Kemurikusa 12.1

Remember to always BELIEVE

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Other urls found in this thread:!mZ1jmK6J!aKp5evkwiRyrAy-bf9ZHQg!WV8jTYQL

Pay your debts user

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Is Tatsuki even human?

What did she mean by this

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No, it's a simple disguise to prevent things like this

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Is user ever going to pay up? I thought he said 12.1 was going to be it

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>El cientifico appears

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There need to be more images of the sisters holding those lewd yes pillows

Have anyone subbed it yet?

How big is Wakaba's space ship? It could fit some major land features inside it so it'l give a 40k space hulk a good run for its money.

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Sorry for the cancerous promotion at the start, i don't have the MEGA link with me.!mZ1jmK6J!aKp5evkwiRyrAy-bf9ZHQg!WV8jTYQL

Attached: huuuuh.gif (480x480, 1.05M)

Yes, I believe a kind user has added it to the mega where the other shorts are

S2 with these three bantering with each other and teasing Wakaba will be so fun.

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Naisu, thanks.

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Man i haven't felt so in love with a community in SOOOOO long,even if you would call me a faggot,i would still love you,Kemurianons

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He is unable to stop now.

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Post your face when based Irodori saves anime

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Is Tatsuki even human, if he's actually real? I wonder what Tatsuki thinks about everyone wanting to lewd him and his friend as their cute girl counterparts

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So when will Tatsuki go beyond and make 12.2?

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In 5 minutes

If we are lucky then on February.

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The next time he wakes up

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If Mudou Eichi has not got a call or private message from Tatsuki, then it seems he is fine with that sort of fanarts, at least Mudou Eichi is not writing slash fanfics about Tasuki and Isa like some fujoshits/tumblrinas/Kpopers would do on that sort of situation.

There's Mt. Fuji, which is only a part of the island, inside the ship.

Ok, but S2 when?

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Given he keeps posting them and Tatsuki likes his posts occasionally it's probably good. It must be strange though, seeing himself in microbikinis or seeing Isa doing lewd things to him

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I love you too, faggot.

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in five minutes

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He gave a like to an illustration by Mudou Eichi of Rina wearing proudly a micro bikini, so it seems he does not mind lewd fanarts of his characters if they stay vanilla, but seeing TatsuOni and Neko-nee-san fucking may be taken as something strange, but he brushes it off as something you should expect coming from Internet.

But that's wrong you leaf

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>finish up ep. 12 late due to work
>get post series ending depression
>get on the kemurikusa thread
>12.1 is already here
Now I'm crying tears of joy
Tatsuki might be the second coming of christ

and this is why Rinas are worst girls

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Agreed, the perfect balance of discussion, hype, and shitposting

I want to comin this christ

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>Rinaji is actually not that smart
is actually a dumbo this dumbo haha look at this dumbo

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I miss Kaban...

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Why does wakaba's boot look like the support structures for the world he was (re?) creating in episode 11's flashback?

1.75 mil views on 12.1 holy shit

Newly printed along with the sisters

That's a huge narrative leap from 'we're building this thing with this other thing' to 'this thing that we fixed and now has no operator is suddenly making [wakaba and the sisters]'

raises lots of questions.


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The record of views of Keifuku-san is 2.2 million of views for the first video on Twitter, so the episode 12.1 may be on they way of breaking that record.

No, his alien body can't handle that.

The questions were always there, i.e., what does it mean to exist. What defines "you" - your memories, your shell, or something else we can't express?

That's pretty crazy. Niconico is still at 100k but different ways to watch nowadays

12.1 on youtube is over 60k views.

Are they...?

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no, no, no, no, no TOO DEEP. i haven't smoked any weed in 3 weeks, and i can't handle this kind of cerebral shit.

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they're all adults so it's going to be a midori party all day long.

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I can't stop listening to the ED theme
send help

Can an alien impregnate a leaf?

We Nagatoro now?

I think the creepiest (or maybe most unconformable) part is how you can die and continue living. What does it even mean to exist, if you can just get killed and then reappear somewhere else? Are you really yourself anymore?

I like Tatsuki's work because you can enjoy things on a superficial layer or you can look into things deeper and think about what ideas it's trying to express. KF was the same way, with speculation about the downed bombers, where the hell all the humans, and what the fuck Sandstar was. It's uncommon in this day for anime, when most things are just mass-manufactured cookie cutter ideas which just throw all the answers in your face. I think the fact that he likes his work and wants it to be good helps a lot.

I don't know, but they could try it (a lot!)


it's been proven that your consciousness exists after your death, remember, energy doesn't just cease to exist, the means by which it does just become altered.

Only Riku would bully him. Ryou has a mommy personality and Ryoku is an autist who doesn't give a shit about anything unless it's related to her hobbies.

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she can watch from afar so it's fine.

