Strong desire to be a hero

>Strong desire to be a hero
>Did not even try to get /fit/ when he was quirkless in hopes of being a hero, stayed a loser until he was handed a Deus ex machina

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Other urls found in this thread:

yes, deku is a shit. we get it

You don't get it user, he worked super hard at being a hero ! Watching tv and taking notes IS working hard !

>Tons of heroes get by on quirks that offer them no tangible benefit in a fight

>Watching tv and taking notes IS working hard
>mfw Deku is another self-insert character

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Yes we know decuck is shit

Yeah. The story would have been more interesting if he's not a cuck and was more like Rock Lee.

>A shit character from a shit show is shit
Who would have thought

Why don't you blame his parents for his over-priviledge lifestyle?
Had he grown up in some ghetto like the nigger he is, he would be shooting crack and mowing bitches by now.

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>character isnt born perfect
>this is a bad thing

>Most those heroes base their skill set around their quirk to give them an edge
>Then make up for the rest with expensive tech
>All of this is predicated on going through a system where they judge you by the potential of your quirk and those without immediate apparent use just have to hope someone looks deeper into them or they simply wash out
What's your point?

Obviously he knew the dangers of elementary school bodybuilding on your development. And besides, in the start of the series once he meets All Might he accepts that he can help people as a police or something even without being circus strongman. But then AM retracts his lecture and says he wants to hand over his power.

Why does this get brought up so much. Being a hero was just a fantasy and his whole life was cope knowing it wasn't going to happen, and when he got the quirk he actually worked pretty hard because suddenly it could happen.

The Naruto of this generation, and the ones who are watching it are manchildren that didn't grow out of their 14 year old self.

It sure is nice to see people continuously lap up Deku and want his attention.

>beta male
>loves superheroes
>got handed the strongest quirk in existence
>story is about him becoming the best hero
i wonder whose self insert he is

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>depression and lack of any forward momentum defeats your drive to improve
Whoa, no way

Hori gets mad pussy as a millionare you fagot.

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Is there anything more pathetic than boku no hero fans?

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kek, saved.

Is this the new Rubber Nen?

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this is

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dead meme
dead game

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>wanted to become a hero while being a quirklet
>why not train your body for situations like that instead of being a lanky fuck
user,you're a lazy man

Well there's desire and there's knowing that deep down it's a pipe dream for a quirkless to be a hero. He started pulling in the effort when there's clearly a way.

>situations like that
What are you talking about? Like taking down a villain? That would just be improper and probably futile. As far as I can tell you can't be a quirkless hero in BnHverse, unless maybe you became a vigilante. The organization clearly only accepts and proffers people with useful quirks. Deku would probably just get in the way and receive tons of hate. He was likely gonna go into the police force to be a assistant for heroes.

HxHfags are the most insecure fags of them all.

>does this shit as early as Naruto
>still does this shit whenever something eclipses their popularity.

>still does this shit whenever something gets weekly releases

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>b-but how would he even fight without super pow-
New chads in town to shit on Meme Macadamia. Let the mocking start early.

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>why doesn't this paraplegic work out to become a police officer

Why not?

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If Deku was quirkless and became a police officer, the manga would be seinen

No man, he acted brave that one time when All Might happened to be around and he also hauled some fridges for a few months, he totally deserves literally the SEVEN MOST POWERFUL ABILITIES EVER.

What was the point of working out up to that point when no amount of hard work would give him the potential to become the number 1 superstar hero? Just helping people without expecting anything in return is for faggots.

the moral of bnha is that if you're quirkless you really can't do anything and should just give up in life

And that's one of the reasons seinen is superior.

>It has to be either a 0 or a 100!
False equivalency.

You guys are such massive faggots. This universe has absolutely no rules and world building at all. Just give the police special raid suits and/or guns to keep up with quirk users.
So you can give Deku the physical strenght to keep up with them, like jumping super high or taking a massive hit, but have him use his sharp mind to analyze a quirk and find his weaknesses.
Hori is juts a soi boi hack and Boku no Reddit is dogshit.

>doing serious bodybuilding when you're 12 years old

bcniggers out

Reminder that Stain was wrecking Todoroki, who was stated multiple times to already stronger than majority of the pros, with just martial arts.

>martial arts
exactly what deku needed but he got 7 quirks instead


Not even just 7 quirks. 7 OfA-boosted quirks, which should logically make each of them among the very strongest in the entire story.
All to beat a villain that All Might already beat with just his superstrength.
Cannot make this shit up.

>stronger than majority of the pros

Jesus when was that? Everytime Shoto has the spotlight is either "Muh abusive childhood" or him fucking up his moves.

His fight against Stain was probably the longest he endured and even then Tenya and deku were still around

You're forgetting how relatively weak pros are, todoroki would stomp most heroes below top 30

During the tournament arc.


If his priority was only to save people like the narrative tries to claim, then he could have tried to become a doctor, but no being a doctor isn't KEWL.

>B-but muh notes!!
Why do MHAtards pretend that keeping track of your hobby is hard work? I've seen kids make higher quality scouting reports for the nba draft

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>below top 30
What could Hawk even do if Todo froze or burned his feathers?
The entire powerlevel and world building in tis manga is absolute dogshit.

Dumb reddit can't even remember his own series that he's defending

>WTF why didn't this kid out of highschool with no hope of achieving his goals while being bullied by some super hero do get fit
It's almost like he is a child and needs someone too believe in him.

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>needs someone too believe in him
*needs the most powerful hero to give him 7 broken quirks

Says the mhatard samefagging the whole thread to make shit excuses for his shitty manga

>Wtf the most powerfull hero believes in him and is willing to pass on his power too this kid if he proves himself too him.
Quick reminder that even when Deku was quirkless his stood up to Baku bullying him and attempted to stop the smog monster dude from becomming Baku.

And no matter how may times people say it it doesnt make sense for Deku too try and become a hero without powers. People like that literally don't get hired. Best chance he had was becomming a vigilantee but that would have changed the entire story and wishing for shit that changes the entire story is fucking dumb.

I'm actually shitting on it but ok...

>believes in him and is willing to pass on his power too this kid if he proves himself too him.
*gives him 7 broken quirks

Well yes that is exactly what he did when he gave Deku his powers.

>It's almost like
reddit phrase
>he is a child and needs someone too believe in him.
this is a fictional story, you massive retard, Hori could have just written him as someone who starts to train, simply BECAUSE no one believes in him.
Pretty much all the fat to fit people i've seen achieved it just to show everyone else they were wrong.

Horseshit, you could totally market "The Quirkless Hero" if you have the skills to back it up. And you clearly don't need a quirk to fight. The manga almost goes out of its way to demonstrate that.

Imagine your dream was to be firefighter but you can't use your legs. Would you say fuck it, let me just do all the pull up in the world to achieve your dreams? No, you know you can't. Deku knew he couldnt, so he didn't try.
I don't understand why this is so hard to understand

>Best chance he had was becomming a vigilantee but that would have changed the entire story and wishing for shit that changes the entire story is fucking dumb.
Yeah, well, it's not our fault that the entire premise is ruined on the fundamental level by the characterization of the main character, who's supposed to be selfless and heroic but ends up looking like some glory seeker.

>Imagine your dream was to be firefighter but you can't use your legs.
Stopped reading there. This doesn't even come close to Deku's situation.
Also the spin-off manga is canon and has a guy beating up super all the time without powers. Also take away Stain's blood quirk and he would kill superheroes left and right.
On top of that, Hori himself could have implemented every rule he wanted, like police officers have super suits, like someone mentioned.
Your situation is more like "imagine your dream was to be a firefighter but you can't afford an axe".
Fuck off defending shit writing, nigger.

>reddit phrase
Since you know so much about reddit maybe you should go there instead.
And why should we completely change Dekus character so that he can be "Shonen power fantasy MC#48"

Yes you could market it but it's not what the story is about. It's about super hero highschool and you can't go too super hero highschool without super powers. This is like watching a horror movie about a monster in a mansion and going "Why the fuck did they go into the mansion? Mansion monsters are dumb I wish this was about cave monsters instead."

boku no pico fans?

