Itt: god tier designs

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why do these threads always have awful designs

No words needed

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Filipino pride!

Attached: Stocking Daki.jpg (1500x1500, 297K)

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Attached: 03 - The Scarlet Mist Incident Chapter (Part 2)-00h04m36s442t.png (1280x720, 3.98M)

They look like they fuck minotaurs

i liked it better when it was called chris

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They're good, but lil' Yakumo outshines them all.

Attached: 1547902912945.jpg (800x1129, 126K)

BUILT to breed

Most of the Little Witches' designs are legit excellent.

Attached: __shiny_chariot_and_ursula_charistes_little_witch_academia_drawn_by_makai__sample-a6220b514b5547216e (850x850, 219K)

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Attached: CraftyUniqueBluebottlejellyfish-size_restricted.gif (500x281, 3.44M)

Based Yea Forumsedditor

What? They're just playing.
There are four people in that image, 2 people we see faces of and another 2 we only see their thigh and leg.

Attached: 1549584187330.jpg (825x1200, 271K)

this guy has the same-face syndrome

save if for the judge, you have the right to remain silent

anything you say may and can be used against you in the court of law.

Attached: Oujznpw.gif (513x286, 189K)

And i have erect-penis syndrome.

But I have proof!

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You can't improve on perfection after all.

Dont have a picture showing all 5 except this one but they're all great

Attached: 1451244062390.jpg (602x850, 623K)

because they don't actually care about character design and just want something they can fap to

Attached: 5790c74323ab9efc1f5a775fd4356207.jpg (2560x1440, 1.14M)

This, unfortunately

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Himebangs are nice and all, but all of these look pretty boring.

Same for this, with the added malus of no himebangs.

Yea but its a great fuckin face

Attached: 1543025907569.gif (807x388, 939K)

why is asanagi so popular

The Shadman Effect.

Are they supposed to be tribesmen? If so they should have a jungle below, those designs suck


Attached: 1550753034788.jpg (599x502, 128K)

>dark skin

>shadmanfags still keep comparing him to better artists

ahegao meme and power fantasy, his art is pretty unique too I guess.
And sometimes he’s edgy with his plots(or should I say the one he likes to copy and paste). He’s better than shitman but he’s still a meme artist

>Japanese shadman

Shit taste

Attached: Evacuate shad threads.webm (640x468, 2.69M)

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another b8 thread wew

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>ctrl+f "shadman"
Not a fan of Asanagis art, but Shadman wishes he could draw like Asanagi.

Attached: DtqiSJ9UwAAdOEY.jpg (1200x1037, 182K)

because if people here had any sense of aesthetics they wouldnt be watching anime

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if all the people who keep using that meme are actually Shadman fans

He has good art. I don't like the plots, but I can't deny how good the girls look.

Shad wishes his art was as good as Asanagi

It’s probably used because Asanagifags get asshurt whenever he’s compared to shad

He unironically draws the best thighs

Didn't know you loves shovels

Attached: Biwamaru.full.2451556.png (590x631, 235K)

>people get upset when something they like gets compared to something they don't like
No fucking shit

Because fags here don't know the difference between "art quality" and "design quality"
Touhou for example has good designs but bad art

Attached: 1553443570926.jpg (456x296, 76K)

I always found the idea of "design quality" to be just empty opinion.

Cope harder manchild, it’s not even that bad of an insult, it’s low tier bait

Go back to Yea Forums faggot

design has objective quality to it which is cool to analyze and discuss but most people just miss the point of what design is supposed to be

Those feet look awful, what is anatomy.

Based and black haired onee-sanpilled.

>stupid dog

Attached: DmyEv_4UUAAVPFn.jpg (797x1200, 166K)

>Few people even see my point.
Not really doing a good job proving me wrong.
Just sounds like you are circle-jerking with people who agree with you.

His art plays on a man's most primal desires.
It's the way he exaggerates the fattiness in all his girls. It doesn't matter if you're into busty dorafs or DFC lolis, the important proportions are all there: slim waist, big hips, and thick thighs. Just look at the skindentation on these girls, god damn.
It's just like meat: whether you like it rare or medium, dark or light, big or small, if you're a man you know you want a nice fatty cut, because that's where all the flavour comes from.

