JOBrenfags stay out.
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
I straight up forgot what the character was named until now, what a fucking grey blob of nothing.
>Mr. Satan
what type of food is kissing?
How do we kill Dragon Ball?
Don't be mean to Kefla.
>p-please don't call us out on our delusions jirenchads
>mfw veggiecucks continue to post this dried up joke of a meme
It's one guy. He is also all the replies he gets
>old tired meme
official Yea Forums good characters list
good boys
>Future Trunks
good girls
>everything else
How is it that memes like "Begita please kiss my wife" are still around but memes like Keflarita and Mexican Goku are dead?
you guessed it, its still 2-0
Vegetafags are incredibly insecure.
Please spare me, Freeza-sama.
characters that can beat Freeza as of right now
I'm the guy who originally posted Mexican Goku, I stopped posting it because I stopped finding it funny and grew bored with it
Even the jobbing prince didn't consider it settling things
>visible confusion
would let his guard down and job again
would get cocky and let freeza blow up the world again
failed when it mattered
will be back under freeza's control soon enough
>Gohan, 17, Toppo, Dyspo
>first fight barely wins by using x10 boost against a savagely beaten and exhausted chadku
>second fight "wins" by cheapshotting chadku after he called a temporary truce with jobgeta to deal with buu
Hmm yeah some record you got there, manlet.
>Keflarita and Mexican Goku
I haven't been around then, what were those?
>implying this isn't the only consistently good thing in these threads
What do you faggots expect? Discussion?
please don't sexualize shrek in these threads
I'm not, I'm sexualising Cheelai
Do you mean Spanish lore posting because anything to fo with the U6 Saiyans was shit. Character battles are shit.
you could have saved time and just typed "I like eating shit"
that's a female shrek
>freeza gets anihiated by kale
>gohan beats the stronger kefla
nice way to cope with the harsh reality gokek.
Freeza was depleted against Kale from using his golden form against Caulifla. Plus, he got stronger after the ToP as evidenced by doing better against SS Broly than Goku and Vegeta did working together.
Where's the Panfriends?
>barely reach CHADkus level of power by whoring out to a hairy dwarf alien
>kys because you are so embaressed with your weakness but play it off as an honorable sacrifice so nobody will laugh at your funeral
The absolute cope of veggiefags!
We don't need you pedophiles to ruin these threads further.
>depleted after fighting a super saiyan
>did better against SS Broly than Goku and Vegeta
hes a good punching bag and that's it. Cuckza just keeps on getting humiliated.
Stay mad, Yamchanigger.
Shitty photoshops of a Pokemon with Kefla's hair and Goku with a mustache and a sombrero surrounded by tacos, nothing of value was lost.
Super better fits with Prequel trilogy:
>Original author still involved
>Shitty but clearly has some of the original's ideas still in there
>Retcons lots of shit for no reason
>Has actual prequel bits in there
Meanwhile GT is closer to the sequels:
>Original author has little to no involvement
>Cash grab by a studio trying to make a quick buck
>Just redoes old stories again but bigger/worse
>So bad it hurt the series in the long run
>Is an actual sequel
Space monkeys leave.
Behold my mighty
>Goku and Vegeta defeated and knocked back to base in 20 seconds
>Chadza still in Gold after an hour, going on about how subarashi his pet is
He's far above the monkeys at this point. Maybe UI could beat him. Maybe.
Dragon Ball is for spics and niggers
Cringe Portugal portuguese
Based Brazilian portuguese
Did Mai ever bother to tell Trunks that she's actually 80 years old?
Why would she?
>Trunks: Nice. I'm into older women.
I have here a piece of attention for u
My fetish
>Goku keeps the first main antagonist he beat as part of the posse just to perpetually remind Vegeta
>It is its own story.
>Works within established lore.
>Doesn't repeat the same story beats as its predecessor
>Everyone remembers the ending.
>The same as DBZ/OT but bigger and shit.
>Two teams of faggots fighting over the canon.
>[Current Year] writing
>Massive shilling campaign
i cope
concede my master
pet your kennel
>It is its own story.
It quite literally is not, It's a cashgrab.
>Works within established lore.
It breaks lore all the time.
>Doesn't repeat the same story beats as its predecessor
It starts off by rehashing the Dragon Ball hunt, then rehashes Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, THEN rehashes Janemba, only to literally have monsters of the week based on old parts of the series.
>Everyone remembers the ending.
Everyone was glad when GT ended, that's for certain.
I guess you can't go back to Vegeta or Salda.
DB is for Asians.