It's more comparable to wanting to be a NBA player but you're 5'5.

>we completely change Dekus character so that he can be "Shonen power fantasy MC#48"
So what do you think he is right now then retard

>Imagine your dream was to be firefighter but you can't use your legs.
You called? Just give up, EnS completely shits on every one of your shitty defenses.

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I forget, how long did Mirio last against Overhaul after losing his quirk?

>"Shonen power fantasy MC#48"
How is that when people started working out in real life for that exact same reason? Also he LITERALLY became the super special strongest type super mc ninja jesus#26484

>Imagine your dream was to be firefighter but you can't use your legs. Would you say fuck it, let me just do all the pull up in the world to achieve your dreams?
False equivalency, characters without quirks were shown to be able to put up a fight with quirked ones. And some quirks are completely useless so it was never like Deku some sort of marginalized 0.1% like the narrative wants you to believe.
And Deku was not interested just in becoming a firefighter, he wanted to become the greatest firefighter ever and anything less than that was not enough for him to give a slightest shit about.

>Would you say fuck it, let me just do all the pull up in the world to achieve your dreams? No, you know you can't.
Yeah, but there are multiple other ways to help people and/or support firefighters even with lame legs. Deku threw a tantrum and just cried about it.

>Deku knew he couldnt, so he didn't try.
He was still planning to take the admission test to UA ever before getting ofa though?

lmao u dum
Best Daddy is ex-hero with all the martial training and combat experience under his belt and is willing to abuse drugs to keep himself on par with his targets
And in case you didn't notice Stain's modus operandi relied on surprise strikes and instant immobilizing of target by his quirk

Than don't read it. If Dekus behavior bothers you that much than this isn't for you. If you ask me Deku is propably one of the more realistic shonen MC exactly because he behaves like a normal human who knows that achieving his dream is practically impossible.

In this situation, it is. And for knuckle's, he's older, had years training, HAD a quirk, full to brim of painkillers, and most importantly fighting super jobbers. One of his toughest fights was a guy that telegraphed his punches pretty bad and he barely won. And to that excuse that stain (and eraser) they still have quirks. The reason why stain was so deadly was because of his quirk, without it he would have gotten captured within the week

He was a actual kid that knew his dreams were impossible. I'm only talking his pre One-for-All personality.

But that isn't the police.

>If Dekus behavior bothers you that much than this isn't for you.
"It's not for you" is not an argument.
I enjoy the battle shonen genre. The writing in this one is just shit. Cope.

>He was a actual kid that knew his dreams were impossible.
That's pretty shitty character writing then. Doesn't a shonen usually have a message like believe in your dreams, fight against all odds?
Bnha is like "hey kids, don't even try in life unless you get everything handed to you on a silver platter"
Also in the same chapter he forgets all about impossibilites and tried rescuing that rival guy from a super villain, completely knowing he would die.

It's a deconstruction. An actual deconstruction unlike HxH. While normally a shonen would preach about hard work, even while failing to demonstrate this through the narrative Almight is immediately honest about the necessity of a quirk.

>It's a deconstruction
No, a deconstruction would be something like talentless nana. As it stands, the "just having dreams isn't enough" isn't actually very original
even for a shonen.

Oh no You're not supposed to point this out

That's pretty redpilled of Hori, teaching the kids that they're worthless and their work means nothing unless they were born with a talent, or magically handed it by a deus ex machina.

>False equivalency, characters without quirks were shown to be able to put up a fight with quirked ones
We seen 3
Knuckle's, Tintin and mob justice

>Yeah, but there are multiple other ways to help people and/or support firefighters even with lame legs
Of course, but are any of them being actually fireman? For deku, being a hero isn't just saving people, it's inspiring them. Hard to do that behind a desk

>He was still planning to take the admission test to UA ever before getting ofa though?
He didn't really believe he would get in. It was his like glimmer of hope to become a hero after everyone said no

5-15 minutes

The writing is shit but Dekus character is not the shit part. The shit part is that Hori clearly just thinks up the story as he writes it. The shit part is that there is basically no world building at the starts so we didn't know that quirks keep getting stronger or how powerfull quirkless people are.
>That's pretty shitty character writing then.
No that's really good character writing. The moral of the story doesnt allways have too be nice. And don't even pretend like Deku didn't try, he just knew he couldn't. If you really think about it bnha is more like "Hey kids not everything is possible but you won't know untill you try"
Read what I wrote above, don't make it more negative than it actually is.

Are there any BNHA characters other than that movie one who were born and *stayed* quirkless?

That's literally the blue pill though, talent only matters at the very top

If only he was as chad as >pic related

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Actually no, I'm wrong. The mob just won because the gang was dequirked. So just two

Different universe different rules.
Rider also gets his ass handed too him on multiple occasions.


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>We seen 3
So they do exist, proving your point moot.

>For deku, being a hero isn't just saving people, it's inspiring them. Hard to do that behind a desk
The only really publicly recognizable and inspiring heroes are the ones at the very top of the ladder, once again showing that Deku was not interested in being a hero but in being a superstar.

>He didn't really believe he would get in. . It was his like glimmer of hope to become a hero after everyone said no
So he didn't give up, despite not working toward it at all. Proving your point moot.

Hey fuck off wearing the costume your mom made you is Chad as fuck.

Deku being a pansy little bitch is not shitty characterization. It's just a part of Deku's personality, like his shyness or his compassion. If he were some rebel that wanted to become the first quirkless hero, he'd would have to be self-confident, assertive, and a different character entirely.

The reason he risked his life to save that kid is because he wanted to be a hero, and heroes save people. That's the major thing about being a hero for Deku, it was the reason he looked up to All Might. It's why he tried to help, and it's why All Might grew to respect him.

Get fucked. Why is it these days that every time some asshole gets backed into a corner as to why his book his shit he replies "DECONSTRUCTION." Even if it where, and it's not because those aren't really things, it still doesn't excuse to the poor inconsistent writing.

Why do normalfags always gravitate towards stupid shonen shit like this all the time?

well that's what Hori wanted originally, so bring it up with his editors

Citation needed

>Japanese people
>Having sex ever
Haha, what?

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What do you mean citation? There's a whole one shot that acted as the series pilot.

>So they do exist, proving your point moot
And no because we only seen knuckle win them, Tintin barely lived

>publicly recognizable and inspiring heroes are the ones at the very top of the ladder
That's activity wrong, we see tons of other heros that inspire the cast, like mirio and uraraka

>So he didn't give up, despite not working toward it at all.
He wanted the last confirmation that he can't become one

>the O MY 7 QUIRKS shitposters never even realized Hori originally agreed with them and wanted a Quirkless Deku


The lesson of BNH is, if you sit around and cry all day, one day, someone will pity you and you'll become the chosen one.


There are other characters who fought without using their quirks at all, but even if we ignore them, just Knucle existing disproves your claim. Even if he's the only one we've seen it doesn't mean he's the only one in the entire world capable of fighting without a quirk.

>That's activity wrong, we see tons of other heros that inspire the cast, like mirio and uraraka
That's for people actively within the hero industry. The average kid, as evidenced by the main characters themselves - even Deku as a kid - were inspired by just All Might.

How is this even relevant? We're judging the final product we've got, not author's character or his tastes.

>Even the author agrees this shit is terrible


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reply to the wrong post?

