Boku no Hero Academia

Spoilers today, what are your expectations for next chapter?

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Other urls found in this thread:

A bad chapter and threads reflecting it
Like always


I have my fingers crossed for cake

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I could work if it was about some street thugs story. The problem is the story is about city leveling powers. And its very much a theme in the story that one needs abilities and powers to exceed and prove their ideals.

But Deku originally just wanted to be ANY hero.
Looking at Mirio and Stain that should be possible even without a quirk.
The goal of being the best kinda came with the baggage of OfA.

The hero society is deeply flawed

Shiggy and the VA defeat Giga with the power of friendship.

Shiggy is going to rip and arm of Gigas
Screencap this

He wanted to save all the peoples. A great hero like All Might. The point is that a powerless boy had the most powerful ideals which were then combined with the most powerfulest power.
The story has always been about grand effects and mass society. You are just bitching because you want something different. Not that there is a problem with the current thing. Trying to find ANYTHING, nitpick anything that could support the alternative instead of enjoying the story it wants to be.

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Again its objectively a flaw that people can now just compete with the strongest quirks in the setting without a quirk
It contradicts the first chapter

Yes in the first chapter what you are saying would be true
The only reason he couldn't be a hero with such strong ideals was because it wasn't possible
But now looking at Mirio going toe to toe with Overhaul without a quirk that brings into question just how great Deku's ideals were if he couldn't do that.
Are you saying the story doesn't want us to root for Deku or want to see him become the greatest hero?

>people can now just compete with the strongest quirks in the setting without a quirk

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Are you animeonly?

>lemme just ignore the condition around those things

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How is being able to go toe to toe with overhaul 2 on 1 not enough to be a hero?

>continues to ignore everything
You disingenuous shit.

>what are your expectations for next chapter?
The story goes back to Deku

Your interpretation just doesn't gel with what is being shown.
If you can be as good as stain or Mirio without a quirk there should be very little stopping someone from becoming a small hero
Not the best but just a small one. Deku couldn't do that so people are rightfully not that into Deku anymore.

Arc ruined desu.

Arc finally getting good.

Not even as bait please

Hey, user shonen!
It's me, All Might, and now that you have read this, reply to this post with a Plus Ultra and make 20 push ups or else your mom wdihs.

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pl-plus ultra

>Gets cucked by AFO
I dont listen to fags

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Post hot bnha girls and rate others

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Well said.

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i know there is going to be a r65 villain, i feel it in my heart

Maybe in an OVA, ED or anime filler episode

I am HOPEFUL Shiggy will come up with a clever, impressive way to subdue Giga.

I am also HOPEFUL we will see Girad alive, intact, and continuing to discuss his personal shortcomings with Destro Jr.

What I expect is the unexpected. And that these threads will fill with shitposters rapidly.

gay chapter next

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No jirou is straight

shes built like a fridge

That means you approve of that post.

It's the sweater

Last for Mirio and Eri being cute AND canon


>with a gun
I'm about to end this man's whole career.

It seems last thread we also had a lot of /k/ niggers and gunfags besides OP most certainly a many amerifats in the mix from burgerland. Now watch this.
The story is set in Japan. Guns are already illegal in Japan for general use.
Heroes also can't kill unless absolutely necessary. It is illegal to own guns in Japan unless you are a part of the Police Force and even then, everyday officers in Japan don't carry guns unless they have a special permit, are army special forces themselves, or are SWAT/Tokushu Kyūshū Butai

The gun argument is null and void for Licensed Heroes.
If your argument is Heroes should use guns like Villains then that is perfectly fine, but that would require changes to Hero society; and even Snipe is the only Pro Hero we see use a gun and that is because he requires one to make use of his quirk, likely having a permit and a very specific stipulation not to kill unless absolutely necessary, which we saw when he gave non-lethal shots to Shiggy and the Electricity Villain at the USJ. Even Gunhead doesn't use his body’s “gun” quirk for nothing but warning shots and specializes in CQC.
>Isn't the Gun thing rendered null when it was All Might that btfo all the gunfags during his Era of Peace?
Yes, but those are villains and they clearly have no issue acquiring guns as we’ve seen with the Yakuza.
Villains could use a gun no issue as they remain outside of the law, same thing would go for Vigilantes if they decided they wanted to carry a gun.

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But not least

i want to kiss deku without his consent!

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Don't go to /bnha/ thread today.

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Would it be unethical to administer quirk-removing drugs to villains?

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This was made by the vigilante artist

Hori didn't draw that you dunce

>implying they were attractive in the first place

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found the shitposter tourist
that's not hori
kill yourself

it would be the modern equivalent of cutting off the thief's hands

>self deleted out of shame

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Its still ugly

but not drawn by Hori which was the complaint

>the modern equivalent of cutting off the thief's hands

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Would it though? If someone don't have a quirk anymore he'd just be a normal human.

Hence it was deleted
Horikoshi isn't much better

So its one of those cases where ethics fuck over honest people over some moral garbage.

im bored hori pls gib chisaki
what was the preview again?

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Miruko 8.5/10. If she was 6'2 instead of 5'2 she'd be damn near perfect.

7/10 Jirou, I have a soft spot for tomboyish flat chests.

7.5/10 Momo. Just alright all around but never really seemed outstanding.

Kiri and Bakugo I think would both be fun as girls.

Toga 8/10, those teeth are wonderful.

Posting more best bunny.

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Why was he made the protag, he's the most boring in-universe character. A random quirkless fat guy with a gun would be a better protag for this universe.

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If there is a bunny quirk like Miruko then there has to be a bigger Hare version
Maybe a villainess

Spoiler preview was more Jr. and Liberation Army stuff, susposedly he's investigating Overhaul's/Yakuza's old base, here's to hoping Chisaki comes back.
Notice me Overhaul-sensei

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>7/10 Jirou
>one of 2 worst girls in the series
Hes barely 2/10

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Why do people want Overhaul back? I thought Yakuza was generally accepted as the worst arc.

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Not everyone subscribes to the hivemind.
I've always liked the Yakuza arc and always though it would interesting if Chisaki came back.

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It's not gay if Deku's a girl

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Snipe would be a lot cooler with a gun like an M82CQ or one of these bad boys.

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>worst arc
>when the festival/gentle arc exist


Based. This whole bnha universe makes no fucking sense without guns.

