Hangi chapter soon
Shingeki no Hangi
Other urls found in this thread:
In your dreams noselet, it's going to be an Annie chapter.
Sex with Historia in a hottub.
i sure hope so
You will have your panel inside the crystal as a tradition
Before I get banned, I just want to say to the janitor, the mod and people in /snk/ that I'm sorry. I shouldnt had to vent off stuff from work here when, indeed, there are better boards for that.
So I'll stick to anime whenever I post in Yea Forums. And if I get banned, I'll accept it too.
Pic related, it's Historia. The only monarch I would accept to rule on me.
That looks comfortable
When will she break her limiter?
It's a Colt chapter
Isnt Colt heavily dead?
Like, really really dead?
I think next chapter will be Hisu, Hange, Eren and Zeke. Unless we get a flashback one.
I dont work for a NGO.
ya speedreading pinhead
Yeah, I forgot he's not the one who got smashed by a flying rock.
posting ants in
I can't believe levi is dead bros....
Hey guys.
Let me start, I'm not a shipper, in fact I hate shipping. Shipping is cancer that ruins anime communities destroying any meaningful conversation. Its also a pathetic excuse for escapism where the faggot shipping inserts himself as the MC.
So because I hate shippers so much I've decided this. When it is finally revealed that Eren is the father I will shitpost like never before. I will be unrelenting mocking every single faggot shipper that ruined any meaningful conversation with their cancer. The shitposting will not stop until I'm confident those faggots have left my board.
Anyone with half a brain can see Eren is the father. Its not even hard to figure out. Yet any conversation regarding that fact has been stamped out by the most cancerous retards imaginable. I can't even bring up the obvious without being accused of shipping myself. So in light of all the months you people have shit up the board you will suffer the consequences. You faggots failed to see the storm you would unleash and you will now suffer dearly for it.
Expect me bitch.
Hange will rebuild him, They have the technology. Sux Million Dollar Manlet soon.
>no interest in power levels
you are a disgrace
Why don't you just fuck off instead, it sounds like a reasonable and well thought out option for a shipfag
>I will fight shipping cancer with shipping cancer
Great. Surely will make these threads better
fuck off Bnhtard
I never read it
Y lie?
It's a Magath chapter
I'm not lying, I'm into OPM and other shit but couldn't get past the first 5 eps of my shit academia
>One joke man
Go back.
But I like it
Beautiful art of the best girl
I miss Yumiru
But user. The father is Boyega.
Thank you based Chadren.
after she imprints on her new master she was genetically born to serve
She's so cute.
>Boyega-kun fucked the Queen
Floch is the dad
Me too, Hisu. Also I love this pic
Farmer King is the one and only father and his spinoff is coming SOON
Boyega cucked the Farmer
Boyega fucked the farmer
Boyega fucked them both
Boyega fucked you
And you
Sex chapter when
Imagine the threads after Hange is revealed to be a feminine man.
Boyega fucked the queen and then let Eren be the father.
He also fucked Hans's boipussy.
>The ErwLmod was a spanish feminist
That explains a lot
>implying I'm serious
Also, literally who?
Ignore her, now she will act like a newfag
>tfw i'm more curios how hanji will bullshit levi out of deaths door than who fucked historia
when will that slant eyed nigger isayama reveal who the father is? everyone knows its eren stop stalling you cunt
That user takes shipping very seriously, and he's always accusing randos of being the erwlmod. No one knows whether this person even really exists or it's entirely a creation of his imagination. Boyega = lolimir
>discordcucks ITT
>everyone knows its eren
It's farmer, you guys just created a whole parallel canon around it because you don't want to accept Historia had a baby with a minor character
>talking to xirself again
If I recall properly, there was a time when Mikasa got injured. Even a fractured ribbon. And she healed it fairly fast. If all Ackermanns are partially titanized, then it could mean that Levi has a chance to heal as long as he's kept alive.
>Imagine self-inserting as cuckren
Why did we even need Boyega, didn't Nicolo fill that role
You take shipping very seriously.
>Attackonweeb is a hypocrite
No, I don't self insert as anyone, schizo.
If you say so
So, basically, a boggieman.
You see? You use that name again when you shouldn't care about EH if shipping is nothing serious.
If you wanna metafag then ok: DeadGayYmir.
Don't forget Attackonweeb
No. It's because there is a lot of evidence pointing to Eren. There is only one thing that could disprove this hypothesis: Eren having a strong reason to not get involved with breeding the Queen.
That or Hisu's pregnancy actually being fake.
>you don't want to accept
To be fair, no side can prove the opposite, so is still at 50% Eren or 50% farmer.
Are you implying Boyega opened Sasha's himen so Niccolo could fuck her wide and loose?
I was a Juzoboy so I would accept it
Not him but I guess he is saying if he wasn't a bad person and would support SL then why the whole Nicolo thing, yes it was for Gabo "development" but it was out of nowhere and that role could have been given to Connie.
