Who are canonically the strongest characters in anime?

Who are canonically the strongest characters in anime?

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>Who are
Back to studying English, jap.

Who is canonically the strongest characters in anime

me,and you can't do shit about it or i'll crush your skull,faggot.

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Please leave

Shiki has the strongest sex appeal

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Power Man. We've been over this.

The dude who has can't decide if he's a hero or villain.

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The cock.

This. Literally nothing in anime can beat the cock.


What in the hell are you on about?

Without a doubt.

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Mercurius from Dies irae. Granted the anime adaptation was kinda shit but it still counts as anime.

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>literally kills the future
This character is so pants on head ridiculous

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Can kill servants and have zelretch level powers.

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Not her. I get her Mystic eyes are deadly but it's useless if she can't reach her target. At the base she's a human so any power long range fighter can easily kill her

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Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Daijuuji Kurou? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Magus Mode Daijuuji Kurou. I’m not talking about Zanma Taisei Demonbane Daijuuji Kurou either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Kishin Houkou Demonbane Daijuuji Kurou with the Unlocked Lemuria Impact. I'm referring to Kishin Hishou Elder God Demonbane Daijuuji Kurou with the Mirror of Nitocris spell (with The Scimitar of Barzai and being capable of using both Cthugha and Ithaqua revolvers), equipped with his combined Shining Trapezohedrons, a perfect Spell Helix, control of the Elder Sign and De Marigny's Clock, with The Outer God Azathoth's being sealed within him so he has Athleta Aeternum and can perform Lemuria Impact Ain Soph Aur while being simultaneously everything and nothing and everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

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I really don't understand how this dude loses any fights in universe, even to touma

Later parts of the series introduced characters who are so powerful they're just outright immune to his powers.

The knife laughs at this joke

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Going by the expression, that's Void, not Shiki.

How does Merc stack up against Demonbane?

I hope Loki stays dead, though.

Please don't lewd my wife

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The implication that Merc had to do some convoluted shit to get what he wanted to get done done means he doesn't stack up to EG Demonbane. The Hadou Gods are pretty bonkers, but at this scale, we're comparing borderline unfathomable gaps in power.

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this is a man

The Saber BomBer

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and sexy Shiki

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Right here.

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Saber Alter
nuclear launch detected

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having a laff at all of u

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Super Sonico.

Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Sexy Saber

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Always someone bringing up this faggot in these threads. How little anime do you need to have watched to think "fights really fast and shoots big blasts" is the end all of abilities?

He is correct. He's talking about a plural unknown quantity.

Don't Forget this Guy

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yeah, i'm serious

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Giorno Giovanna with GER

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>can destroy a universe
>Le he’s not really strong

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>he’s not really the strongest

>can destroy a universe
Yeah by physically destroying everything in it.
You ain't top-tier unless you're reality-warping it away on a whim.


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the kind of people who haven't watched Saint Seiya, if they're going for bullshit speed and power that makes O MY 10^n PERCENT look tame.

>can move faster than stopped time
Chadku would obliterate all your moeshit losers before they had the time to even activate the process forming a whim

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Or creating worlds too. Destroying worlds is much easier in comparison.

Saber Uper

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Goku would speedblitz everyone in this thread.

and Sabomb

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>the cuckold snake thinks he's anywhere near the Spider
Not even Hajun & Naraka can scratch Rot Spinne.

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>h-he just punches them faster!
Just go back to /dbs/ subreddit until you've watched more than 10 anime.

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>g-go back
I accept your concession.

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Sasuga speedreader.

Both are inferior to Spinne. That is the one metric that matters.

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still love this image

Literally even against the character in the OP he would lose because she's omnipresent, she would literally just find where he crashlanded as a child and kill him. Void Shiki is also a jobber compared to someone like Demonbane.


>this concession

but where is the anime?

>dbfag thinking his series is relevant in retarded omnipresent power-level arguments

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No he's right.
>who is voting yes?
>who are the people voting yes?
Same thing.

gg goku

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Rance hyper weapon

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Cope and Concede my precious pets. Your master commands it.

And a woman. And something that can't be named, as giving it a name would weaken it.

The Powerman anime was fantastic.

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El Hermano memed himself canon. Does he count as anime?

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El Hermano will eventually will himself into other anime. Truly he is the strongest.

Just destroy the entire universe and you killed her too.

>will eventually will himself into other anime
>forgetting he already has

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Why didn't Saber kill shirou right then and there

>she finds where he crashlands as a child
>baby Chadku kills her
>Chadku goes back in time and kamehamehas her

So that's why he's multiverse level

But baby Goku can't destroy the universe yet.

The VN has a bit in their second fight where she talks about how she doesn't need to unless if he doesn't anything.

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Medaka is the protagonist, so she always wins.

Hmm yes, but has anyone ever gone so far as even to need more to do look more like?

