Spice Girl is on her way
tfw spice girl will never look at you like pic related
This is bossu. Say something nice about him.
This is just long haired trish
You mean Trish is short haired Boss
I hope we get a post credits Doppio scene. What was Doppio's goal when walking around Sardegna anyway? Was he just looking for Nero?
He handles himself pretty well for an autistic watermelon
he looked like he had a buzzcut
Post credits scene is going to be diavolo breaking his keyboard. Diavolo knew the gang was going to sardinia to find his identity so he went as well.
Cute! CUTE!
He was wearing a suit, he just had his hair tied differently. When you see him later he takes his shirt off which undoes his hair.
He has a really cool stand.
He has good genes
>Post credits scene is going to be diavolo breaking his keyboard
They'll only be covering like 3 chapters if the shadow Bossu in the hotel scene isn't in the episode proper. He has several lines of dialogue leading up to and after the keyboard breaking.
>bossu got qt in tube top and miniskirt
looks uncomfortable as fuck.
>Giorno thinks Trish's stand might have a clue to the Boss's identity
>Spicy Lady even sorta looks like KC
>abilities have no relation whatsoever
He could've been living the dream if he didn't become so autistic.
>footfag spam this week
can it be next week already
>Those mathematical symbols
Reminder that Anasui is Trish twin brother
The back half of BT really feels like it's being dragged out by everyone being an idiot one at a time
doppiofag spam next week
then itll probably be a rissotto scene since they have been hyping him up
>I am the boss's princess, right now I am on my way to buy to buy the latest Italian Vogue magazine
>I want to get the newest shoes from Hermes
>I am going to a nail appointment after, tonight Giorno is going to buy some sushi, I want to it
>Oh man, the bosses daughter is the best!
Why don't all stands actually come out and introduce themselves/what their powers are? Spice Girl is so considerate.
It's still pretty short, and everyone is an entertaining idiot.
Diavolo was a slut and every pink haired character is his child, even in different universes
>an ominous closeup of risotto looking down pans out to reveal he's just eating spaghetti
Cheap Trick is nice and courteous :3
He's voiced by aniki.
Fun fact: In the game Eyes of Heaven, when Giorno is team up with Jolyne and win a fight, he will comment on how female stands users are tough. To me that is hilarious knowing that his stand is weaker than they are.
Are there subs in which stand names aren't changed?
how tf did the guy who created something as fun as stands come up with something as boring as ripple?
no wonder doppio likes phone calls so much
Because when jojo came out was the "energy powers" era, and hamon is fun user, it has some interesting variations and has a limited range so the user has to be atleast smart.
Is this the ideal depiction father-daughter relationship?
>tfw no daughter to dicktease you in the bath
Why the fuck did Diavolo even become the head of a massive criminal empire anyway if all he does is sit huddled in the corner of hotel rooms in blankets?
lods of emone
weaponized autism
Download aegisub and do it yourself
I'm looking forward to that
He was just having a mental breakdown because the condom didn't work
How is Doppio so cute?
>posts his early hideous design
Peak pleb
>The Star
It's a Persona reference
Call for sex 07399 613747
he had a dream
>Spice Girl appears
>that which is soft is more unbreakable than any diamond
Fucking Araki.
>IRL looks depressing
Fascist countries do tend to
This is such a dumb reply
but this is not fugo
Your mom is such a dumb reply
welcome to napoli
>Kars floats endlessly in space
>DIO dies after being mocked and humiliated by a teenager
>Kira gets taken to who knows where
>Diavolo dies over and over again
Why did Pucci and Valentine get off so easy?
everyone got off easy compared to Kars and Diavolo
I like that the anime gave them both green eyes
It's not like glorious Nihon is any better. Really life places aren't as aesthetic as shown in anime most of the times.
Poor bossu just wanted to sell drugs
>You will never entice Trish into sex only to ignore her entirely and just have sex with Spice Girl.
Life is suffering bros.
I really envy Italians. They get whole jojo part set in their country.