Not like they didn't make the army their bitch with the wine making the pregnancy even dumber
Never knew I needed dadbod Zeke
>It's because there is a lot of evidence pointing to Eren
Not really, I haven't read anything convincing most of it seems a reach
I guess. The problem is that people were saying it was Eren's baby the moment she showed up pregnant just because. None of the theories since sound super convincing to me. It's not out of the realms of imagination, but it doesn't sound very likely either
Yes, that's exactly what I meant
The pregnancy feels like some plot convenient bullshit. Probably so the royal family won't go extinct, since the only ones left are a dyke and a faggot who wants wipe out the Eldians
cripplet soon, he's doing a reverse hyakkimuru in every fight he'll lose a limb and replace it with a weapon
But the farmer feels as reach. Also, using the logic farmer should notice Historia's face and Eren should have been sure Historia was pregnant before bringing Zeke, imagine if farmer was sterile so Historia now would have to reject a guy who works with her and would have to find another guy, all while hiding she is helping Eren.
The farmer arguments are not that convincing either
>Someone using the brain
Fucking finally
>The problem is that people were saying it was Eren's baby the moment she showed up pregnant just because.
They were also screaming he is just a caretaker/doctor. Now he is some payed farmer or loyal Yeagerist
>Eren should have been sure Historia was pregnant before bringing Zeke
Not really, that's just a guess
>using the logic farmer should notice Historia's face
She can justify it by saying she's tired, that's easy
I think the pregnancy is still justified because, even if the spiked wine was being consumed already, Hisu's pregnancy put her out of risk for sure. Assuming Zeke would escape and wrecking everything by going full REEEEE, we have no certainty that any other successor on charge wouldn't feed the queen with Armin.
Of course, this would mean that one of Eren's objectives is to help Historia survive at any cost.
Also, only Niccolo could provide with such exposition since he was actively and directly involved on that.
No! It's going to be a Pii chapter!
>theories are bad
This. It's hard to take seriously when the whole thing hinges on a love story that never happened in the manga. If Isayama manages to justify it in some way we will see, atm it's a reach
It sounded more like damage control
>only Niccolo could provide with such exposition since he was actively and directly involved on that
Nicolo and Boyega should have been one character, no need for both
>that never happened in the manga.
You don't know that, there is a part of the story hidden, just like the smiling titan got revealed to be Grisha's first wife
Why? You have the chapter saying they have Yaegerists everywhere, and some of them looked like farmers. More damage control would be calling Historia a lesbian victim when for her Ymir was always a good friend.
You have to remember that getting Historia pregnant was something that happened after Eren met Yelena. Whatever things they talked about, it seems it pushed Eren to take that way.
I can't belive Levi is dead!
Read my whole post before replying. It never happened in the manga, whether it becomes justified through some flashback it's another matter, atm it has no basis. It's also not the same thing at all to Grisha and Dina since there was no love story there, it was just a plot device to explain current events and they were minor characters
I do feel like Nicolo stealing some potential Connie's plot and Boyega stealing some potential manlet/Keith (I'm speaking from what I'm reading here) plot is kind of a waste, you let some characters just doing nothing. Unless Boyega being a mastermind as you say here then yeah should have been one character. Maybe he is warrior's spy or Kiyomi's, otherwise he feels too redundant.
Looks like Isayama can't handle so many characters.
Niccolo is a sample of how Marleyans can get involved with Eldians in a positive way, while Boyega is just yetanothersubjectedrace.avi. Plotwise you might be right but I think Isayama is foreshadowing something.
I'm really tired of this shit. You know that you won't be able to convince the other side to accept your argument no matter how concrete it is since only baiters and shipfags engage with this kind of discussion. I'm just here for the spoilers so please for fuck's sake, cease this.
>how Marleyans can get involved with Eldians in a positive way
Not like we had Reiner or Ymir for that, Gabo story is just Reiner story but rushed, so dumb I would take evil Chadmin fucking everyone before this
If Boyega is not a villain I'm going to be disappointed, Yelena and Zeke are memes
At first it looked like Isayama just wanted to do a parallel with Gabi and Eren, about hating the opposite site and then seeing that they aren't so bad actually. But he already did this with Reiner, so Gabi is pretty pointless
is niccolo even marleyan to begin with? that boat was full of people from around the empire, they only have in common the flag and their hatred for eldians
To be fair that is Isayama's fault, no matter if farme or Eren is the father he wasted months being too afraid to advance the story.
Any spoilers out yet? Is it a EH confirmed chapter?
Ser Levi Strong when
Hansi is like Pieck, like Isayama is deciding how to design the character, remember Pieck was a guy and he change Ymir's titan design and seems like he touched Floch's design a little. But I don't think she is a man, we saw how Isayama draws men and Hansi is in her 30s
Like how could you look like that. She also hugged Mikasa from behind, that's like sex for japanese if she were a man.
jesus fuck eren looks like frieda
Pieck gets spired by Eren.