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What's next for Tatsuki? Is he going to do a Keifuku-san show next?


what do you think ghosts are?

Lots of tofu in this post

Just human imagination?
People finding paranormal reasoning to mundane phenomenon?
Not real?

wow so brave

Same but OP

Wow so stupid

>i was speaking to an atheist nihilist this whole time
i'm disappointed in you user.

>Finding my life in the KEMURIKUSA
>Rin found her will to live during the battle with the Red Kemurikusa
>Riyoku, Riku, and Riyou now have to find a way to come back to life within the Memory Kemurikusa
What did Tatsuki mean by this

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B Tier:
Riku ( XD )

>that ending purple

he is either an Oni or a tobacco leaf

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Dont bother, user. Its not worth trying to share these ideas with people that refuse to open their minds.

user you're scaring me I thought I was the anime board not the paranormal board why you talking ghosts

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Sorry user. Even so how much I want to see them (there's a lot, or so they say, on our countryside), I just can't see them.

lookin like a top tier to me

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She can't even walk properly.

i want to seed Riri

who needs to walk when you can SKATE?

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you don't need to see something to believe it. oh well, i suppose different friends are good at different things.


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>from treating him like an unneeded extra to loving him fully
truly the best character development of the season.

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wakaba wakaba meetup when?

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Don't open this.

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well if she wasn't top tier then, she is now


>Ryou has a mommy personality
yeah, but she is also a fight autist
>Ryoku is an autist who doesn't give a shit about anything unless it's related to her hobbies.
Her hobbies are related to wakaba, though.



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Why Wakaba cientifico is such a chad?


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the sweetest potato

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Paranormal is just headcanon for reality.

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110k now and 9k comments.

This is getting out of hand.

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wakaran! please be gentile i am just a dumb neesan.

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Jagger-San is so cute!

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What does it mean?

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He's a robot from the future sent to save the anime industry by prioritizing story over animation and advocating partnership models over production comittee models. That's why he never sleeps and wears a mask in public.

I'm seeing a lot of people say season 2, but I'm wondering if it will be that or just another series of shorts like the ones that took place before the series

I'd be fine with a bunch of shorts. I'd like to see Tatsuki experimenting with other concepts

I hope it's the latter but the shorts lead up to a big OVA or movie release

a movie is about all the time we'd need, i think. i understand why riri isn't with the 3 sisters and captain wakaba, but the two wakaba things are just one of the reasons i'm confused.

I like the idea of shorts. The shows ending was really good and I cant see them having enough material to expand on.

I am sure Tatsuki doesn't want to tell us a story in one-minute length episodes.
It's like having a really cool sport car and never drive it.


Enjoying your cult, Tatsukeks?

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I'm aroused by those nas

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Today 2M Views

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Kemurikusofags' kind don't belong on Yea Forums

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Now he needs a JRA and Nissin commercial to do the weirdest flex in history.

In his next break from working in animation he will do it to unwind, we know how this man operates.

(Tatsuki liked this post.)


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It will be over 10m after next week

Next season tittle

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Imagine sparring with this

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there's already a kemurikusa nissin commercial.

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Post Wakaba

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We need to meme the JRA now.
Then Subaru.

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I want Tatsuki getting more brands and commercials with his characters. I want a snowball effect on his recognition and resources until Irodori becomes a big brand, or at least a dick slap into Kadokawa's mouth

>kemono friends

they're a big brand already

NO,for god sake no,it's gonna get normandized,please no,let Chemlixa be a hidden gem so normandos don't get their hands on it,let Tatsuki be what it is now

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I want to practice my thrusting with her.

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>Subaru commecial

Yes, make it happen.

In all honesty I just want a happy ending for Riri, I mean, sure she almost destroys the world but all she wanted was more headpats, she deserve them, hopefully these especials ends in a reunion.

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>Irodori becomes a big brand
What a horrible thing to wish

ririfags, she split into the sisters. she's not coming back.

leaf sisters are monsters, user. Even Rina is strong enough to manhandle you.

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>CHADkaba driving a STI

>Ritsu on a green car
>the Midori model
>"saa saa atarashi nyaa"

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Anime directors aren't supposed to be lewd, right?

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They are good friends, maybe with benefits

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>wanting them to become a big brand
Wanting Tatsuki to be successful and earn a lot of money is good enough, helping them earn more while being able to laugh at KDKW.

I think 12.1 is prologue for for the time after those 3 sisters died but before wakaba appeared in the water tub. and the story will show how he managed to get himself there (getting himself and possibly the sisters amnesia in the process)

>mature looking Riku
I never knew I needed this in my life

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>this is what goes on at irodori when Tatsuki is trying to sleep

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I need that on my face

now this is advanced tofuposting. kininaru!

Its literally right after the fight with red tree because the 3 sisters know about riri and in episode 12 while disappearing was talking about seeing a giant leaf

I just hope to see more ritsu in the next season

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They mention Riri, how they still had some time left, and how Ryou was holding back during the fight. Its right after episode 12.