Attached: D2CDNpwUcAA-fKe.jpg:large.jpg (900x1271, 272K)

Those armpit vaginas look disgusting.

good job completely missing the point and twisting what i said just to make yourself look right

That’s not why he’s popular, lots of artists can design breedable girls and some can be argued to do it better than others including asanagi. While it’s true he does design good girls it’s not the reason he’s popular

Nah, it's a fair point. Artstyle doesn't necessarily correlate with the quality of a character's design or outfit.


Attached: rr.gif (400x222, 726K)

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>generic school uniform and hime bangs
>good design

Attached: Stocking Lewd.jpg (900x1350, 695K)


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The best part is how easily accessible they look. That one thin strip loosely covering their neither regions is a marvellously suggestive design.

Attached: 1530879224067.jpg (1000x1399, 853K)

Cry harder.

A. I was just pointing out that you weren't making a particularly convincing argument.
B. Then I told you what it looked like to me.

No need to get pissy just because I have a different view of the idea of design quality.

Then again, I think that I might just be objecting to the idea that design has an objective quality.
I think that design is more like art, whether it is good or not is rather subjective.

>I might just be objecting to the idea that design has an objective quality.
I'd instead argue that there's clearly something to be said about some designs simply being more interesting to look at than others. The big difference is that, unlike artstyle, it doesn't necessarily detract from your enjoyment of a series if the designs are shit. Not many people like Turn A's moustache Gundam or that Wing's designs look like toys, but I don't think that necessarily ruined the series for most of those people. In a way, it's a category that's almost always a net positive.

The Belly Dance are the best.

Attached: 11.jpg (1280x1858, 580K)

Fite me.

Attached: __kuurie_and_niia_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_asanagi__43449de18ad4ca4d22a4eeb38b0fc855.jpg (1100x1486, 1.09M)

Attached: 998899.jpg (1200x1200, 209K)

This is the perfection.

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how come I want to breed them then
can't believe how exciting this trashy art is.
this guy really perfected the retarded doujin slutface too, he has proven he can do other than this sameface but he keeps using it because its so recognizable and fits so well, that must be part of the reason why he's so popular.

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For the past week Elin have been the only thing I’ve beat it too, they’re ridiculously sexy

Sorry user, I saw the thumbnail and mistook it for the GitS tank


That does sound about right.

choose one and only one

Attached: D3ImDMvV4AAUMZ2.jpg (862x1199, 274K)

what do you call this body type?

Mech's are a lot easier to judge, but I don't get how anyone can claim that the girls posted here have an objectively bad design. Whether you like a girls design is very subjective.

I agree, he is really good at that.
Also I think that he is one of the best at drawing huge tits.

the gyaru-pig

Attached: 1533087917797.jpg (1000x1391, 288K)

Medusa, any day of the week

>Nippon Shadjin

Pic unrelated.

Wait, what is a car doing in Gensokyo?

>im gettin me mallet

Naru all day every day.

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Narumeia. No contest.

Attached: __narmaya_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_gin00__sample-f014adcb9bced3685a27a399154b18b5.jpg (850x1202, 164K)

Overdesigned and a pain to animate.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Re-Creators - 13 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.06_[2017.07.01_18.19.47].jpg (1280x720, 117K)

>posts fat, used goods

>too long
That's the gayest thing I've heard in all week.

Pelvic curtains are god tier

every thread

Attached: izetta_dress.jpg (960x540, 91K)

Best design are birds

Attached: 1537637370983.webm (720x404, 2.89M)

So did he actually use these characters for something, or is this all there is?

>asanagi cowtits
>godtier anything

Attached: 66560086.jpg (1700x1100, 374K)

God how can a birb look so unaesthetic, yet look so cute

Attached: trees.jpg (1060x1164, 90K)

Can I have the one on the right without the tsun mod.

thank you

At last someone with good taste on this board



Cry harder


Yes, Asanagi.

Attached: 20190123_220233.jpg (1024x2003, 459K)

Small server join

Fuck off discord trannie

reported for child pornography [in discord]

>134 cm
>~50 kg

When did this shitty /pol/ speech started being tolerated?


