Dragon Ball Super

>p-please Gokusama, let me fight you again someday, I swear I will defeat you next time
Why is jobren so pathetic? He can't even beat unfused Goku

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's time

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because he fought a stronger opponent than a fused goku

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Stop posting dog

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He must be bluffing.
I mean what would that make him?
Double ascended?


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DBM is

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>Calling another guy glorious
Pretty gay there Vegeta.

>Goku's raw power with hax movements
>stronger than Goku's raw power plus Vegeta's raw power combined and boosted
Jobren would job to any SS fusion of Goku

>being a Panshitter when you have a wealth of actual quality waifus

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Say what you want about the Buu-arc as a whole but this is and always will be in the top 3 of the most kino moments in this series

>Goku comes back with some new transformation and makes the act of stalling cool as shit
It's the best

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God I wish this was an anime. These faggots should be funded somehow, that way I wouldn't need to wait my whole life for the completion of a fanmanga.

>being a hagshitter when you have a number of actual quality lolis

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Goku in his SS4 form doesn’t ask Bejita-sama to kiss his wife, he does it himself.

Also, apologize etc.

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Okay, im posting this on r/dbz

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One day they'll find those files user. Your family and everyone will know of your degeneracy.



who knew Erdrick was jewish

apologize right now /dbs/
say sorry

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haha that was funny

user... it's the anime comic. Do you really expected a new anime series to be called DBS BROLY?

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Just because you live with your parents and spend your time terrified that they'll kick you out as soon as they get an excuse, doesn't mean everyone else is like that too.

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Wrong translation. It's the Broly anime comic, which was announced some time ago.

That doesn't make any sense. Don't post this nonsense here

The inner cover is SSB Vegeta's from that DBS BR poster with the new aura and battle damage (in UI Goku's place) fighting Jobren

Attached: DBS volume 9 cover inner.jpg (858x1200, 191K)


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Toyos Broly officially goes shirtless

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The back cover is Lapis and Freeza

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>anime comic
Sounds interesting.

Reekdom101. As soon as you hear this cunts voice, you can instantly picture him. A gelatinous, mongrel spic, almost a bastardised joke on the human form made physical. He literally looks like propaganda against racemixing from the 1800s. This dumb, ugly fucking beaner is constantly incorrect about predictions, pirating the anime and manga (then whining when he gets caught) or else jerking himself off over twitter. He genuinely thinks he’s a big shot, you are literally some fat fucking spic who talks about anime to a fanbase of 10 year olds. You are fucking nothing. Fat fucking monkey retard

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literally wet as fuck rn

Trunks (Future): Where is this…
Mai: Trunks!!
Trunks: Mai! Are you alright?
Mai: Yeah! Somehow.
Fuu: (Thoughts) The current state of the Dragon Balls… Goku has one, Trunks has two, Ozotto has two, and Cumber has two…
It seems all the actors have been assembled. This feels like the climax of the “Prison Planet!” ~ It’s show time!
Goku (CC): This ki…
Cumber: You guys… Hand over the Dragon Ball! Otherwise I’ll make you disappear right here…!
Mai: This man also has Dragon Balls!
Cumber: Do you bastards also want my Dragon Balls? Then you’ll have to defeat me and steal it. (Transforms into SSJ.)
Now, come at me!
Goku: (Transforms into SSB with Kaio-Ken aura.) Alright… Let’s do this!
(Battle commences.)
(After battle.)
Fuu: Awesome, awesome! This will also turn into lots of energy!
Trunks: What do you mean?
Fuu: When you guys fight warriors from various timelines and worlds, a rift in history is generated.
From this rift I can gather huge amounts of limitless energy!
But I won’t tell you what I’ll use the energy for~
SSJ Cumber: You guys are all Saiyans, aren’t you. Why don’t you have tails? Have you casted away your Saiyan pride?
Vegeta (CC): I haven’t casted away my Saiyan pride! A tail has absolutely nothing to do with it!
SSJ Cumber: Hmph, what pride does an insect like you have anyway? I’ll show you then, I’ll show you the pride of a Saiyan!
(Creates a bright ball of energy.)
Burst, and mix. (Transforms into a Golden Great Ape.)
Cumber (Golden Great Ape): Now, come at me…!


*SSBKKx20 Goku forces Cumber to golden Oozaru

>faps to 10yo's
>"I...I bet you still live with your parents, hahaha..."
enjoy life in prison

Yes, and? We know already


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If gohan is absorbed I'm quitting the manga

There's still another one around. This would only make things more interesting and less one-sided.

Vegeta (CC): Impossible… He’s bigger than any other Great Ape I know…
Fuu: That’s so awesome, Cumber-chan! I’d also like to join!
Majin Ozotto: You guys! He’s coming!
(Battle commences. Vs. Fuu and Golden Great Ape Cumber.)
(After battle.)
Majin Ozotto: Great Ape Cumber... I didn't think he would be this much trouble.
Fu: Cumber-chan, stop! …Hm? The Prison Planet...!
Goku (CC): W-what!? The planet’s starting to collapse!
Fuu: Oi, don’t destroy it. You’re overdoing it, Cumber.
Well then, here’s an experiment. A Saiyan becomes a Great Ape by being exposed to the Blutz waves that come from a moon...
(Fuu transforms into Super Fuu.)
Super Fuu: And so, what would happen if he was hit by an out-of-phase wave to cancel the Blutz waves?