It's a Farmer King confirmed chapter
if you think father confirmation will happen in 2019, you're a fool
True unless Isayama wants the Eren will her mentor but then again he killed a lot of marleyans, but then again Gabo looked well one month after watching Zofia and Udo crushed like that.
Maybe Isayama wanted his own Arya? that girl from GOT
Threadly reminder that Erwin will get the serum in the anime because that’s where Isayama corrects all of his mistakes.
>Maybe Isayama wanted his own Arya
Isayama wanted the sensei thing from before he knew about Arya, so this is very possible
Isayama doesn't consider killing Erwin a mistake.
As if Isayama would ever kill the mong
But how would that work? is Isayama going to make this arc 3 years long?
So Eren received visions from the future from Gabi, if we are talking about Gabi becoming the AT? But Eren went berserker in Marley to the point that Dwayne Johnson almos killed Gabi
Who knows. When mangaka announce a last arc it means everything and nothing, and it could go on for ages
Eren didn't want to be farmer though. That's why he followed Armong's dream and not Mankasa's
Bad theory doesn't mean it's a damage control like saying farmer is possessed by ghost Ymir, so YH is canon
Eren manipulated the PATHS to make everyone that loves Historia(true) to have the near identical facial structure as him. We know this is possible and not just a meme now.
Or maybe it's just sameface like in every manga
That's an obvious shitposter and pretty clear also which one.
>all black haired chars = eren
Or maybe in an alternate universe, you are fun at parties.
He will be a farmer after he's free
>cucked by a farmer
No, people was calling the farmer a caretaker/doctor because his words were utterly neutral in the raws. He didn't order Historia to go back, he didn't show a lot of care for her. He just conveyed an idea that she should think about her health and she gave him a poisonous glare.
Nothing on these panels implied (at the moment) that he might be the father of the child inside Historia.
Ymir looks more like Jean actually.
dumb fujo
Idk. But in that chapter sensei dies, and she keeps on fighting because of what he taught her. Given the brainwashing and Eren's insistence on freedom I could see this being a satisfying ending to Gabo's character arc
He is already free, according to him. He will be also dead in less than 4 years.
Bad theory =/= damage control. These are damage controls:
>Farmer is the father
>Zeke is the father
>Levi is the father
>Floch is the father
>Boyega is the father
>Anyone but Eren is the father
>Ghostmir impregnated her through P A T H S
>Historia hates the pregnancy because she's a lesbian
>Historia is forced to be pregnant
>Historia hates her child because she was forced
>Historia agrees but farmer fucked her
>Historia agrees, Eren fucked her but it was not out of love
>Eren is the father, but farmer also fucked her
>Historia is cattle and Eren hates her
>Eren pimped out Historia
>Eren is being controlled by Kruger
>Eren is being controlled by Grisha
>Eren is being controlled by Frieda
>Eren is being controlled by Zeke
>Eren is being controlled by Ms Tybur
>Eren is being controlled by anyone
>Eren is gonna die soon, he can't be father
>Eren is a shit father if he’s gonna be one, so he can’t be the father
>Historia will be saved by Porco and will be happier because he is possessed by Ymir
>Historia will be saved by Reiner and will be happier because he made a promise with Ymir
>Shifter is sterile
>Historia and the baby is irrelevant to the plot
They invite me to keep the mood grounded
Not when his enemy is still around, and it has nothing to do with how many years left for him
The ones I mentioned are damage control then as well.
>>Shifter is sterile
Farmer being sterile is definitely damage control then too
>Detective Hange
more please
>These are damage controls:
>Farmer is the father
Kill yourself EHcuck
>Shifter is sterile
You may want to pay more attention to the discussion. It was about the fact that Eren could leave Paradis only after Historia got pregnant, no matter if he is the father or not.
That was debunked like a million times. His tone was familiar, implying 2 people who knew each other. He wasn't formal
>That's why she likes horses
Based. Ymir was her ride for a couple of chapters after all
Farmer being sterile is still a possibility because nothing is confirmed about the farmer, but we have Grisha, so...?
Based Flegel
t. YHnigger
Still damage control, because he is obviously not sterile for plot convenience
It's been confirmed by nip chad that the words he used is either close or distant, it's neutral
You are mixing 'formal' with 'neutral'.
I was talking about 'neutral'.
"What is done out of love always exists beyond good and evil"
This. You fight fire with fire.
>implying farmer being sterile is not a plot twist rather than plot convenience
for now I don’t think there is really much build up to Eren being the father. That said, it is true that sometimes Isayama’s pace has problems and so some transitions are not very fluid (for example, the whole plot point of Historia being pregnant is not prepared in any way and this is why people were left confused and even hurt since we could not see why she ended up in that situation).