>There are other characters who fought without using their quirks at all
I'm drawing a blank honestly

>Knucle existing disproves your claim
The argument was, why didn't deku try being a quirkless hero at the age of 15 vs some old guy that has years of experience with and without a quirk

>That's for people actively within the hero industry
We see mirio and uraraka as children getting inspired

Deku getting 7 quirks is necessary to keep the manga entertaining so it doesn't devolve into "I got 3 extra percent of AfO!!" and Deku can actually use different moves in battles besides powerful punches, kicks, flicks. After the Eri 100% battle with Overhaul there's no other way for Hori to go bigger without more quirks. Going back to small time criminals to use 20% is fine but the next major villain is going to require something more impressive than that from Deku.

it's guaranteed some of them will be massively underused. hori should have just planned to end the manga much sooner.

there's also fact that deku's original quirk was jacked by the doc

Asta is unironically CHAD as fuck
>Brother gets overpowered wind magic
>He does squatz and eats oatz so he can walk against said wind magic

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that doctor probably did him a service desu, if he hadn't he'd have some shitty quirk

It was regeneration

You're 100% right but it's still terrible

There’s still the possibility in the story of Deku losing all 900000 quirks and realizing the true hero was inside him all along~~~~
Yeah no fuck that gay shit give me special destiny ordained near-omnipotent god-king child. Fuck “lessons”

Bullshit. That's just a lazy excuse for an author not being able to properly write his premise.

>trains without powers
>by himself
>every day
>just expects strength
>gets powers
much better, deku is cringe

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>I'm drawing a blank honestly
They were mentioned in this thread even.

>The argument was, why didn't deku try being a quirkless hero at the age of 15 vs some old guy that has years of experience with and without a quirk
No, the argument was that Deku never worked out despite the series showing that people with trained bodies can more than stand up to average quirk users.

that's a pretty good one

You shouldn't compare parodies to stuff that takes the setting seriously.

Here's a thought. Batman.

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>hack can't come up with actual fighting styles like the hundreds of fighting manga available so he just makes up 6 new powers

>MHAkids talking shit about a 1M seller
You're not in our league, MHAfags.

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>Didn't get to be Batman, the only one without power but somehow the coolest one of the hero bunch
Wtf Japan

>despite the series showing that people with trained bodies can more than stand up to average quirk users.
This series never showed that, the closes we got was mirio. Knuckle is barely an exception

>MHA fag can only communicate in tired memes
Not really doing yourself any favors there, pal.


didn't Mx0 flop because of that?

Wouldn't be able to self insert if he was /fit/

>They were mentioned in this thread even.

Mention two.


Mx0 flops because the MC is too stupid, the drama is silly, none of the supporting characters stood out and Monoma the managa is played out after the early few dozen chapters.

Writer can't progress to a better plot and better characters so people lose interest.

Stain was beating Todoroki without using his quirk.
Eraserhead's quirk doesn't work on mutants so he fights them with martial arts.

Wrong fallacy friend. That's more like False dilemma

OPM’s serious moments shit on BnHA’s.
Sea King, Boros, Tourney, Garou vs A-Class/S-Class, Centipede, Orochi/Rover, MA dragon fights, and finally the magnum opus that is Saitama vs Garou are all either more hype, interestibg, emotional or better choreographed than anything from BnHA. Especially that ladt one.

>Reee, the story didn't go how I wanted it to, so therefore the story is shit.

Even if I took any of these statements seriously, its plain as day ya'll are just being contrarian just for the sake of it. But yea, stick it to those normies, fuck them

Oh and the MA raid is an overwhelmingly superior version of the Yakuza raid and came before it.

Oh good you faggots are back. Dont you have your own series to talk about? You don't oh. That's a shame

It subverted expectations so it's good

>discord trannies forgot this season is going to be late

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A lot of people here want very much to be in Deku's red shoes. The problem is, they don't like where those shoes are going. Responsibility, determination, nobility, humbleness, strength of will and mind and body: Naw. They want to self insert as him beating up Bakugo for bullying, being an ultra stud who sweeps all the females in the cast off their feet, acclaimed by everyone as the world's greatest hero just by existing, and beating the villains with ease or just a slight trickle of blood from the corner of a mouth to show how they're suffering. Instead, Deku's WORKING to be what he wants to be, suffering consequences and setbacks, and also being a decent human being with friends along the way.

That's a lot of the reason for the Deku hate. He's doing what they know, deep down, they'd never be able to...


You might want to consider that.

There's an implication that AfO might have had a hand in him being so formidable.

MHA has 6 volumes there. 2 more volumes than HQ and OP. When it comes to single volumes sales, MHA never goes over 800k

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Don't talk sense, you'll SCARE people!

This is precisely what turned me off from this series in the first place. Main character doesn't have a Quirk, so it could have been him being the first Quirkless hero and showing everyone you don't need a special power to be a hero. But he was given arguably the best Quirk of all time, all through networking. Now he has 7 other quirks because the 7 former users not including All Might all had a quirk as well.

I wonder if it was the hyper regeneration that seems to be at the heart of the Nomus. The doctor did say they didn't have it five years ago, which is why AfO's face isn't there anymore.

And when both of them ran into intelligent fighters using quirks, or overwhelming power, they got BTFO. Batman always wins because the writers are on his side and will asspull a victory for him no matter what. Hori is more realistic.

Many here can't stand even a hint of realism...

>normalfaggots comparing popularity as if that means anything
Theses underage really are the bane of this site.

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Neji was right

Stain used his quirk to get an edge on Todoroki, and Todoroki himself couldn't go all out without hurting the people in the vicinity.

Eraserhead is the same, he uses his quirk to supplement his strength. Also both of them were defeated, one by a bunch a kids and the other by that Nomou that his powers didn't work against.

My Reddit Academia

>And when both of them ran into intelligent fighters using quirks, or overwhelming power, they got BTFO
They're still considered far above the average. Not to mention stuff like Endeavor tanking crazy amounts of damage, which has nothing do with his quirk etc.
What is even your point? That just because Deku working out wouldn't make him THE STRONGEST THERE EVER WAS there was no point to begin with?
If anything that just enforces the point that Deku just wanted to be a superstar, not a hero.

>Batman always wins because the writers are on his side and will asspull a victory for him no matter what.
I don't give a shit about Batman. I'm talking about Deku's characterisation, you're talking about the narrative.

>Hori is more realistic.
Oh, you're just retarded, ok.

>Reddit spacing

>No punctuation.

Who the fuck lifts and hardcore trains martial arts since birth in the real world? To everyone saying Deku should be fit, well maybe taking a morning jog and being good at sports would be nice, but it's fucking laughable to imagine some elementary school kid training to beat criminals with his fists in a "realistic" setting. Fucking forget this is anime and look at real elementary school kids

>They're still considered far above the average
Not that user, but they still use their quirks and rely on them heavily. It's only whenever they don't have access to their quirks or their quirks are rendered useless that they become severely handicapped.

Claiming that Deku could have just worked out and become threatening like Eraserhead and Stain is ignoring the fact that both of them actually do rely on heavily their quirks. And whenever they can't, they or are seriously injured or are defeated. So just working out and having a strong body wouldn't have gotten Deku anywhere.

There hasn't been a single person who has won a fight without relying on their quirk.

>Who the fuck lifts and hardcore trains martial arts since birth in the real world?
Brandon Lee?

>but it's fucking laughable to imagine some elementary school kid training to beat criminals with his fists in a "realistic" setting
That he can only see HEROISM as BEATING CRIMINALS is kind of the point people are making. There are a lot ways to help people, powers or no. For all his dreams of being a hero, he never actually worked to being one. He never learned medicine, he never learned to console people, he never volunteered to help the poor or anything like that. He just wanted super powers so he could wear a costume. That's not being a hero.

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he was fucking 13 you stupid nigger

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Deku didn't even think of becoming a cop, firefighter, detective or just a martial artist seeing as how extremely effective it is in that world. His "strong desire" would have naturally led him to working a safe desk job in another hero's office.

Yes, he was 13. He wasn't a fucking toddler. He was plenty old enough to start actually thinking.

>muh realism
MHA is not realistic. That would have been perfectly plausible in a dumb battle shonen for teenagers.

>Not that user, but they still use their quirks and rely on them heavily
Not in the scenarios I mentioned.

>It's only whenever they don't have access to their quirks or their quirks are rendered useless that they become severely handicapped.
Not as handicapped as to not be able to handle any random villains easily.

