Tfw you can name every cigarette brand in this pic

>tfw you can name every cigarette brand in this pic
Thank god anime appeals to my doomer tendencies.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-02_234930.jpg (1920x1080, 630K)

>my unemployed cake can't be this cute

Attached: [Glue] Net-juu no Susume - 08 [CC5D00B0].mkv_snapshot_18.46_[2019.04.02_14.14.45].jpg (1280x720, 77K)


I wonder how common is smoking in Japan, I see anime characters smoking more often that characters in live action western shows

Last stat I saw was for 2013, but it was something like 35% of Japanese men smoke daily vs 10% of American men

I only recognize Malboro as the red V but I don't smoke

>doomers are the most cancerous posters on the website
>they will get cancer

Anyone who refers to themselves as a "doomer" is a fucking loser. Oh you like The Smiths? everyone does you fucking sadboy retard

Based Japs

smoking doesn't cause cancer

chemicals cause cancer

Oi fuck you.
Doomers are sad boys with police records.

You see alot of Japanese anime studios having the smoke effect as they work. Figure that's because it's still legal to smoke indoors.

Funny how cig companys save more on advertising. All you need is a trd triangle and their work is done

>ywn be a zoomer

Attached: JUUL-and-Pods.jpg (1824x1216, 794K)

What the hell is a doomer?

That screenshot looks worse than your lungs. There are two things you need to stop doing.

What anime is this?

It's a playlist.

>You see alot of Japanese anime studios having the smoke effect as they work.
literally what

Fuck off.

It's an aesthetic.

The fuck is this?


>35% of Japanese men smoke

but have you seen how many don't finish their cigarettes? or straight up waste them? i see this happen too much in anime as well as real life

Burning organic matter will virtually always produce carcinogens. American Spirits are no safer than any other cigarette. Even wood smoke from a fireplace is very unhealthy if inhaled regularly.

How old is she again?

Pretty sure it isn't limited to organic matter

but there aren't even that many

cleverly marketed way to get high schoolers addicted to nicotine

Extremely common. Everyone in Japan smokes. And Japan has almost no lung cancer compared to the west. Your anti-big tobacco propaganda has been lying to you....

Attached: 1517868155966.jpg (1280x720, 170K)

Is she still a virgin?

She's canonically a massive slut

Attached: Unmarried couple holding hands.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)