DBZ is for Westerners.
GT is for Asians.
DBS is for spics and niggers.
OT is Dragon Ball/Z.
GT is Sequels.
was jiren the protagonist of ToP?
>It's a cashgrab.
And Super Saiyan Recolor isn't? It is literally just there to sell toys.
He was the villain.
Are GTfags really that blind?
I meant PT.
No, you fucking retard.
Just like the Prequels. Good job user! You figured it out!
>reading the amazing Dragon Ball Online lore
>realizing you're never going to experience it because that game is a MMORPG and the servers for it shut down over half a decade ago
There's a Global version up right now, with some translations. You can play it all you want. It's sadly just a shoddy WoW clone.
I guess it needed unique villains like Frieza, Evil Goku, Frieza OC, Piccolo 3.0, Frieza, and Brolly.
>Everything is a cash grab so nothing is more cash grabby.
I guess that ST didn't force the MF to the plot for nostalgia bait.
Ah yes. Just like Maul again, evil Jedi, Maul's brother, Mandos, Maul AGAIN, and Sheev.
>Anything trying to make money is a cashgrab.
The prequels were a cashgrab with the original author attached and retcons everywhere.
The sequels were a cashgrab without the original author and mostly studio involvement.
>Having a gf who is older(because you have mommy issues) but look your same age.
god I wish that was me
Is Maul the Frieza of Star Wars?
As if the original trilogy didn't have merchandise.
>Maul again
I didn't know Maul was in the OT.
>evil Jedi
Because the OT established that only good guys can use the Force.
Was it kino?
>kind of an idiot
>gets chopped in half
>comes back as half robot
>comes back again as not a robot and with a grudge against handsome protagonist
>comes back AGAIN and helps protagonists but only to further his own ends
>comes back YET AGAIN still scheming
>has a brother who's less classy and more brutish
It checks out.
How did this become a Star Wars thread?
PT, user. PT.
Why do supreme kai's exist? Has any one of them ever actually done something important other than die and fuck over their GoD?
Simple, really:
GT = Sequels
Super = Prequels
Online = old EU
Xenoverse/Heroes = nu EU
Fap material
People going "new = good" or "popular = good".
>tardku returns and ruins dragon ball
>Online = old EU
>Xenoverse/Heroes = nu EU
this hurts me
>GT = Sequels
>Super = Prequels
When and why did incels/lookism posters invade these threads?
>Prequel/Super: Creator involved
>Sequel/GT: Creator not involved.
You = retard
lol seething
On every level, Super has more in common with the Prequels level of shit than it does to the Sequels level of shit.
I have a mailbox
Will we ever see Trunks and Goten get older?
It is only there trick retards like you to thinking it is good. DBO is Toriyama's vision of a sequel.
>Anime vs Manga
Incels/lookism posters = dbfags
When the epilogue rolls around.
No, it's pretty much correct.
Fuck, Toriyama even came up with his Midichlorians in S-Cells.
We already have in GT.
>from Dragon Ball Simpsons
>>comes back again as not a robot and with a grudge against handsome protagonist
The term S-Cells was never used in the anime or manga just like how Rey learn how to use the Force (some stupid novel gave a bullshit explanation).
Back Tingles.
My goodness
I hope so, and I hope they do something with Goten later on too, Trunks got some character development in the Future Trunks arc and got a waifu, meanwhile Goten is nothing more than fusion fodder.
Pan is Rey though. Useless and supposed to be important and special but has to rely on older characters to save the day.
holy shit user
Still not S-Cells and it is inline with people untrained in Force magically gaining Force powers rivaling those that trained their whole lives.
Like Asoka?
>Pan is Rey though.
Pan is related to Goku. Rey beat Luke. Rey is magically better than everyone.
>Rey: Mary Sue who can easily use the Force when it took Luke 2 movies to master it.
>Caulilfa: Mary Sue who can easily turn Super Saiyan when it took Goku a whole arc to trigger it.
Caulifla = Asoka, confirmed.
A shitty, unnecessary mary sue who's super special and gets to be a powerful warrior with barely any of the training a proper one needs.
Dragon Ball is shit
Star Wars is shit.
Doesn't really compare, since we have Goten and Trunks before her who get it with even less training.
Rey never actually does anything useful, like Pan, and has to rely on others to get her ass out of danger, like Pan.
Currently yes.
Rey never beat Luke though? Hell Luke has to save everyone at the end of the day like Goku.
>So bad it hurt the series in the long run
I didn't know that they didn't make anything after GT.