>There hasn't been a single person who has won a fight without relying on their quirk.
Aizawa was wrecking the mutants hard though?

thats not how age works you stupid nigger

Pretty much, Deku was pushed down the entirety of his life, not a single person believed in him. Not even his mother, Deku tried to cope telling collecting data but deep down he knew, there's no single case of a quirkless hero, except Knuckleduster who is huge and busted with drugs that make his stronger. But in the end the kid cannot contain his heroic spirit since he was the only one to rush and save bakek

Yes it is you perpetual child. Put down your Nintendo and cereal and get your fucking life in order.

user, how does it feel to be clinically retarded?

>this is the level of retardation oh bnha detractors

>gets powers
Wrong. He doesn't have any powers, he's just stupidly strong, fast, and durable.

Didn't he say he was hoping to get a quirk

People who complain about this are lame

its pretty much canon at this point that deku did not actually receive one for all, all might was only meming to gear deku up psychologically, deku is actually currently quirkless and his current strength is achieved through training
however, once shit starts hitting the fan, deku will truly receive one for all and hell become number 1 hero

Flamebait. OP personally, I mean, not just the post.

Both you and OP, assuming you're not the same autist, must hate Mirio then. Fighter with years of practice, so skilled he can incapacitate everyone in Class 1-A from the weakest to the strongest with a single stomach punch, was able to fight quirkless against Overhaul and his lieutenant for several minutes despite them being extremely strong quirk users. Why isn't HE in costume, out there fighting villains, using items from support services to help him? He has more resources available to him than a lower middle class kid would have had. Since he's not saving the million people he said he would but is instead devoting all his efforts to being Eri's 'boyfriend', that must mean either his drive to be a hero ISN'T as great as Deku's and it's a good thing he didn't get OfA, or fighting quirkless is pretty dangerous and foolish.

Which is it, I wonder...

>Not to mention stuff like Endeavor tanking crazy amounts of damage, which has nothing do with his quirk etc.
Actually I think it does. Endeavor says at one point the heat constantly builds inside him. It's like One for All, a power source, although not on the same scale. Using that heat Endeavor has managed to make himself stronger, tougher, faster than a normal human being could be, just as All Might did. So yes, under this theory his extreme abilities ARE due to his quirk.

>>why doesn't this paraplegic work out to become a police officer
Except from what we've seen people can improve their physical ability to superhuman levels even when it has nothing to do with their quirk

unironically this, even though i dropped black clover because its shit

>That he can only see HEROISM as BEATING CRIMINALS is kind of the point people are making.
Ah, but he doesn't. Which clip is it that little Midoriya has his mom play over and over and over? All Might beating up a villain? No, All Might saving dozens of people with a smile and the assurance that everything is fine because HE is here! Did he rush the Slime Monster to beat it up? No, to try to pull Kacchan out. He beats on villains only because they're endangering people or their dreams, like Gentle, like Overhaul, like the giant robot that was going to run over Ochaco. Otherwise, I think he'd prefer rescue work. In the Provisional License Arc, once the kid pointed out to Deku what he was doing wrong, he switched gears and proved to have a real feel for it.

>He doesn't know what total sales means
Just like the person who wrote the article.

Franxxfags already embarrassed themselves last time thanks to it since they didn't consider it has 8 volumes and looked at it's total rather than average.

user you're way too invested in this given how mediocre it is (at best)

I know my source material! That puts me far ahead of the shitposters here.

His mom is a fat pig so she is definitely the reason Deku never worked out

Dos Deku even know there are quirkless heroes?

There aren't any quirkless heroes.

All Might was quirkless and training before he got OFA

He didn't or if he did it wasn't shown

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This. It's just as idiotic as students thinking they're "working hard" when studying or people learning Japanese. Get real, sitting on your ads reading/watching isn't work and certainly not hard. Nothing angers me as a faggot who says he's "working on his backlog"

I feel you were trying to be sarcastic but it just came off as you being a complete retard.

The show made it clear that you will never make it if you have no quirk

He gave you a great breakdown and you don't know how to reply shitposter-kun

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Stain 's physical ability was enough to beat heroes
Shinso got stupid strong in less than half a year of training with Eraserhead
Endeavor tanked a building with his body.

Quirklessfags aren't even trying

Had Deku been fit and confident before meeting All Might there wouldnt be any character development

It would be a strong guy getting even stronger

I tend to say ”work smart/efficiently, not hard”
Brute forcing shit to ”learn” (i.e wasting tine) is retarded. If you can go somewhere with minimal effort (although through your own action) then you are admirable IMO

>implying being fit means shit in a world where everyone has superpowers
I can gurantee that anyone who give such advices didn't do it themselves, because /fit/ness is a joke.
What you need in life is learn how to fight, and not even that is easy to achieve.

Considering he trashed a robot using only a piece of armor plating without activating his quirk I think he'd have done pretty well anyway.

The only ones I can think of are people that think eren is the father

>muh beta males
>talking about dude who's now become rich and has more acess to pussy then you ever will be
I bet you have MGTOW channel in your jewtube subscribtion

>People in this world have the ability to explode and desintegrate people with their bare hands
>Might as well become fit so I'll fight crime
You people are just plain stupid.

>this thread again
You already know that he was quite delusional, he really wanted to be a hero but deep down he knew that he couldn't be one.
How can you save anyone in a superpower setting with just muscles? I mean sure he could save some people, but in reality he will fail most of the time.

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Of all things to complain about
>muh power fantasy and self-insertion
>muh mc was given magic deus ex dvice?
The more you wankers whine about something with a straight face, the more you shitpost about something as if you where showing a sign of intellectual superiority, the more retarded and insecure you really seems, because a basic fact that you are reading manga for KIDS and TEENS is beyond your comprehension.
And for the note, it's obvious that all of this is just plain shitposting with no real valid argument, but even so, you wankers whining about that mc don't do some super duper cool shit, saying that he didn't get his powers or whatever fairly, is just grasping at straws.

Funny thing is that when he does cool shit showing up his grow, shitposter resort to calling it asspull

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That never stopped Mumen Rider.

it did

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>there are actually people who have been shitposting here since yesterday

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It stops him from winning, not from being a hero.

he's also, you know, an adult. I don't like Deku's character but this criticism has always been so persistently ham fisted. The guy's balls hadn't even dropped yet.

Mumen rider just represents the values of a hero, that doesn't make him an actual hero if he can't realistically save people.

>>got handed the strongest quirk in existence

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Tell that to the people in the dome that he had to become a sandbag to protect.

>deku is the only kid without a father
>raised by a single mother
>complete loser
>the literal moment he gets a strong father figure in his life he starts striving for his goals and succeeding
it's hilarious watching all these intellectuals coming in this thread criticizing the story when it's beyond obvious what the social commentary is

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I said realistically, user.
It's really just a one time thing, do you really expect that kind of character to be anything but a side character?

Well said.

It would show that he tried, notes are one thing, but trying to get buff is a decent idea, since this is a world where mutants with mere fucking tails can bulk up to be 'okay'. It's just the wrong way to go about it (having simple physical traits like a tail allow you to be a hero', it means anyone could tank up and perform 'street cop' tier hero work (or you know, just be a fucking cop).

Fuck back to POL stupid niggerfaggot poltard

>The Chad Crawler missed his hero exam because he was busy actually saving someone and suffered real repercussions for refusing to ignore his idea of heroism
>The virgin Deku suicide-rushes a sludge rapist he has no chance of doing anything at all to and not only gets rescued himself but rewarded with the quirk of Japan's #1 hero for his failed suicide attempt
Life is simply unfair

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>What you need in life is learn how to fight, and not even that is easy to achieve.
Ochunko took two weeks of Gunhead Martial Arts training and is already more competent than the "recommended students" in her class
UA should really have a mandatory martial arts class and physical training regimen and it's fucking insane that they don't seem to. The "hell quirk training" that the Pussycats put them through should be their daily fucking routine.

we used to be so respected
how did we fall?

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Nerd kid get power does cool things and save people be hero very shocking idea.
4channel will never recover.

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Also I should mention that Endeavor got so jacked from his own insane training regiment that he can tank entire buildings with his face and not even lose an eye from having his head practically split open. Getting swole has massive benefits in this world.