This is cool and all but now that the gang is outside, will we be able to have a 'beach episode' ova?

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>I am sure Tatsuki doesn't want to tell us a story in one-minute length episodes.




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>Midori car with tiny little vine designs like Wakaba's clothes and a Midori leaf
I'd buy that

>tfw no Rina

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I think shorts leading up to a reunion with the other sisters and maybe an OVA after would work best

It hasn't even been 24 hours yet.

That's cause Rina is kashikoi!

>please be gentile

At least the party distribution feels roughly even
>one leaf boy
>one mommy
>two-ish dorks

Any anons can make a gif of Ryo and Riko laughing?


Don't wish a monkey's paw wish.

Hopefully user's shitty wish won't go through and the monkey's paw wish for Kemurikusa is just Asanagi being interested in and potentially making a doujin where the sisters go through a bunch of bad stuff rather than anything affecting Tatsuki and irodori like last time

What the fuck kind of drugs did the people drawing the lines on the road have in their system to make that shit?

>irodori becomes a big brand
>they fire tatsuki

>The approach to, and exit from, a pedestrian crossing is marked with zigzag lines. It also means that you must not park on them or overtake the leading vehicle when approaching the crossing. Parking here would block the view for pedestrians and the approaching traffic.

Stop lewding Tatsuki's waifusona!

But irodori's self inserts are so cute and I don't have one of my own to lewd

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My biggest question is, why are they purple?

It looks similar in color to the structures showing their 3d printed kemurikusa insides so maybe it's because the likely end goal is to be reconstructed

2.13M now

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I wonder if Tatsuki wishes he could make better-looking anime. He probably could now considering how well KK is doing.

You don't really get it do you.

I'm sure he wishes it could look a little smoother but his current style of art and animation is clearly something he seems to enjoy

He's always improving his style. The backgrounds on Chemlixa are way way way better than in KemoFure, and you may have seen that he started to work harder on the backgrounds thanks to what he learned on Hentatsu.

Not to mention that I think he prefers a small group of staff than a big corporate syndicate.

Pixar/Disney quality CGI is super expensive, no way an anime production will ever be able to reach full CGI standards that people will consider good enough to compete with 2D drawn by slaves.

There is also that. Everything about Tatsuki's works and his preferences is charming, you can tell he loves what he does.

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Sometimes what one might think of as better isn't always better. Styles get old and stale, they stagnate, when you've been seeing the same thing for decades sometimes something that's completely new and refreshing is a welcome change. KF1 did that and that's part of the reason it was such a huge success.

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>all this art of Riku lost in pleasure after doing simple things
I need doujins already, the wait is so painful

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oh boy you're in luck then

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Next Hentatsu when? Naked model of his self insert when?

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So no.

12.2 boys

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Your debts are rising higher, and I continue to believe Tatsuki will do anything but prove you right. Pay up user

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Don't bully the oni animator, at least he's cute

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you say that, but 12.1 proves that there is a memory backup and a shipwide data processing network
I believe Ritsu will die and merge with the ship's systems in order to control all of the ship's functions, as some sort of ghost/AI inside the network.
This is based on what we see of Ritsu in the original animation, both her chara design and her abilities.
Tatsuki simply decided to showcase her transformation/merge *after* the mystery of the ship and the fights against the Red Tree are over.

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Silly user, Ritsu and her crew are perfectly fine and now get to enjoy infinite water all the time. The earlier you give in the less you'll have to pay

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>Ritsu and her crew are perfectly fine
>implying there's no war in Ba Sing Se

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If anything really does happen, we all know that Ritsu is probably strong enough to deal with it. Please, I don't want that other user killing me

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What a huge difference. I hope this experience and all the positive reception has healed the oni

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Another portion of the interview translated, now with the art director and the producer's parts!

Producer-san worked with Tatsuki since at least Tesagure and overall feels like a great guy.

Thanks user
He really does seem like a cool guy who understands what he's talking about and knows how Tatsuki works, Tatsuki got to work with some really nice sounding people

>- There's a lot of fans speculating about this work, for example on social networks. Did you expect this kind of spread from the start?
>- The nature of director Tatsuki's works is that you will of course understand the story if you watch it normally, but there's a lot of hidden elements, easter eggs and things that obtain a different meaning when you get more information, and that's something fitting to discuss on social networks. It reminds me of how a long time ago, when a comic journal started selling everyone would read it together, discuss it and have a great time.

He's damn right! this feeling of community and working the hints together is awesome and part of the fun in watching Kemurikusa

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It's definitely a huge part of what has made Tatsuki's works so far really fun, without those little bits of care added in I doubt it would have felt the same. I really hope we continue getting that level of attention and dedication from him

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Cute friends
Why did Tatsuki design their stand-ins with such lewd bodies?