Forget about the shitty shortstack.

but i didnt like the shitty shortstack

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It's probably a stopping power issue, hence why he uses a magnum with an extended and I can only imagine reloading a submachine would be annoying due to it's fast fire rate unless it had a drum magazine. But then that's alot of bullets to control with his mind at once

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>Not everyone subscribes to the hivemind.
So contrarians? Gotcha

best boys

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We don't really know what the quirk is yet, for all we know she just has the bunny theme but the quirk just makes her super powerful and it's just a dressing on it all.

not liking the yakuza arc is contrarian to the general consensus

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Jokes on you, you ridiculous buffoon

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I explained I have a soft spot for tomboys, and I tend to do the grading sort of thing, where anything 5 and under is just varying degrees of failure.

Overall, a 7 is just average/ C grade.

It does in a cultural sense, Japan has a pretty good control on the number of legally available firearms.

That's why he should use something like an M82CQ - a short barreled .50 BMG (12.7x99 for you yuropoors), or a shotgun. Shotguns still fit his whole "wild west" theme, and offer a variety of different loadings. A KS-23 would be ideal.

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I see what you did there.

That's an obviously wrong opinion.

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Not really

This. Yakuza arc had it flaws, but I still love it. I even bought a volume just for the "GIVE HER BACK", dequirked Mirio and Togawice.

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>It does in a cultural sense, Japan has a pretty good control on the number of legally available firearms.
Criminals don't give a shit and should trade firearms with each other all the time

Traps aren't sexy.

>Yakuza arc had it flaws
HUGE unerstatement

It is

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Even those who have 'em don't use them as often as you would think, because it just makes their life harder.

We've seen criminals with access to guns, namely the Yakuza and Mustard, but even then those who control them probably keep them well in check. Guns are great tools for projecting power, and most quirks aren't going to be an even match against someone with a decent gun. Villains likely have spats with each other, and would not want the guns they have falling into each others hands.

So really Deku was the issue
like always

Short haired + flat != trap, user. Develop your tastes or at least understanding of other people tastes. Boobs are not everything.

Not at all. user just memed minor flaws into some terrible, huge problem. And some things that weren't even there at the first place.

>Sure user, I'll go to the movies with you! My boyfriend can come too, right?

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Jiro > Ochako > Mina > Momo > Invisitits > Frog

It was a shit arc. The flaws weren’t minor at all

Would you please stop hitting on me with your cuck fetish, Kendou? I'm tthinking about Pony sucking my dick. It's an important time of the day for me. Let me finish and, I guess, I can fuck you behind the dumpsters if you really want it so much.

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Awful taste

Why are Kendofags so cringe now?

Now here is where we disagree

Based and husbandopilled

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>he doesn't want to fuck Kendo while Tetsu fucks him

What if BnHA was a Spanish soap opera?

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Jirou = Mina = Ochako > Tsuyu > Momo >Hagakure

its be called dragon ballz

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>looking at at Mirio and Stain

You mean those guys that got their shit pushed in by people with quirks???

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But boobs are everything. Jirou needs to get implants if she wants Mineta to perv on her.

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It would only be Todoroki drama

If Deku fights the Villain both the villain and arc are trash
prove me wrong

God I wish that was me getting my throat tongue fucked like that.

He is sure losing his touch, poor badpaintfag.

I want a cute Deku trophy husband

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So a lot better

I want Aizawa to see a doctor so he can stop being dumb!

If Deku unites with the villains and fights the other villains then the arc will be amazing
prove me wrong

A soi protag for soi times...

Stain was fine, but that was teamwork. Contrived situations that require Deku fight a villain alone while nobody cares right afterwards are trash.

Nope, I need variety in my girls. Mina/Ochako/Jirou covers everything I enjoy. Jirou is a flat shy punk tomboy with a short haircut who's sort of cool and sort of nerdy. Ochako is cute, wholesome and shy. Mina is fit, energetic and looks like an alien.

>Stain was fine
Only until Deku showed up


Those are the worst girls

She told me the issue was on your side.

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Maybe for people like you

deku is really cute!
i want to marry him!

best girls are the triple M

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Is Jirou really a tomboy? People say this but she just enjoys music and has short hair/is flat. She's not really into guy stuff and feels insulted when her femininity is questioned
I don't think tomboy is the right thing to call her

Is gay marriage legal in bnhaverse?

Sure, you're right. Eh, whatever, I still like everything else about her.

>fat pig
Holy shit, man.


I dropped this manga a bit after Mirio was introduced and the horn loli awakened her power.

Did something significant happen regarding the Yakuza?
Is the plot advancing advancing or is it still introducing new, flat side characters?
Is there any nuance to this with cool new villains like Stain or is the morality still Marvel Movie-tier?
Did Toga get a bigger role or is it still Boku no Pico Academia yaoi doujin fodder?

tomboy is a scale
She is the most tomboy in 1-A but still not enough tomboy for me and you

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Right. We also got the dumb tits Momo the jobber, a meme frog and a character so irrelevant she doesn't even have a design. You've just proven that you can hate on everything.

That's actually a good question.
We've never seen any gays (trannies, yes, but not gays) in MHA, let alone a married gay couple, so there's no way of knowing.

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>a character so irrelevant she doesn't even have a design

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She's not.
She can't control her flat chest, music isn't a gendered interest, and short hair is normal for girls these days.

>Did something significant happen regarding the Yakuza?
they got BTFO and might be coming back for revenge
>Is the plot advancing advancing or is it still introducing new, flat side characters?
sort of, the last arc fucked the pacing big time but it's fairly good outside of that
>Is there any nuance to this with cool new villains like Stain or is the morality still Marvel Movie-tier?
the new arc villain is shaping up to be some kind of anti-quirk control libertarian
>Did Toga get a bigger role or is it still Boku no Pico Academia yaoi doujin fodder?
she had a decent role in the arc you half-read and will probably have a good showing in the current arc, but doesn't appear at all between them

No. Fuck off and go read something to your speed like Black Cloveer

>Did Toga get a bigger role
Why does it seem like everybody just reads every single series for the girls and nothing else

Im just a shitposter here but from what they're saying it's still a vapid tumblr b8. Endeavor got a short arc tho which could be interesting imho.

You're right, all 1A girls are shit

no real side characters have been introduced, aside from previously established ones (and the pro heroes, but I think their involvement is going to be pretty limited)
The only real side-character that's been introduced heavily is Hawks.
The plot's starting to advance in this chapter, as well as everything involving Hawks again.
The Doctor seems like an interesting villain
And Toga is now Twice's wife, so no.


it's not gay because i'm a girl!

Not legally buddy

Nah, you're just a hater/shitposter

based cherry-picking retard

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Nah they're all shit

Because EVERYTHING else sucks maybe?

