I think Digibro should stick with anime reviews. Didn't know he was such a smooth brained retard

I think Digibro should stick with anime reviews. Didn't know he was such a smooth brained retard.
I don't normally agree with Destiny but Digibro made him seem like the smartest being in the galaxy.

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>still up

I used to like digibro few years ago but the quality of his content dropped considerably after 2016

Well, he is part of the anime community

Fuck off faggot.

>can I ask you something? are you, by any chance, autistic or something?

Demo was the only good anime youtuber in history.

Was he always an autist like this or is this a change on heart? Normally I just knew his persona in his videos and nothing outside of it. But know after seeing this it's kinda hard to take seriously what he says and said before.

whenever I see one of those ponies from the friendship show I suddenly get really depressed

what did they argue about?

>not rating chibi and gigguk

>anime community
And there's your problem. This guy is not anime

Unironically discussing other e-celebs should get you equally banned desu

well, digibro couldn't settle for a topic because his ''arguments'' were all over the place but said that he wanted to debate about how "destiny puts words into people's mouths" but then literally 2 minutes later proceeded to say "WELL ARE YOU SAYING THAT YOU ARE SMARTER THAN OTHER PEOPLE?" like a fucking retard

Where's the fucking loli


>caring about anime reviewers

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i don't get you guys problem, we have threads like this on Yea Forums all the time

so we cant talk about authors too then?
i think if something is part of the anime community it shoud be allowed to be discussed here

Literally kill yourselves.

You may ONLY roll if you're saged&reportpilled.

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Yea Forums is dead

fuck off digibro no one unironically likes you anymore

pls gib 4

>people who think their tastes are worth anything and vomit them all over youtube
>"part of the anime community"
Defending discussion of this shit should earn you a permanent ban.


reminder that this guy has a gf and you don't

>so we cant talk about authors too then?
Are you even listening to yourself? In what world are e-celebs contributing to the production of anime? It's baffling to think that you can even begin to compare them to authors who write the works.

4 > 1 > 7 > 8 > 0 > 2 > 6 > 9 > 3 > 5

she probably thinks he's a great personality or something like that, not every girl is looking for muscle man brad the chad u kno

>autistic nerd virgin finally gets a GF
>shoves her into every activity he does

As mentally ill as Digi is I still tolerate him more than fags like Gigguk or Mother's Basement. At least he has consumed a good chunk of anime (and not just seasonal shit) and voices his actual own opinions instead of going along with the tides like most anime youtubers do.

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