Personally, I don’t think that Eren being the father is necessary at all story-wise or character-wise. The flashbacks have already shown us an Eren determined to do anything in order to avoid that the people he loves inherit one of the nine titans and this includes Historia as well. Moreover, the flashbacks have also shown us how Eren was never a fan of the diplomatic solution proposed by Hange and had his doubts about it since the beginning. In short, he had already all the attributes which would lead him to act the way he is doing now. It is true that we definately lack a last piece reguarding his character and his motivations (a specific piece of information or something which happened and convinced him to act), but this doesn’t necessarily have to do with Historia’s pregnancy. I actually think it would be a weird choice for two reasons.
1) Eren Kruger clearly talked about Mikasa and Armin and not Historia. To make Historia and the baby Eren’s main motivation would mean to basically retcon what Kruger said. It is true Kruger’s words might have some kind of other meaning, but as for now I have trouble imagining it, so I think the simplest thing is to assume that Eren’s main wish is to save his friends. If Isayama manages to come up with an alternative and satisfying solution to justify Historia’s absence from Kruger’s words, then fine, but until then I don’t think they can be easily discarded.
>Muh Historia no turn didan
He is a fucking whiteknight. Pathetic
Not at all, literally not. Idk where you're getting your information from
And it's already been explained by everyone doing translation that neutral means nothing in that sense, he sounds familiar with her. It's just neutral as in talking normally
2) Historia and Eren’s love story would basically be a love story which happened off-screen and this is an odd way to go at it, no matter what. The only possible hint of a romantic interest on Historia’s part is Historia blushing when Eren complimented her. I can not think about any other thing. The rest of their interactions (among which there are far more important ones) are not coded romantically at all and even that little scene can be read as Historia simply being embarassed. It is not that much in terms of set-up. There is also the obvious fact that none of the 104th talked about a possible love story between Historia and Eren. They are the ones who immediately noticed Hitch’s interest in Marlowe and Mikasa’s interest in Eren and who mocked Eren about being super-dense. It seems strange to me that none of them had thought about Eren and Historia having a soft spot for each other, especially since they are all shown kinda close to Eren just a year before the attack on Liberio. Basically, it is not impossible that Historia and Eren had a hidden affair, but at the same time it seems a little forced even if more flashbacks might give more context and justify it a little. All in all, though, having a love story between two major characters develop off-screen and then show it through flashbacks is not a very brilliant move and it risks to feel cheap (again, never say never and this is just my opinion). What is more, there is the obvious question as to why Historia and Eren decided to have a child when they are in such a messy situation. Wouldn’t have it been wiser to wait for better circumstances? All in all it would seem to me a way to cheapen and trivialize the situation Eren and Historia are in and to trivialize their choices which so far have been framed as negative and as important ones.
This is my opinion so far.
Yeah keep believing it bro, maybe one day your dream will come true
Armier are gathering. Ragnarok is coming. Who is the based winner?
Em, do you believe I wanted to prove they don't know each other or something? Of course they do, since their stone-throwing childhood.
Once again, the farmer didn't give her an order, so he isn't her ward or gaoler.
But he didn't show care for her, so he doesn't love her or her child.
He was n-e-u-t-r-a-l.
>"who is the father" round 289
>But he didn't show care for her, so he doesn't love her or her child.
This is all your own interpretation
That user was talking about how relying on something that could endanger the complot would be stupid. And Historia is clearly helping Eren
Use logic based on the story instead of "I think Isayama would not do this", "it would be wiser if Isayama do that"
Just bringing up facts, buddy
based and basedpilled
How will they name their baby?
>ywn lie across Kruger's warm lamp while he kneads your neck with his strong, thick fingers
Why live?
I think I'm in a loop, it's back to 10 months ago
>"it would be wiser if Isayama do that"
It's just a roundabout polite way to say it's bad writing. I didn't write the post, but it sounds that way
Is the theory that Kiyomi and Kruger knew each any valid?
>This is all your own interpretation
Isayama could put in his mouth the words like: 'Historia, please, go back in the house. I don't want anything bad to happen with you and our child'.
But Isayama didn't do it. Why? Did he wanted to create this uncertainty just because?
So the only way to defend the argument "Eren is not the father" is because Isayama is a bad writer?
Then the whole manga is bad writing because Isayama has been relying on flashbacks since the beginning
Dude, no one speaks like that to pregnant women. You must be underage
She is around 50+ and Kryuger was ~35(?) twenty years ago, so it's not impossible.
First of all, I'm 31. Excuse me, but you'll have to take my word on it. It's not like I'm going to photo my passport here.
Secondly, are we discussing a real life event or a work of fiction where every phrase must convey a plot-related meanings?
Yeah no one talks like that, but that's not the way a husband talks to a depressed pregnant wife
I think they make other arguments as well, idk I didn't write it. I was just explaining what they clearly meant
It's different though, I would tend to agree that 2 major characters having a flashback relationship is lazy writing, and I think people would feel the same if instead of EH it was EM
Hello, Isayama? Yes. One spoiler please! Yes. Mmhhm. Okay. Thank you. Goodbye!
