Why the voices are so bad?

Why the voices are so bad?

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So it's the usual band of squeaky-voiced women. Monica Rial certainly has cornered that market in the West.


Holy shit dude I opened that fuck you.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.41_[2018.03.06_14.39.34].jpg (1280x720, 108K)

They sound to old
What, oh nooo (Bruce-Family Guy)

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That's so bad it almost makes the Colors. unimaginable.

Colors were always shit. Our JC wife Bocchi will save us

JCfags fuck off forever

i don't even know why i bothered

Attached: everything will be fire.webm (700x392, 829K)

lol wat, thats terrible

>Wh*te """""women"""""" trying to voice lolis.
Absolutely fucking disgusting.

>english dub loli

also that voice at the end, wtf it sounds more like Spongebob or Doraemon

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>they dubbed Colors
Didn't this low quality garbage sell like 200 copies

Mitsuboshi Colors was the AOTS of its season, plebeian.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.45_[2018.04.27_18.30.10].jpg (1280x720, 76K)

Should've hired real lolis to voice them, preferably those cute instagram models I follow for purely platonic reasons

It's a triumph in the field of Powerpoint slideshows

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I say..
>OLD """"""women """""" trying to voice lolis.

They are helium junkies

Ooohhh god... user you're a genius!!!!

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I looked at the ages of the Japanese and English voice actors.
Yui - YĆ«ki Takada (26) - Luci Christian (46)
Sat-chan - Marika Kouno (25) - Monica Rial (43)
Kotoha - Natsumi Hioka (27) - Brittney Karbowski

That's neither cute nor funny

The colors are old wrinkly hags!

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Jesus fuck why did I even listen to that.

That explains a lot

Because the only reason they dubbed this in the first place was so that their friends could get paychecks. I understand doing English dubs for shows like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Mob Psycho 100 so they can air on western television, but absolutely no-one was waiting for an English version of fucking Mitsuboshi Colors. It's a waste of time and money to redub niche shows like this in the age of simulcasting.

>there's actually a bunch of people in the comments excited for this

Truly one of those most baffling things in the world to me. How can there actually be a demographic of people out there who want to watch a low-key lolicon anime but only when dubbed in english? Who are these people? How did they wind up in such a bizarre position?

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They're not anime fans, they're orbiters hoping to ingratiate themselves with the staff so they can maybe break into the industry some day, such as it is.

These woman all sound overweight.

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Finally my normalfag friends can imagine fucking the Colors with me

Because it's a dub.