Why do so many mangas end with nearly every previous villain turning good?

Why do so many mangas end with nearly every previous villain turning good?

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Why do you read battle shounen? Why do you think every plural has an "s" at the end?

Because you're a child who needs evil.

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What's with NNT villains?
Gillthunder was only pretending to be evil
Hendrickson was being mind controlled or something
Dreyfus was possessed
Mael was mindfucked

My bad, it's mangae right?

Aizen didn't turn good, he just did what was needed, and every other villain minus Grimmjow died.

>possession when you have a Digimon ready to go


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Precisely. The author already made an interesting villain, so they re-use them because they can't think of any new ideas.

Wait, what the hell is Langstrom effect?

Because hope and reusing characters.

All copying the GOAT.

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I would love to know why you included RuroKen in that image

>Previous villain turned good

I'm sorry, but wut?

>Grand Fisher was cut down

>Byakuya was the only antagonist who was turned

>Grimmjow still wants to beat Ichigo and stated . they aren't friends or anything like that

>Aizen went back to Muken to serve his 20,000 year sentence

>Ginjou and Tsukashima were both killed off

>Juha Bach was cut in half and his body is used as the new Reio

I don't know what you were smoking but that ain't it chief

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There was Renji....

Ginjou and Tsukishima helped Ichigo in last arc though..

>Grimmjow still wants to beat Ichigo and stated . they aren't friends or anything like that
>Aizen went back to Muken to serve his 20,000 year sentence
>Ginjou and Tsukashima were both killed off

Vegeta also just wants to beat Goku and Orochimaru is on house arrest, but they still stopped being villains the moment they helped the protagonist win againt the even bigger villain.

>major antagonist
What arc was he the main antagonist in? Because Byakuya was the main antagonist of Soul Society arc

They said they were paying back what they owed Ichigo and nothing more. This isn't Naruto where there was a speech no jutsu followed by "Oh I'm now miraculously a good guy!"

The only time that happened main antagonist wise was with Byakuya

Didn't turn into a good guy till Buu arc. Throughout the Android Saga he was a duetagonist

Antagoinst who got speech no jutsu'd

Grimmjow is at best a Deutagonist like Vegeta in the Android Arc.

Vegeta only wants to win against goku in a wrestling match, that's not really evil.

>they aren't friends or anything like that
Rivals are allies too, idiot.

It's generally because they are afraid to have the protagonist kill because of the moral message they are attempting to tell or because the villains are popular characters and they don't want to risk a popularity hit by killing them. There are exceptions of course like Hokuto no Ken or Kimetsu no Yaiba where everybody gets the rope because Buddhism.

Dragon Ball didn't.
Boo turned into a Nigger in the end.

ginjou and tsukashima are still alive im pretty sure

This is the problem when you write by popularity poll

>lose WWII and become the USA's best friend
>able to forget the sins of the past and move on


Uub was a Pajeet, not a nigger. Pajeets are our allies.

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