Mix, and implode.
Golden Great Ape Cumber: GAAAAAA!
(Reverts back to base.)
Cumber (base): Hmph, so an ability like that exists, huh. I’ll give you every bit of credit for being able to stop my Great Ape form.
Trunks (Future): That Great Ape stopped rampaging, but... the Prison Planet still looks like it's about to collapse!
Vegeta: Let's defeat him immediately and escape using the Dragon Balls!
Cumber: Playtime is over. Entertain me until the end.
(Table appears listing current characters holding the Dragon Balls in the Prison Planet. Narrator explains the teams, the status of the Dragon Balls, and the current state of affairs of the characters in the Prison Planet. Goku and Trunks’ teams (now combined into a single party) are squaring off against Cumber for the Dragon Balls. Majin Ozotto is still neutral. Also, one of the ??? characters in table shown at the end of UM3 is Hatchiyack, who is now eliminated.)
(Video cutscene.)
(A pillar of black aura surrounds Cumber. Then a flash of light. SSJ3 Cumber is shown.)
SSB Goku: This ki... could it be…?!
Caption: To be continued.
*Super Fu 1hko Cumber

Is it the first time you hear about an anime comic? The other DB movies have anime comics too, I even have BoG and RoF's anime comics myself

Battle commences. Vs. Fuu and SSJ Cumber. Video skips to after battle.)
SSJ4 Vegeta (Xeno): This guy is equal… to us, two Super Saiyan 4’s?!
SSJ Cumber: Equal? Don’t make me laugh! (Transforms into SSJ3.)
Come! I still haven’t cut loose!
(Video skips to new mission.)
SSJ4 Goku (Xeno): Things are starting to look kinda bad for us…
SSJ4 Vegeta (Xeno): We got no choice, we need to take care of this guy right now!
(Goku (Xeno) and Vegeta (Xeno) fuse to become SSJ4 Vegetto (Xeno).)
SSJ4 Vegetto (Xeno): I’ll bring out an enormous power the likes of which you’ve never felt before…
(Battle commences. Vs. SSJ3 Cumber. SSJ4 Vegetto (Xeno) is provided as support.)
SSJ4 Vegeta (Xeno): Tch, the fusion’s run out. Kakarot, did we do it?
SSJ4 Goku (Xeno): Seems like it. The only energy left here…
(Planet chains break off even further.)
Fuu: Are the Prison Planet’s seals getting looser…?!
Now you’ve done it. First you destroy my lab, then you ruin my plans! (Transforms into Super Fuu.)
I’ll punish you for this…

*Official confirmation that SS Cumber is equal to 2 SS4s

Enjoy living in a shit third world country where you get sent to jail over drawings.
Also enjoy your dad's belt.

>Cumber fight
In the game (not the promotional anime or manga) Vegetto proves himself the strongest in that fight.
Cumber uses a 10% of his full power (SS without Ozaru), while Vegetto uses only a 5% (SSB without Kaioken) and he absolutelly humiliates Cumber and makes him retreat later when the fusion is undone.
SS Cumber

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>this is the only time Gogeta will ever show up in the manga

Why is cabba so cool?

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Yeah it's the first time I've heard about it.

I've been wondering this for a while now, do characters like Mira, Towa, 21 and Bojack belong to other people and companies? They were all designed by Toriyama but that's as far as it goes with them,right?

>both get hit and sent away in opposite directions
>get eliminated in one direction

As expected Toyo's style Broly isn't a fucking giant like Shintani's style Broly, just like happened with Toyo's Kale compared to Yamamuro's Kale

Attached: Kale size.png (5300x924, 1.94M)

What the fuck is that supposed to mean, a retelling of the movie in comic format?

>Cabba acting out of character
>Next episode treats this scene like it never even happened

God what the hell was going on in the anime production during this its no wonder they aren't eager to restart the product, too many cooks in the kitchen this isn't studio parrot who have for all intent and purpose hijacked the Naruto ip into their own story since part 1

Nope, it's literally the same exact thing but divided into panels like a manga (comic), no more no less.

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Because he's just like vegeta.

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>SSJ4 Vegeta (Xeno): This guy is equal… to us, two Super Saiyan 4’s?!
Jobren's not even strong enough to take on 2 basic ssblues after his arc kek

So SSFP in the manga still has yellow hair?

Never act on your sick urges user. The guys in prison will tear you another asshole when they hear what you're in for


Ah ok, any possibility they add text from the novelization?

Who's his Piccolo?

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>thin stick-figure
>nice guy nature
>needs to be tought basic shit
>no royal blood
>to beta to claim cauliflas or Kales ass
I fail to see the similarities

fucking awful

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I fail to see the problem in this picture? Dragon Ball has retarded and/or edgy fans, what's new with that?

Pretty sure they would never add text that wasn't in the movie but who knows, I don't think other movies had novels like DBS BR so maybe they will do it this time

>less one sided
if he's absorbed it's gonna be one sided
if he isn't same
anyway it's gonna end up the same since cell is dead


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That's probably the realistic amount of damage a person of Nappas level would take after being punched by an enraged Mystic-Gohan. That faggot isn't entirely wrong you know.

>anyway it's gonna end up the same since cell is dead
I wouldn't count on that, his whole thing in this tournament was leveling up after taking damage. He might be back soon


>toei hyped up Nigrissi for nothing

>I fail
I'm sure you're quite used to it.


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>Toyo added Gohan
Y-You can't laugh anymore GOHANHATERS, HA.. HA..!!

It's time.

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huh bejita sama... looks like I can kiss my wife without any help... maybe Burma san can also get a quick kiss on the lips from me...

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>we will never reach the post-End of Z arc

Nice comeback you failed abortion, next time maybe try elaborating your brain farts. If you fail to do that don't write them down in the first place since Cabba being like Vegeta makes no fucking sense no matter how you look at it.


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It's called GT

Because they know Vegeturds will meltdown when pic related happens

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tuffles and old mai never happened

>implying they won't retcon that out

Based and SS4PILLED.

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Reminder that this is CHADhan's ultimate form. /ourguy/ is a Kamen Rider.

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next time on dragon ball supper happy happy fun time broku fights brolly because reasons

Probably because his name is a racial slur and they wanted to get their kicks in.

