Am I an incel if I want this bitch to end up light Fighter from Goblin Slayer?

Am I an incel if I want this bitch to end up light Fighter from Goblin Slayer?

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Not really

Edgelords and contrarians just love to tell you otherwise because
>Oh boy... she's a bad person... and you're not supposed to like her... but I DO! WHOOOOAA HOLY SHIT!!1!1!


Probably, since you made deserved revenge against a woman into a rape fetish.

If you mean rape then you are a man of fine tastes. If no rape then you aren't even good enough to be called an incel.

Attached: SlaaneshChampion.jpg (1500x2055, 1.32M)

>I hate the evil woman
Thats fair, hopefully the hero can sto---

>Lets rape her, beat her, rape her again, and then parade her beaten through the streets, then rape her again.

That's wildly extreme

>Whatever white knight tumblr snowflake

I have had sex without paying more than once and still masturbated to that doujinshi of her getting raped so I don't think so, she's a cunt so its ok

Okay senpai

dumb ESL

Dumb bitch

No, but you're one of you're involuntarily celibate. It has nothing to do with your beliefs.

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No, but you are an incel if you like this show


very bad thread and OP is obviously underage

>meme words

You're an incel if you're an incel. Your position on anime characters has nothing to do with it.

what a shitty thread

-2/10 joke

>I have had sex without paying more than once
Is that some rite of passing or what?

It's really not that extreme considering her mother has her sent off to get raped to death by a demi-human king who makes crystal videos of it and sends it to Naofumi.