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If you could create a 2D design for yourself, would you do it differently?

I never watch this show yet. Please tell me that the MC isn't one of those characters made for self-insertion and actually have a personality of his own.

Wakachad is the most based MC ever

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MC isn't one of those characters made for self-insertion and actually have a personality of his own.
He might annoy you in the ep1-2 tho

>Please tell me that the MC isn't one of those characters made for self-insertion
you wish

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CGI anime came a long way already. I'm sure after this success he's going to get more funds and animators.

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Wakaba bote

Attached: Wakaba.png (680x1024, 548K)

You can't do the following with kemurikusa, unless you're reaching which would make you sound stupid as fuck.
>Self inserting
>Shipping war
>/y/ faggotry
>/u/ faggotry

Some people are beyond stupid though.

He is extremely annoying at first.
People say he gets better, but I think we're just desensitized.

>/y/ faggotry

>best leaf
>least popular

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Wakaba x Wakaba ?

Meh design.


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yeah well I like it just the way it is

He grows on you when he starts being more useful.
Also, one of the things that annoyed people the most was his catchphrase and as the story progresses he starts saying it less and less.

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Thank you.

We're gentleman, user. Rin is for wakaba only, so we left her out of the waifu pot but doesn't mean we don't like to bury our faces in her massive soft ass.

>you wish you were badass enough to self-insert into Wakaba
That's what you meant, right?

not Ritsu

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Any theory on where they are?


Inside Murasaki or Daidai.

on the ship, being 3d printed and needs to be pulled out after by Wakaba's huge floating kemurikusa.
but then again they have purple silhouette so probably inside a huge Murasaki.

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apparently they're in keifuku-san world

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How many more silhouettes can be added to this?


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Ryoku is the least popular, probably because she doesn’t have anywhere close to the sex appeal her sisters have.

More hairy leafs where??

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And there's always the danger that she'll stare at your little twig with all her eyes and snicker.

user please, is too early to get so lewd.

Why is this dork's voice so raspy?

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years of screaming at your stupid sisters would do that to your voice too

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Is that supposed to be what she imagined her split selves to be like vs what they actually were?

its the 'they were inspired by her former neighbors' fanfic

aaaaah, because of course a kid would take their immediate acquaintances as role models for what adults should be. The neighbor and family theory makes sense!

Attached: Kemurikusa family happy normal AU.jpg (1591x1000, 278K)

we already determined pipe lady is least popular

lies! slander! she's the coolest and popularest! you're just jealous of her pipe skills!

Attached: Kemurikusa Ryou badass poster.jpg (683x1200, 66K)

Only musclefags like her.

>Not wanting a huge and muscular girl to princess-carry you into the sunset.
What are you, gay?

Why she melt?

the plot of season 2 will be about Doc Wakaba trying to collect all the girls so he could resurrect Riri and New Wakaba trying to prevent that from happening because he doesn’t want to lose the sisters.

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Did the chinese get ahold of niconico?

>episode 1 = It's a very unusual world. If you are able to enjoy it here, you'll probably be able to enjoy it until the end. If you are able...
Tatsuki pleb filter confirmed. The absolute basedetude of this man.

>[tiny brain] Wakaba is annoying
>[average brain] Wakaba is annoying, but he gets better
>[universe brain] Wakaba is good from the beginning
>[brahman cosmic cycle brain] Wakaba is too good for us, we don't deserve him

koko suki

Do you think Tatsuki did this part by himself?

Attached: 1553091259382.webm (482x526, 654K)

look at this marshmallow and tell me he's not adorable
digits of truth my dude

Attached: Kemurikusa cute Wakaba.jpg (1920x1080, 126K)

>one of the things that annoyed people the most was his catchphrase
its funny that the nips loved it in the end that they made it the name for the first doujin event.

Attached: D3PM1tGUYAEmnsP.jpg (820x550, 132K)

I liked him ever since the episode 1 scene where the sisters confront him and he humbly submits to his own death saying he doesn't want to trouble them.

That's a fair point

I feel like tobacco is something deeply intrinsic to the anime/manga creation process and an almost spiritual symbol of the effort and life the creators inject into it. I can't find much at the moment but I feel like I've seen countless self portraits of animators from the old days and they always depicted themselves with mountains of ashtrays and cigarette butts on their drafting desk.

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>as the story progresses he starts saying it less and less

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I hope people remember to thank Isa-san and Yuuko-san more too. I'm sure they all worked together bouncing the ideas around and developing them, they seem like a very close-knit team.

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>he humbly submits to his own death saying he doesn't want to trouble them
He's a memory-wiped clone of an alien salaryman so it's totally the expected behaviour

that paired with his childish curiosity in the first few episodes was just perfect.
I like him a lot still but Wakaba scientifico is too much of a chad and is slowly swaying me away.