Pretty sure it's Trunks in that suit. Sounds like him anyways.

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The best broly design still

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Post more of Toyo's "Homages" Bros

I'll start

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Cabba IS vegeta, cope.

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Wheres his face scar?

Based Toyotaro
Amazing art

>no visual hint nor dialogue indicating Kale's hair changing colors when she went full power as SS
>non full power SS Broly has been colored by Toyotaro as yellow
>non full power SS Broly and full power SS Broly both have yellow hair in Toriyama's art too
Yes, green hair is just a marketing choice because the fandom is used to green hair representing Broly but in Toriyama's mind legendary saiyans just have black hair (base) or yellow (SS), just like any other saiyan

Based and truthpilled

>No naked Bulma butt or actual not E rated female fanservice.
>No naked shota dick like the original and GT.
>No blood and actual violence like Frieza torturing Krillin,even GT had blood.
>Shitty bright Telletubie-esque colors.
>Le Pilaf gang and nu Broly reformed.
How can any non mentally challenged human enjoy Super is beyond me.

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Grow up


Kneel before me, dogly

R8 my predictions for El Cabron arc

>moro manages to get all dragonballs
>dragon tells him that restoring such kind of magical power is beyond even his power
>moro wish will be telling him how to restore his magical power
>porunga tells him about super dragon and he leaves namek to gather super dragonballs
>eventually he gets on beerus radar because he drains quite a lot of worlds from life while gathering super dragonballs
>beerus arrive before moro can summon dragon and they fight
>beerus is kicking his ass at first, but moro focusing on just dodging his hakai's and he is very hard to kill otherwise because all the life energy
>eventually moro gets upper hand because he was passively draining beerus energy while they were fighting
>he gets beerus to tell him how to summon super dragon and it grants him his wish
>moro thinks he is hot stuff now since even hakai don't work on him anymore and decides to visit zeno
>grand priest tells him to fuck off, completely seals away his magic and sends him back to u7 where he gets beat up by ui goku and then beerus finish him off with hakai

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>Gokek and bejita saved by gods again
No thanks

But that's not Gohan, faggot, it's another character (hence "Great Saiyaman 3", not just "Great Saiyaman") and considering its role, voice and sword skills he's probably just Trunsk Xeno

Moro will just wish whichever enemy is stronger than him back in time to face him when he was at his prime

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>unironically trying to predict DB
No thanks I already know you are wrong

"Phew, you're tougher than Toppo! Sorry, but this is the end."


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>Phew, you're tougher than Toppo! Sorry, but this is the end."
Really!? Damn Toppo is stronger than Jobren now!

You just made me realize that single extra page has more blood and visible injuries that the entire movie. Just thinking about how will they butcher Molo arc makes me feel depressed

>kefla and jiren weak
>nodiccolo chad
>UI omen strong

The fuck is this gay shit?

From google translate: "I'm sorry, but I'm sorry I will let you omit the story that you fought"

If you actually pay attention there's no blood, even the fan coloring added a string of blood dripping from Broly's mouth, but in the original Broly's face is clean.

>>kekfla and jobren weak
>>CHADiccolo is a Chad
>UI Omen stronger than Vegito Blue

Is it true that Sean Schemmel had a meltdown because someone called him a beta?


>hurr durr UI omen > Giran



>want to talk about dragon ball super
>instead the thread is all some shitty card game spics wont shut the fuck up about
>sometimes if we're lucky to talk about a commercial for the game

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Shut the fuck up spic


Wait you don't filter DBH and GT retards?

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Nothing is stopping you from talking about instead of being a complaining faggot


Yes, it's true.

Fight you? No, I want to kill you.

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>"Sorry but we aren't covering the story of our fight, Broly"


Are you fucking blind? Look at his arm, leg and pecs, he's injured and bleding

Reminder this Gohan is actually weaker than the other Gohan because he never had to deal with controlling Vegito's Bra.

Best boi

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Yeah, and Super Perfect Majin Cell can easily cut two Piccolos in half like hot knife in butter but can't break Videl because her body is so durable.
Totally coherent.

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Enter CHADren

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Rabbits are infested with venereal diseases.

Thread and series ruined


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the american version of this moment is better than the original version, fight ne

Why are Jobrenfags so obsessed with seeing muscle men slurping semen?


Don't fight with retards

Dyspo's a hare, not a rabbit.

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Faggotry what else


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have the new pages of the UI Goku vs Jiren fight been scanned yet?


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who the fuck are they? herms called them "the three stooges" but that doesn't help

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oh right they're the criminals from the first chapter of the moro arc


It's time for Beerus

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They look like those early-GT goons.

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He's a cat

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There's no pages of UI Goku vs Jiren, the new content were reactions of a few fighters from other universes before departing and the OP pic

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Even worse.

Broren force !

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>There's no pages of UI Goku vs Jiren
fuck toyo and fuck the manga

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It's time for Beerus's daily dose.

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toriyama wrote it, you dumb fuck.

Jesus Christ, Caulifla is so ugly.



>this meme again

Wow... he reused the Vegeta from his DBS Broly illustration. What a fucking lazy hack.

>the last volume of the arc with Jiren as antagonist
>Jiren is LITERALLY overshadowed by the news of DBS BR animecomic and the Galactic Patrol Prisoner arc
Chadlo =/= Godly > Cryren

Attached: volume 9.jpg (2048x1536, 509K)

UNSTOPPABLElo just can't be beat.

>lazy hack
That's proof he's Toriyama successor I guess. Someone post the "it's okay if you don't pay me for this pages because I'm just reusing drawings, editor-san..." panel

Attached: 65464.png (557x418, 329K)

cope nigger, and fuck off back to plebbit while you're at it.

based goku keeping his real rival alive despite bitchgeta's whining

Not an argument.

>Frost still mad at Freeza
I think this is important. It ain't the last we've heard of him.

