How do we fix Darkness? Why doesn't anyone like her?

How do we fix Darkness? Why doesn't anyone like her?

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Because she's a one-trick pony and jokes about her masochism and degenerate fantasies got stale almost immediately.

She doesn't really commit to her fetish, which just comes across as half-assed and lazy. Big talk, no action. It's lame.

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>one-trick pony
You can say the same shit about Aqua and Megumin.
>muh stupid fat ass
>muh chunibyo loli

I like her. Her antics were the only few times I actually laughed out loud in Konosuba. Its a funny show throughout but her scenes where she had that mask on made me laugh hysterically which never happens with anime.

She's my favorite probably, at least tied with Megumin

She’s boring and the art style doesn’t lend itself to fap material

And I say this has a horny sadist

>the art style doesn’t lend itself to fap material
Blame Deen for that you homofag

If only she were more like Panty and just took what she desired. Shit doesn't even necessarily need to be shown on screen. But the implications should be there, which alone would offer plenty of opportunity for great humor (i.e. the ambiguity). Too bad japs can't write for shit.

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Aqua's stupidity gives her a lot of comedic versatility. Megumin is a poorfag, an insecure flatty, a chuuni, a bully, a cat owner, AND an explosion maniac. Both of them can be used in all kinds of situations and have good chemistry with other characters. Darkness is really just two things: a noble, a masochist, and they don't even really work well together and her two "sides" almost come across as two seperate characters. She isn't funny or likeable. Side characters like Eris and Yunyun get more attention from fans.


Everything about Konosuba got stale almost immediately. Every character was introduced to support two or three running gags and then burn out. You can already feel the fatigue in season 2 and I've heard the LNs get predictably more mediocre as they go on, barring some new character introductions. At least the whole mess is a fucking magnet for doujin ideas

>1st hahaha look she likes to be hurt
>2nd time haha look she likes to be hurt
>1484th times haha look she likes to be hurt

Thicc Darkness is for lewd purposes

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>She isn't funny or likeable
Eh, says you. I think she still had a lot that could be done, but I think jap/weeb taste is largely responsible. Audience and writers just aren't into hardcore sub girls.

>fat and soft
>skinny supermodel
>fan art
>body builder
Just make her toned and athletic for fuck sakes

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She isn't fat in the anime her tits are just really weird because Deen.

Fuck Deen.

>"Hard bodied"
Yes hello where the abs

Darkness is the best girl.
This has always been true.

However only men of culture can realise this fact.

It disheartens me how many faggots like you are still on this board. What do you like about rubbing your dick against a rock face?

Eris is best girl.

Aqua is best bro, weirdly.

Darkness is best party member. Having a stone wall that can tank anything, even if it can't draw aggro for shit on grounds of missing literally everything, is more useful than a DPS only good for one shot. Plus, Darkness has noble connections which are good in non-combat situations.

This is more or less it, she plays at being a huge pervert, but all she does is orbit kazuma without ever moving forward on her on, it would be actually be refreshing if instead of being harem girl number 3 who forever waits for the indecisive mc, she actually went on her own and got some dick since kazuma is not giving her any.
That's not to say kazuma is indecisive all the time, but the author already showed he favors kazuma vs megumin, so unless darkness goes super aggressive to try and win kazuma, there is not much her character can do aside from masochistic jokes.

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i hope she finds happiness in some troll maze

Kazuma already made his mind about Megumin. Or at least he is closest to her.

Aqua was never a reality.

>Megumin is a insecure flatty poorfag cat owner
It is true.

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>konosuba ends with darkness bringing orcs back from extinction by becoming a breeding cow

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I like dorkness

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