Raws for the new chapter are out.
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
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Whorezuru is so boring
Holy shit Ruka is going all-out.
Why am i still reading this. Why am i addicted to this suffering.
Man, Kazuya never fails to make me want to punch him.
oh shit it's going to happen
Sumi > Ruka > Chorizo >>> Mami
It's Whorizo.
It's fun.
Nothing is going to happen, this manga is trash and the MC is garbage. I don’t know why people still read it, and yes I can here just to say this
You didn't tell us your favorite girl.
see you next chapter fag
Chizuru's grandma is literally dead.
The call that saved rentals
Wow, thanks man for telling us! Now can you please fuck off and let other people enjoy it?
So she doesn't have any more reasons to keep the farce anymore. She should just tell his Grandma the truth now and end it. It's the perfect opportunity as well, she can tell Kazuya's grandma everything and Kazuya won't be able to stop her or say another cheesy line to move her.
I don't know if she wants to end things with kazuya just like that. The good thing about this chapter is that finally something is really happening
Trying so much for this asshole.
>So she doesn't have any more reasons to keep the farce anymore
Yes she does.
So, she's telling her rental name to kazuya's grandma? What's her plan?
The last person she would want to hear right after her relative she was deeply connected with died is the relative of the asshole for whom she was lying to her Grandma up until her death. Maybe some remorse?
She always was introduced like that, but I would love if the next line was: a rental girlfriend.
There is some /u/ shit going down between Ruka and aunty
Ruka wants her to be her "real grandma", with all that implies.
>The good thing about this chapter is that finally something is really happening
Just a few chapters ago we learned Chizuru was quitting.
Is it confirmed that Chizuru's grandma is dead?
Not yet.
That or seriously ill. Something bad must have happened to have made Kazuya's mood change like that.
We already knew that from long ago
Maybe chizuru's grandma told her to be true to herself and let kazuya know her feelings?
Don't forget the sweet heritage.
He's really an asshole for you? To me he looks like a looser who's trying his best not to fuck up his and others life
I wonder who he'll kiss since Chizuru still seems at the hospital.
So the grandma died because of STD from the whore? Fitting
Why is she such a slut
Who? Ruka or Chizuru?
Why is he wearing a shirt that says FASH?
I want to stick my dick balls deep in Mami.
I really hope he'll kiss chizuru, teasing the kiss every time is bad for my health
I hope he kiss Ruka.
I hope Chizuru and Ruka kiss
Please no.
Why do I keep reading that shit?
sunken cost fallacy
Ruka > Sumi >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mamislut >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whorezuru
It's good.
You know why
I still haven't read last week's chapter.
Fuck off Rukashitter. All she's doing is once again butting in where she doesn't belong and causing problems for the MC.
Ruka should go die in a fire already.
Gas yourselves
>She's still trying to blow his cover
Fuck you. Ruka is the best and the cutest; this trashy MC doesn't deserve her
t. Rukashitter
The only one that needs to get punched here is your worthless whore of a waifu.
Can someone translate the first 2 panels?
What does it say?
Ruka is trash. Selfish trash.
Hope she gets a heart attack and dies already. Fat digusting selfish bitch.
I'm in it for qt sumi-chan.
And to see what the mad mami ends up doing, kinda like watching a train wreck a person bleeding out or a car crash.
Ah, Hello...
Yes, it's me.
I'll give (the phone) to her
>Rukafags are 3DPD lovers
This explains everything.
>Only until saturday(which is my birthday) until Shit Yau translates the chapter
I wish we had a faster scanlator.
And "Ms. Ruka"...fucking cringe, just use honorifics you VIZ Media wannabes.
Chizuru > Sumi > Mami > Shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruka
Ok then Chizuru is really looking to pull some shit.
I thought that Kazuya's dumb ass might have not told her she's talking to grandma.
Ruka > Sumi > Chizuru > Mami
You know, at least it isn't a couple weeks delay like it was before they got a bit of a push.
Though I only actually read this series in bursts and not week to week.
>best anything
She's trash
>You know, at least it isn't a couple weeks delay like it was before they got a bit of a push.
Only because of based Sonicanon(R.I.P he will never be forgotten)
Have you noticed how much they try to copy VIZ's style? With the fonts and all?
It's embarrassing.
>worst girl Whorezuru will win over high quality girls like Ruka and Sumi
Mami at least is an interesting character
No not really, don't think I read too much viz stuff to know their style by heart.