We are discussing that talking about take of your baby when the baby it's inside the belly of a pregnant woman is a thing that in any English speaking country doesn't exist. Idk about nipland, but somehow I doubt it. Until the baby is out you say take care of yourself
Reread the whole manga and tell me how many major plot points are not told through flashbacks
Why not? Please take care of yourself is worrying for her current state
>I would tend to agree that 2 major characters having a flashback relationship is lazy writing
But that is the twist. Just look at the "twitch" titan, you have to observe the details.
There's no precedent for a relationship built in flashbacks, info dump isn't the same thing as portraying a major relationship though flashbacks. You're also don't have to agree with me though, I'm not asking you to
Floch is the witness of Eren and Historia secret wedding
You must be joking. It's not even the same thing in the slightest
That's not the point, the point is that Historia is pregnant and depressed and as a husband, the farmer needs to cheer her up as much as he can like "My darling, I make hot soup inside, so let's have dinner together. You look so beautiful with our child" or something like that. The way they are talking is not intimate enough for a husband and a wife
Saitama would never agree to this
Dina and Grisha? the titan that ate Carla was the fucking previous wife of Grisha, come on. Or my secret half brother
Well, in my country people do speak like that.
'Think about the little one', when a pregnant woman doing something wrong. Women themselves talk about the embryo like it is a baby which was born already. I presume, it's a cultural difference between us, because in my homeland we don't differentiate babies in the latter months of pregnancy from the born ones.
>Ymir Historia
>There's no precedent for a relationship built in flashbacks
Isayama deliberately showed one very short conversation to keep up the hype, that much is obvious. For all we know he could be telling her those things, but we won't find out until we do. But that he's not worrying about her is blatantly untrue, since that's the only thing we saw him do
Can we dump new pic for our beloved series instead of reading this same garbage discussion while waiting for spoilers? Anniefags don't disappoint me.
The author is a Nip, don't expect him to fully apply Western culture/way of speaking into this
Yeah, I mean Isayama gave this 'couple' exactly one page together. And what did he choose for said page? The farmer being 'normal' or 'neutral', whatever, and Historia giving him angry looks.
It is, you decided to ignore things like Hango studying Eren asking about why Historia is smiling, you decided to ignore all those times of Eren asking about Historia, or threatening Hango, or Isayama hiding the months Eren spent in Marley and hiding Historias pov, etc.
>Dina and Grisha?
Not a love story, just a plot device
>Or my secret half brother
Another plot device. They didn't build a relationship in flashbacks
>Ymir Historia
That wasn't a love story, just a friendship with one flashback for context since they were both minor characters
This, like farmer can still be the father but there is basically no good arguments against Eren being the father. Too bad they call you "shipperfag" for pointing the obvious, like when they were saying that hobo cannot be Eren or got called a ZLfag just for saying Zeke was pretending the fight.
Oh, and our language is way less formal than English also, so take that in the consideration too.
It was jarring for me to read the scene with a supposed husband talking to his wife this way.
Grisha and Carla's love story was told in Keith's flashbacks.
>That wasn't a love story, just a friendship with one flashback for context since they were both minor characters
And that right there created the YK abomination
I'm not ignoring anything, some of those things you mention are barely there, others don't imply a love story. But like I said, you don't have to agree. I don't have anything else to say about it
I just want Zeke to be happy.
>K R I S T A
manlet will wear Hans eyepatch
No manlet will go bare
Who is talking about a love story here? Historia needed to get pregnant and the only two choices were her childhood bully and the guy who cared about her.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see the right answer.
Why was Zeke saved but not Sasha?
Levi Rivaille
Actually the flashback just showed how they meet. It's moments like this that created YH.
And you can't apply it to EH because...?
EHfags killed the HYPE.
Rumbling fucking WHEN?
What went so wrong?
It really looks like the merchandising team is blocked in season 1
All the EM, EMA, Levi, Erwin stuff, Historia still named Krista... etc
Historia is not popular.
>Hanji and manlet were trending topic in Japan unlike Eruri
Not fair
Historia appeared in the last collaboration game
I rabu Piku.
How will their next encounter be?
>tfw no Hanji mommy
It hurts bros.
She is not as popular as the others because it took a long time before she became an interesting character
Nah, snk marketing team is autistic, you have other mangas having material for obscure characters too
So merchs are not based on the story at all, even though she is the protagonist of this season?
I hope Zeke spends the rest of the manga naked
Railroad opening ceremony when?
Being naked is the only good thing he has left at this point, after he turned out to be such a disappointment
>Historiafags don't understand how merch works
Damn fuck, poor Isayama
They aren't even husband and wife
How can a gay faggot like Eren impregnate a lesbian (historia)?