They don't even know about Paragus being dead, as weird as it sounds.

>u6 arc that happens a month after the goat arc
>Kale has become a legendary super saiyan god
>Caulifla mastered ssj5 and never uses 4 because it looks stupid
>Champa did tons of push ups and is now super muscular
>Hit officially declared weakest in the universe

>it looks stupid
What a fag. She loved how SS3 looks like and it has no eyebrows, you're a fake Caulifla fan if you don't understand that she fangirls over EVERY form.

>still mad at a gag 25+ years later
based tori

Attached: chilltori.jpg (680x364, 165K)

So no Toriyama comments or corrections this volume?

We don't know yet, they didn't even leak the rest of the in-between chapter extras yet (only the one with Gogeta and Broly)

Its Dylan, retard

>Goku never kissed his wif-

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Whatever keeps him healthy.

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>on the forehead
Doesnt count

Nice toei filler that never happened in the original canon manga, retard.


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Did they even notice paragus being dead?

YOU cope. Goku has never kissed his wife in the manga, and admitted to not knowing what kissing was in both Super's anime and manga.

The 11 most important characters in dragonball

Goku, Goku, Goku, Vegeta, Vegeta, Jiren, Jiren, Raditz, Supreme Kai of Time, Hit, and Caulifla

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Reminder that GODku was reffering to how weird it is to give someone a senzu mouth to mouth not KISSING

GODku kissed his wife many times

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nice headcanon pablo

His dose is blueberry flavored

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And Pan.

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Small community and friendly

Cope and conceed

Attached: sddefault.jpg (640x480, 22K)

>-Wait you never did that?
>+Did what?
>+lol no
Sorry Paco, the manga supervised and corrected by Toriyama himself says Goku never kissed Chichi.

>years since Kale and Caulifla debuted

>Heroes Kale still has only her full power SS form and base form, no regular SS
>Heroes Caulifla still has only SS2, no regular SS and no base form
What the fuck

Goku's cute (taller) wife!

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>And Pan.
Yes, why aren't the characters from DBGT involved in selection, for the most important characters in Dragon ball?
This is clearly an injustice.

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Is his/black's arc good?

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Cute couple.

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Shit server don't join

Wrong, Toriyama gives Toyotarou a general idea on what the story is supposed to look like and leaves him free to write the story. Most likely Toriyama wanted to throw in a joke about Gokus innocent personality and Toyotarou interpreted it wrong

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El Hijo de Broly

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How long will it take for Pan to surpass her father?

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Are you're saying that both Toei Animation and Toyotaro interpreted the exact same story direction wrong in the exact same way?

Wrong, Paco, Toriyama corrects dialogues and entire situations, everything that you see in the manga passed through Toriyama filter. Your denial is pathetic.

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>discord tranny

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>Toriyama writes the manga!
>lol no he doesn't, he writes the napkins
>B-b-but he c-corrects the m-manga... that s-still c-counts!!! (please don't mention he corrects the anime too please don't mention he corrects the anime too please don't mention he corrects the anime too)

Just a little bit more.

Attached: Pan Hips.png (558x1080, 759K)

In the japanese dub Vegeta NEVER says "kissing", he says "that".

It goes like this:

>Goku: Woah Trunks you gave Mai the senzu via your mouth
>Vegeta: Have you never done that?
>Goku: No, of course not
>Vegeta: But aren't you married?
>Goku: What does marriage have to do with anything?

Toei got it right, Vegeta was talking about kissing while Goku was talking about the senzu bean via mouth.

I like this remix


>GT Goku has all the training, transformations, and power boosts present in DB and Z, and is infused with the Dragon Balls
>GT Pan can't even go SS
A really long time, Pananon. A really, really long time.

GODku haters will ignore this.

Attached: GODku.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Thoughts on the fact that SS Cumber is as strong as 2 SS4

Attached: cumber_ssj4___super_dragon_ball_heroes_by_indominusfreezer_dcr2pmg-pre.jpg (729x1096, 117K)

They got this instead which makes up for it.

Attached: 1550729939371.png (652x468, 858K)

Attached: PAN GOKU.gif (640x480, 414K)

Post Goku kissing Chi Chi please

She can't go SS because she was born with Gohan's Mystic (Ultimate) power
Pan soloing Dr. Gero proves it

Attached: dr-geropan.png (640x480, 441K)

Toyotaro is such a shitty artist holy fucking shit. I fucking loathe his artsyle and shitty anatomy.

Anime > Promotional manga
As always

Attached: 1553902451845.jpg (1174x999, 509K)

I think no one cares, only Jobrentardspics who can't into powerscaling.

This is also the ONLY time a kiss on the lips is implied in all of Dragon Ball. GODku wins again

Attached: 9fef962c27d41ac8f333f28754de0dac.gif (500x281, 2.79M)

it's also non canon toei filler. you lose.

>Heroes scaling
>mattering for anything at all



Attached: C1614wIWQAAoIk0.jpg (1200x675, 106K)

Original > GT > everything else.

Attached: DPilZzcUIAI5PyJ.jpg (1056x784, 86K)

yes, he says THAT in reference to Goku saying Trunks put his mouth on Mai's. Cope.

Post cuckgeta kissing Burma then. Or post Gohan kissing Videl. Or post Krillin kissing 18. Oh wait...

Attached: IUwo6l_Q_400x400.jpg (400x400, 37K)

Shouldn't Great Saiyaman 3 be Gotten?

Attached: DPilXddUMAA839M.jpg (1056x784, 78K)

Are you retarded or something? Goku is reffering to giving someone a senzu bean via mouth to mouth. Vegeta is reffering to actual kissing. The word "kiss" never drops in the entire conversation. Keep coping

don't need to. it's non canon filler. might as well post fan art.

Cheelai is the best!

