At what point did you realize Hori was a fraud?
Boku no Hero Academia
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wahh he copied my spic culture wahhh :- (
You got it all wrong user, the spics are just cosplaying as UA students before the manga even existed.
>implying Shounenshit obsessed spics didn't steal the costumes from some cosplay shop
Yakuza arc.
>introduce huge plot point to make shit get real
>only characters affected were introduced literally 5 minutes prior to the arc
when 1 000 000% happened, but I still had some hope. Then came along WISHING POWER, followed by a joke youtuber arc for no reason that he didn't even finish in time and shipped rough sketches, and all that garbage got crowned by o my 7 quirks
Series never recovered from united states of smash
i want to bully deku and make him cry!
i want to apologize to him in private later, and then kiss him!
>Japan loves Mexico
This is a known fact. Koreans too.
Wishing energy
my sides
You guys are subhumans in the eyes of the japanese
I am still mad about that shit arc.
> brought us the shit that is Eri and the janitor/sunshine memes
> muh 100% loli backpack
> Overhaul had one of the strongest, most versatile and most useful Quirks in the whole universe besides Momos creation and yet he made it his goal to become public enemy number... 3 or something instead of becoming the worlds strongest Dr. Fuck Recovery Girl, Overhaul could heal literally every ailment
> zero consequences, was like a filler
What guys?
>koreans too
no they dont. they unironically love the bbc.
Damn my school had boring uniforms. Just white polos and jeans
It's shit.
The only time I have good enough grades to be on this shit (La escolta) my teacher ditch me out because she didn't want a guys only "escolta"
>Mi Escuela de Héroes ~desu
Mexicans but specially koreans
Stain Arc was when I first had my doubts, then it was confirmed in Yakuza arc
Why? The British Broadcasting Corporation is awful.
If BNHA had kinks instead of quirks, wherein quirklessness is akin to basic vanilla, what kink did All Might pass down to Deku?
if I have to suffer through this you have to, too.
Cute and canon
I approve
you're cute
Quirkless sex wouldn't be vanilla. It'd be extremely degenerate, like midget or retard porn.
I mean Mexico is one of Japan's oldest trade partners. Iirc the oldest one was Portugal.
My school's escolta was always female-only. Never understood why.
>You guys are subhumans in the eyes of the japanese
>this is somehow a prove
You are a delusional if you think normal japanese people know what a mexican is
Nips who larp as spics are a disgrace to all nips
I just need to know that someone else read this comment and was struck by the absolute retardation of it. Please.
>tfw no nip-cosplaying-as-a-Mexican gf
>literally posting reddit to make a point
>tfw no cute toga bf
there are subscultures for literally everything, everywhere, dumbass
that music literally just sounds korean
I wish them good wealth and many kids
Wanna continue the discussion about the hypotheticall quirkless god-like character? I enjoyed it a bit.
>Taking inspiration from something makes you a hack. Ecksu dee I am so smart. bnHA fags BtFo ~desu. Cringe. Basted and rojopilled bros le Ecksu dee.
>quirkless god-like
that's an oxymoron in this context i am afraid
but why not
Look closer faggot. That is not "inspiration" that is straight up copying. Requires zero creativity and is just lazy.
I know what you mean but have you heard of Bat-God?
Even so why do BnHAters need to go out of their way to make a thread every 15 minutes to shitpost and nitpick about every little thing they hate about the series? Imagine being this obsessed.
That explain why all the girls are so fat in the manga.
Wow, and people call Ochako fat.
>"old Mexican photo"
>clearly taken with a modern digital camera
>0 evidence that it wasn't taken after MHA got popular
trust me the feeling is mutual
Its dumb, but popular series get shitposted. its just Yea Forums. Also partially to blame is the fans who refuse to accept any criticism for the flaws the manga does have.
it doesn't count when it comes to chicano culture faggot
Let me be clear: in no way would I call this shit a masterpiece but nor does it need to be in order to be considered entertaining. You fags act as if there are only two extremes: 10/10 le epic kino and Reeeee!!! 0/10 it's a shit
Welcome to Yea Forums.
MHA is shit though lmao
Part of me feels sorry for making you miserable and wants to apologize and leave you alone but the other part cringes at your mental weakness and wants to bully you further. Honestly I'm a little confused now.
Nice concession.
>if you dont want little children running around and screeching at the top of their lungs that means you are mentally weak
You type like a twitternigger tbqhwy famallamadingdong
Fuck! You got me. How will I ever recover?
>Oh no a literal-fucking-who is going to make fun of me on a gooktoon basket weaving website. I'm triggered Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!1!1!!
newfags, you need to take a break.
mexico numero uno
Poor anons, gambate, I belive in you.
>if you don't act like you are underage that means you are a newfag
>ochako is based on a single frame of mako sleeping from klk. (Ep1 I think, her hair is spread out and her face is drawn round for comedy)
>Froppy is based on the swim club president from the fight club episode
>Rocket calves guy is just sanagayama, gamaguri, and computer nerd all combined into one character
>some of the costumes are downgraded versions of the final 4 deva goku uniforms.
>deku is a self insert loser
> A mangaka who nerds out about other things tries to copy them instead of working hard to do his own shit makes a manga about a kid who nerds out instead of working his ass off for his dream, only to copy another hero down to the costume once he got the power.
>Manga reads from silly face to silly face in one of the worst composition and story flow I've seen in any manga
>One for all and all for one is a saying meaning both statements should be true. One for all alone is communism. every single one works for the collective but no one wins. All for one is monarchy. One for all and all for one in the idea of a collective where both the whole and the individual is valued. if you break it apart and say one good and one is bad that's a complete lack of understanding of that statement and ends up being very stupid.
This piece of manga is an insult to life itself. that should've never been published
>"if you don't act like you are underage that means you are a newfag"
feeling the need to post this means you're a newfag
Look faggot, you are an underage newfag kiddie who thinks epic 4chinchin is about acting like a total retard. You are a newfag and you are unwanted.
>Everyone I disagree with is a newfag
Fuck this board and nuke it like Hiroshima.
Why are you so mean user-kun?!
We could just ban BnHA like Nardo
I want him here.
at least he didnt copy nazi uniforms. those are shit
Thank you user, you're a very cool guy!
You seem to like that website a whole lot, OP. Why don't you go back there
Ban all shounenshit or just move it to its own containment board I propose.
>>>/sho/ Lets make this a thing
Yea Forums would be a wasteland with moeshit and dead and finished seasonal manga
or generals
/ag/ - anime generals
What a gay way to format a post. Yikes!
Hey, newfag
no crossboarding
fuck off back to your hole