Hey, I'm always here to speedread the raws every week
It's noticeable.
The fonts are very different to what scanlators usually use. Also in the last chapter they didn't put all the lettering in caps in the Square Boxes which it usually is.
>high quality
More like shit quality
Based Sonicanon, so you're still here?
Good to hear from you.
Hope you're doing well.
Maybe you should provide pics comparison since most of people here don't read viz shit.
Yeah. I'm doing well sniping Hatsukoi Zombie yesterday.
Actually nevermind.
For some reason I remembered that VIZ's Nisekoi used that kinda font but they didn't.
Maybe it was some other official publication but I can't remember which used small lettering.
I don't actually read VIZshit either unless I have no choice.
But in older chapters of Kanokari(like chapter 29 or something) they always used all caps in square boxes pic related.
I just wish they would go all caps with everything so the lettering wouldn't be this much of an eyesore like the last chapter was.
>Doing only the last chapter
Holy crap that's some Niggerstream-esque Nisekoi shit you pulled there lmao.
For context, Niggerstream sniped Tsurezure Scans for the last chapter of Nisekoi 2 and a half years ago or so.
Ruka a best
Sumi a second best
Mami a shit
Whorezuru the shittiest
Actually I take it back.
Dropout seems to still be 5 chapters behind on Hatsukoi Zombie so they deserved to get sniped.
Tsurezure on the other hand was based and rarely was ever behind. They were pretty fast but usually released a few days later than some shit scan groups who used shitty Korean Raws because they had to wait on the JP raws to do proper translations so they didn't deserve to get sniped by Kikestream.
Imagine being a Rukashitter.
I don't know why Dropout is doing multiple weekly series when they don't even have a translator.
This is what I hate about the whole fanscanlation community and their cringey etiquette of "not sniping other groups" to be honest.
Some asshole group who decides to hoard a bunch of manga they will never deliver on always appears.
And then people are discouraged to translate a particular series because X Group is doing it even though they haven't translated a chapter in months.
It's bullshit.
Lol the real trash is Mami. I bet she will tell Kazuya's Grandma abt the rental girlfriend and Grandma may be agitated that she went back to the hospital
Mami is a villain and the manga essentially treats her like one.
Ruka on the other hand is treated as a nice girl which is bullshit.
True, ruck has to let kazuya go
Its hurts so good.
>nisekoiOTTERS spread into other current romcomshit
I'm happy to see that there are a lot of Rukabros here. How can people like Chorizo is beyond me, a filthy liar who deceived her grandma even when she had the chance to stop all this bullshit times ago, she just started to act when her grandma is dead or in her last legs.
Even if what Ruka did back then was wrong, there are times where she looks way more mature than Kazushit and Chorizo who are 4 years older. They should've matured more, but they still look like dumb teens.
They act dumb because they are in love with each other, ruka on the other end is trying to impose her love on kazuya
They weren't in love since the beginning and blame Kazushit for that, he should've rejected her instead of leading her on saying he will officially date her.
It's one guy.
>constantly stalks a guy who doesn't give a shit about her because of a dumb phone app
Pick one.
He cannot make his disinterest in her any more clear.
The bitch knows he doesn't like her and she's still obsessed with him.
It's her fault for blackmailing him. Period.
Put Whoreizo on the same level as Mami and you got it perfect
None of them deserves anything but misery.
I see. Reading comprehension is not your forte, Chorizocuck.
Cry more Rukaloser.
Your girl is fucking shit and Kazuya literally did nothing wrong.
i love you
thank you
When has Chizuru ever tried to hurt someone?
I like Ruka.
Chizuru lies to help people, she doesn't do it because she's an asshole.
This manga really is something else. It's rare to see a romcom series where almost every character is a piece of shit.
Annoying brat that constantly forces her selfish bullshit on a guy that clearly wants none of that.
Obsessed with a guy she herself dumped, tries to stir shit God knows what for.
Puts up with MC's shit for barely any reason and enables his behavior, despite being perfectly aware that it's not a good idea.
>MC's grandma
Pushy as fuck and has obsession with Charizard that rivals MC's.
>MC's dad
Punched his own son with no reason other than his baseless assumption, without even asking for proper explanation.
You could write entire book about him being a walking talking pile of garbage.