I want jojo in my country too. Just imaging part 9 set in Russia
That still looks pretty nice desu.
JoJo is too gay for Russia
Part 2 was in Switzerland for like 3 chapters and it was snowy and Russia is snowy, that should be good enough for you
Diavolo deserved to die but not infinetly, 7-8 times max.
i like the bottom more
I like bottoms too
Are you horny?
Valentine got spin killed throughout all dimensions
I was when I woke up
>anime Trish looks like Trash
>anime Spice Girl is the best she's ever looked
what did David Pro mean by this?
his paranoia apparently just got worse since people keep trying to kill him. which isn't that unjustified really.
Female stands took all their users fertility
You clearly have caught the Shit Taste, amico mio
hghnnghhh my dick
I hope they have lots of shots of her wedge heels
user is right, anime Trish looks ugly
Anime Trish looks like a wrinkled prune, señor
I'd like to go in her underground
With those spring limbs her hips would definitely start moving all on their own.
We should have a collaborative effort to de-face lines and de-mullet her
Nothing wrong with the mullet
Mullets are a crime against humanity
>tfw you are so paranoid your only friend is your own split personality
Mista, Giorno, and Trish definitely had a threesome. At least once. You can’t deny this.
the star is used to define and forecast people who are representative of being very talented and destined for great things
Pic related could do it. It's not impossible.
So the opposite of Jotaro
tfw he still has more friends than me
This desu.
He was autistic as fuck but not as comically evil and depraved as someone like Kira. Wanting to kill your daughter is small-time.
Metallica soon
Can't wait to see Doppio BTFO Abbitchio
>Laptop only held by a piece of ply wood
>Typing with wet fingers, dripping all over the keyboards
>Any movement by Trish's leg drops it
It's like he wants it to break
Based and canonpilled
You mean Diavolo. But yeah, goth will die soon ;_;
he does break his laptop in 2 days
I want a movement by Trish's leg to crush my balls
Giorno probably ignored Trish the whole time while Mista tried his best to ignore Giorno
Why did they get Shinpachi for Carne again
Doppio >>>> Rijobtto
What about Trish?
People think he's going to voice Secco
Why didn't he call him bitch instead of boss?
Because Riz already takes the role of bitch.
he begged for the role
Trish was reminiscing about play time with mommy
Based part 1 Risotto fanart
GE is crazy bullshit though even without GER
>risotto yaoi proportions
If Giorno is DIO's son and stands are basically your own spirit, does that make Gold Experience the son of The World?
Is Spice Girl the Daughter of King Crimson?
Yes but it doesn't matter, really. Your parent stand doesn't determine what you'll get, only that you have potential for a stand if anything.
Nude edit of this Trish when
Big McLarge Huge Risotto is my favourite kind of Risotto
Post more BIG GUY Risotto
Why didn't he just kill his GF on the night he burned his village down? Apparently it happened on the same day as the date where he took her photo.
>communist countries tend to
>countries tend to
Surely this is what you mean
Fucking hideous
Who's a good little bootlicker?
He liked her and she was uninvolved?
I hope you aren't too picky. Most of what I have featuring it is ship art.
shut the fuck up it’s cute
big bara tiddy Risotto is the only good Risotto
The timeline makes no sense anyway
DP will probably fix this
>literally just did it bareback like an hour before Diavolo got home
Better safe than sorry
The pussy was too good to destroy
Assuming they even notice
The biggest good is in the flashback because that would make Trish 13
>Kira gets taken to who knows where
he just gets dropped off somewhere in the middle of town
Unfortunately most part 5 artists are incapable of drawing muscle.
Not realistic, Doppio's clothes are spandex and adjust to fit Bossu when his muscles suddenly expand.
Its ability is bullshit, but its strength is low.
Only a C in power, while Spice Girl, Stone Free, and Kiss all have an A.
If there has to be a post credits scene I would bet on it being this panel, maybe adjusted to look more like Doppio
Why is rice a bara god in fanart? Even if he's tall, characters in VA are still twinks.