Well, TLJ Luke was as cardboard as GT Goku, so that checks out.
Anybody want to check out my DBAF wiki?
They didn't have any new animated anything until Yo! Son Goku and Friends Return!
GT genuinely did ruin the series for years.
>Rey never beat Luke though?
She did.
People keep saying that Goku has always been selfish since DBS.
This Star Trek shit is lame. Where's the Pan posting?
Goku = Luke
Pan = Rey
Trunks = Finn
Giru = Rose
Vegeta = Leia
Piccolo = Han
Gohan = Chewie
And ST made sure that three MCs will never reunite.
You don't even get a (you) for that one, you lazy fuck
>videogames, card games and merchandise all day every day
>"b-but GT RUINED the series i tells you!"
Epic, as expected of Superspics.
Sporadic game releases isn't the same as appearing on television.
>Leia dies IRL
>Bulma dies IRL
Yep, im thinking CHEWIEhan is back
Like GT?
>Giru = Rose
well, they are the literal most useless characters in the franchise
checks out
No shit, but it hardly "ruined the series" when the series still kept a high profile long after it ended.
None of those are true.
>Vegeta = Leia
>There is never an anime with Goku, Bulma, and Vegeta after GT.
>Star Trek
Retarded Pedo
>Pan is Rey though.
That explains the Panpedos. They're just like disgusting Reyfags, fapping to a useless character and defending her honor whenever it's challenged.
>Star Wars
Fuck it, it's actually far more interesting than the past hundreds of threads
Isn't Toriyama a fan of Star Wars?
which character toriyama hates the most, yamcha, gohan or future trunks?
Huge fan. He's drawn fan art of it in the past, even for the Prequels. None for the Sequels though, he apparently doesn't care about them.
>majin buu
>Gohan: has a waifu
>Future Trunks: has a waifu
>Yamcha: no waifu.
fuck whoever brought up cuck wars
chadza would one-shot darth vader and sheev
post zamasu killing sHit
>Bigger powerlevel = better writing
You must be a Superfag.
Will Krillin become a Jedi, like his father before him?
Vegeta come to the Dark Side.
Remember when this was a Dragon Ball thread?
It stopped being a Dragon Ball thread years ago
I legit saw a guy with a fucking Giru tattoo the other day.
>Galactic Empire: needs a giant station to destroy planets
>Frieza: can destroy planets with a flick of a finger.
Because the wife-kissing thing comes from the series itself.
It's more of a Dragon Ball thread now than every previous shitposting repository that was called one we've had in the last few months.
So the solution to the cancer infesting Dragon Ball threads is to turn them into Star Wars threads, BRILLIANT
>Panpedos and their ilk are so underage they get scared when they see references made to Star Wars, one of Toriyama's favorite series
>wake up
>pray to Kami that Gohan will adopt me, hell I'll take Goku at this point
>mom and dad still arguing
>both talking about how they would rather be alone with Goku than each other
>I don't know which is more gross at this point
>go out side and play with my sword
>dad comes out and refuses to train with me because I'm "freakishly tall"
>I'm 5'7"
I wish the androids killed me
took this long for toriyama to make a hot green alien chick.
post "that" edit
Well at least she exists now.
I wish for a dragonball dragon quest spoof episode. Where vegeta is the prince trying to save princess bulma with his ward and closest and ONLY buddy Goku and a swords man Piccilo and the Magician Buu.
bout time
Hey, it's working.
This is the best thread I've seen.
found it
Not gonna lie Storm Troopers look cool as fuck in that armor.
Yeah, someone in an old thread once posted an article from the 1980's about Toriyama, and his studio had a bunch of Star Wars models in it.
Broly's basically The Hulk, right? Cheelai is She-Hulk.
they actually do, I mean they are also more reliable I bet.
>Broly's basically The Hulk, right? Cheelai is She-Hulk.
no she hulk is Kale.
Cheelai is the black widow
The one on the far left is actually a Clone Trooper.
Blue armor = 501st, right?
So Goku and Gohan managed to split off from the Super Saiyan tree and achieve their own transformations. Will Vegeta be next or will he continue down that tree and unlock an even stronger Super Saiyan form?
Whichever one sells more merchandise.
>B-Broly Sama f-forgive us, we didn't realize you were so strong
Guys i know that there were furries in the OG Dragonball, but were there any female ones?
I want to poke Champa's fat tummy.
yeah but they had the doctor slump look. all of the furries in dragonball did.