>implying it works the same for all manga/anime
Spoilers never
>LGBTfags are retarded
Historia is really not popular…
Who will bring the hype in this chapter?
Memes aside, if EM fought, who would win?
Mikasa is Helos.
>No over the top Gesumin
What a fucking waste
Kek it does
Mikasa, once she breaks her limiter
Historia, she once blew up /snk/ with 107
It wasn't Historia, it was the pregnancy. Any pregnant female character would have had the same reaction
But I doubt people wouldn't care less about that if it was another character
>Against Madara Yeager who can alter the battlefield and guard his body with crystal
If thunderspear can't break it then Mikasa can't win since she would be having a hard time to kill even the mindless titan without equipments.
Historia won against Mikasa in a western poll. Mikasa is just an old glory
sex with lebi
LM soon.
Is Isayama trying to pull a R+L=J thing with EH?
Because this is really lame.
That’s very insignificant.
REunion soon.
>in a western poll.
They don't matter, is this your first anime. JP audience is the one they cater to
t. brainlet
I'm so mad Isayama missed the opportunity with making Sasha pregnant before the assault on Marley to add the impact to her demise.
>in a western poll
>anime created YH
sasuga Araki
we need more manlet's merch
I really like this part
Nope, it was already popular before that.
This is fate and love
People really don't give a shit about her. She was revealed as the secret princess and people still don't give a shit about her or get hyped from it
She potentially creates more butthurts than hype if the father is manlet and if he is not, nip LHfags would be butthurted too since LH is the most popular straight ship in japan. She got pregnant, that it. No impact to the story or anything since her role is being taken over by Armin either way.
More tragic than hype.
Hype because this can only happen through HALF-PRICE SUNDAY.
There is not a single shred of evidence to support the fact that Historia is a dyke
I wonder when Isayama decided to kill Ymir off.
Arumin is the father.
How much abortions Hitch did already?
You need to stop confusing JP fandom with western fandom. Do you have autism? It's not a difficult concept to understand
Hans has to get pregnant sooner or later to create an Ackerman army with Manlet.
>Annie was pregnant with Bert's child
>Armin will take responsibility
I think there would be more butthurt with Historia because she was the yuri character and on top of that stole Mikasa's man, but I think Western cares more about YH than about EM
اين صديقاتي محبات اريري؟
>she was the yuri character and on top of that stole Mikasa's man
Ah so things that never happened
It's a extremely popular game of thrones theory that turned out to be true.
I'm talking from the pov of view of nips, like they don't like Historia too much and ever since the pregnancy they dislike her even more. They would accept EM but I don't see them accepting EH
thanks for explaining what the letter mean you gigantic faggot
Jesus Christ, it means Rhaegar + Lyanna = Jon.
It's completely unrelated. That was only about Jon's parentage, it has fuck all to do with Historia's baby, it's like a totally different story
I don't see much hate in the JP fandom though, nowhere near as much as in the western fandom. I think they just don't really care about Historia, but def EH isn't popular
Because EC is cute! Too bad it's dead now
Google it retard. It is much easier than typing your post
I believe the point he was making is that it was only revealed through a flashback
EH hate threads are the most active ones on 2ch/5ch though.
I want Mikasa to fight Eren and break her limiter, why manlet is the only ackehax who gets to be overpowered
Very curious, I would say in western those against are YHfags because the yuri fanbase was always big, in Japans case it would be because of EMfags
I dont count fujos because nobody takes those seriously
That was revealed in a flashback because the characters were fucking ded
JP fujos never expect their pairings to become canon. It's just not a well developed relationship, sort of coming out of nowhere that's why people don't like it, although some are EM or YH shipfags
If paths exist and everyone is connected by them, and Ymir dwells in the paths and is capable of bringing dead people back to life, can't Eren just bring literally everyone who died back?
Next popularity poll when?
That would be a terrible lesson
Was it ever alive?
>It's just not a well developed relationship, sort of coming out of nowhere
they had more development and meaningful interactions than most shonenshit relationships already, I don't understand this argument
I disagree
As expected of my EHbro.
Eren and Reiner reunion this chapter?
And hopefully
>pov shot is all blurry
nice touch
EAr confrontation when?
>Piku - /biz/
>Sasha -/ck/
>Annie - Yea Forums
>Flocke - /pol/
>Eren - /int/
>Jean - /jp/
>Mikasa - /fit/
>Reiner - /k/
>Louise - /u/
>Erwin - /x/
>Pixis - /d/
>Zackley - /ic/
>This is probably canon now
>muh leddit boogeyman
you're just proving his point, you know?
Am I the only one who thinks Yelena is going to hunt LH? She was going to meet with Zeke, then she will be in Predator mode
She's too busy with Pixis.
My bet is that LH is going to somehow meet Magath.
I think it's more likely Hange will run into Magath or Reiner.
>Before going to Marley
zeke is dad
Mikasa is /r9k/
>before returning to Paradis
They had potential, man.