See, you're shitposting

Jirou is too good for Kaminari

Why does Kaminari have shit taste?

Mirio being introduced and Eri having her power awakened were like 9 months apart.

>short hair is normal for girls these days.
Do you live in war torn third world country or smthing?

>I thought Yakuza was generally accepted as the worst arc
Well we generally have retards in these threads who hardly can think for themselves, so obviously this kind of arc would be disliked due to a clear lack of crititcal thinking and understanding from their part.
That's painfully obvious when they're trying to form an opinion, Yakuzahaters are always outed as retards in these threads but they're still coming back anyway because they can't move from their dumb hivemind mentality.

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What else would you read BnHA for? The plot?

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>Canonically doesn't find Jiro attractive
Seems like pretty good taste to me

I'm confident most of the negative reception of the Yakuza arc comes from the fact that Hori stopped explicitly saying everything.

>forgetting about hori
He'll ship them by force.

Or maybe it was a trash arc with disposable characters

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the Yakuza arc.
You pretentious hipster fuck. It was shit.

Plot, characters, Hori's art. It's a good manga

He’s an orbiter

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Not that user, but this is the dumbest meme that came out of that arc. When you use it, it's like a big neon sign "I'm an autist and take everything literally".

Mirio x Eri is the only canon ship approved by Hori himself

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>Not that user
Hint: he was that user

>proYaluzafags have identical arguments to Hunterfags
You can't make this shit up.

>still incorrect because Nighteye literally commnets on the true thoughts and feelings of almost the enitre raid as oppose to Pres Mic who peppered his respective arcs

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>i take everything at face value
Hello retard. How does it feel to be too stupid for shonen?

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>"Even if is not legal... Even if is a complete and utter act of degeneracy... I will marry you user!!!"

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>, but this is the dumbest meme that came out of that arc.
Hori wrote those exact words
Not even a meme from us. Hori's writing is the meme

Good bait

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>still 6 more months for season 4

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I can come up with a million of headcannons that would fix it
I assume you have.
I am just not willing to fix the manga for the author since I am not a cuckold.

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No, thanks

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You're just hopeless.

>Hori wrote those exact words
He didnt


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Yeah no he explained it.
His explanation is the problem
I would actually prefer absolutely no reason and confusion over "Energy from wishing"
But that is the actual canon explanation. even if you want to ignore it.

Well the japanese equivalent.

Literally the pot calling the kettle black, do you honestly believe that you have actual arguments and not just pure nickpicking due to your autism?


> S O O N

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The people saying the Yakuza arc sucks are quoting the actual manga
You on the other hand are just saying everyone is too stupid to understand it while you declare the canon explanation as irrelevant.

Bases dubs

>it's a canon explaination
Goddamit, user, read the context. It's the dying words of a guy on life support.




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can i dress him as a girl?

What plot? It's barely above villian of the week anime.
There's like 100+ of them and barely any of them get proper development
>Hori's art
He's creative but it's not really that out there.

It is still important to figure out how to circumvent the predictions since All Might is supposed to die.
Everyone acts like they figured it out

>quoting the actual manga
That's all you can do yes, but do you actually understand? The answer is no.

Who will win the Dekubowl?

No one argues against that.

Which means Energy from wishing right now is the accepted canon
In universe Deku is going to flash back and apply energy from wishing when the literal Deadline for All Might comes close.

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Will never be as good as vigilantes

have eri use her quirk on him

Welp, I disagree with you. HeroAka is one of the only shounens I can read without thinking thatI'm getting fed the dumbest story imaginable, and one of the reason is the characters being pretty grounded. And Hori's art is one of my favorite things about this manga. It's simple, but you can still see how much technique there is behind it.

I like that idea. But its not canon
Eri's quirk doesn't mess with Nighteye's predictions.

There is no Dekubowl

cute, i want to sneak hormone pills into deku's food!

A quirkless fat guy would have an epic journey ahead of him if he wanted to be best. Decuck is alread one step before the finish line so there's no hardcore struggle to be had thanks to his God-tier quirk but he also looks gay and cucked because of his whiny personality contrasting amazing power.

>Which means Energy from wishing right now is the accepted canon
I've no idea how you came to that conclussion.

why do you say that?
it makes perfect sense
even the film tape motive fits perfectly

I have no idea how you can accept anything else
Either everyone accepted it as correct
Or Deku stopped giving a fuck about whether or not All Might dies a brutal gruesome death.

Because its headcannon. Hori hasn't even hinted at it.
Its a great headcannon that would explain something the author has a different explanation for.
After Eri's quirk was revealed and until wishing energy (which is just a few chapters) that was my theory. But it isn't. Hori has a different explanation.

Just because characters accept something doesnt mean that its true.

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And just because something makes sense doesn't mean the author considered it and it is more than just headcannon.

Hori isnt Nighteye

No. But given how he has done every other reveal or twist I do believe there is no reason to assume that Eri's quirk messing with Nighteye's prediction is anything but headcannon.
If Hori does reveal it was that then I will take back what I said about wishing energy and the resolution
If he doesn't by the end of the series you will have to realize you have been defending an idiot author with your headcannon all this time.

user, I know you're thirsty but still. Besides Ochako would probably save up to get surgery if you did that.

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>it ACCIDENTALLY makes perfect sense like this
Is this one of those "hori is literally incapable of anything"?
Oh boy I bet your only example is the Deku Toga blood.

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There technically is one between Ochako and Toga.

Cute, I want to tie him up and rape his anus until he dies from rectal infection

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>Oh boy I bet your only example is the Deku Toga blood.
Or Dabi being Touya. Or Camie being Toga. Or any other reveal. Everything had at least some foreshadowing hinting there was more to it
O my 7 quirks had the ghosts even

Eri rewinding messing with Nighteye's quirk has absolutely not a single fucking hint. Nothing.

To be honest, if Deku were to become a girl then Bakugou would likely get cucked by Todoroki.

i hope you won't be too sad if the yakuza comes back

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Toga is an irredeemable villain who has an actual sort of romance with another villain. She is only obsessed with Deku because she wants to kill him. There is no Dekubowl. Besides, I wouldn't even be surprised if the Ochako thing falls through. Deku is far too focused on his hero path anyway.

Toga isn’t even in the conversation

If Deku was a girl, Tododeku fags would be the Kacchako fags we have now

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>I wouldn't even be surprised if the Ochako thing falls through.
So many wasted panels on that shit
Horikoshi is a hack.