Attached: D3MAaX6XoAAqI6i.jpg (1500x2100, 128K)

Pan has the ambition to become a fighter. So I imagine Pan as the years go by, will surpass her father.

Attached: Pan01.png (640x480, 355K)

We never did find out what happened during those 100 years.

no, that's just your cope pablo. he talks trunks putting his mouth on mai's.

>She can't go SS because she was born with >Gohan's Mystic (Ultimate) power
>Pan soloing Dr. Gero proves it
This is exactly it. I mean Dr Gero is a pretty strong guy and Pan tackles him like he's absolutely nothing.

Attached: pinnacleofanimation.png (1920x1011, 373K)

it's also in the dub, and goku never says senzu in either version.

>english dub

I am talking about the original japanese dub you fucking retard. COPE


Attached: 1476641946418.png (640x480, 356K)

Cope and concede.

Attached: dbgt_pan.png (1600x1192, 578K)



Attached: BASEDku.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Pan is also a girl so I imagine she'll get fucked

Attached: 7f4496c5-1c80-4118-c10e-95265d408960~01.png (1218x1032, 1.02M)

How do you feel about these characters?

Attached: 1550996492884.png (824x1177, 1.13M)

I want to fuck Pan.

>We never did find out what happened during those 100 years.
It is a shame, but at least you got to see how things panned out.

Attached: smugPan.png (640x480, 266K)

>goku never says senzu

gokufags just need to accept that their shitty character has something to be made fun of.

Attached: 542255650738.jpg (452x374, 130K)

>Raditz, Supreme Kai of Time, Hit, and Caulifla
Pure shit characters.

Attached: 70601644_p6.jpg (654x864, 311K)

Shut the fuck up you pedophile freak

Remember when Hit was a powerful character?

Attached: the weak fear the strong.jpg (728x400, 32K)

>GTfag panpedo faggot samefagging himself
>thread turns into shit instantly

It's like pottery

Attached: i4EvQI8oP5JknI2OQNFPXya6ScS8jBbaczkX50F2o7iTrOWXAqVu2xuQJRTguPfuQ-AkVGb7w7Jmb6JT7VYI0g.jpg (474x355, 26K)

We all do.

Attached: 1521080653401.gif (640x480, 1.73M)

He still is, those kids are stronger than Cumber, and Hit and Vegeta held off SS3 Cumber, Zamasu and Hearts.

The flattest

Attached: 1554100392217.png (1275x1175, 1.14M)

How the fuck did he get and hold an erection long enough to impregnate Chichi twice? Especially the 2nd time, which was assumedly unplanned.


Attached: -.png (645x729, 66K)

Will they return?

Attached: Kuriza n Abo-Kado.jpg (1279x715, 95K)

Why did Toriyama design Pan especifically for face-sitting?

Boring as fuck. Just like the rest of DB females.


The second time has been well documented

Attached: 00000107.jpg (800x1153, 185K)


Attached: 1509407486540.jpg (550x767, 77K)

I hate the screenshaking, and that mix is a tribute to the original that got taken down years ago. The one post above is the same video reuploaded if I'm not wrong.
The original was uploaded back in 2009 I believe, could be wrong though.

>Goku enjoying sex

Faek noos.

Prove he wouldn't enjoy sex.

is the elephant GoD SSJ Goku level, or was Gozasu just being retarded?

Attached: rpgjrpe.png (767x442, 299K)


Attached: x240-oB8.jpg (320x240, 26K)

Look at his reaction to getting kissed on the cheek, he doesn't seem to enjoy it or even understand what's going on.

Attached: cute_goku_and_chi_chi_gif_by_catcamellia-dbfo6q4.gif (500x375, 1.44M)


Attached: 1.jpg (800x1187, 225K)

I love it when its CHAD time

Attached: 1548393528344.gif (500x279, 593K)

That has nothing to do with sex.

Did Jiren have an iconic attack? I can't remember a single thing about his fight at this point.

Attached: SS2_Kefla.jpg (1200x675, 117K)

Attached: 12.jpg (874x1240, 241K)

Attached: tenor.gif (500x270, 1.17M)

He has no reaction to getting kissed by her, and for that entire saga he never once indicates that he's physically attracted to Chichi.

Ah, a man of fine art. This one is a classic.
After reading this the first time the thought of Piccolo being a lonely eunuch never left me even to this day. It's shaped a lot of my view of his character.

Attached: IMG_3649.jpg (480x480, 37K)

Eye beams

He knew what he was doing.

Attached: bmhg.jpg (1080x1350, 223K)

Attached: bn ntdsfbm.jpg (1080x1350, 290K)

Psh no all his attacks were was
>huuurrr muh red energy ball boom boom bang
Hes a pleb with no style.

Attached: 1551962214279.jpg (184x184, 8K)

>he still doesn't kiss her

Attached: afb52273f45d2d8aa94a2539cdf8d7362e8ce9aa_hq.gif (480x360, 1.05M)

Because he's a fight autist, not because he can't enjoy sex.

Your headcanon is shit. Accept it.

Why do you hate them?

Attached: u6 saiyans.png (1136x640, 656K)

jobren the terrible protagonist, still I prefer him over tardku

Only Vejobbers, whose character got mogged by them, hate them
I, as a Godkuchad, like them because I am secure in my knowledge that Chadku can, and has, BTFO them


Attached: 1525442687244.png (1280x720, 581K)

Dyspo Dyspo

Attached: IMG_5289.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

>vegeta soi version
>genderbent broly and goku
Nuff said.

Didn't mean to post that yet. Fuck.

Attached: 1536115956799.gif (500x377, 698K)

Attached: hilarious.png (340x314, 249K)

Neither of 'em are Dyspo tho

Attached: Dyspo Surprised.jpg (364x688, 51K)

Why are there so many KEKlys and jobhans seething over THE STRONGEST

Attached: 66545-full.png (260x235, 60K)

Jesus, Super is so shit.