I agree with everything except for chizuru and kazuya. Kazuya is just someone who's not strong enough say and do things (expect when chizuru is involved) and chizuru is just a good person that is in love with the MC that's why she lies every time
I never thought this trash manga would have them, but here they are.
>there are times where she looks way more mature than Kazushit and Chorizo who are 4 years older.
Yes there are times when she tries to appear an act as someone older, even the current chapter is a good example, but she is anything, but mature thinking someone will just transpose his feeling onto her is the stupidest thing.
Yeah, Chizuru is just so much better than every other girl you'd think there's no room for debate.
>He's really an asshole for you?
There were moments when he wavered and gave Ruka some false hopes never clearing it up later. His current excuse is Grandma is in love with Chorizo so it would be be impossible to tell her the truth now and not "I love Chorizo and I don't want to have anything to do with you"
He's just spineless, plus he is in love with a girl who doesn't show emotion, to me his behavior is pretty normal. He's not giving false hope to ruka, she's just crazy
No, that user's right. Several times, he's given Ruka very mixed signals.
He's only shown he's sexually attracted to her.
Based Kazuya.
Absolutely based
Yes, he is spineless, but that spinelessness results in assholish behavior. He lacks balls to reject someone's demands or to admit that he can't meet their expectations, so he uses lies and excuses to delay the problem. While Ruka is definitely acting like a spoiled, selfish brat, MC is still guilty of giving her an inch with "trial girlfriend" bullshit just to shut her up, although it's also his oneitis' fault for coercing him into that retarded agreement. As a result, Ruka operates under impression that she has a chance, while MC never had any intention to date her and treats her like an annoying obstacle he needs to avoid on his quest for Chorizo.
>no way fag
Why is this girl so willing to be an absolute cuck?
because an app on her phone told her he makes her kokoro go doki doki the most.
I have no idea, why she does it to herself,
>It's her fault for blackmailing him. Period.
Nope, this one is entirely on Kazuya, because he is an absolute dumbass:
She was rented by Kuri, he told her about the wonderful girlfriend his friend has and then organized a double date
during that event Ruka recognizes Chorizo as a rental whore and realizes what's up decides to tease her
after hearing that Ruka knows, he starts to panic, later tries to stalk her, harasses her, gropes her and demands from her to vow she won't tell, she was never going to mind you, later he goes as far to begs her for it. Only after she sees how far he is willing to go fto protect a rental he picks her interest. Then her app tells her Kazuya makes her heart race and she decides to go for it. Later she realizes, that his relationship with Chorizo isn't as simple as she thought and only then she offers to keep quiet about their deal if he'll date her.
She didn't intend to do anything, until he didn't get involved with her, after that everything that happens is Kazuya's fault.
Ruka is obviously using her sad face to make him do whatever she wants, he's just trying to make her suffer less
>stop lying
>tell grandma the truth, accept whatever disappointment she has in you, you earned it
>tell Ruka you love Chorizo and you're sorry for stringing her along. She'll hate you, but you earned it.
>tell Chorizo you love her. If she doesn't accept you, too bad. If she does, good for you.
>Dude's suffering is self inflicted. Man up. Also, do that shit in that order. No banking on Chorizo accepting before fessing up to Grandma. No keeping Ruka in reserve either.
Just like saying let grandma die, let ruka suffer and fuck up the life of the girl you love
I really liked the start of this manga but recently it's become such a slog of stupid misunderstandings and lack of balls to do anything. I haven't been this annoyed since Nisekoi and I'm about to drop this too. It sucks because the characters were really interesting at first but they feel so lazily written now.
Not at all, no. If grandma dies because she finds out he's not dating Chorizo, then she was at death's door and was about to die anyway. Ruka's suffering is prolonged by what he's doing. And there's no end to laughs at the notion that confessing to Chorizo would fuck up her life. If she's not ready for a relationship she says no. And if she is ready, the only way it fucks up her life is the fact that it's Kazuya, and she should know better.
You're fucking wrong.
Ruka shouldn't put her nose where it doesn't belong. PERIOD.
What Kazuya and Chizuru do is none of her business.
She's an annoying unwanted 3rd wheel. She's the Poochie of this manga.
He did not string along anyone you delusional Rukashitter.
It's not Kazuya's fault that Ruka is deranged nutjob of a stalker who won't leave him in peace.
Kazuya doesn't owe her anything. Zilch. Zero. NADA.