You don't just get fit, you need other things too.
Honestly, if BnHA made some sensible choices for non-quirk users (even for special forces, or SWAT who don't have the license to use quirks), then it would be all fine.
>get fit
>get actual training to handle indoor and outdoors combat, with rifles and so forth
>train marksmanship
>request support gear, which already seems to be super sciency and capable of doing crazy things without the need for quirks
>train with that
Boom, you have a quirkless hero, or at least a quirkless special force that could kick ass if it needed to. They had police forces against Noumus with AfO's incident, so I don't see why they wouldn't have specially equipped special forces.

Oftalmologist here, studying medicine is hard as fuck. Not everything hard is physically related brainlets

I'm sorry hunterbro

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just use a good study technique + don't focus on practically irrelevant things for your line of work = smart work

>two weeks of Gunhead Martial Arts training
One week. I would hope she's keeping her skills honed. Maybe she and Ojiro spar. It would be good if we could see that.

As for mandatory martial arts, the school could teach basic moves and techniques - which is what Gunhead apparently did - but it takes more than that to be competent. There's always the risk of teaching the students just enough to get them overconfident, and killed.

>"studying is hard"
>calls others brainlets in the same post

We have a WIN-NAH!!!

Isn't it highly discouraged for a child under the age of 12 to take up weight training? He was only 14 when the series started.

Not to mention you can't be a professional hero without a quirk. Training would be pointless, since in the end, no amount of training would let you keep up with somebody who has engines in their legs, or can destroy buildings by making their sweat explode.

Even All Might told him the same. In the end, he might as well have become a police officer.

If you had read the series, you would know that it has been said several times that you cannot be a professional hero without a quirk.

I mean what the fuck do you think some 13 year old kid who is 5'6 is going to do to real hardened criminals. Come on now.

Endeavor's powerset basically cauterizes his wounds though.

What is working hard for you, menial labor? Gtfo even a monkey can do that shit.

>That's pretty shitty character writing then
What? How?

So, OfA?

>sitting on your ads
PR is hard work!

>but-but Training wouldn't have done anything at all!

I love when ppl saying training wouldn't have done much at all despite seeing Shigarki flash stepping early in the manga. He literally has a 5/5 speed rating.

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Deku is a faggot that only fags like
Worst MC ever

>story is supposed to be an uplifting tale about how a boy starts from having nothing to, through hard work, becoming the strongest
>boy also has the most overpowered ability of all, literally has seven superpowers
It's funny how Hori is a fan of naruto yet somehow missed the fact that turning Naruto into a god instead of a hard working loser fucked the whole thing up.
It's funny how the tables have turned and Bakugo had ended up being the guy who is actually truly the hardworking young man who is training to overcome overwhelming adversity despite the fact he will probably eventually be hopefully outclassed

It gets brought up because it's one of the more jarring parts of the setup. For all that he's obsessed with being a hero, and hold out hope of it despite not having a quirk, he fails to engage in the basic athletic training that all the rest of the would be heroes seem to have done, much less do anything or take any steps towards even making an attempt at his dream. Yet we're supposed to find his desire to be a hero impressive. It makes for a fair bit of dissonance.

>doesn't learn something as basic as martial arts as a kid atleast
user pls Dekuck is shit.

>Did not even try to get fit
He literally trains with All Might by cleaning up a beach that's been treated as a landfill by the fifth episode of S1 before AM gifts him his quirk.

he only started training because he was promised a quirk

>implying it wasn't Baguko's story to begin with
>implying it isn't the reason for so many people liking Endeavour, who's total cunt and absolute shitbag, but a hardworking shitbag

Um... when have we seen Shiggy training? His speed would appear to be some byproduct of his quirk, or something the doctor did to him. Going that fast is not human.

Which brings up a point. A lot of people have pointed out, the folks in the BnHA seem much tougher than we are, able to take massive hits, be slammed against and even through walls, explosions, fire, ice. It must be due to quirks. Having a quirk, even a minor one, must give you more than human strengths. No wonder the CRC is so upset; they ARE relics.

And yet he has shown significant muscle growth in the span of less than a year. If he worked out pre ofa he would've been size of all might by now.

if he worked out pre ofa he'd be dead by 18
you think this autist would know how to not fuck up his body without AM's guidance?

Dekushit is shit, who knew

Except the original plan was a quirkless martial arts Deku

Which is why UA is said to be the top school. Even it’s students are already pro level.

He was probably talking about those boring psychological/philosophical seinen manga about normal people doing normal things

>Becoming a cop
He's more likely to become a vigilante than a villain user.

Go the fuck back there then Togashitfag

Mirios quirk is ONLY intangiblity, and without it he was able to fight hand to hand with someone who’s quirk is literally a one hit kill.

That tells us that someone who has trained physically CAN fight people wit just unbelievably broken abilities.

If Mirio can do it, so can Dekushit

Supposedly the quirkless rate is 10% but we’ve never seen any besides Izuku

You mean when Overhaul’s brain turned into grape jelly after Mirio beat his shit in? Then let’s also forget the training got from Nighteye while already being pro level.


Yeah it’s clear Deku is an attention whore. Saving lives in a way that’s not flashy isn’t good enough for him.

>Why does this get brought up so much
Because it’s bad writing the way it is.

A shitty character from a shitty manga doesn't prove anything dumbass

>That's pretty shitty character writing then.
No? Shitty writing would be him thinking he can compensate with no powers like an idiot.

>The shit part is that Hori clearly just thinks up the story as he writes it. The shit part is that there is basically no world building at the starts so we didn't know that quirks keep getting stronger or how powerfull quirkless people are.
Both of these are wrong

>MHA never goes over 800k

>821,501 My Hero Academia 17
>812,204 My Hero Academia 18

This fanbase gay

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"Dude people are stronger, more durable and faster that means its part of their quirk"
You are autistic, its never mentioned with their quirk's description and its pretty obvious that this shit just stem from the fact that MHA is a shonenshit and that in Shonens faggots tend to be stronger etc. Even if they are powerless or if their power is unrelated to physical enhancement.

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No we haven't you dumb fuck.

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>hurr Deku should have become Batman instead of being gifted with a special snowflake power

Why is this the most common criticism against MHA? It's not like Deku is from a multimillionaire family that can provide all kinds of expensive toys to help him fighting crime

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based, shonentards destroyed

Futanari is a terrible fetish. Neck yourself.

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>wants to be a painter
>is blind
>doesn't flail at a canvas for no reason

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>The only kind of training that matters is physical
Fucking idiot.

>Being an Otaku “training”

Yes I'm sure Deku jumped into certain death knowing All Might would give him his quirk, I'm sure that's exactly how the story went, right?

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Hori wanted him to stay quirkless, but his editor peer pressured him into changing the base concept of the story.

Name a story that wouldn't be improved by having Rock Lee as its protagonist.

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>Gaining immense knowledge of heroes and using knowledge while applying for UA

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He hasn’t used a single thing from his otaku years

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Objectively wrong, as expected of someone who doesn't pay attention to the story

based porn dumper

Relying on All-Might's guidance is what fucked up his body, All-Might is a terrible teacher.

>Did not even try to get /fit/ when he was quirkless in hopes of being a hero
Are you also the kind of retard who would flap his arms, in hopes of flying, despite being wingless?
It's impossible to be a hero (the job) while being quirkless, deal with it.

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>Writes theories on quirks
>Has literally done nothing with it
Keep telling yourself his depression was “training”

AM's training regimen didn't do that, AM's approach to combat did

what about batman tho

All Mights body could contain 100% of OfA from the beginning, probably because he wasn’t a lazy guy who used his quirklessness as an excuse.

All Might's body was too dumb to be given actual power of OfA, so the balance was kept

>Y-you can’t be a hero while quirkless!
>Guy who was trained as a hero is able to defeat a guy with a one hit kill touch ability while protecting a child, avoiding rock spikes, and interference from his friends
>B-but the manga say you can’t
The perspective we’re given is from Deku, sit at home and cry because you don’t have a special power, Midoriya. Of course he would try to justify his laziness as an inherent problem with the system.