>tape motif
>everything being inline with her using her quirk on the person and the prediction being broken or not

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I like how you ignored the completely insane and disgusting content of my post.

toga has a super big crush on deku though

Deku is way more than obsessed with Bakugou. It’s laughable to think otherwise

Ochako was literally created for the purpose of being paired with Deku, so it'll work, because she'll make sure that it works. Because that is literally the only reason why her character exists.

And just because Toga is an irredeemable villian doesn't make any less true that she wants Deku's dick.

okay lets say hypothetically there never is a confirmation Eri breaks the prediction
In fact when it comes to All Might Eri isn't really part of ti
Would you still be convinced that is what Horikoshi intended?

It’s irrelevant because she’s not an option. Deku doesn’t give a shit about her and she’s doing villain shit

A “bowl” implies competition

>that she wants Deku's dick.
She wants to cut him up
She never wanted his dick.

You say wanting to cut him up is how she expresses her love if you really want to stretch it but you can't say she wants his dick
That specifically is wrong.

wanting to see someone suffer and bleed =/= wanting their dick

Todoroki would still be third place behind Bakugou and Iida

Nah, likely Todoroki would be used to make Bakugou get his shit together. Yeah he wouldn't stand a chance in hell, but Bakugou wouldn't know that.

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Would bakugo be any different if Deku was a girl
I would take his stuff as even more confirmation he is never going to end up with Deku

>what if this thing that hasn't happened yet disproves you
gee i dunno, guess i was wrong, too bad that shit aint happened yet

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This is anime, childhood friends NEVER win.

>be 6'4 spooky skeleton
>couldn't do more than 10 pushups continuously
>All Might was my inspiration to get swole
>practice at least once a day
>this goes on for 3 months
>mfw I can now do 30 easily, 40 if I push myself
>got a genuine comment about my arms getting bigger from this qt chink in my Engineering class
We're all gonna make it brothers. thanks for subscribing to my blog

Attached: 33333.png (350x546, 208K)

Todoroki would be as relevant to the Deku/Bakugou thing as he is now. Which is basically not that much.


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I am asking if you expect a confirmation.
Yes that is the nature of a hypothetical you dumb shit
If you say that you think that would prove you wrong then I am happy
I am completely confident Horikoshi wont confirm your headcannon.

none of that means that toga won't try to get deku to love her back

Not in Bakugou's head.

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I am not. I have a date for my suicide. But good for you.

permanent gender change villain when?

please don't kill yourself, there's so much life ahead of you

Nana is happy for you
Nana thinks that you still can do it, you only need a good day to make it and you still have plenty of days to find it out

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don't do it user

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How many children will they have?

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>Implying that Ochako would have a snowball's chance in hell.

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You don't know me. I could be the next Hitler

Who should get hit by the permanent gender change quirk?

So your disproval relies on something that hasnt happened yet. So you admit you can't disprove me.
Figures. You faggot always rely on shit that hasn't happened as an argument on how bad something is. Happened with Eri and it happened with Deku's multiple quirk.

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I don't think there is an actual romantic thing between Toga and Deku. that being said, I look forward to the inevitable moment where she actually gets the jump on him and hurts him. that stuff with them during the license exam was definitely at least some type of foreshadowing.


In that case, you definitely shouldn't kill yourself.
You also shouldn't invade Russia in the winter.

Izuocha would make top for /u/bait

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deku and mineta would be good choices

If you really think so at least read about his strategic fuck ups and learn so you don't end up needing to shoot yourself in the end.

Never. R63 is gay.

no romance yet, but there soon will be

Attached: tounge.jpg (1280x1164, 274K)

But your entire point is that its fine because of an explanation that HASN'T BEEN CONFIRMED YET


>thinking people care what you have to say on the internet
If the nigga wants to kill himself what's you to butt your fucking nose in

But I feel you dekumeibro

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What happens after his gender changes?
Do people start treating him differently?
Does he lose some proficiency in OfA because of his decreased muscle mass?
Is Ochako forced to question whether she's still attracted to Deku without a penis?

Would Mineta learn to be less of a perv, or would he just start treating men the way he used to treat women?

Based, one less BNHA tumblr-tranny on Yea Forums

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This is what this manga needs.

In an ideal world, Mei or Melissa. But Ochako

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Everyday until canon.

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Unironically Deku

There's a reason why Nips and even fujos like to genderbend him.

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I shouldn't have shared it in the first place. Figures some people understand it as a cry for help.

>Do people start treating him differently?
Mineta probably does
>Does he lose some proficiency in OfA because of his decreased muscle mass?
no because A) fiction and B) the biological differences between men and women are probably nothing when factoring how much OfA augments its user's strength.
>Is Ochako forced to question whether she's still attracted to Deku without a penis?
now you're talkin

but it makes sense over your cynical outlook on the series
You want it to be your version because then you can be justified in not liking it.

mineta will finally realize what being a woman is like and will abandon his sexist and perverted ways

Bakugou wins the Dekubowl

Translations are not always precise. And Japanese can be an ambiguous language.

In both Western and Japanese mythos there is the idea a person with sufficient force of will can change their destiny, seize the future and force it to go how they wish. Deku did this, altering what Sir Nighteye saw. Exactly how is open to question; it might be 'Energy from wishing' is actually OfA, which is changing, growing, becoming so strong and so trans-dimensional it's unpredictable. I for one am not having a cow over this, or 7 quirks, or any of the other things those who seem to NEED to have cows are fixating on. I'm simply enjoying the ride.

'Tis a pity so many of you aren't up to that...

>the biological differences between men and women are probably nothing when factoring how much OfA augments its user's strength
For most quirks that's true, but OfA has a physical strength requirement.


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Rappa and Muscular

It would be cute and we would get more hetero doujins

I WANT your explanation. I BELIEVE Hori is going with wishing energy.

Fujo Mineta would be hilarious.

Hear hear.

They are literally identical.

Attached: Mina Green.png (850x594, 146K)

Nana handled it.

So don't go to discussion boards then

then you are basic your assumption on a false view of Hori's capabilities as a writer

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>Nana handled it.

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Bakugo tries to treat him (her) like he usually does but isn't sure how to go through with it

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I know, wouldn't it be great?

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I am basing it on the rest of his writing

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There was already a female that met the strength requirement, so Izuku would be okay. He would just really need to rely on kicks more so than punches.

>Nana handled it

Attached: 11B27CA5-5FC2-416F-9404-AEA007E6BBFE.jpg (1920x1080, 147K)

He wouldn’t even be runner up in the fem Izuku bowl

She was killed by AFO in battle not by OFA.

