Watamote chapter 154
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She actually fucking did it!
>Fake emoji with QB face
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【谷川ニコ】私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! 喪458
I don't speak gook
>Emoji, Shizuku, Akari and SAYAKA all on the same page
Emoji mk 2 getting the development she deserves
NuMoji: owo
Futaki is best emoji.
Turns out Futaki isn't here to take Emoji's place. She's here to take Tomoko's
Fuck yeah, more MK II
I hate this baka for making Komi lose.
>Ucchi is there
Im more that satisfied.
Gook is Korean.
Meme properly.
That is just precious.
Fuuka Chan
>Asuka sticking like glue to Tomoko
>Dicky-chan is on the cover
Next Dicky-chan focused chapter when?
Looks like fun chapter, it is?
Me on the left
Ucchi is supporting Tomoko even after all the fuss
Was it just me or did Asuka slide closer to Tomoko in each panel?
I'm glad your girl fuck-chan finally has a name
Futaki is cute!
Can I get a quick reminder in who this slut is?
>Normie x Delinquent
Can't say I expected it.
Literally Asuka's girlfriend
I made something nice for our resident Makofag. Poor bastard, he's probably one chapter away from hanging himself
>minami feeling bad for throwing the game
How's your stomach holding up?
Did Nico go to 2ch for suggestions?
Asuka getting a qt girlfriend and Ucchi winning? YES PLEASE
Now comes the wait for translations.
Fear her.
This is Yuri, she can't cut pizza properly. Say something nice to her.
My autistic girlfriend is so cute
Big portions for herself and her girlfriend, the rest get small ones
tumoko become mojo
She looks like a yume nikki character
this cgdct shit is boring
Cute gamer, I want to kiss her W mouth
Fuck you, Yuri isn't gay. Yuri just wants a platonic friend that isn't a doormat like Mako or a bitch like Minami.
then drop it
We'll be sure to add in some mechs next chapter.
Hang in there, Ucchi! You will win her heart!
No, protect her!
But would you watch her steams?
I want Fuuka to stick that bat up my ass
How will Yuri be able to live when she's on her own? She's reaching Chris-chan levels of autism. Do you think she has her own OCs?
This is what they're doing in this chapter, find10 differences from Saizeriya menu.
It went viral because of its difficulty, try it out.
Baka Da
Fucking m00t.
She did, based Chadsuka
>many years later
>Mako gets a husband and has lots of kids
>She leaves the house late at night
>Husband asks her where she is going
>"I have to make sure Yuri has her bath and is in bed before 9. I can't trust her to do it all by herself"
1- On the window, on the bloon. Sheep/no sheep
2- On the window, on the snowman. Tomato/Something else
3- Dude wearing santa hat/dude wearing something else
4- On the table, blue drink/green drink
5- On the table, next to the pizza. Steam/no steam
There's 10 user.
Nico Tanigawa and their real-life references.
And now there are 5 left. You're welcome.
Well, shit. I can't find more than 7.
check There is no steam from the dish next to the pizza
stupid useless faggot
Why is this girl so perfect. Literally everything she does is perfect. I hope nothing bad happens to her
Yeah, that was fun for a couple of days but I think we can all agree that the original Tomoko is the best.
Next chapter in 3 weeks instead of 2. Unfortunate.
Oh fuck.
I knew this chapter had a boat load of pages
In preparation for Golden Week
Raws user here. Next chapter is 4/25 but I'm busy then. Any user is free to make the thread then.
This shit again??
TLs, fresh from the lunatic asylum
Thanks. Was about to say "F/u/ck /u/ /u/ pieces of shit! Translation when /u/?"
Ucchi's sole line is "Kuroki". Ok.
Green guy's mustache
Kid in red shirt's tongue
Is it bad if the thing I look forward to the most in these threads is to see if our local yuriphobic user will engage in one of his autistic rants?
>I didn't see you during the match, Asuka.
>I was doing table tennis.
>Ah, is that so? Doesn't really suit you.
>That's not true
Awww sheeet
Without counting the steam one.
5- The window intersection.
