Watched this when I was 14, blew my mind. "Whoa, this is so deep and intellectual and philosophical!"

Watched this when I was 14, blew my mind. "Whoa, this is so deep and intellectual and philosophical!"
Watched it again today at age 31, felt bored. Too much political talk, too much technobabble and psychobabble. Seemed pretentious, up its own ass.
Is GitS a film that only seems deep when viewed by a teenage kid who has never had a philosophical thought or seen a naked lady before? Or is it a legitimately deep film?

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It's as deep as your mind can comprehend it.

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>Too much political talk, too much technobabble and psychobabble
>Seemed pretentious
No, but the second movie is more or less that
> is it a legitimately deep film?
It is, is thematically rich in content

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You gotta put it in context. In the 90s when GITS was written, AI and computers weren't integrated into peoples lives. Most people hadn't heard of the internet, and all the future tech the film navel gazes about was nascent and in its earliest stages.

Nowdays, we are inundated with technology. We deal every day with the internet, AI, cybernetics and robotics. It's part of our every day life, and we've generally grown used to all of those pieces of technology and started to integrate them into our every day life. The philosophical questions about them have been answered, and transhumanist ideas are turning from spiritual ones into practical matters of engineering.

That's why it feels dated and pretentious. Because we've already started to live in the world it predicted and take it for granted. Twenty five years ago it was prescient and arresting, but now you've totally adapted to the new technological state and it no longer seems magical.

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I really enjoyed the ghosts of paradise sequel. It’s a lot darker and realistic in a enjoyable sort of way.

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I knew someone that wasn't impressed by ghost in the shell because the whole "is AI sentient or not thing" had been done before. . . this was probably close to 20 years after it had been released

It's the typical Oshii philosophical babblering with dry characters and sparse narrative, pretty much saved by the visuals.

Damn, I think you're totally correct about that, and you worded it really well, too.
In 1995, this film was exploring concepts that were new and fresh at the time, but in 2019, all of those themes have already been explored to death, so the film's novelty has been reduced.
It reminds me of something I heard recently: Cyberpunk is dead because real life has already become cyberpunk.

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After watching one of his films, I was so impressed that I bought a box-set of his work.
It was a massive disappointment. Every single film was exactly as you just described.

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Haven't watched the others in the series but I like Jin-roh, though Oshii only storyboarded it.

gits 2 is superior

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Kira miki is more interesting cyborg than 1995 motoku kusanagi

GiTs and a lot of anime are actually "deep" but the problem is they know autist like you won't sit down and will get bored so they got to throw in boobs and shit to keep you interested, this ends up making the work harder to take seriously and often deludes the message or theme.

Can anime be pretentious? sure is GiTs?no

SAC is superior

The only part I felt off is when the antagonist starts to make his speech not-that related to the rest of the movie

GitS is fake deep with fantastic visuals. SAC is fake deep with shitty generic visuals.


neither are "fake deep"

I tried watching this a few years ago when I was 20 and all I could think about was how ugly and unmoe the artstyle is. I only got through a few episodes

Don't be a scrub. No one has yet solved the massive problem the study of algorithms has posed for the philosophical community.
Hell, we only recently came to an agreement on the fundamental basis for the whole numbers, time keeping is still an open question despite the fact that we have a superbly engineered fix that gets us by in the present and the whole engineered virus vs. virus present in our natural environment vs. computer virus is another brand of shit-show entirely.
Ghost in the Shell is a great vehicle to help people start thinking about some of the big questions present in a digital society. Since you live in such a society, maybe you should take a bit less for granted and spend some time learning where the actual limits of our knowledge lie.


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Ok am so high, and you are all amazing people.

>time keeping is still an open question
I thought that nonsense w/ the FTL neutrino beam in late 2011 forced them to buckle down and solve that.

I finally watched it recently, well into my 20's and only seeing a handful of GitS episodes. I thought it was an amazing visual treat, and some of the concepts and philosophies brought up were interesting. Not one of my favorites, but I will say it's worth watching at least once.

Most everyone in this thread is a scrub. GitS, as a film, as well as SAC, is not so much pretentious as inhumanely bleak and arrogant in its bleakness as well. Does that count for pretentiousness? Who knows. But it doesn't ever get anywhere near answering any of the questions it semi-profoundly keeps asking, and instead opts for leaving the viewer in a semi-constant state of "OH, JUST FEEL ALL THAT NIHILISM!!, ISN"T IT TERRRRIBLE??! AND WE'RE ALLL GONNA BE THERE AS A SOCIETY ONE DAY!"

Few animes manage to be philosophically profound and respectably deep, among those that tried well are Ergo Proxy and Fate/Zero, but Ghost in the Shell as a series was only ever good for its unblinking vision of the future.

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you have to be joking

I have never felt any nihilism from the films or the series

An embarrassing take.

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The only good Oshii anime.

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I wonder what you faggots actually watch, then, or what you think is an anime that carries some depth. You all probably think Boku no Pico is a masterful exploration of male sexuality.

When every Section 9 member that ever talks about him/herself openly, and always emanate a feeling of being trapped in modern society, of being forced to fight in this unit, being forced to be an inhuman cyborg, and every side character is always involved in some hopeless battle, I don't see how that isn't nihilistic.

Arguably, only the Tachikomas knew how to enjoy life and accept their roles in society, but they had to be eliminated because otherwise the story would have to take on more shades other than grey.

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As a kid you were an edgu pseudo intellectual and as an adult you're a pretentious brainlet.

The objective fact of the matter is that GitS is an expertly crafted, intelligent, classic film put together by the smartest minds in Japan and you have never had the potential to fully realize that.

GitS '95 is one of my favorite movies.

It's an audiovisual masterpiece. The story is a product of it's time but still fun.