After it airs will you finally have nothing to live for and kill yourself friend?
Mom would be sad if I did
Tall senko
I'm still doing it after this cour.
user, life is worth seeing and living, please don't die
tfw no cute fox taking care of you why even live?
Maybe someone else can take care of you, but you will never know if you die
Im curious, but at the same time the concept seems borderline creepy.
But Im sure most saw this coming.
there shall be fluffing
How so?
>Whether it be cooking, cleaning, or special service(?)... she'll heal his exhaustion with her tender "care."
>special service(?)
What is meant by this?
tail fluff
Tail fluffing
well, I dunno, Im probably overthinking this, but "the loli in my house that does my chores" seems a bit rapey. Then again, I know its not real and its just some anime. you know what, im definatly overthinking this.
but if there was a cute loli fox going to your house and found you dead and blames herself for getting lost and late
why are you going to make her sad?
>falling for the kitsune tail fluff
Go away touhou slut
is it defined how old the fox is?
800 years or so iirc
Wow. That is an old image.
>"the loli in my house that does my chores" seems a bit rapey
user do you not know what a housewife is?
>do you not know what a housewife is?
Do you employ child laborers for house duties?
It's been mentioned at least a couple times that she would basically do anything but all he wants is to touch fluffy tail.
Senko hardly acts as a child though? I guess you haven't read the manga
Where do you think you are?
Fluff service
Considering that one chapter, i really hate late fuckers or new shitters brought in by anime announcements.
I'm only interested because I saw a thread about it on Yea Forums and thought it looked cute.
Hello Senko-san!
>Yea Forumsermin are here
The anime will definitely ruin these threads.
seems more likely that I'd reincarnate into a kemonomimi isekai
Can we have the last comfy thread?
look at the fucking comment section, we're fucked
What a shit thread
Fuck off.
>you are sharing this board with these fuckwits
It's really sad isn't it.
People like you who look for this shit and then repost it here are the real problem.
What did I miss?
Yes? It’s called do the household chores or I limit your PC time
Usual sekrit klub faggotry, just ignore it.
go back to your shithole
Aye captain. Are anime-only folks not going to be welcome? I usually don't read manga unless I really like a show but I expect I will like this show from what I know of it.
someone linked a leddit post
The grave keeper can take care of me.
user please
anyone here living single?
>tail fluffing is an euphemism for mating press
Sausage Abe.
>how does she keep those on
As it's related to tails, I thought it was a euphemism for prone bone.
The anons aren't wrong about this being pedo. The granny hag keeps making moves on a innocent boy 20 times younger than her, having him touch her ears, fluff her tail, and scratch her chin. That's sick and disgusting and I'm calling the cops right now.
Darn right. She moved herself into his home without asking and molests him in the bath. Senko needs to be locked up and put on the child predator list.
She just makes them float
I can't believe he fucking dies!
You can read a manga about a cute fox taking care of you.
Read the manga before commenting you fucking troglodyte.
Saw this in the spring anime list. So another "she is 800-years-old so it's okay" pedophile pandering show? Great.
Aww, man... give us a break, would ya?
Fox girls are overrated. The gold is on raccoon girls.
Evenin miss
You know exactly what they mean user
Too bad her show has the Kinema Citrus B-team working on it.
It's okay. From the sounds of it he won't be watching the show.
Yikes. Dropped.
yep. Can't imagine living any other way at this point, fuck putting up with roommates
Why did they give this lolibaba a generic loli voice?
I hope the shitposting dies down after a few episodes, these threads just keep getting worse and worse.
Why can't we all just enjoy the floof in peace and harmony?
>Manga is from Comic Newtype
Nice one user
Why don't you go back there then.
How did yuru camp remained pure comfiness til the end, I don't understand.
Man, I just worked out for the first time in ages and I feel so alive that I no longer feel the need to wallow in misery yearning for the healing affection of a girl that will never come. The pain and the euphoria that follows is all I ever needed. Later, losers.
>tfw no fox mommy
>mfw senko is becoming seasonal waifu
That chapter was lewd as hell.
is there any porn of the main dude
Will you be gentle anons?
what a splendid wedding night
It's a comfy SoL about a loli daughter wife kitsune who heals the heart of a corporate drone with fluff, the manga isn't difficult to get into but I doubt anyone would hold it against you if you didn't.
Objectively it really isn't, but you gotta stay positive to keep going I guess.
>daughter wife
That is what I said, yes
Name is Nakano, also don't you dare
Sometimes I wonder if the manga started out with the intention to be lewder than it turned out.
Threadly reminder that Rimukoro is a man of passion.
Please do not fall for bait and obvious shitposters; they'll leave if you ignore and report. The threads can remain comfy if we keep them that way. In the worst case scenario we're just riding it out until seasonalfags leave.
I'm very cautious about the anime
The casting for Senko and Shiro is way off
Uchida Maaya is a great casting for Shiro.
I want to fluff those tails!
Nakano is literally perfect though
threadly reminder that she doesnt love him and its replacing his ancestor
We'll get the beach episode this season, right?