Maybe he didn't want to ruin the good part of his day by killing his girlfriend too.
Muscles are gross unless they're on girls
Let's just pretend he's bigger than Bossu.
Where did the measurement of him being 202cm even come from?
Personally, I think it's more aesthetically fitting for him to be a "Bara God" a la part 1-3 but most JP artists draw him in the twink way.
I think he went to keep an eye out for Bucci's team arriving at the location in the photo but since he found a good fortune teller he asked if Risotto was nearby too.
Risotto is bigger than Bossu. Bossu doesn't even have defined abs. Sad!
It's fairly rare for stands to have a personality separate from their user (or to display a personality at all beyond screaming ORAORAORA/ARIARIARI, etc) , and it's not really made clear why that is.
I heard Risotto Nero has a 8-pack. That Risotto Nero is shredded.
I disagree but I think muscle girls are great too.
>Fortune teller wants Yen
>In fucking Italy
He just wasn't that paranoid back then. He'd already given her a fake name, plus killing her might have been too much trouble.
Daily reminder that Trish is an exhibitionist.
Where are all the Biggie nude edits
Also where are all the barefoot nude edits
Why is Bruno so possessive?
bossu makes my dick hard
wait where is this from
The post credits scene in the last episode.
the anime twitter has been posting previews earlier lately.
preview image from official jojo twitter, they post them every time before a new episode
We actually know what happened to Kira.
oh sick
Speaking of barefoot, only 2 days until Trish feet.
Why are the fucking japs so stingy about their art shit
If anyone can find a DL for this yasuho model that'd be great twitter.com
>Where did the measurement of him being 202cm even come from?
it came from an estimate based on the size of a real life cardboard cutout
I want Trish to soften me and step on me with one boot and one bare foot
why is Narancia 164? In Little Feet fight it was said he's 170.5
Trish finds Giorno cute because she's a teen girl and he is well groomed, blond, and lithe
So really it was the worst threesome ever because they all wanted the one who didn't want them
Pesci didnt look that tiny to me
Sex with Trish
>didn't kill the maid for walking in on his conspiracy theorizing and even cleaned the room with Sultan Scarlet before he left
Bossu is a pretty nice guy, I don't know why Bucciarati's gang is so mean to him.
>helping the maid with her job
Based gentleman, no wonder Donatella loved this lad.
more legible version
What a bunch of manlets
What the fuck, did he bring his own personal desk and globe or did he steal the hotel's?
sex with Joshu.
>not having a tiny workstation and globe
>big printed out picture of Buccellati looking like a male model
do you think he jacked it to that
its an edit right?
He's literally mentally ill
>that Koichi
same aura
me on the left
Pucci got erased from existence
Which is much more preferable to infinite deaths
>Risotto is 6'6
what the FUCK
he's a big boy
How did he clean all that out in 10 seconds
He's a fast boy
hes fast
So is everyone here
I thought he was more like 6'2
the numbers don't lie
>Erased from existence
>Killed in all dimensions or at least most of them
The alternate dimensions only exist because of D4C, that's how there can be a root world that D4C can only exist in
for you
>look up Sakaguchi's recent roles
>only other character he's playing in 2019 is a dude in Fire Force which is another DP show that airs in July
Maybe they asked him to make some grunting sounds while they were recording for FF?
speedy boi
DP should do a jojo x cells at work crossover
Speedreader here, I don't remember these pages AT ALL. When is this?
Without Yukako, could Koichi get Trish to fall in love with him with no effort whatsoever?
Just wait for the anime
What if they cut the scene? They keep cutting good scenes and I'm losing my faith in the adaptation. Every part that I do remember, I'm paranoid they'll cut out a good scene from it. This one for example, I really liked this how it showed the gang interacting with civilians.
