Fate - Typemoon

Are the Clock Tower literally the biggest bunch of useless jobbers in Nasuverse ?

Attached: IMG_0694.png (512x875, 348K)

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Clock Tower is Main Place in NasuVerse

Not Useless ClockTower End Holy Grail War
and They Have Most Powerful Weapon For example 27 Member of Apostle

stop typing like this

They are one of Most Strongest Group in Nasuverse

Less jobbers and more hindrances.
Anyone who stumbles across, develops, or is born with powerful or unique magecraft gets slapped with a sealing designation if they don't have an influential family name to fall back on, helping to ensure that magecraft will never recover from its continuing decline.

The issue with Magic versus "having the power of God and ANIME on my side" is that Magic gets weaker as time moves on.
God exists and he rewards those who are pious to him.

The clock tower is just a collection of retards squabbling over petty bullshit most of the time, it's not jobbing if they're defined by being unorganized outside of sealing designations

>Clock Tower
>27 Member of Apostle
What ? Also
>Powerful Weapon
That's Atlas Institute, user.

Clock Tower being a bunch of faggots too obsessed with office politics is a good thing. If they were competent, shit will be even more fucked up since magus are massive bags of dicks. They're basically a less humorous version of Discworld's Unseen Uni wizards.

We haven't known much about the Wandering Sea but Atlas >>>>>>> Clock Tower

You don't know about 27 Member of Apostle??? Look This

Fucking ESL, come back when you can actual hold a proper conversation in English. You can barely follow a damn conversation and don't even know where you fucked up.

I liked it better when the third world didn't have access to the internet.

I liked the internet when the average mobile phone couldn't connect to it without massive fees

>27 Apostles
You realize that 3/4 of the strongest apostles are not aligned with the Clock Tower right? In fact two of them are hell bent on the eradication of Humanity. Good luck telling ORT what to do when he's committing genocide.

I was talking about the connection between the Clock Tower and 27 DAAs though. I know about Zelretch but what else ?
And the 27 DAAs group doesn't exist in Fate Worlds btw

I never liked the internet

DAs with the same names do exist though

>And the 27 DAAs group doesn't exist in Fate Worlds btw
Vampires are now a thing in FGO. Soon those DAs will be part of the Fate side as well.
FGO2 will be the tsukihime remake the old fags have been crying about.

You're talking to a faggot who barely knows basic english. You expect him to even know what he's talking about? He can't even read the very link he posted.

Im She Not He idiot

fuck off tranny

I mean the 27 DAAs organization, not DA. DA is still a thing in Fate Worlds (e.g. Zepia)
Also btw i just found this on wiki (i checked it again on jp wiki too) that those member of 27 DAAs group in Tsukiverse are often called Superior Dead Apostles (上級死徒) in Fate.
Btw, some of them are going to appear in Case Files anime

Arcueid was in Fate/Extra, vampires have always existed in Fate canon

Seriously, fuck off, this shit isn't funny.

Vampires, DA =/= DAA =/= TA. Vampires and DAs still exist in Fate.
And yeah do you know what Nasu said about Arcueid's existence in Extraverse ?

>useless jobbers
>not mentioning the king

Attached: 1549391809162.png (573x401, 199K)

doesn't count

About Arcueid in Extra, from her mats:
>She is a fan service character.
Fate/Extra Sound Drama 2:
>大河「TYPE-MOON作品では、作品が違っても世界観を共有していることが多いけど、エクストラの世界以外にムーン セル は存在しないと言うのは本当かしら?」
>桜「はい、存在しません。それがフェイト/エクストラがifの世界と言われる所以でもあります 。そもそも、 ムーンセルが存在したら、世界観を共有する月姫の根底が崩れてしまいます。」
>セイバー「む?ゲーム本編で月姫のキャラクターが登場していた気がするが。あれは幻だったか? 」
>桜「幻ではありませんが、月姫における人類史とは血続きではないということです。ぶっちゃける と、ファンサ ービスですね。」
And this too
>Q: Is there any relationship between the Moon Cell and the Crimson Moon? Does the Moon Cell exist in universes outside of EXTRA?
>A: Moon Cell is something that is only in EXTRA, and it does not have anything to do with the Crimson Moon. However, in the world of EXTRA, the "Brain of the Planet" (Archetype Earth's title) who is equivalent to the Crimson Moon should still be living somewhere.

That's kinda what you get for allowing a faculty as useless as modern magecraft theory

Attached: qFmQos6.png (2550x1600, 740K)

Which faculty is the most useful ?

Waver's, because he's more interested in actually guiding and training young magi to reach their potential than he is in sniffing his own farts like the rest of the Clock Tower.

>27 DAAs don't exist in Fate
Wait, so the whole thing about Luvia and Shirou eventually hunting them down's been retconned?

>so the whole thing about Luvia and Shirou eventually hunting them down's been retconned?
Where did you get that from ?

Not to mention Modern Magecraft might actually be able to survive beyond the 2020's with the rapid death of mystery

Shut the fuck up you retarded toddler, you bufoon, you complete waste of space calling himself a magus.

El Melloi's faculty is a fucking embarrassment, full of wretches banding together like vermin because they don't have a proud lineage. Fuck them.

*escardos dabs on 90% of established mage families*

you mean the Animusphere

they're in the 10% but only because marisbury is one of the few sane magus

you say that but iirc Zelretch never had a proud lineage, hell I think he was the first person in his family to start practicing magecraft

*dumb ginger creates reality marble*

don't you have to take care of the servant that's cucking you, Kayneth?

Admittedly it was from hearsay, but I kept reading things about Hollow Ataraxia saying something about Shirou eventually hunting down DAA's along with Luvia. Granted it's HA and could be complete hogwash anyway.

They hunt down regular dead apostle which do exist in fate's timeline. Dead apostle Ancestors are the ones that don't exist.

About Van-Fem right? Like this post said , he is probably just called a Superior Dead Apostle or normal Dead Apostle though

That’s the Counter Force, humanity was destroyed not once but twice

Speaking of the Counter Force, is the "CF is a force that can only act after something has already happened" thing true or not ? And btw, at least the CF are nonstop spamming servants in Lostbelt 5 lol (Bryn and Napoleon in LB2 were also because of the Counter Force too)