Ok, in last panel, who squeezed who
(I cannot picture Nakano saying kya)
>Forgetting about the pasta-fag shitposting.
In Japanese, "おぬし" is used in the middle bubble. From my little knowledge of the language, I'm pretty sure that 'onushi' is an archaic form of 'you'. So that leads me to think that is Senko speaking in the middle and Nakano going "kya" on the left.
>All those sad flashbacks
So it turns out rather than being a distant ancestor that's him just reincarnated right? Because he was good to her he got another chance in life? I've missed all Senko threads please forgive me
Reincarnation is the current theory yes.
I can't wait for the mindbreak and gore episode.
Centuries-old women grooming hapless young men is my fetish.
So I wonder what put her in debt to his past life?
Probably the cliche tale about the guy who saved a dying fox. That's what these kitsune stories usually end up as.
Fox caught in a trap turned out to be Senko transformed?
>Not yuri
Imagine watching this shit.
>Doga Kobo
No, thank you
Tfw when I'm 4 years into a combined MD/PhD degree and I still come back home after 12h work days and ask why am I here.
>>Not yuri
they'll force some in somehow
There's some subtly implied shit between neighbor-san and Shiro. And then in one chapter, neighbor-san writes a yuri dojin about Shiro and Senko.
The only thing they change up the original works now is removing the least speck of loli lewdness for the adaptation.
Yeah, there's yuri-bait already. Just not with the main couple.
I just want this double headpat animated
What a slut
This'll wake them up and Love Lab S2 will happen.
>Towako 6 still not scanned
What's the holdup Japan?
Every time someone tries to scan it, they have a sudden orgasm so overwhelming that it knocks them out.
I'd believe it.
My brother.
Fuck off, secondaries like you ruin threads.
So is this dragon maid with fox girls?
>you have a miniscule chance of finding a fox loli mother wife if you're alive
>you have no chance of finding a fox loli mother wife if you're dead.
I don't know about you, but one of these has a better probability than the other.
What's wrong with nakano's face?
But that made into an /ack/ thread and /ack/ threads are fun.
There was also that spic who started a forest fire, good times.
Killing yourself is a sin and you will be denied entry into Loli Heaven.
He can always buy a gun, storm into a crackhouse and go out in style.
>man goes in a killing spree in crack house killing everyone before dying from injuries
>note found with him said he did it because he couldn't get a fox loli wife
That might top anything Yea Forums has done.
you have to go back
Even better if it's livestreamed. This could be a true an hero.
>Hiro has to go to the FBI instead of Mppt from now on
Shit would be fun.
>last thing he says before kicking in the door is "see you in loli heaven, user"
No. The mc is a dude and the only fox who lives with him is his granny-mother-daughter-fox-wife.
What chapter was this again?
Senko-san doesn't look too happy...
Good digits for a good picture.
I trust Dogakobo. Yell and Uzamaid weren't that good, but Wataten was a 10/10.
oh ok whew.
We're not talking about the guy who single handedly ruined the Gridman threads in an attempt to "save" them are we?
I still don't understand the purpose.
Severe unchecked mental illness
Fuck off, newfag.
Since I dont see it posted anywhere in this thread, will somone please tell me the name if this manga/anime series? Thanks in advance
What gives you the impression I'm new?
My fox-loli-granny-mother-wife can't be this cute
You're blind then, so I don't see why you would care if you can't even watch or read it.
Your complete misinterpretation of his post to something that only newfags make a big deal of and the awful image you chose. Lurk for two more years.
Been there done that. Lurked for probably 6 years before becoming a regular 3 years ago.
She's more embarrassed than not happy.
If you didn't notice, nobody scans magazines anymore and the digital version comes out a month later.
It's more like you have to request for people to scan them, tanks also have less censorship sometimes compared to digital and lastly Chinks are going full jew holding scans hostage until someone pays them.
Mikocon/comic-han chinks stopped scanning two years ago. It's all digital raws now. I repeat: nobody scans magazines anymore. I call bullshit unless you can provide a source.
Some of the recent doujins posted on Sad Panda had the pages ripped and shitty scannee, can't remember which but the last time I saw them were like 2 weeks ago and rven then they were shitty quality and everyone bitching about it.
Sure Nakano is perfect but Senko is by far the most important voice and they fucked her up by making her a generic loli
Sora has a seiyuu listed so we'll get even more than that
There's barely enough content for a full season so we'll probably get everything plus some original stuff.
You say that every season, user
I hope the manga threads can stay comfy, I've no hope for the animeonlys
That image radiates a bad aura.
There's going to be quiet a few of them and obvious shitposters shitposting just to shitpost but we can try our best.
Still no evidence of anyone hoarding magazines. Doujin low sized shitraws come mainly from Japanese sites.
>he doesn't have child slaves
Look at this poorfag.
Why? She hasn't even done anything yet.
Wasn't there something going on about removing child wife laws on the US?
What a visionary
Made for sealing
I was interested until I saw all the other girls that were in the manga too. Tired of all these "We'll have a main girl, then slowly add more girls over time" formulas. They've gotten too stale for me.
