincible, completely limitless if left unchecked.
>389 posts
>86 posters
And how do you fags explain Jiren being that strong? "hE tRaiNeD"? He's so badly written it's hilarious.
Nothing stopping him from transforming into that. Now would Yamcha want any of that?
Gogeta was in the movie because goku couldn't use UI, and because potara wasn't an option.
Hey kid wanna /ss/?
Shouldn't you be dying again Krillin?
Not even sure what the fuck you are trying to do here
Bla Bla Bla whatever was in the movie was the culmination of DBS at that point
>dutifully offering his concession to his most superior master
Good boy.
>Fan music
You could’ve gotten the official ones from the same site. What the fuck!
>Jirenspic can't comprehend basic English
>Really goes to show the priorities of the shitposters here.
DBGT is part of the DB series and therefor should be supported.
But certain anons here seem to think otherwise?
It really does make you wonder.
Why are you so pathetic?
Based Panbro.
I don't read moon
he's genuinely mentally retarded, completely asexual, doesn't need to speak to his family nor friends and would forget that they exist after not seeing them for few weeks, doesn't have any empathy, only anger/frustration, can't feel regret
>headcanon: the post
>the lack of attention is making him samefag harder
I fail to understand how GT is worse than Heroes.
>Implying is just one guy.
It always made me wonder why Bejita has no irises.
>avoiding the argument
Pathetic retards
Agreed, GT is full of soul.
>avoids the argument
>gets called out on it
>"y-you're avoiding the argument"
There's nothing pedo about wanting to pronebone Pan.
>being this autistic
It's not worse than Heroes, but it's still complete and under dog shit
>Panspic is mind-broken
I'm just getting warmed up user, and I await your concession to appreciating DBGT as a much valued show.
So the GTpedo, Toeisperg and Jirenfag are all the same person, correct?
Correct, the filthiest and slobbiest Mexiturd
THE Jirenfag here. Don't mix me with that subhuman chilean pedo retard. Thanks
that's the point of the character, his innocence is of the kind that he doesn't get that if he causes someone to die it's harmful, because he's retarded
There's literally no excuse for this.
Why do shitposters always try this hard to join their boogeymen into one person? Are they really this insecure than more than one person disagrees with them?
Disagrees with? All they do is spam the same images over and over, it's not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing.
Panspic doesn't even disagrees, it may as well be a bot on an infinite loop repeating the same phrases every thread
Exactly like the Toeisperg did. And replying to everyone who mentions them, just like the Toeisperg did. Hmmmmmm..
Oh yeah, forgot to ask, what's the sauce?
His what ifs used to be fun until he began going full MatPat trying to pose his shit off as TRUFACT. >His Goku female fanfic was probably the worst with how much he pushed the "WAYMN CAN FITE LUL"
>I aint even touching his "What it Goku married Bulma" or "What if Raditz got redeemed" shit
>His new "animated" fanfic for Raditz makes me cringe all the way up to my prostate
>He himself is an unfunny tool who gets triggerinod too much
>He thinks hes the top DBZ man because of TFS
What if MasakoX wasn't annoying? Part 512
>still caring about power scaling post Frieza
Defeats Frieza
Defeats Cell
Jobs against Buu
>best form
How 'bout no?
What happens with the Raditz one?
>this insecurity
Raditz becomes best brothers with Goku because
>Muh kindness
He somehow is able to hit all the way up to SSG
IIRC He has a kid with LAUNCH who can also go SSJ and is stronger than Goten Gohan and Trunks cause
after that i seriously lost count
It goes full fanfic tier. He creates a fucking OC character, shits on all of Vegeta, Raditz is suddenly a Gary Stu, etc. He has shit writing skills.
There's literally no excuse for this.
I don't see the problem user?
I personally call him toeimongrel jobhantard jobrenturd cardposter panposter falseflagger samefag Seth's dog passfag, but that's me!
Vegeta gets cucked and goes SS4
Raditz has a mary sue daughter
>He thinks hes the top DBZ man because of TFS
I have not seen a single instance of him showing off his ego, source?
>Outing himself
Sounds terrible.
Holy shit this has soul
Why can't we get the guy who drew this to do Toyotaro's art for him.
EXPOSED once again.
The panelling is somehow better than Toyotaco. Toyofucko should be fired.
reminder that Buu is the only villain who succeeded in
>Killing every main and side character besides Goku and Satan
>Causing human extinction
>Destroying the Earth
>Winning out over Goku when he was at his strongest
>tfw your shitpost is so good and solid you start to mess with weak-minded retards's heads
Im so based
EDGEhan strikes again, he had enough of this bullfuck
God I'm so fucking smart at this
Nice art and nice get
Seething WEAKrenfag.
Joblyspics are finished
All me
Kneel, Toeicur.
are dbm creators gohanfags?
>unironically linking tumblrshit
Why is it so clear that CHADren bros possess an IQ above 200? The SEETHING Cuckliyfags are crying because we are mentally destroying them with our intelligence. GODrenbros are undefeated, just like DIVINEren himself
It's Samir34, not DBM.
And yes, they are Gohanfags
Do something about it, faggot.
>the strongest Saiyan form that could stand up to the worst threats imaginable.
It couldn't even kill Buu, fuck off.
>I fail to understand how GT is worse than Heroes.
Thanks to DBH it has given the DB community more awareness of the BASED SS4 transformation. This can only be a good thing for DBGT and bringing the haters, to their senses.
If you open your fucking dog mouth again I'll kill you.
How you been, dogposter? You doing good?