They're so cute together, their love is pure and wholesome.

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It was less powerful when Nana had it.
Deku is also already not nearly at peak male physicality. If he drops down to the equivalent female physicality, he'd be far below Nana for sure.

which you have a terribly wrong perception of

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Todoroki probably would eventually win but he would be an orbiter getting cucked by several different more outwardly alpha males the entire way there.

What would their kid look like?

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Every other twist or explanation had hints
Eri messing with Nighteye got nothing

No, but we'd get more het doujins.

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Considering Eri's emotional trauma and the fact Mirio desires nothing more than to make her feel loved and wanted? At least 15.

we need wishing energy ITT to make femdeku canon

>He wouldn’t even be runner up in the fem Izuku bowl
Neither would Bakugo to be fair

You are a disingenuous faggot

He wouldn’t win at all, is what I’m saying. It would be between Bakugou and Iida. Just because fujos like to ignore Iida doesn’t mean he’s not way closer to Deku and the Stain arc would be all about them.


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an average build boy with slightly off pink skin, black eyes, floofy mustard colored hair, and the ability to cry acid.


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Hey as long as you livestream it and do a flip you could easily relinquish that faggot status. Good luck on your misadventures and all that shit ya hear?

Eri's quirk had a tape motif?

If we got femdeku, how would Hori handle the romantic plotline of Izuchako?

How would the manga be if Endeavor was a woman?

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You guys are letting TodoDeku fujos cloud your judgement. Todoroki is like 4th place in terms of people closest to Deku.

Watching all the people ITT trying to justify that they like yaoi ships by genderbending Deku is too funny.

Not much different because Endeavor isn't a major character.
If the whole manga was about the Todoroki family with Femdeavor and Manrei, then it would be kino.

it would get axed like his previous manga where he had a Female Lead.

That wouldn't exist since they're both girls

Anyone saying it would be todoroki or bakugo is retarded

>Endeavor literally getting pregnant and giving birth just to produce a spawn stronger than All Might
Actually my fetish.

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I don't know about the manga itself but we would see way more endy apologists on tumblr.

Once she decides to settle down, how many kids do you think Miruko makes once she's got a decent man to breed with?

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Nighteye's did. Eri REWINDS the tape and the new path outside of the prediction is created.

That's way to big and cumbersome, agility is important on the job as a Hero, his magnum works well for that.
If he was a Black Ops Assassin then yeah he could use that to BTFO villains from miles away but he's not one yet, and shit hasn't hit the fan where daylight killings of Villains are necessary.

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>Endeavor isn't a major character.

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like 2 or 3.

It would though, because in the scenario these anons have setup, everything up until this point in canon would remain the same, except for Izuku suddenly, and magically gets turned into a girl. That would include the romance between Izuchako. How would Hori handle it?

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deku's admiration for bakugou would probably turn into a crush on bakugou, and ochaco would probably notice this and desperately try to hit on deku

as the number 5 hero she is filthy rich so she will pump out babies until her cunt dries out

>and the ability to cry acid
That sounds pretty neat actually.

Tododeku and Bakudeku fujos are retarded and need to accept that their ships would never happen in any universe.

Whori can still salvage this stupid manga by introducing hxh style complexity to quirk system and focus story on intrigue like in Yorknew arc and Death Note.
Also develop a god-like quirkless character to hyoe up endgame abilities and establish that even people with dumb quirks can become badass.

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I’m glad I lived to see Endeavor beat All Might in a popularity poll

So where is the connection?
In the ENGLISH connotations of the word "rewind"?


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So you're saying that Ochako's love for Deku would transcend her own heterosexuality?

>establish that even people with dumb quirks can become badass
we sort of got that with Gentle


did i mention you were downright stupid? because you are

Attached: stop.png (281x361, 83K)

A litter of rabbits is 6 on average.
A rabbit pregnancy lasts 1 months.
Assuming she settles down soon, let's say at age 30, and hits menopause at age 50, she'll have around 1440 kids.

>barren womb

In all honesty, Iida would likely be friendzoned. Todoroki though

we don't know if ochaco is bisexual

>not fertile

not him, but I mean her obsession with him is based out of how much she admires his drive to be a hero.

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>yuri shit


Actually considering Izuku's parents and their quirks, you'd probably have some sort of controllable chemical fire.

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You know, you've got a point.

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yuri is cute!

Attached: yuri.jpg (1002x900, 39K)

>Horikoshi: I make this manga more obvious and less opaque
>You: The Tape motif and the word rewind prove everything
You are retarded if you think Horikoshi is on your side here

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to me this screams more "double agent" than it does getting nomu'd.

It's not as stupid as having a tail or shooting tape.

This. She is only compatible to male nomus.

Deku is so Ochako would be left to take a trip to Thailand.

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Yuri is pure

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I wonder if we will get more info about their relationship in the new novel

thats only one part you disingenuous nigger
Why are such a faggot that I have to redirect you to old post constantly. Clearly you just want to twist and turn until you end up right.

Anyone notice how Shigaraki vomited last chapter? Another similarity to Ochako.

Attached: muscle chub.jpg (1920x1080, 349K)

Maybe because he's not taking his readers for retards?


>mfw I just realized a common predator of rabbits is a hawk
HawksMiruko confirmed

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Vomit is a stretch, the only similar they have is all five (5) fingers must make contact for quirk activation.

I want something from the fucking manga
I already said that it would make sense. What more do you want? That is irrelevant unless I have any reason to believe Hori intended it.

Won't matter since no one here considers the LNs to be canon. despite the fact that hori says otherwise

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>this kills the fujos
based, redpilled, ship-pilled, and antifujo pilled

They aren’t.

>Maybe because he's not taking his readers for retards?
Except he is explaining stuff all the time

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>TFW the novel will confirm Mirio's love feelings for Eri and BTFO deniers
Can't wait lads

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where can I find the links to these LNs you speak of

Point to where any of that confirms the light novels as being canon, retard.


Ochako would be confused at first but would eventually be relieved because her romantic feelings towards Deku would abate and she would admire and gain strength from Deku as a female peer, allowing her to concentrate more firmly on her goals

>the novel will confirm
How are you not a fujo?

>you'll get to read about their everyday lives
>giving his explicit stamp of approval
but they are

Fallacy, a character's reaction is fundamentally different

Would bet money that snipe popped his fair share of villains back in his day
Bonus points if he was part of a villain termination death squad formed by NATO

Cute as fuck

But the novel is already out and Mirio was not mentioned at all?