>implying he isn't beyond multiverse level

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My bad. She says that as long as Shirou doesn't actually interfere she doesn't have to kill him.

Medaka is such a stupid character which I guess was the point.

Dammit beat me to it

Nobody has posted an omnipotent character yet, just strong reality warpers.

He said omnipresent. The character in the OP is omnipresent according to Nasuverse rules.

>Nobody has posted an omnipotent character yet, just strong reality warpers.

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What year are we in again?

>having to go back and murder someone as a baby to beat them
>literal retards on here somehow think this is a fight
if I was talking about baby Goku I would've said baby Goku you dumb cunt. I'm talking about Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Kaioken x10 Ultra Instinct level Goku, bitch

>t. Seething beta mad he will never get to be a ChadForce member

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They can time travel too?

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This Group

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>having to go back
But that's not what would happen. She would've already known he was being born before he was born, and she would've already known he crash landed before he did.

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You could also kill Goku as a baby but that doesn't make you stronger than Goku, it just makes you a cowardly faggot who knows you aren't that strong at all.
Cope and concede you loser, and stop trying to kill babies

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Not so fast

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If she wanted to, she could just kill his entire race with a slice of a sword, but that would involve killing more babies.

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>i-it doesn't count because it's underhanded
>it has to be a PRIDEFUL FIGHT!

>dodges your pathetic slow motion sword slice
>kamehamehas you
nice try
I accept your concession

These guys are the only real contenders, putting aside meme characters. They are at such levels of bullshit that concepts like "strength" and "speed" don't really apply.


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>kills the concept of the kamehameha
sorry Goku I accept your concession

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Demonbane is literally the winner of these threads, we know this. We're always just looking for runners up.

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>prideful fight
I said nothing about this, but you're completely retarded if you think that the premise outlined isn't completely avoiding a fight in the first place

>already kamehameha'd her before she even thought to delete the kamehameha from existence due to his faster than the laws of time itself speed
Heh.... nice try kiddo

>omnipresent so she starts slashing before he fires it meaning they happen at the same time
psh... try again in a couple years

>uses the Kaioken to overpower her and make sure his attack wins

This guy eats the concepts of demonbanning, nasu and merc guy. What now?

Can't demonbane just be then born again from the concept of demonbane being eaten

Featherine Augustus Aurora the ruler of an infinity of multiverses in Umineko.

Is the strongest Seiya or Gemini Shaka?

Gemini or Shaka*

If your character use any type of Magic or supernatural ability, you are basically a normal human being compared to this fine gentleman

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OC spinoff stuff ?? the gods > new ophiuchus saint ?? someone with divine clothing > shaka >> normal seiya > gemini > everyone else

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Reminder that Goats are stronger than Featherine.

Memeing aside, didn't Demonbane's strongest form job against the Elder Gods?



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>Exists everywhere and nowhere simultaneously
>Has been erased from existence and then came back anyway because Demonbane also exists outside of existence
>Can manipulate time in alternative timelines from non-existent timelines
>Hitting his stick against another stick births and obliterates innumerable universes in a breath
>Is the reason dinosaurs went extinct
>Summons an infinite variety of itself, including versions of "Demonbane" from alternate realities that "have existed, do exist, and will exist" as well as alternate realities that "have never existed, don't exist, and will never exist"

There's a Demonbane made of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. There's a Demonbane that knows why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. There's a Demonbane that IS why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

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>didn't Demonbane's strongest form job against the Elder Gods
The strongest active Elder God jobbed to his strongest form, and Azathoth was turned into a stick to hit things with.
The spinoff manga Demonbane that people like referencing isn't even EG Demonbane, it's Kishin Hishou Demonbane.

But how does it survive this? Chibi eats the concept of a Demonbane. Now it's powerless.

By the nature of infinity, there's a "Demonbane that cannot have it's concept eaten by Endro", and to imply that such is impossible simultaneously implies that "a reality in which such a Demonbane exists does not exist", and thus Athleta Aeternum applies.

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Is it ever explained why tohno cant overuse his mystic eyes or he will die and needs glasses, while ryougi can use hers freely and can also kill concepts?

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Tier 0: Kami Tenchi, EG Demonbane/Vortex Demonbane
Tier 0.5: Dies irae's Throne Gods, Umineko's Creator Gods
Tier 1:

Yes. Tohno has MEoDP because muh brush with death and life energy transfers. Ryougi literally has the void's soul living in her body.

Tohno is also a pussy and tries to reject death whenever he can while Ryougi just accepts that she's a psychopath that has the constant impulse to kill everything and lives with it. So Tohno is rejecting the eyes and they're killing him while Ryougi has accepted them and can use more of their power then Tohno.

Sometimes I feel like Haganeya wrote Demonbane just to ruin discussions like this

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>ruin discussions
Powerlevel threads are hardly worth being called discussions, he did good.