This isn't a game you little bitch mongrel, shut the fuck up or die
Did you get that job you interviewed for?
I will fucking kill you
>Agreed, GT is full of soul.
DBGT is comfy and warms the cockles of your heart.
>It knows it's lost so all it can do is reply to it self
Who are you replying to?
What do you expect? some fat chilean pedo spic who has no life so he keeps on shilling his non canon toei fanfic in these threads
GT is an abortion, completely against Toriyama's vision and what he wants for the series, and was canceled because it was objectively piss-poor and terribly received. It is now totally irrelevant outside of equally-irrelevant video games and is rightfully mocked by true fans of the series. To prefer--or even appreciate--GT is to out yourself as someone who doesn't understand what the series is actually about: a casual, a poser, a bandwagoner. A disgusting spic.
>Toei's chadnime
>Not canon
>doesn't know Toriyama was consulted about it, came up with the name, the designs and the first few episodes
>doesn't know it was well-recieved enough that it's still getting re-runs in Japan
As expected of Superspics.
He did some of the designs. There is nothing stating he had anything to do with the writing or story of anything in GT. Toriyama literally stated he would be "watching it with the fans" as it aired. He had zero to do with the overall story and plot, and most of the designs are over-designed edgy garbage and go completely against the simplistic designs he favors.
>it gets re-runs so that means it was really well-received
It was cancelled after 64 episodes because everyone hated it. Cope.
based CHADnimefriend
toyopaco's traced trash will never touch the mastercraft that is toei super
Super is so awful that GT doesnt look so bad to me anymore.
>elevated the series to its peak level of success
>has been massively, hugely well-received and continues to produce material, with the anime confirmed to return in July
>GT was so reviled it was cancelled after 64 episodes
See and cope.
>doesn't know Toriyama was consulted about it, came up with the name, the designs and the first few episodes
>doesn't know it was well-recieved enough that it's still getting re-runs in Japan
>As expected of Superspics.
So that mean according to the "GT ISN'T CANON YOU GUYS" anons, that means the first few DBGT episodes are canon?
No, because it follows after Z and not the original manga.
No, because Toriyama had nothing to do with the writing of the series. That user is full of shit and you know it, Paco.
Toriyama had nothing to do with GT's writing and called it a side story. It's not canon. Cope and concede.
>posting a non-canon Nakatsuru design
>English dub
the absolute reading comprehension of Superspics OH NO NO NO NO NO
only because after that long hiatus, the fans were desperate for anything DB. Super is objectively shit.
>criticized GT character designs
>criticized the fights
>criticized the plots
It's almost like you're the one with no reading comprehension, GTspic.
>n-no it's successful because of these reasons that my headcanon clearly states
Super is superior and the pinnacle of the series, easily outshining DB and Z. Cope and concede.
So did you stop reading after that line, Pablo?
Actually, the pinnacle of the series is the merchandise
need some subtlety in your trolling
>using a dub
>a burger dub, no less
>to make an "argument"
The criticisms were leveled at the series as a whole as well as the dub, you fucking spic idiot. Read.
>criticized the plot and the fights
Stop acting like the criticism of the dub was the only criticism there. You got BTFO and you're trying to save face. Kneel.
Cope and concede, my little contrarian cuckspic pets.
Cope, my precious pet.
Superspics EXPOSED for being dubfaggots. I'll be taking your concessions now.
>if I pretend to be retarded I'll win
Nope. You have no arguments against the criticisms leveled at GT, of which there are many outside of just the dub. You've been trounced in a most embarrassing fashion. Kneel.
>literally says the plot was criticized
jesus i hate mexicans, i really do
>Nope. You have no arguments against the criticisms leveled at GT, of which there are many outside of just the dub. You've been trounced in a most embarrassing fashion. Kneel.
>deflecting as usual
Quiet. KNEEL.
>b-but muh aniblog that is specifically, openly talking purely about the... pffft... ENGLISH DUB... says it's bad!
Silly Superspics. Shouldn't you be at the plaza right about now? I hear there'll be another showing of Goku vs Jobren at the enchilada stand.
Again, your reading comprehension is severely lacking. The dub was one of many criticisms leveled at GT. There were also criticisms of some of the character designs, the fights, and the plot, none of which have anything to do with the dub. Cope, concede, and kneel.
you're really fucking mad that people have actually criticized GT
it's funny to watch you seethe
You don't get tired of being so stupid and pathetic?
Glad to see some anons appreciate BASED Dragon ball GT.
I only see your review about the English dub you Super mutt.
>start seething
>"h-haha you must be s-seething"
See >"They also criticized the GT character designs of Vegeta and Trunks"
>"mentioning that the fights from the series were a very simple childish exercise"
>"The series' plot was also criticized for giving a formula that was already used in its predecessors"
Cope, concede, and kneel.
>"The English dub of Dragon Ball GT"
Are you fucking retarded? The fights and plot and designs have nothing to do with the dub you fucking idiot, the spoken language doesn't affect how the series looks and how the plot functions. Stop shitposting and kneel.
stop being so easily baited and stop being so new, it's the retarded toeisperg/jirenfag
>the fights from the series
>the series
>everyone that bullies me is one person, mom!
>The English dub of Dragon Ball GT
>English dub
Please explain how the language spoken changes the overall plot, designs, and criticism of the fights, you stupid spic. Explain that or your concession will be automatically accepted.
>literally called criticisms of the series
>b-b-but they only meant the dub though h-haha
Wait, how are those blocks all staying up if they aren't connected?
>Wait, how are those blocks all staying up if they aren't connected?
user, those blocks are in mind descent.
oh oka