Viz is releasing their translation of the first novel on their website I believe

>Wanting "OH, MY RUBBER NEN" asspulls
No thanks, this manga is already bad as it is.

Hori also has to approve merchandise, what's your point

Nah. She's dead. Stop posting this hetbait thot.

They aren’t. Nothing that happens in them gets referenced in the actual material. It’s meaningless fluff meant to sell the novels

What other thing is handled like Eri rewinding Nighteye with only a motif as evidence?

3 times nows

everyday until canon

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The novel will be released in May

Toga a best.

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I mean, it is already pretty clear but if it can dissipate doubts for the extremely dense readers out there then I welcome it.

There's a huge difference between the creator giving a merch team a list of guidelines to follow, and not only writing an excerpt stating that you approve of the content within a novel but also drawing art for it. They're canon.

I responded to every single word in that post
Let me do it again
>>tape motif
On Nighteye. Not on Eri. Otherwise the word rewinding is not enough evidence to point to a connection
Might as well claim Miruku is connected to Deku because of the Bunny motif.
>>everything being inline with her using her quirk on the person and the prediction being broken or not
Makes sense
Doesn't prove hori intended it.

>Bonus points if he was part of a villain termination death squad formed by NATO
I can't fucking wait for a spinoff or eventual decision by Hori in the manga to bring us to crountries outside of Japan.
The US, EU, Russia, and Australia would be nice to see and even Africa just so we can see how bad the quirk warlords are over there. Middle East would be megafucked too.

Attached: DOOM.jpg (342x365, 37K)

you argue exactly like fujos

>Hori approved of CD dramas that had Shoto and Bakugo getting raped
You have to be retarded if you think everything is canon because he said its ok to publish

Whatever floats you boat

as if they was any doubt in the air of that

So Krumbs is only drawing Deku Mei because that makes Kacchaco okay, right?

what is this obsession with NATO or the UN when talk about mha outside of Japan gets brought up

Go back and reread my post retard



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Literally anyone else other than Deku would make this shit better. He only deserves to be keked.


So is it just me or do they look older here? Looks like Senior year to me

He also gave approvals to the CD dramas, do some research retard

No, they're not. He didn't write the content in the novels and he's drawn and written similar commentary for Smash and Vigs.
You're just a reaching Tumblr fujoshit who's trying to justify ship bait moments meant to be nothing more than fan service.

S5 of the anime looking good.

Attached: Endeavor_Missing_Eye.png (1920x1080, 2.38M)

Reread it again. This time slower so you can understand.

Show me evidence

Nah, Kacchako will always be the pairing that only delusional retards ship, just like NaruSaku.


If someone was promising me 10s of thousands of dollars to okay something I knew wasn't canon and apart of the my characters actual story I'd likely okay it too

>he thinks the LNs are filled with nothing but shipbait
that's where you're wrong bucko

that's beside the point

Its my ENTIRE point.

Have you read any LN? There's like zero shipshit in them.

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>Kacchan, please...

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>>he thinks the LNs are filled with nothing but shipbait
I don't, but I know that's the only real reason why you desperately want them to be canon. Now try refuting my point instead of flimsily dodging around it.


It isn't the same. Fujos take moments and try to twist them into something romantic.
I have something romantic and faggots try to twist it into something that isn't.


Exactly what? You are intentionally arguing something else?

Remember how people kept saying ghost girl wants Dekus dick or Ibara want Endeavor to fuck her because its in the novel and is canon?


Ghost knew a lot about Deku

All of them knew about Deku

No female wants or is attracted to Deku.

Attached: 1537037697329.jpg (1920x1080, 230K)


>Now try refuting my point instead of flimsily dodging around it
What point? You mean you're wrong opinion that I only care about the LNs because of shipbait? Ok, you're wrong. Happy?

Reminder Hunterfags didn't make it

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Yes. It’s canon though because the novels are canon.

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Does anyone even remember bleach at this point? It doesn’t seem like it made a lasting impact on the culture because not a single manga follows in it footsteps.

>No, they're not. He didn't write the content in the novels and he's drawn and written similar commentary for Smash and Vigs.
Stay retarded.

>being this dense
i'm mocking you user
in other words, it doesn't matter

Attached: 4161065098a49e7c9b6c07675609e874.jpg (409x974, 99K)

Actually Deku's design makes him very popular with girl IRL.

Not really

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Post a link that states this is canon

No they aren't you dumb fujoshit

Deku is fucking ugly

>makes clear smash is a gag manga and nothing more than that
and what about vigs? Are you implying it isn't canon?

>i'm mocking you user
I really don't care.

What is that from?
Is there new show about shonen protags teaming up?

Can't wait for the second movie

Attached: Toxic.png (365x464, 154K)

>literal who Twitter screencap

>Are you implying it isn't canon?
of course not

>Liking a money grubbing whore

The only girls that Bakugou is popular with are fujoshits.

well that is your issue. It is canon.

Is the second movie confirmed All Might's past after coming back to America and Fighting AfO?
The OVA sets up for it perfectly, with the first third being him training in the US, the middle being him coming back to Japan, and the last 20-30 minutes being him fighting AfO and winning but still getting gutted by him.

Attached: All Might Rising OVA Nana Shimura Death.webm (950x540, 2.99M)

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>Light Speed Reader

>It is canon.
Not written by Hori

Based retard. Why don't you prove it then?

i am a real female and i think deku is cute

So? as long as he gives the thumbs up and acknowledges it, is canon. Who knows better? You or him? don't be so arrogant.

Deku is literally the only boy that girls are canonically attracted to

There is zero logic in this post

>real female
femanons don't exist

Attached: magne.jpg (430x534, 56K)

>Mina is pissed because she's surrounded by cheating faggots
I hope she puts that gun to good use

prove it isn't

Pics or gtfo, given actual proven females find Deku unattractive and prefer Bakuchad

i don't like bakugou because he's mean to deku

>Decuckfags are so stupid they forget Todoroki's thing is that tons of girls are attracted to him but he doesn't care

>s long as he gives the thumbs up and acknowledges it, is canon.
Hori has no power to tell jump or bones not to do something
Simple question. Canonically what color is Midnight's Hero Suit?

Attached: 1554246118899.png (1536x1532, 1.17M)

>Camie, Toruu, Mina, and Pussycats have all expressed sexual/romantic interest in Todoroki
Nice bait

>So? as long as he gives the thumbs up and acknowledges it, is canon
So the rape scenes are also canon, good that we established that

>Not Todoroki, the one the majority of the class has shown an interest in
Dekushitter pls

>i am a real female
Not as far as your chromosomes go.