Also I'm still mad they cut out Mista killing gays
I can't believe the guard scene was sacrificed to give the dance scene a whole minute in the anime
>wrinkled prune
Now I'm confident that you're only judging her design during the Grateful Dead arc
They need to cut scenes so they can have the characters talk at the speed of molasses and say the same thing 10 times. Seriously, the characters sound like they're talking really slowly in Jojo compared to other anime I watch.
The part 5 anime look is good but I miss the occasionally goofy look of the manga
Glad someone else thinks so. I firmly believe GW episode 14 is the worst episode in the entire series. We got off a week long break, start of one of the best fights, but like 7 whole minutes of the episode is just Narancia questioning why he can't eat a banana. Imagine if they just CUT TO THE FUCKING CHASE, then they wouldn't have to cut out the real final moment of Pesci's fight, I was fucking irritated.
>but they had to take a week long break to keep up the quality!!
She still looks bad and inferior to her manga version
*Spicy Lady
*Hot Nigga
Warm Gal
What does the break have to do with anything? I swear people are extremely autistic about recaps like theyre going to die before the anime ends or something.
The Diavolo hotel scene won’t be cut because it’s actually necessary for the plot.
They seem to cut out a lot of fun little scenes. They'll probably scrap it, unfortunately
2 more weeks, boys
My only concern is the amount of censoring this fight will get
they remove generaly small scene with characters that barely have any importance to the current plot , in part 2 they did it twice by cutting the german spy that get ketchup on his face and when joseph menace post office workers to know where the aja stone went
Just a friendly reminder that Jotaro is OBJECTIVELY the worst JoJo
>gary stu in part 3
>saves the day in part 4 even tho he isnt the main JoJo
>worthless jobber in part 6
>is in 4 parts but gets zero character development
>personality is the embodiment of toxic masculinity
>stand constantly asspulls
>uninspired character design
>never uses strategy and just beats everyone by brute force
>shitty father
The only good thing about him is that he gave birth to the INFINITELY better Jolyne
there wasn't much censoring so far, I don't see a reason to be worried
>wanting pesci to jump in the turtle with a broken neck and tying everyone up instead of him just smashing the turtle
>muh toxic masculinity
>uninspired design
every point other than these is valid
It's not like Spice girl is a traditionally 'talky' stand anyway, as far as I remember she doesn't talk past her intro in this fight.
Does she even appear after this fight
Yeah during the final one
Honestly though I feel like this scene was kind of necessary for understanding of the scene/it making more sense, otherwise it's just really odd that they'd be able to just waltz onto a private runway and steal a plane without any resistance.
If they'd at least had some kind of panning shot showing the guards beat up while the group was talking about getting the plane going it would've been better IMO, that, or keep in the flight tower guy from the manga who freaks out yelling that the plane doesn't have clearance to take off.
He didn't know he had a kid back then, he just knew he tapped some ass
He uses epitaph to avoid any mishaps
Can anyone tell me more about Araki and Soul'd Out? I find it interesting that this guy is the only Japanese musician to get a reference.
The village burning thing was only really a ploy to fake his own death, it's not like everyone who lived there died in the fire.
>this guy is the only Japanese musician to get a reference
he liked the song they made for that shitty Phantom Blood movie
There was some page Soul'd Out helped Araki with the art for in part six or seven.
The episode that would make Tarantino proud.
Why do a lot of people believe that Carne somehow knew that Notorious B.I.G. would activate after his death?
It is heavily implied that he was overconfident, he even showed his stand before dying. Dying wasn't part of his plan or anyone's plan.
really araki?
Mista day
Giorno will protect Mista from 4, but who will protect Mista's heterosexuality from Giorno?
This has been bothering me a long time. Is Mista's name a play on how in English people have Mr. so he would be called Mr. Mista and reference the band Mr. Mister? Or am I overthinking?
Please stop bullying my husband
Maybe the after death thing won't work if his stand isn't out before he dies. Kind of like being able to take your stand into your dream if it's out when you fall asleep/are knocked out.
It's a reference to pic related.