>Literally wrote down the quirks of pro hereos and his classmates and how they used them and how to potentially counter them
This is literally all in the story, not even the slightest bit of reaching, but go on.

There's literally no point to know how to counter the quirks of heroes, retard. The fact that Deku had better grasp of how to use other people quirks than the people who had those quarks for more than a decade and who managed to get into the top hero school in the country is also beyond retarded.

Where are the mods??

Actually, Deku's laziness early in life was what fucked up his body.
Deku needed to train for nearly a year just so that he could inherit OfA without his limbs exploding the second he received it.
I'm not saying he needed to be a bodybuilder at 5 years old, but getting regular exercise his whole life and gradually increasing it over time would've resulted in him being in much better shape at the start of the series.
He probably could've received OfA as soon as All Might selected him, and with all of that extra time on his hands not spent cramming in as much fitness training as possible, he might have even had time to learn how to control OfA better or, god forbid, even learn how to fight.
Deku pretty much fucked himself. He has permanent damage in his arms because he didn't put in the effort until he was promised free superpowers.

>Went from "He hasn’t used a single thing from his otaku years" to "Okay but there's literally no point in knowing how to analyze quirks"

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Yes, I concede, he did "use" his knowledge. Now explain to me how is learning powers of people you're not going to fight once you become a hero is useful in the slightest and how the fuck is it good writing when MC is capable of coming up with several better ways to use other people quirks despite the fact that they lived with them most of their lives and he knew about them for a couple of months at most.

a nerd who doesn't have a quirk and doesn't work out wants to be a superhero because he's obsessed with superheroes?
I think I understand bully!bakugo

artist source?

>Hero otaku
>Supposedly can find weaknesses in quirks anf hoecto improve them
>Never actually tells anybody how to improve there quirks, never analyzes his own quirk, AND it isn’t useful for finding weaknesses in villain quirks (since again, he never does this)
Yeah, it sure was “training”

Does Deku ever actually do that?
I know he comes up with some combos, but he doesn't need to understand people's quirks better than they understand them to do that.
Like when Deku uses Ochako, Tsuyu, and Shouji's quirks to make a human slingshot to chase after Compress.
He might not know more about any of their quirks than they know their own, but it's not unreasonable for his moderate knowledge of all of their quirks to outweigh the others' complete knowledge of one quirk and low knowledge of another quirk.

Just to explain what I mean because I phrased it kind of unclearly, here's a diagram of what I mean.

Attached: quirk knowledge.png (1295x1011, 35K)


>That would just be improper and probably futile
No,at most he would take the chance to assist the hero on the scene,saving people from the villain while the hero distracts or taking the backstab while the hero distracts
>Deku would probably just get in the way and receive tons of hate
backwards,considering the world they live,most likely he would be praised as a sign that even quirklets can help
>He was likely gonna go into the police force to be a assistant for heroes.
there are more ways to assist a hero than just being in the police force and considering his "notes",he probably was going to end on something-research-something.

Mirio should have been the MC.




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>talentless nana
What part of "I'm a sociopathic teen assassin who's ten steps ahead of the rest of these dumb superpowered teens" is picking apart the genre in a more realistic situation?

The fuck do you think preteens do? They're hyperfocused, overemotional dipshits who can't and don't see the bigger picture without someone to guide them. And there was no one guiding Deku and no incentive to.

>Give protag the strongest ability
>Constrain him with "his body can‘t utilize it" so it won‘t be a OPM clone
>Whenever he needs to win a fight just make him breaks an arm or two, for which he‘ll be healed in 2 days anyway
>Repeat until you shits out enough episode, than occasionally add some "his body grow from all the fights and now he‘s even stronger" episodes so that you can make up now, more stronger enemies and repeat the cycle all over again

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Then why isn't Mirio STILL doing it? Is HE Mirioshit? Or is it possible it's just too dangerous?

Naw, that can't be it. That would mean all the "Deku should have just TRAINED!" posters are wrong. And that, they solemnly assure everyone, is just not possible.

Because it's all his detractors have?

Considering how Stain killed many hero and fought three top tier students at the same time with a shit quirk and how Aizawa one shoted a villain with a strength enhancement quirk, it makes little to no sense why Mirio gave up his hero duty

Hori originally planned for Deku to become a fit teenage batman. But his original editor said it would never sell so we have this.

>He never learned medicine
Generally, you do well in high school, then get admitted to university, at which point:
-in the USA) you do a whole degree for no reason other than as a thousand-day entrance exam, then apply to medical school, then spend 6-7 years learning medicine
-everywhere else) you spend 6-7 years learning medicine

You don't learn medicine on your own time as a teenager, that's completely ridiculous.

So you're saying Mirio is a bigger wuss than Deku?

>Stain killed many hero and fought three top tier students
Stain had his hit and run tactics and got his shit kicked in mercilessly once he had to face all three at once

>Dekushitter cant refute this

>[if you start from the assumption that it's possible to do heroing without a quirk] it makes little to no sense why Mirio gave up his hero duty

You've constructed for yourself one of the fundamental logical arguments, a reductio ad absurdum. Essentially, if we assume some premises are true, and can derive from these premises a conclusion that contradicts the premises, itself, or the real world, then we *know for certain* at least one of these premises is not true.

Wasn't he kind of fit but not enough for OfA? Or am I misremembering?

>posts porn on a blue board
now we're tal-
>its all dickgirl
for fucks sake

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Stop being such a retard, quirks make you superhuman even if you have something stupid. Literally go look at the scores these kids had in middle school for athletic events and compare them to our pros. Even at peak human physical fitness you can't compete

He doesn't even break his arms anymore.
OfA used to at least be a unique interpretation of super strength. It actually required a bit of thought, since Deku had a finite number of body parts to break, and he needed to make those attacks count.
It was actually possible for the viewers to put themselves in Deku's shoes and think "what would I do in this situation?" "would I sacrifice a finger or wait until later?" And it's satisfying if he does something clever.
Now Deku is just strong. There's a numerical value to his strength and it increases as the plot goes on.
If Deku is up against an opponent stronger than himself, we all know he won't do anything clever. He'll just get a bigger number when he needs to. And after the joint training arc, he might even get a new ability that hard counters his opponent.


why do fags like you always gravitate towards these threads

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bnhafags are all actual gay fags that only have futa or fujo art.


>ITT people who have done nothing for themselves criticize a fictional character that got a happy ending

You guys are losers


Chadsta>virgin Deku

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Because he didn't want to be a hero, he wanted to be THE hero. He wanted the fame, the recognition, to feel like the king of the world. Because anyone can be a hero no matter if they have a quirk or not; if you give your all and help people the best you can, you are a hero. But that never interested Deku, he just had a powerfantasy about being the best, and his whole "selfless hero" angle was nothing but stroking his own ego, convincing himself how good he is

Deku never wanted to be a hero. If he genuinely did, he would've done what he could. The entire point of heroes is that they do what they can no matter how small or weak they may be, because it's the right thing to do

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MHA wouldn't be bad if it just acknowledged this and Deku learned what being a hero was really about over the course of the series.
But as-is, he's presented as a selfless paragon of good.

literal headcanon

No he was a stick. He had no muscle at all

This. Deku is literally a self insert for Beta males. He’s almost as bad as an Isekai main character.

Full cowl was honestly a mistake. Putting arbitrary multipliers was not a good thing. Horoikoshi was doing a fine job w/ the whole finger flick.

Now its basically Deku getting power boosts w/minimal to strategy.

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This is the most accurate depiction of Deku I’ve ever seen.

Sssshhh. They're trying to keep that a secret...

Yeah I'm sure his editor pushed O MY SEVEN QUIRKS as well

Either Hori is a hack or a fucking cuck

I don't care how hard you work out, how is anyone physically strong enough to withstand the attacks all might would do? Literally "every action has an equal but opposite reacction" in order to withstand your own attacks, you'd have to already be strong enough to do them in the first place.