>Vegeta soi version
>implying that Vegeta isn't the soi version of Vegeta already

They're friends though.

Attached: IMG_5241.jpg (1200x1091, 220K)

GT Goku was better at least he gave a shit about the lives of others.

cringe dyspo lewder degenerate
CHADrus and Chumpa are catchads, Shitpo is a cuckbit

eye fucking beams

GT also gave Gogeta something that wasn't the same generic kame we've seen X times in a row. It's actually embarrassing that even GT can get such simple shit right on the first try and Super repeatedly can't.

Attached: 1528392481789.jpg (509x386, 21K)

I guess it's a cute combo.

He's a hare!

Attached: Dyspo Stance.jpg (462x655, 61K)

one of the very few doujin that could be cannon

I like Jiren

>strongest warrior
>best god
>best angel

How can other universes even compete

Attached: joker and harley quinn.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

Dat fucking bulge tho

Attached: owo.jpg (252x354, 13K)

Wrong image?

Attached: Screen_Shot_2016-06-06_at_1.28.46_AM.png (1280x695, 940K)

There's somebody at Dimps who knows what he's doing.

They are chats.

Attached: IMG_5280.jpg (2048x1504, 190K)

>chooses some jobber no one ever cared for
>spams him thinking he is so epic and unique

Attached: retard.png (817x891, 32K)

>GT Gokeketa can't even use the Chaddust Breaker
>Super GOATgeta uses the Stardust Jobber-Breaker
your character is a punk bitch GTpedo

Absolutely based and CHADkupilled.

Attached: 1554288231382.jpg (369x325, 70K)

>they can only grow shitty Asian man beards
Disgusting. Stop this emasculation. Goku and Vegeta aren't Asians they're chads


Attached: GT SOUL.jpg (1271x1920, 471K)

They take so much screen while being worthless and uninteresting wiafubaits

>super has him tossing balls that do absolutely nothing like a faggot
>GT has an entire beam that knocks the embodiment of the dragon balls' energy out of his strongest form
Cope harder.

Attached: 1552041252198.png (800x800, 763K)

>opposite of Beerus is fat Beerus
>opposite of buff saiyans is skinny saiyans
>opposite of gay angel is hot slutty angel

Attached: 1550640786703.jpg (960x958, 215K)

I wanna pet him

Attached: Beerus Backin'.jpg (1049x678, 88K)

>opposite of frieza is frieza

>hot slutty angel
All the female angels are shit though.

Did you know Pan has cute feet?

Attached: panfeet.jpg (640x480, 43K)

still 2-0 fag

Attached: 1514076403689.png (761x431, 347K)


Chad Tier:

Android 17
Kid Buu
Android 16
Captain Ginyu
Goku Black

Not Chad Tier:

Everyone else



Super Wizard:


Lizard Wizard:


Attached: 3 5y4t2hunbhl2 3uv2ycbh.png (400x400, 240K)


>I ain't gonna forgive you
>damn, this guy is strong
how did this faggot become so popular

We all know.

Attached: GTSOUL.jpg (640x638, 150K)

>implying Omega Shitron is anywhere near the power of the mighty Broly
GTcucks really overestimating their characters

>jobs to beerus
>jobs to monaka
>jobs to frost
>jobs to hit
>jobs to black
>jobs to zamasu
>jobs to hit again
>jobs to toppo
>jobs to no name pride jobbers
>jobs to dyspo
>jobs to jiren
>jobs to robots
>jobs paprika brothers
>jobs to jiren again
>jobs to MUI
>jobs to broli

Attached: CRYINGGOKEK.jpg (452x374, 54K)

Kill yourself, Plague.

In story of DBH Ultimate Mission X, Trunks was appointed as Great Saiyaman 3 by Gohan and Videl. So it is properly him.

What's Goku's brother doing nowadays?

Attached: Silly Konkichi.png (496x565, 474K)

Attached: 1523394351692.png (640x480, 392K)

looks like f trunks

>gets tossed around by literally everyone and a collar the whole movie
>implying blue is strong
Again, cope harder. nuBroly is a weakling.

Attached: 1528651931330.png (1920x1080, 940K)

>Top 10 characters that can beat Goku and Thanos without Ultra Instinct or the Infinity Gauntlet.

Attached: dirtbag.jpg (1319x734, 109K)

You forgot about this one.


This manga arc is so boring and the art is so lifeless, why do people prefer this again? I understand why people would like the black goku arc in the manga more, but everything past it has been fucking garbage. I am not a shitposter, I want your reasons for liking other than >TOEI or >PROMOTIONAL MANGA

Attached: 1551893641844.png (300x248, 46K)


Attached: 1517354387920.jpg (960x720, 60K)

He has a gun, the ultimate weapon.

Attached: KonkichiShotgun.png (1024x768, 576K)

FT arc in the manga was way better than the anime, manga ToP was disapointing but the anime wasn't that much better. Moro is a cool arc.

ka ka ka ka kache daze

Attached: imokaydaid.png (1024x1024, 237K)

S-So does Android 17.

Are we lead to believe that guns are the only thing stopping everyone in DBZ into becoming too powerful so that they may get shot like the farmer did with Raditz?

