The Chunii show

I've never seen it and now that the season is shit, I have time to
Is it worth it? Should I watch it?

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Other urls found in this thread:



No because it isn't good either


Absolutely not. Nothing happens.


Because of Shinka.

and other than waifubait?

Yes. Kyoani's only good show.

Watch it for Rikka.

I recommend it a lot, but the problem (which I assume is why everyone is telling you not to watch it) is that the ending is fucking bad, one of the worst I've seen on the genre, so don't expect anything at the end of it. For the rest of the series I'd say it's a solid 8/10.

but the movie was great though.

I need at least 3 reasons

rikka's cute autism, dekomori and shinka's antics, and kumin-senpai.

8/10 is fucking trash by anime rating standards where every show gets at least a 6

ok I'm sold

Rikka is cute, watch it

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S1 is okay, S2 is pure trash, absolute trash, the best girl loses and the main couple doesn't really have any progress at all, it's fucking garbage


S1 is 8.5/10
S2 is 5/10
Movie is 9/10
Dont even try to dispute this

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Does kumin ever get hooked up with isshiki?
>found a torrent for S2
>file sizes for each ep is 160mbs
Are these even full episodes?

I thought tooka was best girl until she smacked the shit out of rikka and kicked her. Kinda laying the abuse on a little strong

Rikka is love

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Kumin is best girl don't @ me

Sleepy girls are god tier
I wish there was a name for this

S1 is good
S2 is pure garbage
Movie is good

you should watch it, it's a classic. don't listen to the newfags who say otherwise.

am i the only person on this board that enjoyed the entire show equally?

Fuck you guys, I liked the new chuuni with the fatter ass.
Don't >> me.

The first season is cutekino.
The second season is trash besides of a couple of moments like seing Rikka getting cucked and Deko-Shinka's relationship.
The movie is a really good romantic comedy.
To summarize I think it could've been better, but it was really cute and funny

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What does the candy in Deko's hair-bags taste like

Is one of kyoani's worst "romances", is not worth it except for a few scenes. Better watch Tamako market and its movie.

Nope. S2 was great. Only crossboarders like hate it.

It's mediocre apart from the animation.

>ntr bait
The main plot and love triangle were shit, the secondaries saved the season

>Isshiki never got a chance with Kumin
This makes me sad. He deserved better


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She was best girl with tooka until she became a bitch. Tooka is just abusive.
Kumin is real patrician taste

What did she mean by this

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Fuck Shichimiya, her entire character revolved around being a hindrance to the main couple's relationship. Still enjoyed S2 though, I don't think its as bad as everyone says it is.

Do people still use flip-phones in Japan?

>check the LN
>there's actually a 4th one
>it centers around Rikka suddenly become normal without any drama behind it
Would be fun to see it animated, but I bet it would end with the same shit anyway.

Dekomori is into some kinky stuff.

S2 was a very good slice of life comedy though. I'd give it 7.

Where can I find a chuuni gf

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It could have been an 8 if it wasn't for this useless drama forcing shitter

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Season 1’s episode 11 is garbage. There’s literally nothing wrong with having fun and being chuuni

Did you not watch the episode after that or something

It’s the episode I’m on

I want a drama forcing shitter with a big shitter of my own.


I downloaded the picture off another user what do you want from me you autismo

There's no good ending for the novel or anime, because she will have to grow up, and that's not fun or cute
I don't consume media for realism

I watch it because it's cute and funny

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growing up doesn't have to be a bad thing.
it just was for me because I'm unlucky and unloved

Well you’re lucky to reply to me user, because I love you. Platonically.

I want to lick her milky creamy skin so badly.

The movie redeemed season 2 for me

Season 1 is honestly really great
Season 2 is trash
The movie is all right

What’s the order to watch this in?
>s2 heartthrob

There's also some 'lite' episodes for both of the seasons that also features the best ED.

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There's a recap film between the seasons that has a few original scenes. Also, the numerous BD extras are worth a watch. I believe Rikka is still the Kyoani character with the most keyframes, due to the extensive length of the extras.

What would have happened if Yuta decided to go after her instead of the stupid retarded Rikka? it would have been so fucking kino to see a good NTR

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Theres the Rikka's pov thing to. Make sure you don't miss that.

Yeah thats right. You can also watch the first/last 10-15 minutes of the Rikka movie before S2, it has a little extra but not really much.

Rikka Thread? Rikka thread

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shes so perfect

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She was WAY better than braindead Rika, that's why most people hate S2, you can't bring such a good girl and make her lose like that.
Imagine Yuta mating pressing Satone while Rika is in the other room just screeching about some chuuny garbage.

"Yuta what's happening in there?! Why is Sato screaming like that? Are you guys being attacked by an evil magic force!?".
"Doesn't the retard never shut up..?..Uhg..yeaah Rika it's terrible, go hide somewhere or it will catch you"

That's how it should have ended.

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Your taste is bad and you should be ashamed.

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Watch it, but beware of the Demon King's horrific face,

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Never ever

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He gets more or less raped by a man, but likes it.

more like cum in senpai

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Not him but it's a bait image.

Is this peak Kyoani?
Why is their animation so good?