I can't believe people still fall for this bait thread

Not even most characters with quirks can withstand All Mights attacks. That being said, most characters with quirks aren't immune to physical damage, which a quirkless character can do well with enough training. Stain was strong as fuck even without his quirk. A quirkless character would have to make up for what they lack by being really badass. Such a character could be tough to write, but really entertaining if done well.

Jesus is this shit STILL up?

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>There's no LAW that says I can't get into a quirk school without a quirk! That's discrimination!

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What a baby. Can't handle the criticism of your shit series so you shit on the thread so it gets taken down. But don't worry, even if this thread dies eventually another one will be made.

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>Stan Lee dies
>Takes a month long break after just finishing a break

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You sound like a whore.

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Even if the flicks had no permanent consequences, they at least gave him limited ammo in the moment and forced him to make the most of his flicks.

thats one fat dump
got to hurt shitting that out

This is such a dumb argument. Getting fit is pointless in a world where everyone has super powers. You can't hope to defeat supervillains through regular physical ability alone.

bakugo fans, boku no hero haters, Yea Forums, bakugoXuraraka shippers

Stain's only quirk was that bloodcurdling thing and he was able to take on deku and hot/cold guy

Everything you said is bullshit.
>He wanted the fame, the recognition, to feel like the king of the world.
Deku has never once expressed any interest in that. This is headcanon.
>Because anyone can be a hero no matter if they have a quirk or not
Wrong. In their universe, you need a quirk to be a hero. It is not practical for some with no quirk to be a hero. Acknowledge that, moron.
>he just had a powerfantasy about being the best, and his whole "selfless hero" angle was nothing but stroking his own ego, convincing himself how good he is
jfc, chill with the headcanon.

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Without that ability, he wouldn't have been able to defeat all the people he did. Quirks are an absolute necessity to fight in BNHA. Physical ability alone is not good enough.

Sums up bnha fans pretty well.

>Removes the straight porn
>Leaves the futa
Not sure if mod is lazy or based.

You need to stop projecting your ridiculous, idealistic, impractical bullshit on Deku. Getting fit is useless in a world where everyone has super powers. You cannot compete against superhuman with regular human abilities. That's just common sense. Everyone knows this, Deku knew that. Your outrage that Deku didn't waste his time doing something completely pointless is idiotic.

His quirk is worse than a poison tipped blade.

>putting HxH AND Jojo behind fucking Shippuden


>You cannot compete against superhuman with regular human abilities.
Mirio lasted 5 minutes against Chisaki, Chrono, and Nemoto, without his quirk, while still under the effect of Sakaki's quirk, while also protecting Eri.

that doesn't mean that everyone can, also doesn't mean that mirio was winning, or that he was going to win, fucking love mirio but deku saved his ass

Chisaki has one of the most broken quirks in the series, and Mirio was completely shitfaced on top of being outnumbered in that fight.
Most heroes aren't gonna run into a situation nearly that bad. That's like saying someone can't be a hero if they can't go toe to toe with Gigantomachia.

your point?

My point is that if a skilled quirkless person could survive that scenario, a skilled quirkless person would be able to handle most hero scenarios.

From what I can tell the average hero are just all in general social workers, ranging from protecting people to managing environmental disasters. Honestly an athletic human can surpass most regular heroes ( A few that come to mind are is that pussy cat girl who lost her powers, and midnight, and that one guy water guy that Iida studied under). Another thing is that with Tech support a regular human can surpass most mid level humans

>can't stand a hint of realism
Realism would be no powers at all, but going along with what YOU mean by realism, realism would be Stain'd getting fried or froze in the first few seconds of battle.

Hori is even more on his side.

miriro is stablished as one of the most skilled characters characters from the moment he was mentioned, all might top contender to be his suscessor (the only reason he didn't give mirio his quirk is that he met deku first) he did most damage while he still had his quirk, after he loses his quirk it was marely a struggle to survive (sure badass as hell but doesn't change the fact that mirio was unable to do anything significant to them, he was only defending himself), now in comparation, when bakugou was trapped by that slime monster, several top heroes, who undoubtly dealt with countles hostage situations before were unable to save him untli all might saved him, when the league of villians invaded ua during the exams, erearser head, one of the greatest heroes in the world, was severly outnumbered by a bunch of bums and 1 nemu and almost died, allmight nearly died twice fighting afo and all of these top heroes had quirks, mirio might have been able to defend himself for a while, but he was going to lose, there was no way he was going to win and again, just because mirio was able to defend himself, doesn't mean anyone else can, deku saved him and you really think that now that mirio is quirkless he is going to continue his training as a hero?, you do need a quirk to be a hero in mha

Why are these still here.

eri rewinded that.


Wait, people care about Toonami in 2019?

>It's impossible to be a hero
A hero isn't someone who punches badguys. A hero is someone who makes a difference in people's lives. One who helps them for the better. Someone who works to make the world a good place.

Deku didn't want to be a hero. He didn't want to help people. He wanted to be a showboating glory seeking thug who uses violence to solve problems.

He wouldn't have been able to be a hero without a Quirk, this is shown multiple times

A Quirk, regardless of how shitty it may be, is essentially required for someone to become a Hero in MHA, and the people with the shittiest Quirks wash out of the system and either give up or become cops. Even with a mediocre Quirk, you can build your entire fighting style and theme around it or just be a really good support-class. He literally had no chance of ever becoming a hero while Quirkless because of the way the system worked. He'd have been a Batman-style vigilante at best, and at that point it's basically a different fucking story.

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Shiggy, get offline, don't you have to prove to Dr. Robotnik you're worthy of AfO?

>This is shown multiple times

>He wouldn't have been able to be a hero without a Quirk

THAT'S. STUPID. Listen to what people are saying. You don't need a super power to be a hero. The issue people are addressing is that Deku doesn't actually care about helping the people or the community. You don't need a super power for either. That's asinine to assume you do. He just wanted to be a SUPER hero and punch bad guys. He didn't care about helping people because if he had truly wanted to do that? He would have.

Isn't he on indefinite suspension due to being quirkless?
Shiggy seriously....

I have no idea who that is, but maybe don't point at bogeymen to cover your lack of an actual defense. Deku is a shit character.

>I have no idea who that is

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Yep, green text and a reaction image. That's about what I expect out of a MHA fag. Can't understand a simple complain and can't communicate one either.


>Mumen Jobber
"At least I tried" is never good enough. Good enough is not good enough. Heroes have to prevail.

there's really not much reason for hating Deku other than he's a pussy. If he grew some fucking balls he'd be a solid character and I'd like him a lot more

All that matters is his actions saved lives.
I think this is somewhat missing the point. I don't think the ultimate message of the story will be "you need a quirk" and more society's issues in turning away those that don't fit their standardized mold. Deku's issues are just a reflection of society's hero/quirk worship. He obviously genuinely wants to help people, but from a young age the focus on heroes has pretty much made it look like that's the best way to do it. All Might even talks about how cops get bad mouthed as being useless compared to heroes so it's obvious why a young kid will gravitate towards the fantastic dream that even grown adults build up. As the story goes on we're seeing a lot of failures of the system similar to Deku in a lot of ways so obviously the message isn't going to be "no the system is right to disregard people who don't fit into their standards".

>All that matters is his actions saved lives.
That's predicated on the hope people better than him will prevail. It is better to be powerful than to be powerless.


>Did not even try to get /fit/ when he was quirkless in hopes of being a hero, stayed a loser until he was handed a Deus ex machina

Pretty Sure he was put into a grueling /fit/ regimen by All Might before being handed the deus ex

>He obviously genuinely wants to help people, but from a young age the focus on heroes has pretty much made it look like that's the best way to do it.

And that's retarded. If Deku was written as some perpetually nosy twerp who always got in over his head and tried to resolve other people's issue then it might be believable that he genuinely wants to help people. Instead we get a giant pussy who ONE TIME rushed in to save someone her personally knows because all the other heroes took that time to turn into retards who suck at their job and stood around like tards.

