Himensopia chapter 11

Its out

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Guess I'll dump

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Damn. Is this the power of TOXIC MASCULINITY?

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I mean let's not kid ourselves and say this manga is written to be smart but I gotta say I like the allergy girl since she's the only one who can smell the bullshit and hypocrisy of it all

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He could have said kindness triggers a psychosomatic reaction though. Maybe he did, I don't read the raws.

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Thank god someones calling on this discount freddy krueger out.

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Her goal would throw everything into chaos though. Not that she'd know that unless the info on the terrorist incident wasn't quashed.

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Anyone found or willing to share volumes 4 scans?

I don't get why the government just doesn't purge the entire place, this is like mass extinction level shit right there.

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Are you screenshoting the pages or what the fuck are you doing?

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I'am using snipping tools. I can't fucking save it so shut up

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Because Himeno is holding their daughters/wives/mothers hostage essentially. Plus I'm sure they've been informed Himeno isn't the only Queen as well. She just wants her safe space, and has shown what she'll do if confronted.

>I can't fucking save it so shut up
It's literally just ctrl+s in long strip or right click. Are you retarded?

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I get that but essentially when they're brainwashed their not really your wife/kid/relative anymore y'know?
It's not letting me right click or when I ctrl+S it's just saving the URL. You think i didn't already try it you fucking tard? Just shut the fuck up.

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Then just download from his site.

I'm already almost done just bear with it. Also didn't think Rapeman did it since there was no credit page

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Honestly, when it was just her mom and the 5 girls they weren't as unhinged outside their subservience to Himeno. It was when the police got involved everything really went to shit sonce now she's creating soldiers simply to enforce her will instead of just protecting her newfound happiness.

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I mean even then it was kinda fucked up since they were basically slaves. I mean what if you were made to be bffs with someone you despise? Shit like that makes my skin crawl.

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On the flip side though, the bullies couldn't even remember WHY they were so vicious towards Himeno in the first place. I'd argue their leader wanted to "own" Himeno anyway so is it REALLY that bad an outcome for her? She gets all the Himeno she wants and more. The others got fucked though, no doubt.

Stop shilling your shit here

Yeah into a well

I guess it's perspective thing. I don't know man, that shit just makes my skin crawl especially how she's basically using kids,wives,mothers as meatshields. Shit is disturbing and I can't really see her as a "good" guy. I get it you were bullied but enslaving people is pretty fucked up

She wouldn't have gone extreme if it weren't for the police though. But yes, once she turned woman outside the core group she crossed a line she couldn't turn back from. No sympathy whatsoever from me for the core group though, they are lucky Himeno didn't have em killed after she turned the leader.

Uhhh I think turning your slaves into your love slaves a bit much but to each their own.

Himeno has been through some shit and finally saw a chance for happiness and took it. She's a broken girl, kind, but fundamentally broken.

>Also didn't think Rapeman did it since there was no credit page
Jesus, what shithole are you getting it from?

Why does she want to kill her? Imagine if she was the child of the teacher that wanted to buy Himeno.

From what people posted in those threads because Himeno made her mother into a soldier

Because everything is fake and every woman is brainwashed?

Well having a strange man in your house force you as a small child to take your clothes off and then when you run to your mother for protection she says it's your fault and burns your face with an iron probably wasn't healthy to her emotional development.

>2 or so chapters until Trump

the wait is killing me

>no credit page
what faghole site are you reading on?

Since OP is a cancerous phoneposter, let me fiish that fump for you.

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What is this. Karakuri Circus now? Gotta make people laugh otherwise your lungs stop working.

>Thank god someones calling on this discount freddy krueger out
Everyone save mad scientist knows Himeno is dangerous and was actively trying to kill her and give it a chapter or two to see more people reacting to this. Her special region is just the result of her holding the women of the country hostage and the negative backlash the government would incur if they went for a 2nd purge at this point. also
>phone posting
I'd call you a lazy fuck but having to crop each image has to be more work than it's worth. So instead I'll call you a faggot.

Nope, literally says
translation is accurate author is just garbage-tier as he is in all his other series

>cropped pics

Yeah I figured as much.

This series jumped the shark ages ago.

>author is just garbage-tier as he is in all his other series

you mean brilliant

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probably some shitty screenshotting app with those shitty added shadows, and also because why the fuck would you not just upload the actual original files if you're on a PC and able to download them.

>Not that she'd know that unless the info on the terrorist incident wasn't quashed

Her dead mother was the original WASP Queen that planned the whole incident.

Oh. That explains alot.

This is fucking garbage. I don't even know what else to say.

I kinda hope that the American wasp queen starts to fall for Himeno and lead to shenanigans where she tries and fails to seduce her.