Attached: Android_17_putting_a_glock_to_the_old_man's_face.png (479x357, 316K)

Attached: 2955dc6521c719f0177b563ce49418e7.jpg (541x1024, 85K)

That's not a fucking Glock

Attached: 1553970967493.png (944x513, 291K)


Attached: cheelai.jpg (1041x1847, 122K)

>>Le Pilaf gang and nu Broly reformed.
>GT let them be old but Super needs more random kiddy shit xD

I prefer manga because the anime reached lows that I didn't even think were possible

Look at Raditz. Look at him and laugh

Attached: saiyan cards.jpg (1852x852, 895K)

I got it from google images when bodybuilding mentioned how he was the best villain. Of course it's not a glock.


no one cares about all the different brands of revolvers Cletus

Attached: Cheelai.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

shrek waifubait thot

>shows up for 3 episodes 30 years ago
>tons of merch
>tons of cards
meanwhile Caulifla has like no merch

Attached: 1546036835418.png (512x512, 273K)


female fighters in DBZ are good for one thing and one thing only, ryona fap material

Attached: cauliryona.png (1552x264, 80K)

Lol Roshi would smash Thanos with IG without sweat.

Pick a side.

Attached: IMG_20190404_000837.jpg (2048x683, 345K)

>beats a giant fish
>beats a pterodactyl
>beats the bear thief
>beats Oolong
>beats Yamchad
>beats the rabbit mob and Monster Carrot
>beats the Pilaf Gang
>beats Krillin
>beats Launch
>beats Monster Beast Giran
>beats Nam
>beats Colonel Silver
>beats Major Metallitron
>beats the Five Murasaki Brothers
>beats Buyon
>beats General White
>beats Bruce Lee
>beats Haski's jobbers
>beats Haski
>beats Pirate Robot
>beats General Blue
>beats Captain Yellow
>beats Tao Pai Pai
>beats Officer Black
>beats Spike
>beats Bandages
>beats Grandpa Gohan
>beats Tambourine and the Piccolocucks
>beats Piccolo Daimao
>beats Chi-Chi
>beats Tenshinhan
>beats Piccolo Jr
>beats Nappa
>beats Vegeta with help from his pals
>beats the Cuckyu Force
>beats Frieza
>beats Trunks
>beats Buu
>beats Frieza again
>beats Botamo
>beats Frost
>beats Hit
>beats Goku Black and Zamasu at the same time
>beats Bergamo
>beats Toppo
>beats all of his friends
>beats Galactic Poachers
>beats Nink
>beats Comfrey
>beats Chappil
>beats Lavender
>beats Basil
>beats Bergamo
>beats Caulifla
>beats Kale
>beats Kefla
>beats Zirloin
>beats Zarbuto
>beats Rabanra
>beats Anilaza
>beats Jobren

Attached: IMG_3765.jpg (500x375, 54K)

how about none

Attached: 6840a86e9a83db71fcc75f0e03dff45e.png (240x212, 31K)

Is Raditz actually Goku's full brother or does King Vegeta require that new wives first sleep with him? since Raditz has the Vegeta hairline

Say that to Hank Hill who can repair the surfer board in his garage without breaking a sweat. Makes him much more advanced in technology than Stark and Doom combined

Attached: 0e0.png (581x485, 305K)

left, at least they've accumulated a decent killcount

>beats Chi-Chi
I fucking hate Goku


Goku never beat Kale.

Right because I have enough self-respect to not fawn over jobber recolors.


Attached: Carlos.jpg (469x521, 54K)

SS4 of course.

Attached: 1553795371486.png (450x690, 61K)

She became ugly when older so is okay.

Attached: Chi Chi.jpg (515x386, 46K)

Only in the tournament round, though its overexaggerated in the abridged series

What abridged series

He's still doing that shit?

Will we ever find out if SSJ4 Goku is playable in Fighterz?

Attached: DWkxqYyXUAAkpjy.jpg (1200x870, 145K)

Don't tell me that you've never seen TFS, haven't you?

Attached: 1553631697972.jpg (301x330, 16K)

I mean when the DLC comes out we'll know. I just hope he has the big Kamehameha from Path to Power

Attached: film.jpg (1440x1080, 157K)

TFS is Reddit as fuck
>hahaha Le Goku is a bad father!!!!
>hahaha Le Krillin Gets Epic Owned!!
>Le muffin button!!
>Le ghost nappa!!!
>raditz weak hahaha
Go back to 2009 my friend, this guy is lucky he hasn't seen it


boy you're lucky, avoid it at all cost

I don't understand why TFS is so bad, though, apart from what you've mentioned.

Attached: ui2h4g13f.png (848x480, 593K)

>the GTpedo exposes himself as an absolute lorelet by thinking Path to Power is GT
What is the point of you breathing? Can't you do anything right? Hahahaha

Attached: IMG_3715.jpg (250x250, 21K)

Fuck those fakers

Attached: main-qimg-e0166f06d35935efd1cb551d14115c57.jpg (1024x576, 215K)

>super fans
>retards that will accept any garbage as long as it's canon
>retards that only want edgy garbage and hairy monkeys
>Heroes Master Race
>Knows just how garbage dragonball is and enjoys watching it devolve into the dumbest possible shit

Attached: dark broly.png (537x574, 260K)

>SSB Gogeta
actually made Broly concede
>SS4 Vegito
managed to repel Cumber at the very least
>SSB Vegito and SS4 Gogeta
Cucked by time limit

get out with that jobber form of yours

You have no idea. He recently wrote a giant tl:dr whining about how the mean bullies make fun of him and his waifu and how he is entitled to spam the staff(whatever is Toyo, Toei or Bandai) with his bullshit. He also insist he isn't obsessed.

Pretty sure they stopped making all of these jokes years ago, at most goku gets rightfully called a hillybilly who beats his wife and sends his own child to die for him

>best forms
>best fusion
left one easily

Do you think Nimbus-kun is lonely and sad that no one wants to ride him anymore? He's just collecting dust now :(

>wife says 2 sentences he doesn't like
>already shaking and seething

Attached: k.png (609x224, 102K)

hes finally free from the oppression of the Son family who enslaved the poor nimbus for years and years of servitude.

>gokek turned evil
>cuckhan is a slut
>goten is gay
the best choice for him is to migrate to Vampa

Will we ever see her again?

