Pop Team Epic

Did you watch the new special?

Attached: poppers.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

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No because I don't know where to start.

Attached: Sin título.png (399x88, 5K)

>Kirby/Rin duo
>Hanazawa's rant on her shitty fashion taste
>eternal 17 ara ara
>Yakarin/Horie duo
Shit was epic.

And no, I don't care about male counterpart.

Possibly the best anime thing I've watched this year.

>still caring about PTE
Move on.

Yukarin and Hocchan are also part of eternal 17.

Why Cthulhu?

Outer Gods are subculture bitch, think about it.

Possibly Anime of the Decade

Read the comic.

lol so random xddd

>not liking gundam W combo
it was literally the best part about the entire series

What are all these different versions, and why are there only taco subs of them?

I love Pop Team epic!

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Attached: poptepipic.png (300x306, 151K)

No i was mostly completely unaware of it. can someone tell me when and what order they were broadcast. either way I'll probably binge the new eps on friday evening.

nice boat

fuck this what the fuck?



Attached: fEmTErj.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

No one bother to rip the other versions aside the Blue one for English subs.

so uhh is anyone working on english dubs?

hujikolp(Hanamori Yumiri)

Attached: c736f904.jpg (1280x722, 163K)


Stallone should have won a fucking Oscar for this scene.

Blue Dragon: Tamura Yukari & Horie Yui, Hoshi Soichiro & Ishida Akira, Kouda Mariko & Inoue Kikuko, Tobita Nobuo & Shimada Bin
White Tiger: Hanazawa Kana & Tomatsu Haruka, Yamaguchi Kappei & Ogata Kenichi, Katou Emiri & Fukuhara Kaori, Tomokazu Seki & Akimoto Yousuke
Black Tortoise: Hanamori Yumiri & Touyama Nao, Takahiro Sakurai & Fukuyama Jun, Kozakura Etsuko & Yokoyama Chisa, Midorikawa Hikaru & Takehito Koyasu
Vermillion Bird: Tamagawa Sakiko & Tanaka Atsuko, Ono Yuuki & Ono Kensho, Takeuchi Junko & Sakuma Rei, Seki Toshihiko & Kouji Yusa

is it bad to uniornically have a pop team epic girl as you waifu

let's try that again

eng subs where? that shit aint on nyaa

absolutely kino

The correct order

Blue Dragon
Vermillion Bird
Black Tortoise
White Tiger

Those subs were literally put in by the user who made the webm. Even openly admitting they tried to fit them to the original Rambo scene

Erai-raws uploaded blue, its listed as poputepipikku instead of pop team epic though.

We should try to get Erai to upload the other three as well, or maybe get horriblesubs to do it.

I saw raws available but I don't have the resources to sub myself. I might have to wait on this one a little bit.

Thanks user. I didn't know the order so I just went with which ones I watched first. And I didn't notice until I hit post that I had some names in the wrong order.
Here's the fixed order then.
Blue Dragon: Tamura Yukari & Horie Yui, Hoshi Soichiro & Ishida Akira, Kouda Mariko & Inoue Kikuko, Tobita Nobuo & Shimada Bin
Vermillion Bird: Tamagawa Sakiko & Tanaka Atsuko, Ono Yuuki & Ono Kensho, Takeuchi Junko & Sakuma Rei, Seki Toshihiko & Kouji Yusa
Black Tortoise: Hanamori Yumiri & Touyama Nao, Sakurai Takahiro & Fukuyama Jun, Kozakura Etsuko & Yokoyama Chisa, Midorikawa Hikaru & Koyasu Takehito
White Tiger: Hanazawa Kana & Tomatsu Haruka, Yamaguchi Kappei & Ogata Kenichi, Katou Emiri & Fukuhara Kaori, Seki Tomokazu & Akimoto Yousuke

It's counter intuitive, but Erai-raws doesn't post raws, they rip from Crunchy just like HS. They're always listed in the english-translated category.


HanaKana and Koyasu are absolutely into this shit. Both are must-watch.

what the fuck? I get to enjoy one at least thanks user.
I always thought CR used HS subs since they had been around for some reason

Fashionista Rambo

>Outer God

You don't like two DIOs breaking scripts, do you?

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>Still no Furuya & Ikeda.

I have watched Blue, Green and Red.

The Domon/Master Asia pair is kinda a let down. Seki is fine but Akimoto just doesn't have comedic sense maybe because of his age or simply not getting it.

The rest do great jobs though.

They did jokes about their roles in Gundam Wing, actually

Now do the PTE scene with the Rambo voices.

Yeah, I get the theme it has set since the OP.

Jojo references are cooler though.

You are allowed to pick only two VAs/celebrities for the specials dub.

Who are your choices?

Gilbert Gottfried as Popuko
Patrick Warburton as Pipimi

s2 never ever

Peele as Popuko
Key as Pipimi

fuck off, amerifat

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John Cleese and Eric Idle.

>Not wanting in PTE.

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>6 hours
>54 post
>30 IP
I'm glad no one gives a fuck about this show anymore

>special dropped on april 1st
gee i don't know
maybe you're just retarded

I was lurking but now I'll post just to spite the guy above me.

You messed up my spite.

Why did they make this when S1 didn't sell at all? How are they getting money for this?

Look at these 17-years-old voice actresses.

Attached: 17yearsold.jpg (1618x1095, 273K)

Merchs have sold like hot cakes though.

they have a passion for shitposting on national tv

Fuck, this is good.

is there enough material for a S2? Not like half the shit in S1 was in the manga, though.

Is this a reference to the fucking spic Gohan Blanco meme?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Poputepipikku - Special [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv 00_25_17.516.jpg (1280x720, 236K)

that's not goign to make the show more popular lol

they look 30

Holy... references overloaded.

That's Ultra Instinct.

Goku Blanco is an actual thing since exactly a year ago