Does Hitch itch her ditch?
on the regular
No, she has her friends do it for her.
HxH and One Piece are deeper.
What's so unbelievable about that? Ymir is a beautiful woman.
>manlet and Hange tried to decapitate Reiner once
spoilers when? this fucking general is insufferable otherwise
Jean finds a way to escape. He carries Mikasa
Would Reiner really attack them considering Hans knows about Falco's whereabouts?
thanks now I know for sure I wouldn't like HxH
When you put it that way, running into Reiner sounds really likely.
This, but Reiner wouldn't know that
HxH wouldn't like you.
Finish the job of course. Nobody threats the Chadren and his queen without paying for it.
>It’s a “Hange will survive and smell as strong as ever” chapter
>Manlet threatens Eren's waifu
>Eren manhandles Manlet's waifu
>Eren kills Hange
>Manlet feeds Zeke to Historia
>Eren kills manlet
>Reiner appears and kills Eren
>Reiner FUCKS Historia
At this point, Reiner fucking Historia is more realistic than Reiner killing Eren.
Eren is a lucky man
Why do people keep forgetting that all main characters (except LH and YZ) are teens or young adults? Yes, they were forced to grow fast, but the point stands. They are prone to stupid and hasty decisions because of their age.
Reiner BLANCO will PAP PAP Eren's ass
They will SURVIVE
Keep dreaming, bōya
What fetishes Falco acquired during the last month?
>forced bathing
[laugh track]
Why doed Isayama want his parallels so much with the Gabo when he already have fucking Reiner?
"his" Queen
He wishes, Cuckrenfag. Historia belongs to every other male character that's not an autistic former ragetard genocider. Mainly Jean, Onyankopon and Farmerchad
>Farmer is the father
I mean, that one remains a somewhat reasonable position to take until further information is provided but still, that's a whole fucking lot of damage control we've been through this last year. The shitstorm is coming.
>cuckren self-inserter
Farmer is the father
>Mikasa: Eren, you are being controlled
>Eren serious look at the reader
>[laugh track]
the only character short enough to get manhandled by the manlet
Nobody would give a shit if it was Mikasa, Sasha, Hongo or fucking Hitch, I'm sorry user.
We know, spaniard "muslims are not that bad"
Historia getting pregnant supports Eren, retard.
Historia has some of the best facial expressions
You are very obviously retarded so I'll cut you some slack
Because he was in love with this idea since the beginning
That is a cute one
what is this from?
newfag here
Historia is a whore
>not a well developed relationship
>coming out of nowhere
>what is Uprising
>what are chapters 89 90 106 and 107
Come on, now. Are you also gonna argue that EM or any of the Eren ships JP fujos schlick are somehow in any way better developed?
I have a lot more, I can post more
>Are you also gonna argue that EM
No. They're both shit. The only relationships that would make sense are RE or Eren and the mong, everything else is underdeveloped, and also rent free in your head
>muh chapters where nothing romantic happened
There are also those extra materials about SL guys helping in the orphanage and Historia speaking high about Eren and telling kids about him.
You know it to be true, user.
A man can't love another man your silly.
It's called being a pidor and you will be killed or tortured until you become straight.
Ignore the lgbtfags retards, even one of them got revealed as a roastie feminist from Spain who loves muslims cucking them.
>extra material
What's funny to me is that you all act as if you're better than other shipfags kek
That's not what I meant you big fat numpty. I meant that those are the only developed relationships, the rest is shonenshit
Official extra materials are supervised/approved by the mangaka.
It's snk's original chapter, which was rejected in my understanding. Google snk chapter 0. It's basically Gabo and Eren
No it's fanfic. Because if we went by that material manlet/erwin, EM and Historia and Ymir the dyke are canon. It's just fanservice
Dont in one of those said Erwin to have a family and that manlet was Hanges beta orbiter? I cant talk about YH or EM, post them
>The only relationships that would make sense are RE or Eren and the mong
I'm giving you one last chance user, please renounce your statement or my agents will be giving you a visit shortly.
What's his endgame?
>Niccolo x Eren
unironically the smartpass destroy all those ships (they do not confirm EH either, the only important information is Historia understanding Eren ways of doing things)
>that manlet was Hanges beta orbiter
He blushed when he saw Hange's wet shirt, so yes
He was also jealous of Moblit
smartpass = fanfic
Smartpass stories heavily implie LH so no.
But like I said those are mostly fanservice, in case of LH they don't affect the plot, and even if EH becomes a thing that doesn't mean the YH one would stop being canon.
Basically the important ones are the orphanage ones in my opinion.