You might be 'galaxy braining' it a bit, but its not like Araki doesn't do some strange name connections.
I'm pretty sure his name is just another food reference, nothing to do with mr
isn't it just insalata mista (mixed salad)?
there was no one to protect him and now our poor boy Mista is getting assfucked by bossu on the daily he even started to enjoy it
I guess? Maybe? I mean Mista and Mister would be pronounced the same in Japanese with the same kana.
It's also my birthday! I want Mista to bully me because of it!
happy bday user
no thanks. I hate growing old.
>this kills the mista
where can i find the original version of this imagine, no lewd edit.
help bros
it is the original
Literally sitting on his dick
I can't find the source but here's the one I saved.
There's a weird amount of jojo incest art.
Trish is for lewd. she's the gang's fuckdoll
>tfw no Jolyne x DIO porn
for 1 panel
imagine the smell
Pucci achieved his goal and then immediately jobbed to a little kid
Mista is the 5th.
Hottest JoJo girl
Better that he fucks his daughter than tries to kill her I guess
damn this thing is fucking strong, also why did best girl die offscreen?
lmao wtf
With how much emphasis the fictional depictions of mob tend to put into family, it feels so weird that the boss wanted to kill his daughter. Or it's just that it feels better to picture him as an overprotective mobster dad
What do you think happened to his ears?
araki is really into these never ending torment concepts what with dio being stuck under water, kars floating to death, anubis being rusted underwater, kira being dragged into the afterlife vortex, diavolo's infinite deaths, and now this
He tried to push them into his head like Giorno, but they got stuck in there.
why does only mista look like how he does in part 5
Araki kept Mista the same, improved Trish aside from the colours, ruined Narancia's hair and absolutely butchered Fugo
Araki considers characters zombies with no right to a ceremonious ending once he's gotten some use out of themm.
Bruno is the only exception.
Don't forget Magenta Magenta.
Angelo and Terunosuke, too.
What do you feel when looking at this image?
It must be extremely painful
Speedwagon will remember that...
what the fuck is even happening
forgot my pic of this thing slaughtering innocents
Diego on Thot Patrol.
>Implying any of these pages are significant
The original scenes they've added are far better than the stuff they've removed in general, you guys give too little credit to the adaptation. I bet you were one of the people who made a big deal about them removing the frogs scene so they could skip Fugo's pointless monologue.
Dude, do you realize how old that post is?
>ugu~ aah
what did valentine mean by this?
I went hysterical the first time
yo she is ON that dick
must be nice, father-kun
Based hair poster
They won't because it's actually plot related unlike Bruno being sassy with randos.
Is it just me or are Diavolo's proportions fucked
New Trish image
She has nice lips, I wish she would vore me.
This triggers me
Looks like we're getting another non-quality episode
>shitty sunset lighting
feels bad
giorno with make up
It's more romantic.
shut fuck
>slime monster
How long until we see Trish's creation?
more brutrish tomorrow
Why is Doppo Diavolo's baby
God i wish that were me
>trish had to listen to her mother obsessively reminisce about her one night stand
Bossu nearly died just getting run over.
I mean, Valentine got infinite spin'd. I'm sure that's not the most pleasant way to go.
He deserved it for being American
Doppio is a cunt
bunch of goblins
>Muscles are good, especially when they're on girls
Fixed it for you.
Araki is a coward for not making Jolyne an Amazon
Rude, but not untrue.
I need nice, lickable Jolyne abs.
How would you rank the La Squadra Members
villain of the week/10
I mean more from best to worst
They were.. uh..
Risotto > Ghiaccio > Prosciutto > Formaggio > Pesci > Melone > Illuso
Formaggio was the only one who really felt like a member of a gang so I like him the best
Risotto > Prosciutto > Ghiaccio > Pesci > Formaggio > Melone > Illuso
Risotto > Prosciutto > Ghiaccio > Pesci >>>> the warm dogshit that koichi found >>>>>>>>> the rest
Because of how he was talking about Polpo's funeral and stuff, it made him seem like he was more connected to the world and the events that were taking place.
