Kubo new project confirmed Sakura Wars

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we alread know, why make another thread

No one cares

>implying it was going to bleach related or even worse a shitty strike the witch manga



>Believe it's a reboot of the original
>Turns out they gave kubo the reins after the point where the original ends
Apparently the developers actually used some of the ideas kubo pitched to them while doing the designs so that could turn out to be interesting.

I thought he was only doing the designs. Do you have a source?

A thread on Yea Forums had translated excerpts of an interview with the director on how the game came to be. Hunt down a thread and it'll probably show up.

Always happy to see more Kubo art.

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based, now it makes sense why its advertised here

The designs are lazy sad

(You)r attemp at bait is lazy. Sad

If you think its bait why did you respond? They are lazy designs

>why did you respond?
Out of pity

You pity yourself?

Delusional Bleachtards btfo again

It's okay Yea Forums you can be off the hook for this one. You can stop pretending that you all know what you're talking about or are up to date on. I guess we can add linear time to a list of concepts that what passes for the anime fanbase no longer understands as well.


>What the fuck do I even mean by this?
>Fuck if I know I'm just template posting my dudes

Rent free

Seriously though I want this guy to tell all the supposed Bleach fans that are just all around us apparently what their delusions are here and what that has to do with Sakura Taisen? Like just to see the level of effort that gets put into rationalization alone which realistically probably just takes the format of an effort post using some established meme response followed by "BTFO".

Why is it anytime Yea Forums recognizes a Japanese name of any kind attached to literally any project the dumbest posting humanly possible is sure to ensue?

Honestly Yea Forums kind of deserves everyone's pity even if it doesn't realize it.

did I hurt your feelings when your delusions shattered?

He fell for the bait threads saying the anime will return. And instead of continuing with his life he has to shitpost at every opportunity.

I just can barely get over how fundamentally stupid the online anime fanbase is these days. Like it really does just take the cake outright and it's not like there isn't any strong competition for dumbest most astonishingly ignorant online fanbase. Like by all right Sonic The Hedgehog or League of Legends or My Little Pony or something along those lines should probably take it by sheer volume, scope and specific nature of the obsession, but nope, anime's.

I'm in

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Sounds plausible. See also . If people in this fanbase weren't dumb as absolute fucking shit on average, capable of any thinking and rationalization at all, and didn't just read whatever and immediately launch into the posting the first shitpost that came to mind (which usually are so obvious as to write themselves)....well that'd be an alternate reality fantasy wouldn't it? Like I was pretty dumb when I was younger too and maybe a little more into anime and it's various sub cultures in general than I am now, but not quite likes this.

People also try to make the dumbest whatever arguments out of literally nothing too. Like I'm not sure what this person seems to be going for, but some guy that wrote a manga that ended working on a really popular and celebrated (at least in Japan and Asia) franchise like Sakura Taisen BTFOing whoever the fuck draws a collective blank overall. To understand the significance and importance of Sakura Taisen, particularly to the people that grew up in the era when it was at it's peak requires being able to rationalize a thought or two and maybe appreciate a concept that isn't just taken supposedly at somebody else's expense though, real or imagined. Essentially well beyond the capacity of 99.9% of Yea Forums.

Anyway the rest of this thread is just set up for people yelling and saying shit at each other probably about Bleach cause that's the thing they bothered to know regarding the name Tite Kubo when they were maybe still interested in learning and knowing about stuff in general. I really wonder what it is about modern anime fandom that seems to close so many people off from ever like progressing in any conceivable form taste, knowledge or lifestyle wise. Kind of just glad I got into it, but also more or less out of it at the times I did and got to experience the anime sub-culture before the internet and social media made it so profoundly stupid.

>fullbody stocking