6- The chimney is shorter.
7- The "girl" tongue is in a different position
8- A missing window on the church.
9- The mustache on the man to the left.
Too tired to find the final one.
>playing spot the difference
I know we've been over this a thousand times but I think Yuri has autism.
Huh. Asuka and Fuuka (the athlete) are on first name basis.
Good job, here's the last one. It's fucking bullshit.
The snowman's right hand is smaller
French flag building has a window missing in the right picture.
>It went viral because of its difficulty, try it out.
Do Japs not know how to cross their eyes?
The snowman's hand is in a slightly different position.
Will do. I was the one who made the raws thread when you were on a plane last month.
>5- The window intersection.
Jesus christ
Holy FUCKING shit, there's a fucking End of Goldfish Kingdom reference here:
>She's making a face like she's going "Wow" or wants to raise a shrimp or something...
Good shit, Nico
You're a good user. I was asleep when the last chapter came out as an early release.
YES I FUCKING KNEW IT! Asuka has a girlfriend!
It's over asukafags, your ship is doomed.
Pretty sure the kid's sleeve you circled is just something on the mat and not part of the picture, the actual last difference is the snowman's right hand.
No, no. She needs to have a boyfriend.
That's the onky way her character can be killed.
But real thread when?
Good chapter. I highly approve.
Yuri is a rapist a RAPIST
I'm not him and am a yuri shipper but Yuri is indeed not gay.
I refuse to believe hetfags are as bad as yurifags after all this reaching
Yuri's such a cunt. Tomoko needs to call her out irl and not just in her head but I'm at least glad she's acknowledging it.
Since nobody's actually dumped the chapter I'll do it now.
She's at least a sperg. Tomoko straight up bitches that everyone else is trying to enjoy themselves as a group and have a moment together and she's just off doing her own thing pretty thoughtlessly.
When is SAYAKA going to get more than one page?
Yes, and donate her to support her dreams!
I do like that Yuri has seriously developed and is open to hanging out with more people.
I hope the series doesn't end in high school. I really hope it doesn't.
>Meanwhile Tomoko believes Table Tennis fits her
Asuka is thirsty for that Kuroki pussy
I'd like to see Yuri, Nemo, Yoshida and Ucchi remain prominent if they take it beyond high school because they're the most developed characters besides Tomoko.
Nah, she already has a girlfriend
Why do I feel like I know this?
Thanks W3
What happened to "Asuka is not a lesbo?"
But they haven't done anything yet.
When does it cut back to Ucchi dying of a drug overdose in a public bathroom?
Yeah, she's not gay
She's supergay
You maggots deserve to die
why did she cut the pizza like that?
it was obviously on purpose
Now that I think about it, Yuri is the only one in the Kyoto gang Tomoko hasn’t sexually harassed, aside from sneakily looking up her’s and Mako’s skirts without them knowing
>grabbed Yoshida’s nipples and pusy
>took Ucchi’s panties
She even looked at Nemo’s panties and pink vag
she's a super super gay
she likes long big cocks
She tried to get her to wear a sexy outfit when they went shopping during the college date, but Yuri shut her down.
Only because of those early futa doujins that have thankfully stopped coming out
She attempted to have Yuri dress lewdly once.
There was a futo doujin featuring her that came out a few months ago.
She's a sperglord and doesn't know how to cut a pizza.
Eh, I was more or less talking about successful sexual harassments
futa*, obviously
Yuri will take Tomoko's first time if that counts
you mean this?
Those were great doujins.
Is her arm shaking?
When she becomes a relevant character.
We need Akari chapters then to rectify this.
looks like a girlier, meatier chapter than the last, I like it
It's a cry for help, Yuri self harms.
this isn't some usual Yuri quirk, it's just straight incompetence
she fucking ruined the pizza
Can relate, but with cake not pizza
The real question is why wasn't the pizza already cut?
In defence of user, cake is a lot harder than the flatbread.
That'd be more Komi chapters
>tfw no pink pussy gf
Totally fair, since I'm a lazy scumbag, but still suffering about it
Nemo her name forevermore. Has she been referred to as "Hina" in the last few chapters?