Attached: D3PdY4rUcAIieEM.jpg (750x1000, 169K)

>goes "is it over" after getting midori beamed as if they're going to respond with "yes wakaba you're dead now"

I think where Wakaba clicked for me was when he went from loud outsider to member of the gang. Early Wakaba after episode two is like their dumb younger brother they have to babysit.

He becomes messa kininaru, though.


Attached: 1552201329500.webm (480x480, 80K)

im pretty sure thats not how it works
but im not a leaf expert so i may be wrong

>Early Wakaba after episode two is like their dumb younger brother they have to babysit.
to be fair he was just born there and then. and even the Rinas (second youngest sister) treat him like one.

Attached: D2plXbgUYAIu9oL.png (556x876, 213K)

Not sure about normal objects but Rinas can do that with Momo-chan.

>+100k on Youtube.


Pleasing old mushis for information

Will the rest of the alien-UNESCO appear in S2?

So how many layers of "ABSOLUTE FUCKING POWER" is tatsuki in right now?

Attached: 1444222978976.gif (500x629, 1002K)

>Ara ara, you’re that sweet boy that lives across the street

Attached: B0A3EBF2-87AC-4AC6-977C-5FBA2FFDEFA4.png (400x400, 146K)

No. S2 is just 12 episodes of sisters slurping water and Wakaba and Rin doing bellybumps while Ritsu spies on them.

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Attached: D3RZV41UIAAzrGt.jpg large.jpg (2048x1448, 199K)

that remains to be seen

True, and around half the anons ITT like tats cat fat the most too.
Maybe an S2 will change that metric

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So is Kemurikusa the most successful "indie" anime of all time?

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A very big amount

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Going by definition, that would be Makoto Shinkai earlier's work.

Just watch the show and listen you dummy


I want to adopt the Rinas

But they'll keep getting harder to take care of as time goes on

Attached: 1553669242133.jpg (900x900, 104K)

That's ok, I'll be getting harder too.

I want to make out with the Rinnas

Attached: 1554307235177.jpg (344x135, 15K)

It's going to get dangerous if you keep feeding them like that 𝓷𝓪

Attached: 1553439282029.jpg (800x1244, 90K)

looks like crappy bodyswap, but at least we are getting something.

>Ritsu spying on them
>not Ritsu sneaking Wakaba away while Rin is asleep

He became a mutant by taking mutant mass and left humanity behind.

Well sadly that guy is a shitty MMD artist, there are some decent Rin ones on NND

Rinamu still manages to be the cutest and purest of the Rinas

>202K views 100K comments

too bad she's not as smart as Rinaji

Attached: IMG_20190404_114930.jpg (1254x1771, 191K)

Eve Online ships are so stupid looking.

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If I had any editing skills I would put the Tatsuki oni over Dimple here

Attached: 5EDF65FD-3821-4F4F-89FA-AEE9175361E2.png (715x1013, 661K)

If becoming a mutant and leaving humanity behind means becoming this cute I want to join him

Attached: 1553681131908.jpg (800x1184, 82K)

People are still watching this self-insert garbage?

It's so cute when master baiters try so hard and miss anyway.

How did this single moment create more fanart than entire episodes before it?

Comfy sisterly hijinks
1 dork making DURRR face to mock another dork's nerdy theories

The fact that he uses entry level bait or crossboarder/offtopic images make it too damn clear, also the ones that really discuss or enjoy anime are not that new and already know the "ignore and report" rule

Meant for

None of these are right

Nah, he doesn't even deserve a (You)


Attached: D3UqXqtU8AA5Ymk.jpg (850x1200, 155K)

Attached: Beatless robo vagina.webm (960x540, 1.02M)

>this guy at THAT moment


hi user, translate plz?

>falls into the lake and turns into a person
>it was a male kemurikusa all along

>laughing turns into sniffling

Attached: 1551342875808.png (800x550, 58K)

Rina can teleport Midori with pic related.

Attached: Kugelspähpanzer SP IV Rinaz.png (586x720, 206K)

I liked this. At least kemurikuso is good for something.

>Because it is inconvenient they can't communicate with Shiro, Wakaba is giving them a lesson in katakana.
>Wakaba: "Do you know what this says?"
>Rin: *LIGHTBULB* *tremble*
>Wakaba: "Rin-san?"
>Rin: "'I love Rin' you..." *tremble*
>Sisters: "Nya~ kya~ so hot~ [nya] [na]"
>Wakaba: "No, that's wrong :) The letter count doesn't match desu yo~. Let's think about it some more."

Wakaba is teaching the sisters katakana so they could understand Shiro.
>Can you tell what's written here?
"KEMURIKUSA" written on the floor.
>What is it, Rin-san?
>It says "I love Rin!", doesn...
The other two burst out laughing.
>No, that's not it. The number of letters doesn't even match, see? Try to read it again.