It fell through a gap.

It's criminal that there isn't more art of Stocking like this. One of the many reasons to kill myself.


Source? What is this?


best jojo character

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When mods stopped deleting crossboarder terms because they're crossboarders themselves.

Fucking this

You’d think a character called Stocking would have more feet art

I ca't deny i'm curious as to the rest of this image.

Bampi is core!

That was such an incredibly disappointing show.


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A simple design compiling all the best visual elements for an anime girl.

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Oh shit!

Attached: shit fetish.jpg (800x800, 195K)

that's one of the grossest looking images I've seen in a long time,and I'm probably more of a degenerate than 99% of this board

>posting the generic bunny girl when you have a brilliant cheshire cat design in the same vn

Attached: hapymaher - Chapter 1_ The Dreaming Realist - 10_12_2018 9_47_08 AM.png (1920x1080, 3.22M)

How does that top works? A zipper on back or is it really flexible like rubber?

Literally the only good thing about this show is the art style and the main girl's design. I wish the mangaka would make more stand-alone drawings instead of focusing on his unfunny comedy series.

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>sitting under a parasol at night


Attached: 1451331115659.png (1578x1804, 2.11M)

Nice to know I'm not the only one who noticed all the similarities.

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She's good but the others are better

Attached: cb3491ee79056db056df35722ed0e2c3.jpg (850x1249, 540K)

Even if you didn't like the plot, Ueno's expressions and voice were also fantastic things about the show.

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do you think japs color nipples pink because they've never seen one irl? how can they not know all chingchongs have dark nipples

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Attached: Trigun vol.1.jpg (736x1226, 192K)

Nirasawa's Devilman is best Devilman

Attached: Devilman.jpg (564x801, 74K)

Edgy evil form done right.

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God damn that’s hot.

Not the same user but yeah, both series had a lot of similarities, which i liked honestly.

anything by Piero
or Sindoll

Pink is just the best color for nipples, which they understand.

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I hate his stupid cheeks


Attached: download.jpg (306x165, 7K)

But the cute chubby faces are the best part

most powerful waifu

Finally something good

That was very eloquently put, user, well done.

Attached: 1539532759146.png (650x1473, 184K)

That's it? That's your complain?

>contrarians and homos STILL seething over asanagi
will the madman ever be stopped?

>no pierced up goth kitsune to domme and bully me and my dick

>Overdesigned and a pain to animate.

That was the point speed watcher, she is literally autistic teenage girl's OC

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The anime will ruin it

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Was about to rewatch this. She's top tier and has quite the unique design even among her archetype. I am still mad MC didn't take responsability.

wait a second...

Attached: 1195690622730.jpg (373x680, 45K)

Pear shaped?

puffy Moe cheeks are best cheeks

Attached: 1509640438893.png (1280x703, 386K)

someone post that brown trap maid

Personally I'm a fan of those espresso light brown ones

Literally any monster Yusei Matsui or Kazuki Takahashi has ever drawn.

Attached: majin-tantei-nougami-neuro-778460.jpg (650x520, 71K)

> jap shadman
>god tier

All white whistles have god-tier designs.
Probably, yes.

Attached: raita.gif (499x367, 2.26M)

Those her series ever get better? Is it even still serialized?
I got bored by the whole "muhahah I'm so evil -> *sob sob* im so poor pls gib food or money, nothing works out for me"-shtick.

Did you know that all the faces in your dreams don't exist?

The ones that draw futas correctly.


Attached: 089.jpg (1280x1656, 301K)

Her sister too. It sucks that she was killed. The MC could've had a 3some with them.

shadman pics are garbage, at least guys like heinzy make thier pics funny, shads are just poorly drawn lewds...

Attached: 475405b.png (1920x1080, 957K)

very good art technically + common fantasies.

Attached: Mikan - 43.jpg (959x1400, 203K)

Elins have honestly been the reason for me getting into art for the sole reason of drawing thick thighs on lolis.

Is Shadman a bad artist?

Not bad but sometimes fucks things up or their characters end up with Same Face Syndrome.

White people have pink nipples. That character is just a white person with tan.

I've seen dark skinned people with pink nipples. Looks weird as fuck in real life but it's not rare either.