>toxic masculinity
off to reddit
That post was reddit tier from the very first line
I like Sale most.
>Doppio was the aggressive one and Diavolo was the softy in the relationship
Based Araki, ahead of his time.
You should probably go back to Twitter, you limp-wristed herbivore.
I used to not like Jotaro, kind of overrated.
You changed my mind. Thanks.
based and redpilled
Don't tell me that this is the average Jolynefag.
>9 hours ago
>getting btfo 9 hours after your post
looks terrible.
doesn't even fit with the look of my dear Doppio.
It's 4/4 my dudes
>mista's least favourite day
>also jonathan's birthday
If I memory serves right- Weren't some of these from when B0ss had control over him? Like the eye thingie?
Yeah but the transformation mechanics aren't really clear cut
Like when he donuts Abba it's Doppio's body but very obviously Diavolo speaking
The only times Diavolo controlled him was the Abbacchio donut and sweater strip scenes
More like Gayato amirite
Jolyne x Pucci is good enough, we don’t need Jolyne x DIO.
I can't wait to hear bossu's voice again, it's so sexy
Hey, the guy that appears in the oppening look a lot line Trish, is he her brother or something Like that?
We know, Doppio.
The boss had a son before Trish and wants to kill Trish because he doesn't know how to raise a girl
Man, you guys just made me realize I wouldn't ever want to be a villain in a Jojo part.
It took you this to realize that?
You just buy them lots of makeup and gaudy clothes, females have simple primitive tastes
>tfw no trish to buy makeup and clothes for
8? 8 you say?
are you a marine biologist who travels internationally solving Stand crimes with back from a multi million dollar oil company?
>and then she had secretly hoped her dad is going to fuck her like this too
Shits's easier when you're rich, Jotaro is a failson
How would Diavolo know what pussy size his daughter wears?
What does Spice Girl do?
Donatella was apparently very impressed by Diavolo. It's written like he was this dashing man of mystery who swept her off her feet, and even though he used a fake name and disappeared one day, she still thought fondly of him.
He asked her black boyfriend
He burned his childhood home to the ground full of teenage female orphans and buried his still living mother underground with her mouth stitched shut
He ran a criminal empire that sold drugs to children and destroyed families for a living
He wanted to abort his daughter at the age of 15
He killed every single person in his path ruthlessly if they so much as found out a glimmer of his identity
He sold an arrow to Enya which basically began Stardust Crusaders which killed a large number of people indirectly
He did more evil shit than Kars, Dio and Kira ever did and he does deserve to die infinitely
If anything it's Kars who got it the hardest for less reason, not Diavolo
Kira was also autistic, trying to fix Koichi's sock. In the end they were both deranged psychopaths.
Not gonna lie, this post is pretty cringe.
Money is how success is measured in life, you might notice this one day as some super chad drives you by fucking his super model girlfriend at the same time
>be Fugo
>The Boss of Passione asks to see you personally after your former Capo betrayed the gang
>walk in and see this
What do you do
The sad thing is that someone out there probably thinks this
Not gonna lie, this post is pretty cringe.
piss himself
Which Giorno promptly drinks
Wonder how the fuck Giorno became the boss
Gas the rich, class war now
Who the fuck are these guys and how did they know that Giorno is the boss?
It really does seem like Donatella is the only thing that escaped his paranoia in the story line. And even nearly two decades later he went onto regretting getting together with her for what goes down and traces back to him.
>If anything it's Kars who got it the hardest for less reason, not Diavolo
Tell that to the innocent Pillar Men he killed
engage in a threesome with gio and mista
There is literally nothing wrong with wiping out your own people if they disagree with you.
Someone edit this so Trish is the boss
Dirty old men getting in line to suck some twink dick
this scene doesn't actually have anything to do with the mafia
This. Pretty sure Passione just imploded on itself and dissolved once the Boss, the Consigliere and two capos died in the span of a few days.
