Finally, after 2 years of waiting I can enjoy my mommy gf

Finally, after 2 years of waiting I can enjoy my mommy gf

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>tfw no big tiddie goth mommy gf anime

When will it be out?


Finally, we'll have the milf renaissance.

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Too bad she's dumb as hell and causes most of the problems in their relationship. She's basically the reason they needed to even go to this family counseling boot camp.

I want to beat her and rape her

Pochi thread?
Pochi Thread!!
Now this became a pochi thread

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How a adult woman can be so dumb? See this anime format should be really annoying.

How is the relatiomship between them?

Speaking of her, she sings an awful lot in her streams now.

Shit is cute.

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yeah, saw her twits where she sings, i'm loving it
Also when is someone going to be noticed by her?

Seriously. wasn't the anime announced 2 years ago?

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As in a relationship? She's too much of a hermit for that right now.

It was more of an advertisement of the LN

Waste of time it is all just bait and teasing

Looked up the manga and it is boring af. The son is completely unlikeable and so is the overbearing mother. Shit taste Japan.

Not that, like interacting with non-jap fans

It teases that, but it's always been about a mother and son reconnecting and not being fucking stupid around each other anymore. Granted she causes the rift between them, she was actually getting to a breaking point with how things were and how much it was depressing her.

In the series, she's in charge of the girls in his life and sorts through the ones she likes for him to be with.


also anyone that actually tries to woo her IRL shall be executed

Pochi needs to stop singing songs from my childhood. With the songs she's been singing I'd estimate she's around 27 to 35

She comments basically just 'thank you' and other things during her streams, but that's about the extent of it since she doesn't understand English and such.

Okay but lets get to the important part, what about the waifus?

maybe we will get more if this is popular tho

They're okay

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>JC Staff

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The main interest is the red head right?

I’ll fix that