IQ and Favorite Genre Correlation

IQ and Favorite Genre Correlation

0-75: SoL
75-100: Shounen/Battle
100-110: Psychological
110-120: Romance
120-135: Comedy
135-160: SoL
160+: Yuri

Attached: avatar_intelligence.jpg (640x360, 83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Aren't there enough threads dedicated to /u/fag delusions? What's the point of this.

200+: isekai

220+ native isekai

>0-75: SoL
>135-160: SoL
i see you're a yuri fan

300+ writing your own isekai

It panders to the lowest as well as the highest demographic

1000+ Sci-fi Fantasy

Attached: Rara-Rara-Rara.gif (240x240, 602K)

400+ Harem

>∞^∞: harem

Attached: hdd.jpg (1280x720, 335K)

4 digits NTR

500+ Isekai Battle Academy Harem

0-70: Isekai/Harem
70-85: Comedy
85-100: Battle Shounen
100-115: Romance
115-130: Psychological Seinin
160+: Yaoi

9001: ntr

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1000000: magical girl shows aimed at 7 yo girls

Please japan, make it happen.

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what about ghost girl romance

Yaoi: ∞


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143 IQ reporting in. Imho the best genre is comfy, atmospheric shit like Mushishi and Sora No Woto.

Attached: Sora no Woto.jpg (600x294, 38K)

>iq shit
Fuck off immediately.


Oh, Haibane too.

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How long?

Sora no Woto is Haibane Renmei done right.

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gtfo /u/magggggggggggot

300+: doujin anime

152 IQ, favorite genre is isekai

I'm only a 140 brainlet and used to prefer anything SoL. But with time even I learned to not watch anything without yuri.

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