Hold THE FUCK UP, are you telling me that the all powerful """"boss""""" is a fucking TWINK WITH LONG PINK HAIR?
Just when I thought this anime series couldn't get any worse...
Nobody is telling you that
Maybe read the manga.
>trying this hard
oooo that image resolution
kill yourself
Not gonna lie, this post is pretty based.
Women ruin everything.
So hot
>Trish has pink hair
>this never crossed his retard mind before
>"Hello, GioGio."
I want him to fuck me
Nobody forced Diavolo to fuck her right in the pussy
How would you rate villain and villain stand designs?
I don't think I've seen a single animeonly think this. Probably because in the opening he's purple. A couple did guess that he's the Boss' second in command though. Most were barely paying attention to the opening to get spoiled the least.
I don't rate
>be Fugo
>decide not to go along with your former gang's suicide mission
>lay low for a while in case the boss suspects you betrayed with them or are a spy
>by the time you get back to HQ you walk in on pic related
There's no indication in the OP that there's any relation between The Boss or Doppio at all
Never forget that the average animeonly only watches the opening once a week so weeks later they're still saying it's "growing on them"
I saw one say it was fugos replacement
where's bossu's nips
Sauce, I need a giggle
>no arm tats
into the trash
That was just a joke tho
I saw one say he's a younger Nero
Dont remember, it was one of the youtube reactors so if you search for ep 22 reacts you should find it
Where do I find anime onlys, I'm curious to read their theories.
>there are people who seriously don't think the current OP/ED combo is kino
He cut them off so they can't be used to identify him from his days as a camwhore
Text would be preferred.
Teeaboo is like the only one who actually theorises
>part 5
Notably I've seen no animeonlies question why Risotto appears in Doppio's hair
There's something wrong with his left leg yes.
It looks like it could just be symbolic.
Pick two.
That makes sense
>He did more evil shit than Kars and Kira ever did and he does deserve to die infinitely
>He did more evil shit than Dio
No, he didn't DO more evil shit than Dio, but I think it'd be fair to say Diavolo's the most evil antagonist in the series considering the only other villain as cruel as him is an insane vampire.
araki forgot
Spice Girl awoke in a situation where Trish was absolutely fucked and couldn't afford to experiment with a new ability.
I don't usually pay attention to EDs but the current OP is my favorite Jojo OP
Kars comitted genocide and killed innocents
she makes things soft
>Kars comitted genocide
The Pillar people aren't human, so I don't care. >and killed innocents
Every boss killed innocents, that doesn't give him special points.
There is actually zero evidence in the series that Diavolo sold drugs, ordered others to sell drugs or was even aware that drugs were being sold by his organization. It is only speculation from characters who do not know the boss.
Yes, he forgot in all the pages where he's shirtless and immediately remembered in the pages where he isn't
>Every boss killed innocents, that doesn't give him special points.
Then what problem could you possibly have with Diavolo?
>Jousou seme Bruno
>not kino
If I was an animeonly, completely unspoiled, I'd think Doppio was going to be Hayato 2.0.
Be let's be honest, how many people actively discussing JoJo, even without reading the manga, haven't seen this .gif yet. Just like everyone being spoiled on KC because of it just works memes
She makes my dick hard
Only a druggie would dress like Diavolo does.
Are you implying the ultra paranoid diavolo didnt know absolutely everything that happened in his organization?
He either forgot or changed his mind, because they're part of his arms here. Either way they'll probably be tattoos in the anime like Bruno's lace anyway.
Diavolo looks like he'd sell drugs to children though
His anime design barely resembles his manga design and there's no reason to think without context that this strange pink haired punk guy is the boss
I can't fucking wait for David to do this scene. In fact, it might be the last thing I'm waiting for, everything in part 5 after Polnareff's death is trash.
Gas them all
Araki needs to be banned from this colour shit, pick one and stick to it
It'll probably be very slow because of all the dialogue
His anime design is different? Or you mean just the colors?