>imagine self-inserting this hard
>recently it's become such a slog of stupid misunderstandings and lack of balls to do anything.
But her grandma is dying and she's quitting being a rental. That's something happening.
Kazuya fucked up by caving in to demands of the brat. He should've firmly rejected Ruka, especially because she acts like an entitled little cunt and any compromises would only enable more of her shitty behavior. She went from "literally who, get off my lawn" to "girlfriend, on probation", which gave her unnecessary claim on Kazuya.
Also regardless of Ruka's character, agreeing to the "trial" deal in that situation was a real dick move, like inviting someone to job interview when you have already decided to hire someone else.
He literally had no choice.
Also Chizuru is at fault there too because she insisted Kazuya date Ruka.
Since then the bitch has blackmailed in multiple occasions.
Face it, you can't white knight for Ruka. She's a bitch, end of story.
KO is truly the otterfag paradise. Kaguya otters are not match for us.
>call girls who wont take the D
Whats the fucking point?
To make you mad, obviously.
I'm not white knighting for Ruka, I despise little shits like her. But it's not like Kazuya is a faultless victim there. The only reason he couldn't just give Ruka the finger was because his mountain of lies made him vulnerable. And again, instead of biting the bullet and trying to actually solve the problem, he added yet another lie to the pile, which is coming back to haunt him right now.
Let's just agree that it's Miyajima's fault for introducing this bitch in the first place.
The manga was so much better before she showed up.
Imagine how interesting it would be if, instead of Ruka blackmailing him into dating her it would have been Mami instead.
>Imagine how interesting it would be if, instead of Ruka blackmailing him into dating her it would have been Mami instead.
>The manga was so much better before she showed up.
She appears right after the onsen arc, so yeah can't argue with that>Imagine how interesting it would be if, instead of Ruka blackmailing him into dating her it would have been Mami instead.
That would potentially end the story, since sure at the time he got over Mami, but If she would actually want to get back together I doubt he would refuse.
>It's a main girl setup chapter
>That would potentially end the story, since sure at the time he got over Mami, but If she would actually want to get back together I doubt he would refuse.
Actually by that point Kazuya had given up on Mami and fallen in love with Chizuru.
But then it would be interesting to see him have doubts on his feelings and Mami playing dirty to get him would make more sense than some random girl like Ruka showing up out of nowhere.
So I just recently caught up with this and I gotta say, the MC is such a piece of shit holy fuck And it doesn't seem like this faggot is going to stop being a pathetic fag anytime soon.
Also Ruka would have probably fallen for some random dude if she was held at gunpoint/raped and her heartbeat had risen.
Based rukabros
>I don’t know why people still read it, and yes I can here just to say this
Well why don't you enlighten us as to why you're still here.
>no mami
I sleep.
MC's Dad did nothing wrong the. Also it's not as rare as you might think for every girl in a romcom to be shit. Look at:
>Domestic Kanojo
>Love Hina
If this is the level of cognition fans of this series are capable of I'm glad I never picked it up
Where the FUCK is Sumi-chan?
LIterally who?
t. disgusting Rukashitters
>MC's Dad did nothing wrong
>see your son exchanging money with his girlfriend
>instantly assume he's some scumshit taking advantage of her, even though there are dozens of other possibilities, including him getting his own fucking money back
>instead of discussing the subject like a civilized person, just chimp out and slug him in the face while hurling insults at him
No surprise that MC is such a human garbage with family like this.
>Explicity state that every girl in this series is shit
>Wow he must like the girl I don't like!
>See your son paying a streetwalker
>Not decking him
Failure as a parent 2bh
He didn't know that. He didn't even see properly who was giving and who was receiving the money. From his point of view, Kazuya might've even been helping his girlfriend in some emergency, but instead of asking one fucking question, he decided to just punch his son in the face. What kind of rabid ape one has to be to function like that?
She'll probably wait until the next time she sees him to give him her present given how shy she is.
Blame some shitposting retards angry that Kaguya got popular.
Kazuya's whole family is fucking insane.
It's no wonder he turned out the way he did.
FFS his bitch of a grandma crosses out his name in his birthday and cares more about Chizuru than him.
It's like Kazuya is just a spawn to continue the family line for them and not much else, disgusting.
You see your loser son exchanging money with a strange girl on the street, what's your first assumption going to be?
Maybe he took her out for dinner, forgot his wallet, and was repaying her.
His family is also very realistic. Many Asian families are like that.