>*moves the plot forward*
based floch
Imagine looking deeply into Eren's eyes. Feeling his intense and burning gaze on your body, making you shiver every time you see his eyes inspect every single inch of you shamelessly in a silent invitation. Imagine him making no move, daring you, daring you until you can't take it anymore and you move in to press your mouth hungrily against his, shoving your tongue desperately in his mouth like a starved animal. Imagine pushing him on the bed, as he lets you completely take over him with slight amusement, and ripping his clothes off, gently, with love. Imagine exploring every last corner of his body, every bit of skin, everything he has to offer you. Imagine watching his face in pure ecstasy as you do unimaginable things to him, as you kiss places no one's ever kissed, lick his torso with a tenderness he's never felt before. Imagine how loved he'd feel, how hot you'd feel, how wonderful it'd get when everything finally culminated into the two of you becoming one. Imagine him moving, gently, so unlike him, so you could enjoy the moment as much as he is before losing himself to animalistic instinct and just raw passion as the two of you simply give in to your primal urges and make love. Imagine the sweat running down your bodies as you both come undone, satisfied, and end the night with some chaste kisses and cuddles, completely lost in each other.
I dream of this every night.
>Floch is a ginger
in before we know Historia and the army of faggots post triggered
What did he mean by this?
I'm more triggered about his eyes, his eyes should be blue because the cold eyes of him are pretty frightening in the manga, brown eyes really reduce the impact
We know, Historia
Ah, now it all makes sense.
daily reminder Ymir is dead and Historia is heterosexual
Based Abe
Where my ELsisters at?
Reiner x Nifa in the afterlife
daily reminder that Japan should pay reparations to China, Abe.
Post yfw Eren betrays Zeke
It's not my fault Isayama prefers the homos
We know, dumbass
Kek too true. Poor Jobner never had a chance.
I know it wont happen but it would be hilarious if she outgrew Manlet now.
Historia's character caters to the western taste mostly, tbqh.
There was never anything homo between RE aside from your weird fantasies, though.
I see this shit in every shonen and you fujos never learn
>things that women don't understand
They are hilarious
new thread?
I miss Anniethreads and Anniefaqs. Where did you go comrades?
I'm not even a fujo, it's just that realistically they're better developed relationships even if they obviously will never happen. Sorry if that burns your ass, get angry at authors who can't write romance not at me
How so? Her yuribait moe appeal was gone after Ymir left/the Krista act was dropped and she became an actual character so I can get why nips don't care anymore, but it doesn't seem to me like Historias the type to really cater to anyone in particular whether in nipland or in the West (like most characters in SnK actually, aside from Manlet and the designated postergirl Mikasa).
I fail to see how Eren and Historia are not developed (romantic or not).
They established a friendship, that's pretty much it
>I'm not even a fujo
If you equate having a well developed relationship with wanting to buttfuck each other then you are, I'm sorry user.
>4 threads
How does the fact that their bond is platonic contradict the idea that it's well developed?
But I never wrote that, maybe learning how to read would be the first step in not getting so butthurt
And is not the same with Reiner and Armin because...?
Just go with the first one.
You literally said ER and EAr would make sense, dude. That's gay.
Anons who don't read the comment chain and you have to explain stuff over and over again are a pain in the ass. We were talking about developing a romance, and establishing something of a friendship between 2 characters isn't it
This ship is stupid
.....but I love it, eren just need more pottato in his life for not be a edgy faggot
I said that EH had no romance in it, that even RE and the mong would make more sense. Did you get Ds in reading comprehension?
When Boyega wills it.
But why?
Why what? Idk ask Isayama why he can't be bothered with it, although being shonen we already know the answer
Poor manlet
>I said that EH had no romance in it, that even RE and the mong would make more sense.
yes, a similar level of closeness between a man and a woman is much more likely to lead to romance because (and you seem to misunderstand this) none of the characters are actually gay except the dead dyke
Why do people think this is unlikely? Eren has spent the last 20 or so chapters being on a completely different wavelength to everyone else
>all those replies
I miss ZLfags, manlet dumblrinas and Erwinfujos are too boring
And how exactly would it make more sense for Eren to hook up with the guy who's responsible for his mom's death and whom he's tried to kill at least four times by now or with his ex-bff whom he's grown completely disillusioned with over the timeskip than with a girl he became close friends with and whom he's been trying to protect for the last four years?
Is this really how a fujo brain functions?
I stopped posting ZL since tumblr invaded, I post more RE now.
>Thunderspears blew the Armored titan to shit
>Levi took one at point blank range and only lost 2 fingers
Isayama's padding out the manga
EHwhales are cringe degenerates
Eren loves Historia and Historia loves Eren. Mankasa a shit
>barry seething
Yeah I have to admit that I was saying this because of my own perspective of season 3. I felt a more excited reaction from western people about Historia's development than from nips at that time during season 3.
The user you replied to was literally saying EH was well developed romantic or not, to which you answered that it was just a friendship as though it was a rebuttal of his statement. The one who needs some reading comprehension is you, man.
Sorry ErwLmod.
Don't lose hope Anniefriend!
Also, last post for best girl