Keep coping

Not really. Whitoids have dolichocephalic long heads, just like their nordic gods they worship, also their big pointy noses are evident.

Gay detected!

Attached: 1545234739945.gif (150x120, 41K)

satsuki best girl

Attached: satsuki.jpg (594x960, 75K)

I'm sorry that you're a footfag, user.

Attached: 1542542008291.jpg (2891x4096, 1.47M)

can't get cancer from moonbeams


He's been around for quite a long time and consistently puts out high-quality works that appeal to the rape fetishists. I remember fapping to his doujins when I was 13. Also thighs

Attached: asanagierika.jpg (850x1200, 437K)

When do we get to see Reverse-Reality Warper-chan again?

The nostalgia I feel for asanagi's RO doujins will always warm the heartboner.

God Digital Lover's shit, xration's shit, the entire Lovely Poison series, and a slew of other RO related doujins bring me back to a better time.

based raita

>anons falling for the 'le fatalpulse is shit' meme
>when he gave us the perfection that is Desiree-tan
Apply yourselves.

The KanColle doujin where admiral made tender love to Abyss girls was vanilla as shit and I loved it until they showed that other admirals weren't happy with that and went apeshit insane on him and the girls.

>Shinobu with panties
Delete this shit.

Literal perfection in any form.

Attached: Shinobu.jpg (1920x1140, 399K)

another cruel fate of the 3DPD curse, piercings on 2D get me so hard, but on 3D its an immediate turn off, usually cause its a sign of damaged good

Attached: 1474408927180.png (842x441, 399K)

Asanagi has to be DFC for me. Huge boobs on his girls just looks silly.

I love how he makes the stomach deform with his small girls scenes

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 222K)

what do you mean? She's our plaything.

Attached: saya.jpg (1600x1200, 120K)

>some anons criticize Asanagi
>thread fills with faggots to jerk him off
It’s funny honestly

>some user posts Asanagi
>thread fills with faggots complaining about him
Every time.

Kaz's masterpiece right here.

Attached: summoned_skull_png_yugioh_by_carlos123321-dbvo01o.png (833x959, 922K)

Nice revisionism, keep sucking his dick


Asanagi x Raita when?

Attached: 1417470016539.png (250x242, 7K)

Arcueid's design is absolutely godly. It's so simple, and yet it's instantly recognisable, and beautiful. It enhances the "feel" of the character. It's very straightforward with no frills and baubles, elegant and feminine, but not too girly. Just like her. There are very few designs that I just fell in love with, and this is one of them.

Attached: arcueid3.jpg (3302x4521, 1021K)


>some anons jump into the meme bandwagon of comparing Shadman to better artists
>thread fills with people who like said artists to defend them
wow what a surprise how could this be

It had a lot more potential than it exploited, yes.

Attached: Chiaki_character_sheet.png (1200x1200, 1002K)

Asanagi and Ishikei have god tier designs.

But in anime, the guys who designed Durarara and Shokugeki are great. Also To Love-Ru's Yabuki.

I wouldn't say good design more like they put a lot of effort into drawing curves and folds in skin

>tfw they removed the airvents in the redesign

Attached: 1550520614389.jpg (918x592, 96K)

Baited too easily, if your jimmies get rustled over a meme you need to leave

her design is probably part of the reason she’s so popular, and that she’s a loli

Attached: __anila_beatrix_sturm_and_thalatha_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_asanagi__b7460b25aae0d44325f5ca0d980cbc (1200x1670, 456K)

She would be an ugly girl if the faces in the show and most shows don't default to cute.

Attached: b0dd69155c893b30c1e6a69809337197.jpg (1200x1200, 697K)

Isn't she the girl that beat the cock?

Why would you pick a horrible design to open the thread?

Attached: 17250_OBIsVU91.png (600x600, 181K)

Attached: kucas.jpg (630x660, 62K)

If every shitty meme was tolerated the board would be filled with frogs and posts like (((((this))))).

