Boku No Hero Academia

I hope you guys don't unironically belive that BNHA has a single well written villain by any standards, capeshit and shounenshit alike.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>well written villains

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You deserve the ban you're going to get

>well written
No character in Jojo is well written, Kira especially is one-note as they come

ah, here's some ACTUAL bait instead

The one piss guy looks like he just came and didnt have time to change from the boy's club uniform where he got 5 hot poz loads up his ass.

Jojo is literally a meme, no one actually watches it seriously or thinks its well written.

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I'm flattered you copied my post and used it as OP, well played indeed.

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People followed JoJO only because it was a massive meme, nobody though it was good. Then the anime came and the internet was flooding with cock sucking faggot ready to fellate this gay ass of a series.

out of all the villains from db, you picked one of the dumbest

>Boku no Hero Academia in subject field
>no BnHA character in the OP image
yep trash bait thread moving on to

>I hope you guys don't unironically belive that BNHA has a single well written villain by any standards
Stay mad

MHA is literally a meme, no one actually watches it seriously or thinks it's well written
>inb4 muh stakes
Its MC is a crybaby powerwanked joke and it has no enticing villains other than maybe that bootleg Deadpool

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BNHA characters and fans fear the hose

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>being this seething that Jojo got called a meme
Why are you denying this? The story isn't remotely consistent, it doesn't make sense, character abilities are completely forgotten or change entirely and there's no internal logic to anything.
All the fan base ever goes on about is LE KONO DIO DA!!! XD type shit
Jojo is good but let's not pretend it's not the meme series. The jojo fanbase is the worst of all.

>jojo memes
>immediately goes to KONO DIO DA
MHAtards are normies confirmed?

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I'm here to remind you that this is a BNHA thread, please don't derail it any further.

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Well it's not called Bizarre adventures for nothing

>implying that at the mere implication of Jojo doesn't bring you fags crawling out of the woodwork with the same overused bullshit
you people are all reatards

Admit it, Giorno Giovanna, you wish you were a normie, but all you can is post in stupid bait hreads.

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>Its always the ESL Dekuspic

>Herocucks falling for bait threads
You never disappoint

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this is a JoJochad thread now
where's my 150IQ gang at?

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What a nice number

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You still think I don't shitpost with you here because it's fun?

Bro, I've seen their threads, they're much worse.

They're literal tumblr migrants.

discord thread

You're what's making those threads bad. You and Miriofag.

False, yesterday I started 2 of 4 on-topic discussions, I made them better, everything else was literally vapid "I want x to y" posting

>designated shonen shitflinging thread
All your shows fucking suck
Jojo is a dead meme and MHA died immediately when O MY INFINITE QUIRKS shit started
Take a shower, hit the lawyer, phone the gym, and get a clue you plebs

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And none of those were baits at all, right?

Why the hateboner for MHA? The only thing that should be hated about MHA is 7 and that it pretty blatantly copies its contemporaries, especially Naruto.

They were... that's the funny part

Remember, quirks and mutants are a disease!!

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Based Kira Yoshikage making shitposters SEETHE.

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>terrible antagonists with zero depth
>story feels like it peaked 90 chapters in
>atrocious main rivalry that makes naruto and sasuke look likable
>already had a "he was the coolest guy" moment 200 chapters in
>constant tone shifts where it seems the author tries to tackle some really serious themes only to instantly go back to SoL ecchi stuff
>utterly awful attempts at social critique/moral ambiguity through the undeveloped character of stain
>constantly introducing new characters who're never given any satisfying spotlight
>clear favoritism with deku getting treated far more favorably than what they logically deserve
>entirely unneeded power creep introduced way too early
>mc is incredibly boring, morally perfect and only develops strength wise

it's already as bad as part 2 naruto and I shudder to think of the state it'll be in if it lasts until chapter 500 or some shit

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Hey guy are we talking about good villains?

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>allied with the protagonists in every arc except the 1st

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This, but also this is just the top of the iceberg. BNHA needs to be cancelled

He is a villain, but not an antagonist. Yet, at least.

What's with all the BNHA shitposting today? Did some fanbase get butthurt and is now letting off steam?

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>Did some fanbase get butthurt and is now letting off steam?
you know exactly who is starting these threads

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Pathetic peasant

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Hisoka would be a gross overkill fro BNHA fags

OP is on break