Images guaranteed to piss Yea Forums off every time

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>Ball is everything you've ever wanted in your Chinese cartoon
this always gets me

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he's right.

The beginning of the end.

/thread I am pissed

why would you get pissed for something like that?

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Yea Forums was better when it banned Narutards.
Letting them and the rest of that normalfaggot trash post here was the second worst thing moot ever did.
The first was selling out to that fucking gook.

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N/a/ruto is too good for this board

based faggot moot. he was too good for this world.

Ball was the worst character in Hinamatsuri

This, fuck Naruto.

Which post am I supposed to look at?

>moot being a newfag
Everything is as per usual, gentlemen.

On another note, I miss custom ban messages instead of the gaia crap we have now.

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If anything Yea Forums went to shit during time Naruto threads were banned.

For me Yea Forums died when Meguka's first season came out and there could be zero discussion of anything besides it. Yea Forums is still slower now than it was back then.

can’t believe people are still pissed over this lol

>not "Ball's soundtrack is pretty baller"
One job