She’s cute, 8/10
Vampire teeth are the best. Although I prefer one fang over two, skin fangs are garbage. Shark teeth are alright but they lose their novelty pretty quick

If every asshurt user was catered to because he couldn’t handle someone jabbing at his favorite artist we wouldn’t have a board

I'm more concerned about the skirt. Long skirts are a treasure and should be cherished. The new arc looks like a high-schooler and that's infuriating when the real Arc is clearly represented as an older woman. I'll never not be mad but at least that's as bad as it gets because Tsukihime remake never ever.

Attached: arcueid_manga.png (800x1200, 216K)

is Tsukihime actually worth reading? its either that or Hollow Ataraxia once I've got time

I don't know what you mean by 'catered to'. I don't see mods delete Shadman posts or even people ask for their deletion. That doesn't stop me from calling them out for being retards.

How could one man be so shit at designing characters but so great at making monsters?

You have to have a pretty big and active imagination for all those

>an entire race of lolis who sometimes don't even reach a meter tall
>an entire race of shortstacks who don't even reach 150cm most of the time and develop so quickly that even 6 year old girls have big tits
GBF is a heaven-sent gift for your imagination.

I thought it was ok for the first route except for the H-scenes, got through half of ciels route and dropped it since only a few scenes changed.

God I love this design

Attached: 1512596460.jpg (700x950, 84K)

>god tier, specially pic related


Attached: __bondrewd_meinya_and_prushka_made_in_abyss__3e5eb3ebdaf07af051c3f09ac9a16192.jpg (1920x1322, 291K)

>Raita makes skelly girls with baloon tits
>lool weird as fuck, but hot

>makes a petite, skinny girl
>nails the small, perky and shapely breast to absolute perfection
I love based Raita.

Kaz is a master at making things look like the perfect balance of cool and grotesque. Monster design was always his specialty. Although he got amazing over the years if you've ever seen his anniversary art books.

Attached: YuGiOhDuelist1074428.jpg (717x1109, 283K)

>The ones that draw futas correctly.
>no nads

Attached: cultured.jpg (1024x576, 63K)

Looks more like a sword.

Attached: June_cut_prof.jpg (1034x1253, 154K)

Attached: Nene.jpg (625x1242, 71K)

It depends on what you like. Personally, I can't say I that I love Tsukihime a lot. I certainly enjoyed it, and I love Arcueid as my original post suggests. The story was enjoyable as well. I can't say that I adore it, but it was very good. Keep in mind that there are two sets of routes, where you have Arcueid and Ciel on one hand, and the Tohno mansion girls on the other. The story changes radically between the two. Hollow Ataraxia is fun, but it's mostly SoL stuff with the fate girls. Definitely has value but I would recommend trying Tsukihime first, since it's a brand-new story and all.

Attached: arcueid_serene.png (1280x960, 1.15M)

>Take a character
>Get Aoi Yūki to voice her
>Give her Aoi Yūki's measurements, height and weight
>Give her Aoi Yūki's haircut
Fapping to her is literally fapping to Aoi Yūki herself.

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>The KanColle doujin where admiral made tender love to Abyss girls

You mean where he got abducted and arep'd by them?

Father of the year

Why's he so cool bros?

Attached: Reinhard.jpg (800x600, 164K)

Why do i wanna rapethis little boy

Attached: image.png (419x598, 112K)

So, who wants to be the one to break it to user?

because you gay


Attached: Mercurius_reinhard_homo.jpg (1920x1080, 307K)

he only ever draws shortstacks for the most part too, not that i'm complaining

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>Light is dead.
What do you mean? Explain the context. Wasn't Dies Irae suppose to have their own FGO come out soon.

Yeah. The spin-off (Interview with Kaziklu Bey) was also translated. But then Light announced that they're shutting down. Pantheon is probably dead. Look up the recent (and probably last) /sbg/ on /jp/ for more detail. On one hand, I'm a little happy that we won't get MOBAGE'D but on the other hand, It's sad that there likely won't be any more.

Attached: sacchin_sad.jpg (402x400, 36K)

Azur Lane one is the most vanilla now.


Papa bless.

They apparently blew all their money trying to get the mobage out of development hell and went under. Masada said that he wanted to continue Pantheon in some form but don't expect anything soon, much less anything in English.

The greatest love story ever told.