First season is fun.

Second season is shit. Apparently the movie is good, havent seen it because the second season was so bad it turned me off of the series completely.


Watch the first season then nothing else. The first season is a really cute romance, with the male MC helping the female MC overcome some trauma and them falling in love.

The second season is just typical romcom shit. They add a second girl and try the "WILL THEY/WON'T THEY?" despite the first season already establishing the main couple. It's a waste of time.

Girls with autism make for great animation subjects

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>In the LN the bro is teased with Shinka
>In the anime he's treated like a joke before being pushed off the screen, only reappearing to be humiliated even more
>He's replaced by some annoying character whose only purpose is to screech out drama and get into le funny yuribait situations

Fucking Kyonai.

At least watch the movie though, it concluded the series quite nicely

Just watch it all.

I'm pretty sure it's their fat asses that makes them enjoyable to draw

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>will never be able to draw cute chuunis doing chuuni things

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Chuunis with BUTTS

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What's with the Rikkas and their fat bottom?

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>will never have a cute autism chuuni gf to bully and cuddle with

itai yo

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would you a chuuni?

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>you will never draw anything that doesn't make you want to poke out your eyes with your pencil when you see your finished piece of "art"
It hurts

Her sister is fucking god tier

Too bad she married a guido

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What's with Yutas and their Rikkas?

Wait yeah holy shit. What's happening there. Kind of weird both pairings have the same names.

and both Rikkas have a last name starting with Taka

It's a cute slice-of-life comedy with some romance and drama mixed in. The first season is highly recommended as both Yea Forums and the Japanese loved it. The second season isn't that great, but the movie is pretty good.

I wish I was a Yuta

>”who can decide what’s ‘normal’?”
>’whoa that’s deep.’
>”No, you’re just shallow.”
Talk about getting BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

i normally dont like cutesy anime but i saw a short clip that looked really well animated and decided to watch the first season.
turned out to be one of the fucking cutest things ive ever seen in my life and its just comfy and heart warming.
its also kinda funny and cringe in a good way. season two and the film arent all that but youll probably just want to watch it if you get invested just to see how the story ends. but i reccomend watching season 1 at least

This show frustrated me. It comes THIS close to actually being meaningfull, has the character go apeshit about being delusional, and then in the end it cops out and goes 'lol being a chuuni is ok I guess XP'. Like thanks for wasting my time.

Rikka ass

She farts and poops from it! Cute!!

It is actually

Gross, you really think she does that?!

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I was being unironic. I'm obsessed with girl butts and everything about them, including Rikka's.

My brother

What else is Chuunicore?

You only realized it just now?

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Aura: Maryuuin Kouga Saigo no Tatakai

Pretty much chuuni if everyone hated Rikka. Its an hour long movie so its not bad

Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de maybe.

S2 had maybe one good episode, as far as I remember. The rest was all forgettable to trash.

S1 was great though.

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She didn't deserve the suffering.

Schichimiya really ruins S2. If had just been antics with Rikka growing up a little it would have been better, the NTR bait serves no purpose.

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It's easy to blame her for everything, but most of the rest of S2 was bad, even when she wasn't involved.

I honestly really liked her. And they probably could've involved her in a way without the suffering. But my issue with S2 had more to do with Rikka regressing to the same autist she was at the start of S1.

Oyasumi Rikka

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This, S2 has no progress at all, the relationship between Rika and Yuta should have been developed as it was developed in the movie, at the end of S2 it feels they are in the same place as the end of S1, besides Shichimiya was presented as a really best girl, it was his childhood friend and everything, so the only reason for S2 to exist is to make a good girl suffer, because there's nothing else in it, it's trash.

Somebody recommend another romance anime like this, focused on one girl, without love triangles and shit like that

>without love triangles

Watch it for the Yuri. You can safely skip all the Rikka scenes and not miss much.

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faggot go back to /u/ shinka is all bout the dick retard

rape Touka
marry deko
fuck Shinka
befriend Kumin
ignore Rikka

Horrible taste, as is the case with yurifags. Deko and Rikka's relationship is literally a joke that amounts to "lol they might be lesbians?!?!?". There is no depth or emotion to be found in their relationship.

As most have said, watch season 1 which is a cute love story, then you can safely skip season 2 as it adds nothing to what season 1 built on.
I haven't watched the movie.

Don't bother. It's autistic garbage.

no it;s not. It is a good show and multipurpose. You can watch it for the drama; cuteness and fap material

I need a half decent romance anime / anime movie with a good ending. Any recommendations?

I'd rather not. I don't want to watch the bird butt-sucking scene again.

The drama sucks, cuteness is overshadowed by annoyances, and no fap material outside of few Shinka shots here and there.

boku no pico

for you maybe

Yea Forums's obsession with boku no meme is laughable.

already watched

it's the default answer, the boku no cartel is behind it, whatever answer i put in, it will be edited to boku no pico


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i found the first season fun, but the second one is just more of the same and it gets old, plus the romance just doesn't advance.

this is a folded chair

I guess I shouldn't have expected people to get the reference. Figured bringing up the hairclip would have people arguing like old times in the original threads.

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i am not an oldfag and i dont plan to be one