>great works with amazing levels of success
>makes anime every second of his existence
>even when he's in a coma he's sending out shorts
>all while being a cute oni and turning his friends into cute girls
How does one become this powerful? Do I have to give up my soul or something?

Attached: Dz1gcOuU8AEcxFK.png (588x745, 70K)

The power of Franxxfags.



I just realized but, the whole printing everything stuff is actually based on murasaki's ability to duplicate

Attached: 1495576147422.png (938x1000, 319K)

Attached: tatsuki era evil.png (715x1013, 797K)

alternative version

Attached: tatsuki era dork.png (715x1013, 790K)

this shade of purple is from the mass printer method, the method Riri invented relies more heavily on Momo so they got a pinkier shade
Momo, i meant momo not murasaki

Quality work, user

Attached: 1551901561487.png (391x362, 17K)

great work, user
the ebil looks better but the dork is more fitting for tatsuki.

Great stuff user

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My dick.

oh my
dont lewd the leaf loli

Attached: 1554104739733.jpg (1000x835, 299K)

Riri is for hugs, not fugs!!

Attached: 1553526342478.webm (640x360, 588K)

But she's the lewdest of the cast

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The ameritard phonetic spelling system always struck me as intellectually disabled.

KK action game by Itsuno when?

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I'm sure Naby will pretend to make one.

Attached: 1553281307712.gif (1920x1080, 249K)

It is.

Saggy cat tits.


Good stuff there.



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>Riri again



Attached: 1498881601181.png (1280x720, 987K)

I've never seen a character get lewded this much this fast. There were dozens of lewd edits hours after the episode.
Has anything like this happened before?

Attached: 1553629771009.gif (558x394, 269K)

You must be dirty pedophile to think this is lewd!

Attached: D2UbIzlU0AAX84c.jpg (1146x1200, 77K)

Her thirst for Wakaba cannot be sated

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Tatsuki and his character designs are inherently lewd, it's just a matter of if you accept that or not

Attached: 1553668567616.jpg (1200x1123, 78K)

How is this even a question? It is pronounced million times in anime.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemurikusa - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.00.39_[2019.01.30_20.27.23]02.jpg (1920x1080, 274K)

But is she the lewdest in the Tatsukiverse?

Attached: 67520900_p3_master1200.jpg (1200x1148, 519K)

That would be Rin.

Attached: D2584lnVYAAeV2C.jpg (786x908, 58K)

But the source of her lewdness is Tatsuki himself, wouldn't he be the lewdest?

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Yeah, I want to know more about them. So far I only know their names but I'm not clear about their roles. Do they have photo reveals? A page with their works? Twitter accounts? I'm curious!

Attached: IMG_20190404_140626.jpg (920x2080, 323K)

[distant marimba music plays]

My little dork can't be this dork!

Attached: IMG_20190404_143814.jpg (1024x768, 152K)

け む り く さ

There you have it, no need to thank me.

Had to leave the basement for the whole day today, anything new or big happened since 12.1?

Allí lo tienes, no necesitas agradecerme.

Based and 日本語pirudo

Just watching the number of views skyrocket and obliterate records. Oh, and an user posted some translations of some of the interviews from the BD1 booklet.

RItsu, you fat cat. You are big and fat. Why are you so fat?

Este user sapbe!

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Attached: D2_U3jgVAAEz-Lr.jpg (600x240, 38K)

Because she's just like your mommy XD

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Why people is so obsessed with pelvis humping the Ritsu?

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Attached: D3UYD2KU0AALyXP.jpg (1395x1017, 212K)

Attached: 1534176019523.jpg (3233x4096, 966K)

Time to drink up user, and leave humanity behind.

Attached: mutant-mass-muscle-mass-gainer-500x500.png (379x500, 350K)

you mean belly bumping Ritsu, right?
well T A K E A G U E S S

Attached: Kemurikusa Ritsu kung-fu boob jiggle.png (344x135, 29K)

I want Ryou to push me down and force me to fight her.

Oozy Boar is the ninja.

This guy makes some of the best shit on Futaba

How many scoops?

Attached: Kemurikusa Rinako last fight.jpg (1040x1200, 92K)

Belly bumping is hot

The cat tats are too strong

Attached: 1554270649958.jpg (1200x1600, 319K)


Rinako is the bravest and storngest and cutest and deserves some praise!

Attached: 1553641606233.jpg (1280x854, 437K)

Stop, don't summon it

I see what I must do now

Attached: 73950388_p0.jpg (834x1024, 578K)

does anyone have the pic of ritsu in the hospital bed with the NOT DEAD YET BITCHES caption?

But I'm not tired

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it's "i lived bitch"

Rinako is the bravest trooper in the world o7

Attached: Kemurikusa Rinako Determination.jpg (752x1200, 136K)

Las musculosas.

When did this even came from

Who cares, wikis are monstrously irrevocably garbage.