Attached: 01.jpg (2114x3047, 1.5M)

Excellent taste user


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i been studying asanagi for a awhile. hes suffers from same face but i was thinking how do you even switch out faces

Attached: Julius_Kingsley_Code_Geass.png (1920x1080, 2.45M)

fuck this is some of the worst design I have ever seen.

Holy shit!
I love this design.

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Low T individuals...

He said, using words.

>sticks with balloons stapled to them
no user, you are the low t.

at least we aren't furries. am i right?

they tried making that right panel unappealing but i got a boner regardless

>develop so quickly that even 6 year old girls have big tits
which one?

Attached: donald hard.jpg (472x645, 39K)

How did you forget about this tiny semen demon.

Attached: 72806243_p0.jpg (514x899, 73K)

It's not rape if he cums and it all backfired because he was the one that broke the one that was being a cunt, the others just went with it slowly.

Which doujin was it?

Speaking of that doujin, I really like the designs of the abyss fleet.


Attached: __wo_class_aircraft_carrier_kantai_collection_drawn_by_saraki__ae361829e35ceb4ed5e4c5619e3237c5.jpg (1447x1020, 1.13M)

Sensei isn't fat and she just needs a boyfriend, and I could be that friend.


Can't get enough of those midgets meat onaholes.

You're just gay for big dicks you faggot.

Savage our souls I think.



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jesus, jojo is both gay and dumb

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Holy fuck my sides

I love them.

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He does it every fucking time.
How one man can make my penis erect so many times?!

Attached: 73409963_p0.jpg (1200x1669, 1005K)

>those images where her tail is detachable
>directly from her anus
I don't have enough sweating_man.jpg for this.

That's too lewd!

Attached: __re_class_battleship_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nagineko__888d9d96a65d736a2ec227741076bcd9.png (1000x1000, 373K)

He panders to my shortstack fetish.

>Weaponized buttplugs
Now I've seen everything.

this guy gets it

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best timeline by a mile

Attached: __nejiyanagi_yuuko_and_yamamura_sadako_heybot_and_the_ring_drawn_by_haruyama_kazunori__sample-65b937 (850x661, 152K)

i'm gonna need proof that exists

not even once

Attached: space jin kaguya.jpg (1280x1266, 189K)

>posts on Yea Forums

this lol

What got me was the mole placements.
I'm currently diamonds from just looking at it.

i too fear the cowtittted kaguya

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Attached: suspected_troll.jpg (628x453, 25K)

Reminds me of Haibara Ayako's concept art.

Attached: scared_spider.jpg (241x209, 9K)

awful fetishes aside, space jin is amazing

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he is no doubt, just gotta stay on edge to not see any ballbusting while I look up the pixiv for updates

Attached: 72494713_p12.jpg (1150x1500, 424K)

idk, im too used to artists I like doing furshit or even more degenerate shit on the side that ball bursting doesn't even register anymore

Attached: sample_1c5f38b5542101a069a12b9b5f549b545eb55ede.jpg (850x764, 124K)

eh thats nothing to what it could be

I see, after all these years, Asanagi is still the go-to trash for plebs who don't know any better, same as Ishikei. I unironically prefer Shadman to Asanagi. At least he tries copying other artstyles instead of drawing the same ugly face every single time.

user, I had purposely not elaborated upon "more degenerate shit" because every second I am not reminded of anal vore, uterus prolapse or hyper futa guro, is a second well spent

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>I unironically prefer shadman to asanagi

So was right after all

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I don't consider myself a Shadman fan, not even close. I just think he's decent at what he does, as opposed to Asanagi, who is just overrated garbage.

El DR Goku, fuck this takes me back

but where's the rest?

This sentence itself is comedy.

ehhh much worse shit than that user


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Only for his girls, his guys are quite diverse.

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No user.

I know there are worse shit, but usually those aren't people who draw very well

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Praise the Seaport.

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These slutty brown savages have been coercing me into fapping for two fucking days now. Somebody do something about this, my dick is raw.

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Peak performance.

Attached: IMG_20190311_072153.jpg (918x1300, 189K)


It took me a year to realize that Kagenui is probably my favorite female character design.

Flipino pride worldwide

thats not even possible

No shit, nigger? It's still overdesigned.

Fucking ruined.