I think someone groping a girl in a city full of
brainwashed woman with tentacles is even more stupid than the "Allergic to kindness"

>I think someone groping a girl in a city full of brainwashed woman with tentacles is even more stupid
You'd think that men and women alike would give this special zone a wide berth given the only people who live there are the mind controlled servants of a bizarre human/insect hybrid. But we have to have our cartoonishly evil train groper to show how things have changed I guess?

Himeno is a smug cat now.

>you mean brilliant
Indeed, the ways he does facial expressions and view angles is not something I have seen in other manga. His manga are also quite original too.

There was no new chapter in this month's Hero's magazine.

Shame, hopefully we can get scans of the chapters after volume 3.

Quick tutorial for those that don't know how to right click and save an image:
>Step 1: right click
>Step 2: save the image

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So Himeno was the villain all along? and new girl is the hero?

Suck it

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>The cam girls will probably get a brute for security now since she kept raping them

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You do know the camera girls were brutes? Did you even read it where they were cute kitties?

Himeno is Hitomi and Mizu is Pure.

Everyone is a villain

I accepted everything the manga threw at me so far, but establishing a vatican-like state in 1 year? In Japan?
That totally breaks my immersion.

I just want to know how they will kill Himeno. There's no way she survives by the end.

If nobody rips vol 4 by the time rapeman finishes 3 I'll do it

>Himeno: hey you don't mind being mind controlled right?
>Bully: no I love it!
as you can see Himeno is a good girl and did nothing bad

It seems all of her new soldiers signed up willingly though

If you do we all would graciously appreciate your service.

Its like the manga is written badly. Just imagine creating and harboring beings like that, in public. If Japanese doesnt glass the place then other nations would, especially China. Stray nuke and two would end the problem for the Japanese and behind curtains they would be thankful for it.

I dont buy the slick about hostages either. People in power are capable of doing hard choices during hard times, in reality many would put the country first and accept the sacrifices.

Shes probably immune to the poison and throws up when shes stung.

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>If Japanese doesnt glass the place then other nations would, especially China
Wasps are ruling US, they probably wouldn't let that happen.
>People in power are capable of doing hard choices during hard times
Yeah, but those "hard choices" never actually affect them, just their citizens

>Wasps are ruling US, they probably wouldn't let that happen.
When did this happen?
>Yeah, but those "hard choices" never actually affect them, just their citizens
Well thats not the case. Firstly, theyre risking only their family and as rational beings should be able to make the choice. History is brim with people gambling a lot more

>When did this happen?
Before the start of the manga, you'll see in two chapters.

And here I thought writing couldnt get any more retarded. Fucking faggot keeps subverting my expectations in the worst way possible

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>And here I thought writing couldnt get any more retarded.
American being under the thumb of an ageless babaloli is actually a rehash of a plot twist from Arachnid.

> rehash of a plot twist from Arachnid.
Garbage, pure garbage


>furry shit

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2 new chapters of caterpillar are out, lads:

I like the concept and some of the story elements, but shit gets out of hand really fucking quickly.

Super interesting as always

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Thanks alot

>himenospia is arguably a what-if of arachnid
>it will get published concurrently with the actual arachnid sequel later this year

>manga about a girl mindcontrolling herself a yuri harem
Fuck yes.

>the manga diverts from the harem to shove in basically X-Men shit
Fuck no.

This is cool,

was it rape?

Thanks for the image dump of some weird rape fantasy manga nobody really knows or cares about. You have proven once again just how cool, edgy and counter-culture and degenerate you are once again Yea Forums. Just the coolest.....

Still no Arachnid sequel News.
I wonder if we'll have to wait until December, which if I recall is the anniversary month of the series.

Please and thank you.

>muh problematic cuck

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>he hasn't seen those pages

The narration is from Mizu's perspective, so it may be inaccurate. It's astonishing how mangadex and Yea Forums normies have missed this.

>complains about furriness, not about sucking

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Technically, it is a sort of mind control (even if it affects a substantially small aspect of the whole mind, such as a specific part of the target's decision making process), yet it might work as an allomone, in Himeno's case, causing the victim to feel love/affection towards her.

Wild hypothesis here, but it might be because the hormones involved with the feelings of kindness (serotonin and oxytocin, for example) might cause said rare (maybe even fictional) allergic reaction on her (this might mean that she's immune against Himeno's control, or not, that her immune system only reacts to the hormones triggered by her control), and thus she must fight the cause of it, Himeno, before her domain spreads so much that reaching Himeno and preventing her from creating more soldiers becomes near impossible.


no, next chapters show she's always had the condishub, stop trying ti justify murata trash


The guy needs to work on more Arachnid instead

>MC has a scare on her face

Already triggered like i predicted last month.
Waiting for the Trump chapter to end all discussion in theses threads

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Sequel later this year.

What's the sequel even gonna be? Worlds fucked with rape zombies