Someone who "genuinely wants to help people" doesn't sulk in their room crying to their action figures. They go out and help people even if it's in the most trivial ways.

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It took being promised superpowers for Deku to put in the effort.
The fact that he was still noodle-limbed at the start of the series showed that his desire wasn't quite strong enough for him to put in the effort independently.

Pretty sure he had his whole life and gym membership isn't that expensive.

Yeah, like Koichi from Vigs.
He missed the entrance exam to UA because he stopped to save a drowning kid and was late.
As the Crawler, he's fine with just picking up trash and doing small good deeds.

Reminder that 99% of villains and heroes could be defeated by a person with a gun.

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Ah. Shaggy meme. Man you keep making yourself all the more an idiot.

MHA Vigilantes is really good btw


Yeah fuck him for not working out at the age of 14. Real Chad's like Yea Forumsnons are fit by the age of 12.

But deku never gave up on his irrational dream of being a hero, even when bakugo and all might told him its unrealistic. That is his flaw in his thought process.

Well that and standing up to Bakugo's bullying of others on occasion.
Deku was a low confidence kid literally nobody believed in pretty much solely keeping his unrealistic dream alive and being shit on because of it since he was 4.

It would have been better if deku was literally perfect in everyway and was able to handle AFO without problems.

Why the hell would anyone believe in him when he does nothing but feel sorry for himself? If he was looked down on, if he was pitied and that's what it was, PITY, it was his own fucking fault.

No one's saying he needs to be perfect, moron. But there has to be some glimmer, some spark that shows why he actually deserves to be a hero.

One Piece

>from Bakugo
That little shit is merciless

I've said nothing about Training. Also the rest of the shit you said is headcanon.

realistically he should've gone into the support team at the academy and fought his way into the hero course or something like that

could've used his brain/notebook to fight instead of the PUNCH REALLY HARD crap he does now

would've made for a far more interesting show

Explain how Bakucuck is able to take a 10% hit to the face then you retard

No there isn't herotard

Bakugo has the biggest plot armor in anime history. He could live a 100% smash and still win.

Yes, but all of those you mention have quirks, so your point?

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Get that thing for people with quirks first moron, why should they waste money on less than 20 percent of the population?

That's because you cannot become a hero without a quirk nigga

Because a lot of quirks are useless in combat? What's a guy with a dick growing on his forehead or Deku's mom, who can move spoons with telekinesis, got over a SWAT officer?

They wank off his “desire” to be a hero but he tries to quit every time something bad happens. When he lost to Todoroki and after the Yakuza shit he considered the idea that someone else should get OfA

Have you see what characters can do in this manga with basic combat training? Toga's quirk is useless in combat and she's one of the main villains. Add support gear like guns, armor, jet packs, and you're a better hero than half of elite school 1A's shit quirks.

Moron, what kind of poison can paralyze íntantly?

Are there any proof that most quirks are useless in combat? Remember Koichi? And what make you think that we should train the less than 20 percent of the population instead of the other way around? And swat don't mean shit compare to pro heroes, and we got many of them
Toga quirk make her able to sneak up to others, it is an essential part of her skills. She won't be half of a threat she was without her quirk you dipshit

shit loads.

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I said instantly

>Are there any proof that most quirks are useless in combat?
Considering that only the very elite was supposed to be able to get into UA and we have a guy with a power to create sticky grapes there, I'd say an average citizen's quirk is supposed to be pretty shit. Even majority of the heroes we are aware of would still lose to a gun.

So, if you have a guy who has high intelligence, excellent build, excellent reflexes, excellent marksmanship you'd tell him to fuck off if he was born with a shitty quirk?

You're retarded, venom has a ton of advantages over Stain's quirk.
- You can wound a person and then run away as opposed to needing to finish them off, which is crucial when fighting multiple opponents.
- It's not time limited.
- Your blood type doesn't matter.
- It fucking kills you.

And pray tell which kind of venom is this?There is a difference between not getting into UA and lol supossed shitty quirk you moron, and lol guns, why don't you get those headcanon of your back to where you belong. And yes, I would tell him to go and become a sodier. Cause this is Japan

>And pray tell which kind of venom is this?
Google lethal toxins.
And you still did not provide an argument for how Stain's quirk is better than just using poisoned blades.

>There is a difference between not getting into UA and lol supossed shitty quirk you moron, and lol guns, why don't you get those headcanon of your back to where you belong.
>No argument.
>Ad hominem
As expected of retarded apologist.

And you haven't give me an example of any venom that can paralyze instantly either plebbit, and why the fuck use poison blades when you can paralyze people instantly with your quirk? Do you even know how Stain fight? Does the shit you said exist in BNHA verse and real life?
And lol no argument, as expected from a redditor

Platypus have toxic barbs that they use to paralyze potential mates.

>And you haven't give me an example of any venom that can paralyze instantly
I'm not even the same guy. I don't give a shit about paralysis. How is paralysis even relevant when you can just outright kill a guy, you dumb shit?
Stain needs to:
1. Wound a guy.
2. Retrieve the weapon with blood on it
3. Lick the blood.
4. Finish the guy off quick enough before it stops working (which gets complicated when the opponent is not alone, as evidenced in the manga itself).
As opposed to:
1. Wound a guy with poisoned weapon
2. Retreat as he dies painfully

>Does the shit you said exist in BNHA verse and real life?
Are you for fucking real?
>Google lethal toxins.

Because you can't? Do you even know how Stain fight? Stain based his strategies on ambush, he ambush a hero at a remote place, paralyzed and killed them. He never fight any hero got backup with him before, that's why he lost. And you fucking tell me that poisoned weapon are THAT effective? And still no example of this poisoned shit you talk about.

any weapon is effective as an ambush.

You can get gun that easily from Japan? I lol

>Because you can't?
Can't what?
>Stain based his strategies on ambush, he ambush a hero at a remote place, paralyzed and killed them. He never fight any hero got backup with him before, that's why he lost.
How does that contradict anything I said?
>And you fucking tell me that poisoned weapon are THAT effective?
Yes I fucking am. And you still apparently cannot tell me how I'm wrong.
>And still no example of this poisoned shit you talk about.
I don't give a fuck about your retardation, usage of envenomed weaponry is well documented throughout human history.

>Considering that only the very elite was supposed to be able to get into UA and we have a guy with a power to create sticky grapes there, I'd say an average citizen's quirk is supposed to be pretty shit.
For all of Mineta's personality defects and ridiculousness, his quirk IS impressive. Instant, almost unbreakable bonding in a form that can be thrown, left as a booby trap, used in conjunction with other attacks. Not to mention since the balls are extremely resilient and don't stick to HIM, he can use them to bounce off and and gain considerable speed. This is actually a strong power.

Pity it's attached to such a pervert.

After Stain's capture, AfO expresses surprise he WAS caught. That suggests familiarity with his capacities. Which would be best explained by him having a hand in creating those capacities.

Do try to keep up.

"when ppl saying training wouldn't have done much at all despite seeing Shigarki flash stepping early in the manga"

If you are not the user that said that, then you shouldn't interject where it makes it look like you are. If you ARE that user, then perhaps you should consider brain surgery to correct your problems.

Actually, brain surgery to repair the obvious damage might be good in both cases.

Imagine being too stupid to understand a shonen anime

Your level of reaching is impressive.

Deku is willing to risk his life, and endure great pain, to protect people. Even a little brat who punched him in the balls when they first met. That's pretty ballsy, to me. Ironically enough.

If you're talking about his attitude toward Bakugo, yes, that's not good. But he's making steps - albeit baby steps - towards overcoming that inferiority complex.

Huntermumblers btfo again

In this battle of wit and wills, I accept your surrender.

Stain's Quirk doesn't allow him to react and tag Ida's brother who is stated to rival a rocket ship in speed.

He had no father figure. Even famous Little Hercules from 90s stopped doing his training after his father was jailed.

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Editors were correct. Otherwise series would've been canned after 3 volumes.

Knuckleduster turned out to depowered human.