Ay madre (Hermana)

did subs go up on the kemurikusa mega yet?


Riri literally did leave humanity behind.

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Why does Ryou look so cool and badass?

Attached: Kemurikusa Ryou Ryoku Riku 12.1 fanart.jpg (900x900, 79K)

Because she's strong, carries a weapon, wears a chinese dress, has her eyes closed and has a perfect onee-chan personality.

Attached: 74035553_p0.jpg (1920x1080, 213K)

>the smart sister gets stuck with the two idiots

Yup, new record of the video most watched on Tatsuki Twitter account, the former record holder was the first video of Keifuku-san with 2.29M views.

Is this a snuff or a porn?

I hope its both



If reddit is involved, I'd rather stay away

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Oh geez

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Would you a drunk leaf?


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La Tiburón ( XD )

The official name of that ball is Minirina, they said it on the audio commentary.

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nano seems really nice!

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More Tatsuki lewds

this looks kind of like zounose

Have one with some saggy tits

Imagine the smell.

Attached: guttation_1.jpg (800x514, 66K)

A whole new meaning to the phrase morning dew

The less titty the more intelligent you become

Attached: 1554354442862.png (900x900, 305K)

>the skirts were dew all along

>pink censor bars
>can't find a decensored version

Attached: 1554413622069.png (318x389, 117K)

I want a nakaba

Attached: D3VoGIMUIAAmeWw.jpg (1000x920, 88K)

Yes, you have their profiles at irodori website where they tell what are their roles and what they like.
As far I know only Tatsuki has an article on the Japanese wikipedia, so if you want to know on what has worked Yuuko besides irodori and Yaoyorozu then you only option left is AniDB. About Isa there is not much info, it seems he worked on CG on a video game company :
It seems both Isa and Yuuko used Twitter in the past, but now their accounts are either deleted or made private, the personal Twitter account of Tatsuki was also set private, so now he is using irodori account as his personal account.
Of Tatsuki there is already a good amount of photos and on some of them he is with Isa or Producer Fukuhara, but if you want to see Yuuko then the photos are very few.
This article has some photos of Tatsuki, Isa, Yuuko and Fukuhara:

bullying Ryo

Attached: D3UEYMrUIAUAb8l.jpg (2068x1550, 350K)

where's the shubiduba Wakaba?


Attached: 1554394171288.png (600x800, 453K)

nyakaba looks like a chill as fuck Shogi sensei

being used by Ritsu

Attached: 74042371_p0.png (480x1425, 103K)

This one seems somewhat reliable:

Yup, she changed hometown from New York to Tokyo just before wokeness destroyed the West

Mommy kaato

Attached: D3TyJRlV4AA97Y-.jpg large.jpg (1227x2048, 132K)

Attached: 1552602247919.png (344x400, 65K)

>actually find the uncensored version in a 2ch thread alongside some fresh new Riku
>the Tatsuki image is deleted

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The neko titties can't be beaten

Attached: 1554416410569.jpg (825x1200, 576K)

Always search the futaba threads, they got all the good stuff before it gets reuploaded uncensored

Yuuko-san is cute! CUTE!

Attached: file.png (640x427, 234K)

It's pretty rare for anime BD releases to have a commentary track, let alone both a cast commentary and directors commentary. The last significant one that came to my mind was Angel Beats's where Maeda wrote the script for the in-character documentary audio.

Wow another asspull.

There's so much middle-aged man giggling, I love it.

Attached: file.png (862x1200, 1.94M)

I typically do, just seems like I was bad with my timing. Guess I should lurk their threads more.

I eat, Wakaba. It's what I do.

Has Japan executed Kimura yet?

Yes, she looks like a real life Ritsu with a aura of nice and calm onee-san.

Isn't that the girl people confused for Tatsuki in Hentatsu?

Yes, apparently some people came to the irodori booth when she was the only person there.

So if second to left is Tatsuki and Yuuko is the far right, which ones are Isa and Fukuhara?

Her profile says she likes to eat chicken and draws herself as a cute pig. What an interesting girl. She should appear in Hentatsu!

If I'm not mistaken is the one on the far left

The order is Fukuhara, Tatsuki, Isa and Yuuko.

Gimme 10 of these, please

Attached: file.png (640x480, 697K)

Yeah Isa wears glasses just like his Hentatsu counterpart.

Wholesome creatures

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I don't understand some of these Japanese memes

Attached: 1554409866725.png (807x368, 122K)

Oh, I see it now. Thanks user.
Isa is cute!

Translate it you jihadboos

She appeared on Hentatsu episode 3 as the pig girl that was confused with Tatsuki.
If I do not remember wrong on an event she said that when she was a little girl her mother gave always her paper and pencils/colors to have her busy drawing, so she could be left alone to make the domestic chores.
So yeah, it seems that tactic of her mother worked as a great training for a great artist, lmao

Attached: 77vYy7JSf.png (760x749, 494K)

I wonder how it feels like to become a cute fox girl voiced by Mai Kadowaki.