Attached: future mai dokkan.png (728x971, 1.11M)

He has the power pole you absolute baffoon, also that kid Goku design is how Toriyama used to draw him him in the 90s

Attached: daizenshuu.jpg (1069x1500, 303K)

>h-hankusama t-thank you

See That means no.

No, she's too busy draining Torankusu's balls.

Better than the rest of Super and the android arc.

you forgot when he beat her because she annoyed him in front of gohan

How's 2015 treating you?

We will definitely see future mai again because there's no way in hell Toei will EVER let future trunks rest
plus current Mai will grow up anyway eventually

I meant the tournament fight that Goku and Chichi had along with the other people Goku fought against but yeah.

Attached: 1551943068267.jpg (1200x804, 484K)

kys nigger

>raise your voice to me in front of my fucking son again you cunt

Attached: IMG_3767.gif (500x277, 556K)

>plus current Mai will grow up anyway eventually
Never gonna happen. Also, why she is such a midget? Trunks and Goten have the excuse of being saiyans and Marron being Krillin of daughter.

Hit used to be an elite Hitman. Now he's just the dad of u6

Why does he need the money again?

You mean like doktor? i can see it since Kefla is pretty much gotenks and cabba is cuckhan

Attached: fc5f94f8a9c99a62a6b55bfcafabf248.png (500x375, 347K)

Really? I've barely seen Zamasu discussed or even mentioned here. Is it actually good or are you memeing?

So he can afford surgery that will make his head look less like a penis

kek, love these posts

Actually good. Back when it was airing the threads were pretty good, there was fun speculation about who Black was/where the story was going, and the memes came natural to the show. Then the ToP buildup had Gohan training and Caulifla going SS2 immediately and the threads only got worse from there. Look at this shit, there's no discussion here.

>Super is shit
>GT is shit
>Heros is shit
Will we EVER see a proper successor to Z in our lifetime?

Attached: GokuFutureInBedDies.png (640x480, 235K)

Reminder DB is DC's best comic series.

Attached: DCs Dragon Ball.jpg (500x750, 170K)


Attached: 1520817391646.jpg (480x598, 91K)

Why do people keep calling Heroes a successor to Z
You can't even understand what's going on without playing the three or so videogames that have all the backstory, it's not like GT or Super at all

How does DBS fit into the DB universe? If it comes before GT, how is Goku so weak in it?

GT isn't canon.

Anything after Z is noncanon

Attached: raw.png (500x278, 167K)

>How does DBS fit into the DB universe?
It doesn't. Anything that happens ultimately doesn't fit with EoZ and will likely be erased from the memories of every character by the end. Shitper is non-canon, my dude.

Quiet, boomer.

Online was Toriyama version of what would happen in the future. Bandai took his ideas and absolutely raped them in the worst way posible.

Super is not canon, anything after the original DB isn't canon.

Attached: Chichiafraid.png (634x482, 444K)

a shame Z is so shit then.

stop pretending Z is shit because GT and Super couldn't follow up to it

Attached: rBVaSFsofw2ARjPyAAGV6oZcwAs350.jpg?dbd9b705734d5c617b66e56951c682cf.jpg (640x320, 107K)

Super ain’t canon retard

nah it's a goku wankfest, therefore it's shit.

Z isn't shit, the Cell arc is shit. Saiyan, Freeza and Buu arcs are good-great.

Remember that time Pan went super saiyan in the womb?

Probably, hopefully with her original blue eyes.

No, and Z shouldn't have a successor, they should just let it be the end.

>buu is great

3 pages in the manga, the only true canon.
Absolutely correct.

Buu is good. Saiyan/Freeza are great.

Attached: 1542325224666.png (854x480, 380K)

>goku wankfest
>Goku only killed Majin Buu throughout the entirety of Z
EoZ left Z open for a sequel with the whole uub thing but neither GT or Super could've done that properly

Attached: aaa4df0775e89ae1503f08adb039879a.jpg (1200x1740, 358K)

EoZ was dumb, and Goku’s eagerness to train and fight Uub makes no sense after Super.

>EoZ was dumb
How so?


Because it respects Vegeta as the deuteragonist and doesn't just jerk Goku off as hard as possible.

>worthy of respect

>not worthy of respect

>le Vegeta meme
Goku is the main character, I don't know why you edgy teenage faggots think Vegeta has any right to take the spotlight from him in the first place

well he has, and he's here to stay. cry more, faggot.

>Vegeta taking the spotlight
The one time in Super he attempted he got the earth blown up, Whis had to turn back time to correct his fuckup, and our hero Goku had to step in to save the day once again

I still cant believe how badly Buu Saga fucked up Gohan and Videl.

Freeza is the best

Attached: CjeIXGq.jpg (1195x935, 290K)

moro will take his god ki

vegeta should be replaced by frieza a few arcs ago, there is no place for that insecure manlet cucked by his wife to attending his children's births in a battle shonen

It's deleted.

You're full of shit moron.

I can.

>go into thread discussing strongest anime character
>say all their gay characters are shit and Chadku would beat them all
>ignore all their counter arguments and tell them to cope and concede
Feels good being a Dragon Chad

Attached: IMG_3763.jpg (540x248, 22K)


Vegeta's character description is literally "eternally angry manlet" and his unchanging role is to job to make every new enemy look good before they fight Goku. How can anyone like him?

eternally angry manlets self-inserting

How does Goku beat someone who can create his own Goku to fight for him?


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Both the Gokus win because they had fun
Then if the guy tries to fight him he has to fight two Gokus

>be equally matched with another Goku
>ask your friends to lend you their energy
>you're now more powerful than Copy Goku
>kamehameha him
Chadku wins again baby

That proves that it's canon


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>new series
>Jiren, goku blanco, beerus etc etc everyone getting their shit kicked in by new big bad
>suddenly a familar tune plays
>out of nowhere, he appears


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Wait wha