Ochakoraut posted her ass back in october around Halloween and then desuarchives/firden deleted it for obvious reasons, was probably a dudes ass since no tits were posted

>as long as he gives the thumbs up and acknowledges it, is canon.
Which it has already been said in this very thread that he has to greenlight everything related to his series in order for it to be made. If he didn't write it himself then it isn't canon.

self-inserters fuck off

I don't understand the point that's being made by this screencap

she'll just commit suicide.


Hori didnt write it

It is skin color, it is only white because of censorship but even then Horikoshi has thought of changing her design.


Post vagina.

A retarded fujo made it, that's why.

>decuck self-inserters getting triggered by facts and logic

He doesn't come out of his way to say the merch or drama CDs are canon.
He does that for the LN and vigs though, why is that?

So is the anime not canon?
Fine. What is Iida's eye color or Touya's hair color?

You do know that fujoshits are females, don't you user? You do also know that most yaoi contains Bakugou?

He never said its canon though

They weren't raped though.

i'm not a slut

>Dekushitter calling anybody else a self inserted
Lmafo. Not a single girl has shown interest in Deku besides the money hungry whore

You're stupid though

The anime is an adaptation. Changes of design don't matter, the overall story is still the same minus filler.
Still, Horikoshi has the final say in what he considers canon or not. And he thinks vigs and the LN are canon.

>He does that for the LN and vigs though
He never did, what the fuck are you talking about?

yeah i guess

Attached: sad.png (541x767, 543K)

>a retarded fujo made it
Did they? I thought it was an user angry over r63 shit

>LN is canon
>Still no proof that Hori said this is canon

You don't know the power of japanese twitter women

Attached: IMG_20190322_092703.jpg (585x551, 41K)

>speedreading the thread

It was too soon for her bros...

Attached: 20190402-230925.png (1017x688, 670K)

So if something in vigs or the anime or the LNs contradicts the manga which do you consider canon?

Not that user but most of the male characters don't have girls that are attracted to them. Only Todoroki and Deku canonically have girls that like them.

God I hate this stupid fucking haircut with a fiery passion

I know they like Bakugo more
And any vote for Bakugo is a vote for Deku suicide

Bakugou has an entire section of the class that are fanboys and fangirls

The Korean twitter women have been drawing a lot of husbando fanart of Deku and Todoroki too.

Depends on what Horikoshi has to say about it. Attack on titan's author made clear the anime was how he wanted to tell the story, and he made all the changes he wanted there.
Same could happen with Hori, some authors have that power.

>circular reasoning
>still no proof
Read the thread yourself faggot. Go through that reply chain and see where you end up.

He looks like he snorts semen and writes articles for Buzzfeed

Bakugou doesn't have any friends (besides Kirishima), never mind girls that actually find him attractive him universe.

>Written by not Hori

Attached: Not canon.png (571x95, 10K)

Go back and read the thread where that was first posted.

Manga is always canon king, so whatever the manga says is law. However, if Hori says something should be considered canon, that is the opinion from the creator himself, and it should be respected.

Nah, literally all Bakugou fans I've seen on twitter were all fujoshits.


Yes, and Hori has never explicitly stated that Vigilantes or LNs are canon.

Real females don't like Deku.
You said you're a real female.
Posting your vagina isn't slutty. It just proves that at least one real female out there likes Deku.

Only correct answer.
The LN and vigs is canon, he even illustrates for both for fuck's sake.

They don't hold a candle to the biggest dekufag, that girl who drew pic related and the most recent izuocha doujin

Attached: IMG_20190301_174416.jpg (1448x2048, 202K)

>you'll get to read about their everyday lives
How much more explicitly approved as canon can you get?

I actually don't care what Hori says. Jump owns him and he would say he is a monkey if they tell him to say it.
Han shot first.
Canon isn't flexible like you want it to be.
Its your pejorative to consider anything canon you want. The novels, the spinoffs or even fanfiction.
But at the end of the day if any of that contradicts the main manga the main manga will always win out.
And these debates are the only moment when canonicity matters.

When it comes to fiction with a lot of authors with similar claims to be the most important these debates are a lot more vague and considering what is canon
When it comes to this story there is really no real point to ever argue about the different levels of canon. Because the manga trumps all.

shut the fuck up you schizophrenic fujo

Not that user, but you're arguments are lacking.

Of the extra material doesn't contradict the manga, and Horikoshi himself promotes and illustrates some aspects of it, why wouldn't you consider it canon? They're just there to enhance Hori's story.

>he even illustrates for both for fuck's sake.
And he's illustrated artwork for merchandise too.

Because Hori didnt write them

>Of the extra material doesn't contradict the manga,
So could fanfiction

He was the most popular guy at his middle school.

>doesn't actually say that they're canon

Except his had direct input.


>why wouldn't you consider it canon?
Because anons get incredibly salty about the pointless shipbait that's inside of them. That's literally the only reason someone would get so angry and defensive about something so innocuous as SOL filler that's approved by the creator.

And that's exactly what the light novels are. They're filler works literally written for young children.

Does it say written by: Horikoshi?

Is it acknowledged by the author himself? There's the difference.

He never had a girlfriend in middle school, none of his middle school "friends" are still in contact with him either.

Bakugou didn't have friends he had followers who followed him because he was the big fish in his small pond.

And right now when he's in highshool Bakugou has zero friends.

The term "Canon" doesn't fucking exist in the japanese language as a word or a concept you gigantic retard. Shit in a series is either considered "official" or "unofficial". "Canon" is a western concept that has no bearing on Japanese content creators.

If he had direct input then he would have been cited as a coauthor.

>Canon isn't flexible like you want it to be.
>>Headcanon is equally valid as real canon unless the main canon categorically cancels it out
Fujos, everyone. Christ, that's the kind of horseshit I'd expect to hear from dumblr or devianshart.

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>There's the difference.
Not compared to the main manga. LNs and fanfiction are different when you compare them with each other but the manga trumps both equally

Not. When. One. Is. Official.

Are you retarded user?
I am categorically arguing against fujos and saying ONLY the manga is canon
None of the fujo stuff

>Not. When. One. Is. Official.
Doesn't matter. Compared to the manga the canon of "official" side stuff might as well be fan fiction.

Here's one

Attached: 1.jpg (1200x594, 223K)

>might as well be fanfiction
the only thing they have in common is that they're written stories. Nothing else.
The LN are canon simply because they're approved by Hori. Stop thinking you know better than him.

Yeah, and merch is also official. The only "canon" content is the actual manga itself.