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Why is it so strong? Is it even possible to defeat this shit?

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>Not a single person posted would survive a massively FTL punch to the face
Haxx is only relevant if they’re even close to the same speed. Else they would get their head punched or before they can even think.

Half the characters in these threads are omnipresent concepts who are beyond the idea of speed and immune to punches.

Because the primary antagonist of it's fiction approaches the same level, co-opting Lovecraftian cosmic horror and "Elder God" deities into it's story. Demonbane represents, in effect, the only divinity not directly hostile or indifferent to the well-being of the universe. EG Demonbane did everything up to killing Azathoth, the omnipotent creator deity, the Blind Idiot God for whom All is merely a dream.

But then Vortex Blaster Demonbane showed up and just killed Azathoth anyway.

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Unironically Demonbane

I want a season 2 of that series.


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Kami Tenchi is stronger than anyone posted so far.

I'd have agreed with you before they went and made Vortex Blaster Demonbane

>By the nature of infinity, there's a "Demonbane that cannot have it's concept eaten by Endro"
No. There's no reason you couldn't have an infinite number of realities which all only have Demonbanes which can have their concept eaten by Endro.

You're mistaking infinity for impossibility. For example, I can jump an infinite amount of times, that doesn't mean I'll ever fly. That is an impossibility. In the case of Endro, there being a Demonbane immune to having it's concept eaten is another impossibility. Therefore, a statement like Demonbane that cannot have it's conept eaten by Endro is an impossibility and thus not going to happen even in infinity.

Isn't Tenshi a true omnipotent?

Is there a even character that’s close to being as perfect as Cell? Let alone be him. And I'm not talking about Perfect Cell. I'm not talking about Super Perfect either. Hell, I'm not even talking about SSGSS Golden Cell. I’m also not talking about SSGSS Golden Cell who fused with 9001 SSGSS Golden Cell Jrs & obtained Beerus & Whis' DNA. I'm definitely NOT Talking about SSGSS Golden Cell who fused with 9001 SSGSS Golden Cell Jrs & obtained Beerus, Whis, Champa & Vados' DNA after absorbing enough Spiral Power & Getter Rays to use SSGSS Golden Tengen Toppa Getter Emperor. I'm talking about SSGSS Golden Cell who fused with an infinite number of SSGSS Golden Cell Jrs, wished himself immortal with the Super Dragon Balls & obtained all the GoDs, angels, Zeno, Madara Uchiha & Ultimate Kars' DNA to obtain Requiem versions of every Stand (including but not limited to Gold Experience Requiem, Made in Heaven Requiem, The World Over Heaven Requiem & D4C Requiem) after absorbing enough Spiral Power & Getter Rays to use SSGSS Golden Tengen Toppa Getter Emperor as he pilots Elder Demonbane with Cosmic Armor, Power Cosmic (all of it), and Omega effect, the Anti-Life Equation also flowing through his veins (because that's apparently how it works), his Taikyoku value being beyond infinity, while he does 101 Push-ups, 101 Sit-ups, 101 Squats, 11 km run per day as a park ranger for over 4 months inside the sun after ingesting Kryptonian DNA (to somehow obtain infinite power from a finite source) after consuming Popeye's Spinach while riding the writer's cock to battle

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I love this pasta, it has something new for me every time I read it.

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>But then Vortex Blaster Demonbane showed up and just killed Azathoth anyway.
I guess Azathoth wasn't actually Omnipotent then.

So if a reality wherein a Demonbane that cannot have it's concept eaten has never existed, will not exist, and does not exist, then does Athleta Aeternum not include that?

There are an infinite number of Demonbanes that can.
There are an infinite number of Demonbanes that can't.

>You're mistaking infinity for impossibility
There's nothing to be mistaken. It literally summons impossibilities. That's what it does to defeat Nyarlathothep's Clockwork Phantom

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The point being that Demonbane has, as of the development of Vortex Blaster, displayed functional omnipotence within it's own fiction. There is no longer something it "cannot do"


Guess he really was a blind idiot to create something stronger than him.

unironically this

Released Exodia

What if I just punch them harder than their beyondness and immunity can protect them from

Just punching harder

Does Kami Tenchi have any feats or is it all hype and statements?

Only really by powerscaling he's stated to be as far above the Chousin as the Chousin are above a regular human. The Chousin are strong enough to be a contender for this thread on their own.

If your punches have properties other than brute strength and a lot of energy sure.

Gokus not FTL

Even if he was it wouldn't make a difference. Pretty much everyone mentioned ITT is beyond linear time and are omnipresent so speed is meaningless.

Barely Servant level since she cannot use her Void stuff on demand.

V Shiki cuts through concepts like distance just as easily as anything else

Heart problems
Also he killed Wallachia conceptually