The only person who calls her Hina is Akane who gets maybe one or two minor lines a chapter so no.
She put all her points into strength, but nothing in dexterity. She hits hard, but with absolutely no finesse.
>It's been half a year since Fang appeared in anything more than a background role
>an Emoji MK.II chapter
Is every single background character getting a spot in the timelight?
Which is all that cunt is good for.
She did her best. Ganbatte Yuri-chan!
Mako isn't.
First Madara, now m00t. Truck-kun sure isn't lazing around..
Something tells me these two are very close.
Posting this in case someone missed it, like to share. Hope this chapter gets translated soon.
Only found 9, the window intersection evaded me..
W3 where are you
Asuka is just playing around with Tomoko confirmed
10/10 with honors
How fast we went from "Asuka is not a lesbo" to "Asuka is a lesbo that is only playing with Tomoko"
If you meant left, you are correct.
only if she keeps showing that butt!
I've been telling for months that Asuka is only playing with poor Tomoko. Only Ucchi truly loves her, all other bitches are nothing but bitches.
Almost, the reflections from the picture quality tricked you.
Two hottest chicks in school, would only be logical.
fanart comes out so fast
Indeed, I wouldnt be surprised at all. Time will tell.
It's a code. Can you crack it, user?
Thanks user
So this is the last arc right?
is she the next breakout character?
Thanks user, I;ve been looking for the Yen Press scans for a while. hHen was this folder put together, haven't seen any links around before.
Don't mind ind my spelling errors by the way
Is she summoning?
Well it has been awhile since I posted it, actually. It's my own personal folder. Put together over time.
They're on first name basis, which means at the very least they were friends at some point.
Japanese usually refer each other by their last names, right? so they referring each other by their first name means they are close?
thanks for sharing
Very close.
This is strangely calming.
I think Yuri is right handed anyway, correct?
She uses it to write so yeah.
That's okonomiyaki you uncultured swine.
Although a bit reaching, nip/u/ isn't half as annoying as our /u/. Can't we trade them?
>Massively OOC doujins
>ever good
If you are gonna write stablished characters so different you should just turn them into OCs at that point.
oh, wow, it's nothing again
>one whole panel with fang
More fang when bros
The fact it’s a furry is oddly fitting
>cant even catch a ball
just how incompetent is this bitch
forgot that panel also
>2 whole panels
She really moving up in the world.
Shes gotten a few more panels in the past, like when she almost got diabetes from eating Mike's cooking
I haven't read this since the school trip. Is the moral of the story that women really aren't capable of being complete social outcasts
It's Kii-chan in disguise.
Obvious bait is obvious.
What led you to that conclusion
Tomoko seems happy now, why would I read it for that
Read it for Yuri the girl not the bait
The way she goes "Moe
What if Yuri IS the bait?
It would be extremely painful.
Fucking hilarious how Tomoko is now shitting on Yuri for being the outcast
>the story transitions to Yuri as the protagonist when Tomoko gets a boyfriend before graduation
Tomoko wanted to cast off her outcast image whereas Yuri is happy to be in her little bubble where only Mako and Tomoko are her friends.
all of them are literally perfect in their own way you fucking heathen
Except Tenshimoko
Calling it now, Fuuka is Asuka's ex
She will win the Ucchibowl after her friends agree she makes the best couple with her
Itou's boyfriend Komiyama is very cute
/u/ have come too far
This is just the tip, /u/ can go further into the abyss
My man. Kajo a best.
I'm mad. Fuck off Tomoko, you conforming normie-wannabe.
Don't /u/ understand? Everyone you know and love, everyone you have ever met. They will all be shipped..
Will the ships be age appropriate?
Of course not.The shipperfags are relentless, brutal and absolutely thorough. Even if you survive the thread today, they will not stop--ever.