His hair is different and his face is cuter
>Araki needs to be banned from this colour shit, pick one and stick to it
He's only paranoid about people finding out his identity, he probably doesn't care much about the business side of things seeing as how Polpo was able to embezzle billions in gold and jewels without being noticed.
I think most villains are more evil than him, aside from Kira.
>anime doppio is cuter than anime trish
I love Lisa Lisa.
Diavolo only killed when it was necessary for his survival, Kira killed for fun.
Are you not seeing that disgusting green bossu
All I'm seeing is a fag with garbage taste that hates fun.
Okay George II
Nice armpit
Well put down the mirror then
As a person Kira's the most insufferable sicko out of all of them, but Diavolo's job makes many more victims
The problem I have with that line of reasoning is that the premise of Part 5 requires us to believe that the mafia isn't inherently evil. Under that assumption, Diavolo really isn't that different from the protagonists themselves.
No because he sells drugs
What are you his lawyer? Diavolos advocate?
I want Diavolo to advocate all over my face
his job also gave many people a place in that world
Which includes everyone in Bruno's gang.
It wasn't inherently evil until Diavolo took over and changed the rules.
how do you do these scene pics?
what software did you use?
Not canon
Image Composite Editor
Also Instagiffer to quickly get all the frames though there's probably better methods
How did that even happen?
the entirety of part 6 was dogshit aside from one or two fights and the finale
Bad writing
>Diavolo kills people
Evil, gets to die forever
>Anasui kills people
Hero, gets to fuck Jolyne
Uhhhh wow
Anasui is Diavolo, his next death is drowning in Jolyne's pussy
diavolo tortured his mom - that's a big no-no
Diavolo sells drugs
Literally zero evidence
Anasui did nothing wrong
If only a character's backstory from Vento Aureo just straight up revealed that the organization sells drugs. if only that character were to feel as if he was betrayed by the very organization that he trusted.
Too bad no character backstory was like that, eh retard user?
One more weeks, guys...
That also happened in the manga tho and Doppio deserves it.
>the organization sells drugs
Diavolo =/= the organization
Worst boy
He's a real slut, he needs some Discipline
His only good scene is his faceplant into a rock
>killing people is now evil
I prefer the one where he gets gangraped by homeless men
Please cease this Doppio bullying.
Abaccio's eyes?
I can't believe DP made that scene even MORE fanservicey. They must be practicing for Jolyne's masturbation scene.
Diavolo is in charge of that organization selling drugs. Are you saying Diavolo has no clue about any drug trades and routes coming in and out of his territories?
The truth is like all businesses Passione functions entirely without input from its leader but the leader is the one who profits
Doppio is for bullying
We never see him acknowledge the drug trade. All he does is lie around in his blanket and lets the capos do whatever they want.
Reminder that Broppio is way better than Rishitto
More like Brappio
Speaking of fanservice, I hope this scene is as horny as the game line
Imagine wanting to fuck your own alter ego
Implying you wouldn't lust over your own cute and sassy twink-self.
Does it feel to anyone else like the character of "the boss" was changed at some point from just a mafia boss to the weird split personality paranoid devil man he ended up being
Like Araki suddenly felt like switching genres
Are you surprised a Jojo character is bizarre?
Kill yourself
JoJo's content isn't so much bizarre as the characters' reactions to things are
Like Scarlet being bi is framed as a dramatic revelation
Jojo was written on a weekly basis so most of it is gonna be made up as it goes along. I think it's pretty reasonable to assume that Araki didn't have the entirety of Diavolo's character planned out from the start.
More like the impression the characters had of the Boss was different from what he actually was.
>tfw Italy will never be a real place
Imagine flirting with your alter ego and he responds with nothing or some mechanical answer. Doppio is mean
oh fug
Based retard
Change the spots to black
Cringe filename
Reality is unironically better.
Looks ugly with the lighter pink hair
Annasui killed a filthy cheater so hes a hero