Okay, bye. We won't miss you here.
This is going to kill me.
I'm upset that none of them other than Senko have been fluffed. It's treated like he'd be cheating on Senko if he did and limits the interactions with Shiro and Sora too much.
>It's treated like he'd be cheating on Senko if he did
Are you saying it's not?
Only one floof for a man, 2 would be to much for a mortal to handle.
I know she was with other guys before, but this part makes it feel really cuck like
Is this a panel from the manga? I haven't seen it before
Whether it be cooking, cleaning, or special service(?)... she'll heal his exhaustion with her tender "care."
>special service(?)
>tender "care"
why are they implying that it's lewd?
The anime will pass the manga right? I don't remember tit fox being in the manga outside the fucking ghost.
The lewd happens off-screen. She fills his heart and drains his balls every night. She's so satisfied that Sora got jelly and pretty much threw herself at him.
>It becomes haremshit
God damnit.
It doesn't. Sora gave up after Senko got territorial. And it's implied that she was testing them.
It's not, the other girls might come to tease but they leave them alone. Sora is more like a daughter too.
Territorial Senko-san is so damn cute.
It's time to ascend, user.
And they say she doesn't love him
Who says this? Slap them.
have this person cease their badness
>no series where a guy helps a depressed fox girl become happy
This is not true.
Krysippos supposedly died from laughter at his own joke about a donkey.
What is this? Is lewd?
It is super wholesome.
But it does have some intense tail touching imagery.
And the secondary foxgirls dress sluttish.
Okay, I'm in.
Only one is slutty. The other just likes the breeze.
That's from the new chapter that came out today.
I can't believe he's dead.
What a nice old lady.
>Last season's healing show was Kemurikusa
>This season's healing show will be Senko
I can't wait. I just can't. Air this right fucking now.
Isn't senko published by kadokawa? I'm conflicted
and then he whispered It's so fucking flat
I get what you're saying, user. Sure, she's actually 800 years old, acts more mature, but like... it really does amount to having a little girl taking care of a grown man to ease his troubles. It's a little creepy.
>Jazz for Your Soul
It's called petite.
breeding fox mommy wives
If she was that small but had the face of an old woman, would it still be creepy to you? Or are you just repulsed by cuteness and lasting youthfulness?
>Work myself half to death at an office job
>Chronically tired
>Getting carpal tunnel
>Increasingly dissociated from other people
>Still no loli kitsune motherwife
Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to make an offering?
Woman doesnt save herself for marriage
>haha what a cuck for dating her XD
suicide or turbofolk
Instead of lamenting over your lack of foxmom, why not do the next best thing and thank your actual mom for everything she's done?
I was like that but not an office but hard labor loading trucks and shit and the crushing depression was killing me.
Currently better now that I sleep with a daki.
Everyone is tsundere for their moms, and vice versa
Look into tulpas. It may not be perfect but it is the best you can get. There is still hope user.
>huuhuu lifes so bad
fuck off you need to pick the third option or make realistic fucking goals you pussy, ive had one goal my entire fucking life and aftee 14 years of trying to get it and all these fucking faggots trying to im still not black pilled enough or at all for that matter to fall for that stupid shit
Jesus who the fuck put their dick in your morning Oatmeal?
fuck you and your cat, im sick of all these no neck lazy ass faggots going "oh noes the world is so bad cuz nothin i want falls in my lap a bloo bloo!" And then citing people who's lives are actually hard when you say their full of shit, fuck them and FUCK the blackpill
She is emotionally distant, only knows how to express anger, but she works hard and wants respect so I treat her like a second dad.
I don't know what the fuck a blackpill is, but if you're saying you can get everyone a fox loli then please do tell.
no the black pill is rationalized nihilism, which is a fuckin oxymoron in my book, and no i dont have a way its a nice thought but as it stands theres no way to ever have the cute fox milf that we both want, instead we need to make realistic goals that are somewhat feasible to achieve
user, is pic related you?
>Giving up on the fox loli dream
Either grow up or get the fuck out.
>have realistic expectations of myself
>get told to grow up
Fuck yeah beach episode.
>go to lfe
>get comfy loli kitsune wife
>happy days
join the anime suicide cult* today... whenever az3 happens... systemspace.link (that's a website)
*not actually an anime suicide cult
>*not actually an anime suicide cult
Then what's the point?
Stop reading the anime popes tweets and know the stuido does lots of cute slice of life anime.
well you'll still get to lfe when you die just don't kill yourself over it
(...or do, im an user, not a psychiatrist. just you know, make sure to register first. whenever az3 happens.)
Everything is published by Kadokawa. Your boycott is unrealistic.
>miku themed swimsuit
So like Gabdrop then. Half of it was Dogakobo pulling things out of their asses.
the anime is going to ruin this series
Can't wait for fluff
I meant Miko. I need to sleep.
that doesnt answer the question
I wonder who this guy was quoting.
One of the few reasons I'm still going.
Loli grandma fox waifu helps though.