The people who think the side stuff is canon
How do you imagine this process actually works?
Do you think hori reads a bunch of fanfiction and then approves it after reading it?
Or do you think Hori is told to write something for this product by his employer?

I can see him maybe meeting the author before. But no notes will go back and forth
Horikoshi's schedule is packed as shit as a weekly jump author. I guarantee he has not read any of the stuff with his seal completely.

>he thinks vigs isn't canon.
source or gtfo

Not that user, but mangaka almost never say whether or not a LN is canon or not. You just find if they ever cross reference it.

That's why Nips aren't hung up on the idea of "canon", because it's an exercise in futility.

>illustrations he made separately are put together for a cards game
How is that similar to him illustrating each story of the LNs or making several illustrations + concepts for vigs?

That is basically my point
I already said it doesn't matter with BnHA what you consider canon since the manga will always trump anything

>The LN are canon simply because they're approved by Hori.
so the drama CDs where Bakugo and Todoroki get molested by villains are canon too?

>the manga trumps all.
Pretty much this yeah, if the Mangaka/author didn't write take the content with as big a grain of salt as needed.

Attached: joestar_think.jpg (536x489, 30K)

You can't just pick and choose which illustrations are canon. You're just grasping at straws at this point.

He gives input

Caleb cook, the official viz translator for vigilantes and MHA states that its cannon:

"Since a lot of people probably aren't familiar, this is a spinoff series to My Hero Academia. It takes place 4+ years before the events of MHA (they say Izuku is in elementary school), and features cameos by Eraser Head, Midnight, Tsukauchi, Ingenium, etc. It's all canon."

He also goes on to say: Q:"Is there a concrete confirmation that it's canon or is the typical situation where the Spin-Off author meets with Kohei and asks "is this okay?"

A:"They talk about consulting with him a lot. Like actual discussions about what to use or not use. There won't be any discrepancies or plot holes."

Source for Calebs cooks

In addition to this, in the volume 2 afterword its stated that hori and Furuhashi have base rules for vigilantes. He must not introduce stronger villians than the manga is currently introducing, and he has to write a story that has consequences on the main manga.

In addition to that, hori often showers vigilantes with support, drawing the cast for every volume release and even talking about it and encourage people to read it on extra pages of MHA volumes.

Furuhashi has also been told the entire plot of MHA, in order to write a prequel spinoff better

>The LN are canon simply because they're approved by Hori
Who wants to be the first to tell him?

Attached: @@@@@@@@@@@.jpg (640x640, 39K)

I don't believe for a second Horikoshi even has the entire plot planned
Interviews like that are also very controlled
There simply aren't enough hours in a day for Horikoshi to read all the LNs and Spinoffs and give notes.

Drama CDs are gags. Nothing serious, hence nips don't take them seriously either. Besides, hori has never promoted them. Unlike vigs and the LN
It isn't the same. Those illustrations weren't made for the card game.
Horikoshi's other illustrations were made exclusively for the LN.

>He must not introduce stronger villians than the manga is currently introducing,
isn't there a villain in Vigilantes whose quirk is literally just The World?

Statements like that are just that. PR fucking statements.

>I don't believe
That is your issue. They're canon.

What I'm saying is that the argument is pointless, because mangaka rarely speak about canon.

Sometimes a mangaka can work on the novel and then change their mind on whether or not it's canon. That's why it's pointless to wonder what's canon and what isn't.

When does their canonicity ever matter? If they contradict the main manga then they aren't.
They are canon to you
Fanfiction is canon to others
I only care about the main manga and everything losing to that.

So are all of the illustrations he posts exclusively on his twitter canon now too?

This is how you prove that something is canon

Attached: Canon.png (561x70, 8K)

Fanfiction isn't acknowledged by the manga. If a random fanfic was illustrated and promoted by Hori, I'd consider it canon because he himself does.

canon matters for discussions
If we discuss if no girl is attracted to Deku other than ochaco then I don't care what the LNs say.

This. The only drama CD that was written by Horikoshi himself.

That is nice for you. But if either fanfiction or the officially approved stuff contradicts (WHICH IS THE ONLY MOMENT CANON EVER MATTERS) which will win out? The manga
its a straight pyramid of levels of canon. LNs will always beat fanfiction but the manga trumps everything.
The point of canon in a discussion is to settle dispute and get on a same level for discussion. For that purpose only the Manga is canon.

But neither you nor other user are a expert on that, because neither of you are Horikoshi.

>When does their canonicity ever matter?
It only matters to spergs who want/don't want official material to prove/dissprove ships and character interactions when arguing with other spergs. That's the only reason why anyone would ever truly care about something being "canon" or not.

Which is why the qualifier "written by Horikoshi" is a fair objective qualifier.

Which means at those moments you pit them against each other, right?
And since one always wins there is no different levels of canon
there is the manga
and everything else might as well be fanfiction.

But it doesn't matter, because Horikoshi could still decide that something not written by him is canon, and he could also decided that something written by him isn't. The entire argument is pointless.

Han shot first
What the author decides later doesn't matter. Death of the author and so on.

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>But it doesn't matter
I mean does any discussion about fiction really "matter"?

>What the author decides later doesn't matter
The author is literally "word of god" though, so it absolutely does matter.

If discussions don't matter to you then go back to Tumblr and drool over the LNs there.

Not if that god is completely under the control of other people like Jump
Jump is the word of god here.

Is reality fiction or is fiction reality? You're taking us down a rabbit hole that's way to meta for a thread about manga for Japanese teenage boys

your point was that canon arguments don't matter. I wanna know your criteria.
Seems like a small line between "this doesn't matter" and "if you don't think this matters a great deal then you should go away"

So whatever Jump says is canon?

They have the most control.

>your point was that canon arguments don't matter.
That was a different user, but here's my stance.
If you're going to discuss about the manga, using the LN as evidence isn't a valid argument since they were written by a different person rather than the creator himself. You have no definite way of proving that the events in the LNs also happened in the same setting as the manga, and because of that ambiguity you're better off omitting them from discussions entirely.

Except the upcoming novel is about the events that took place in the cultural festival.

we agree then

Fanfiction does that too. Unless the manga directly references something that only happened in the LNs you still have no proof.

























The fact that there are anons here who don't understand the term LN shit and unironically believe that the light novels are canon is proof that this place has become Reddit and Tumblr incarnate.

>because there is one loud retard, the enitre fucking place is the same as them
Shut the fuck up doomfag, you're arguably as bad as they are.

There were multiple people replying. Stop being dense.