I'd like to see a chapter with just Tomoko, Nemo and Futaki. That would be great. Anyone else agree?
add m00t
No, I want more Minami, Ucchi, and handsome Komiyama
Good God! They're multiplying
>emoji dead and reduced to a single panel background character status
>emoji 2 invited to hang out with tomoko and friends
its over bros
me on the left
It scares me to think that mako could actually go this far
Emoji vs Emoji2 chapter incoming.
God no...
What's going on here?
That's it..
>Yuri's legs as Minami's bare bottom
Can't unsee
Asuka is a low-key lolicon
1- Green guy's mustache
2- Red guy's hat
3- Girl's tongue
4- Boy's drink
5- Something in the gratan
6- Snowman's hat
7- Sheep outside
8- Window on the yellow building
9- Chimney on the brown roof
10- Window beam intersection
>5- Something in the gratan
That one is wrong.
Is pigtails chan a lesbian ?
No way she couls stand komi something if she was not after her pussy
Do the popular girls always lez out when no one's around?
This is only ping pong ocean user
We still have sperg ball run and tomolion
Fukken noice
We can only hope
Thanks! Now I can re-read the series without having to deal with W3's dumb translations
I always read 15 hits as 1 shit
you missed a detail and that is that you're wrong
Flag shape
Kid's wearing goggles
Cork color
Chili sauce amount
Girl's bow color
Drink placement at the soda fountain
Handle on the teacup at the coffee machine
I've only got 8 and have literally no idea where there's anywhere to even look for the last two differences.
You have ten seconds to tell me why Nemo isn't best girl
She's not Ucchi
I wish.
I see more like a recolor
>Literally everything she does is perfect.
she can't into gambling
>mako become kii
I'm afraid
Spoken like a true nerd who only knew the popular girls from them being nice to you.
Reflections are tricky
Yeah, but it cannot be helped.
She's a lucklet and can't win luck based games lol
only if she fail in the same manner that gabu
I can actually picture Mako doing this because Yuri can't even cut pizza properly
what did the elevens thought of the chapter?
I thought this shit was done for years decades ago.
The last two are really tough, one of them's practically cheating.
I finally spotted another one, one of the shelves with glasses on it is a bit longer. I'm guessing that's not the cheaty one. Mind illuminating me?
She a nice looking cunny
Did this guy just fucking copy a few panels of the chapter and slap the script on them?
last name+suffix>last name>first name with suffix>first name
Basically like best friends which is why Yuri made such a big deal about Tomoko calling her by her name
I don't think that's the script.
ant clearly is the shipper tho
>Asuka ignoring Tomoko
Asuka has had a really bad impact on this series. Everything else has been great but Asuka has really brought out the worst of the fanbase. What's more she such a dull and uninteresting character. Why does she get so much focus when potentially good characters like Mako, Yoshida and Minami get shafted?
>potentially good characters
>like Mako
she's even blander that asuka
Because she's never been given a proper chance. Asuka has had tons of focus lately but she still comes of as nothing more than bland yuribait. Mako deserves her shot.
>tons of focus
She hasn't gotten a proper POV chapter even once. I can't think of a single time when we actually got to see an Asuka thought bubble.
Fuck you. I will use them but I will not enjoy it.
Tomoko shits on people. Especially after being irritated. What's new. Also being garbage doesn't mean you can't call other garbage a garbage.
But Asuka already has a girlfriend
Ex-girlfriend you mean, didn't you see the way she clung to Tomoko at the pizzeria?
She is
Katou scares me.
she's giving me a mob boss vibe
>the mating call of the Yurifag
>autistic screeching
She's gonna fuck up anyone that dares to hurt her precious Mokochii
So she knows that Tomoko saw Nemo's pussy, you think she wants to show her, hers too?
So Tomoko just being her shit self, first off she hates outcasts, secondly she can be an extreme cunt to people she's comfortable with
Is the manga confirmed for ending as soon as they graduate? I only picked it up recently (2 days ago after not reading since the anime aired, already caught up) and have been enjoying it a lot, specially Yuri's cute autism.
With how casually she thinks of Tomoko looking at dicks, yes
>Is the manga confirmed for ending as soon as they graduate?
nothing is confirmed
translation is out
Ok, time to move over into the new thread