What's the next step of your master plan?

If they have been together for over more than 10 years working as crazy, then they must be very good friends.

With benefits

I remember hearing it mentioned in one of the old KF threads but apparently Isa and Yuuko quit pretty good jobs to go work with Tatsuki at Yaoyorozu.

Really need tatsuki audio commentary subs. any anons who can help?

We have not got yet rips of the first volume, so unless we got a rip we are stalled. Besides, the amount of work will be great, we are talking of a total of 192 minutes for all the audio commentaries on the first volume, plus the who know how much minutes of the video of the January special event and of the video of the roundtable with the voice actresses.

I don't care about anything you mentioned aside from irodori commentary, but if you wanted to work on all the rest of that i wouldn't say no.

Probably great, Tatsuki's characters look cute and I can understand why they have self inserts for this

>with benefits
Getting to be like must be a pretty great benefit

No, my Japanese is piss poor so I could not handle that thing.
There are two audio commentaries for each one of the episodes, the first is with Director Tatsuki and Animation Director Isa and the second is with the voice actresses of Rin, Ritsu and Rina.
The event I am talking about is an event they did on January some days after the TV premiere of the first episode, where they projected the first episode with Producer Fukuhara and the voice actresses doing an live audio commentary and then when the episode was over they did a talk show with Tasuki as a surprise guest, also taking question from the public. That event was a double bill event, so I do not know if the video on the Blu-ray is about the first screening or the second screening or both.
The video with the round table with the voice actress I do not know much about.
There is user who posted photos of the booklet here, with a different user making translations based on them, so he could make a rip of the BD.

more /ss/ artists needs to get on board.
and nekomimi ara-ara fags as well.

Attached: D3WSN-VUwAAywge.png (641x871, 106K)

Isa is credited with character design both on irodori website and on the old Kemurikusa, but on the current Kemurikusa irodori is credited with character design and there is not credits for character design for Keifuku-san or Hentatsu, so we do not know who of the two guys designed TatsuOni or Neko-nee-san.

Attached: Getting_ss'd_with_the_power_of_186_man.jpg (454x734, 81K)

Are you telling me shiro was a girl the whole time?!


nice jew wakaba

she was a cute girl (male)

oh vey

Attached: 1551910687089.jpg (836x766, 46K)

That's interesting, it would be neat to find out who made those designs. Regardless of if it was Isa or someone else, whoever worked on them had good taste

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Attached: math.png (1091x374, 391K)

youre pretty good at math user

>plus the who know how much minutes of the video of the January special event and of the video of the roundtable with the voice actresses.
Those are short. 14:30 for one and 16:00 the other. Not particularly difficult I think. The commentary tracks will be more difficult.

>Mother is busy. Here, play with these crayons.
>Wakaba is busy. Here, play with this kemurikusa.

I think when the character design, modelling and editing is credited to irodori, then that is referring to Tatsuki and Isa working in unison, that is, both are equally responsibles, so maybe Tatsuki pitch ideas and then Isa makes the draft of the characters and then they make small refinements until the design is done.

>so he could make a rip of the BD.
I don't know how to do that.

>manly hands
>raspy voice
Is she a trap?

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Are you retarded?

Attached: 1552488647154.png (1276x717, 989K)

Yup, I was already imagining those videos would be short, because they have already fourth episodes on a disc with two audio audio commentaries for each episode and the Japanese like to make BD with an average video bitrate of 40 Mbps, so there was not so much space to put like three hours of video extras.
But yeah, even if that user translates only the staff comments then that would be a total of 96 minutes, that is like translating a whole movie of two guys talking alone.

I have only ripped a Blu-ray with MakeMKV and it was easy, so that should work.

....i have escaped Lake Laogai .....

>that vid.
Wakaba was never that bad.


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To think that in the end those 2 creatures lived

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Attached: Google translate.jpg (693x385, 49K)

Why do Yaoyorozu's models look pixelated from a distance? You'd think it'd be the other way around.

Made me lose my shit

What exactly happened during this scene? Why were they fading like their time was up but then they were fine right after?

They were pretending to fool Rin

They're poorfags and can't buy a decent Graphic card

Attached: 1552580060956.png (344x135, 32K)

I am sure Tatsuki was ready to kill them. but suddenly he got a call.

>New series is about the periodic table of elements.

Attached: 1554303890793.jpg (687x682, 178K)

Yeah but Rin and Wakaba were already going to go fight the Red Tree alone, right? They didnt really need to trick her.

>no the complete chart

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Because the last one is too lewd

>too lewd
I want gay to go away

Attached: 1549664069426.jpg (260x298, 20K)

>literally jerking a dick with your loli tits out is more lewd than taking a shower naked

fuck i mean >less lewd