I'm actually a penpal with one of the editors for the manga and he told me the idea right now is to move Vegeta to the side to push Broly and Gohan in the limelight with Goku since all three have unique paths to gaining power. Vegeta will be reduced to a Piccolo tier character in terms of involvement and take up a "good dad" and training partner kind of role.
why not?
is there a rip of the broly movie online yet?
See here
no, they're still redubbing vic's lines
why is toriyama such a bad person?
Just torrent it like a normal person.
post characters that won't appear again
Damn, that sucks for Vegeta. But then again his antihero role in the story ended with the Buu Saga
That's a cool pic, user.
Can we go back to Pan now that we're all done with Star Craft?
>Dragon Ball threads need another series to make them decent
What a sad fucking commentary on the series/fanbase/anons who post here/fucking everything else.
off you must fuck
why is she making the same whiny cunt face in every fucking picture you post
i want to punch it
GT is full of Star Wars references though.
Don't punch Pan.
I don't care. The Dragon Ball thread is hardly the place to discuss Star Lancer.
The fact of the matter is that Cuteifla (affectionate slang for Caulifla's cuteness) is the best thing to happen in the history of Dragon Ball. She's strong and aesthetic with the perfect balance of engagement and fanservice.
post the panel where yamcha thinks that fat gotenks will defeat fat buu
not bad
I usually hate Caulifla but fuck it, that is a nice pic.
It's very thread relevant. It is hard to overstate how influential it was on Toriyama in general and Dragon Ball in particular.
I hoped beerus would delete tardku's ass when he got the chance
Too bad Tarku has plot armor
go away asokafag
eh, i guess if the panfag is against it..
>cuckhan, 17, dyspo and toppo
Yeah, no.
reminder Pan is as useless as Rey and Panfags are literally as bad as Reyfags
>replying to himself
While Star Wars is canon to Dragon Ball, the man who played Luke Skywalker in it was not a Mark Hamil parody but instead a martial artist named Pamput, who fought against Goku in the 22nd World Tournament. Goku beats him without even trying.
looks like toeifiller
I love this thread.
anime is NEVER coming back faggots, choke on toyo's cock
>Says this after Broly movie's success.
are you sure?
The part about him being Luke Skywalker is, but the filler is early DB filler, which usually comes from Toriyama. Pamput is a movie star in the manga, hence where they got the idea from. The actual filler part is that Pamput's manager tries to get Goku to lose the match by kidnapping him with promises of food, leading to Launch chasing after them and angrily beating the shit out of Goku's would-be kidnappers because she went out to get Goku ice cream. She then gets Goku to the match in time. Goku was nonethewiser about the whole scheme because he just wanted some food.
can we stop the space stuff please?
luck, a lot of people went there who thought that it was like capeshit when you can go in without knowing the characters, but they won't be repeat customers
Launch was always bestgirl.
Funny because Dragon Ball is space stuff.
I thought you wanted to STEP INTO THE GRAND TOUR
Literally only once
Why are Panfags so buttblasted over Star Wars?
>not Kakathot
they're underage
So they'll make more movies, but Super probably isn't coming back.
Super's anime was quite successful, helping push merch sales through the roof. More likely they'll both have another series and make more movies, just so they can have more money.
>I'm going to rock that kid's world
What's Vegeta's problem, one would think that he would want Trunks to continue on the royal bloodline.
They don't like quality so of course they'd hate Star Wars.
What's going on
I dont believe you because Gohan is involved
I made this but I am not the best artist when it comes to shading or backgrounds. I think I have Kubo syndrome
Not bad user, keep at it.
thanks user.
I don't want to believe it either since I think Gohan peaked as a character over a decade ago and he doesn't need the spotlight anymore.
The Majesty of two world class nerd hobbies merging, enjoy it with us.
yeah they wouldnt be giving Vegeta so much attention right now with the Namekians to be pushed aside. Plus I bet Piccilo will become relevant again since Buu is too.
>can fire planet destroying laser beams from your fingers
>use lightsabers
Stupidest shit even DB multiverse makes more sense than this cringefest.
>How Stronk you are is all that matters
Cope faggot.
I don't need to cope its gay western fan fiction lmao
>Toriyama directly references Star Wars in DB
Keep seething.
God I really hope Yamcha actually is kidnapped and brainwashed by frieza.
Or... Is frieza gay for Yamcha?
yall remember this?
I try not too
Whats your fucking problem dude? I'm trying to have a good time
To think that movie caused Toriyama to give a shit and make Battle of Gods.
it's actually not that simple, Toei was already producing Battle of Gods without him, he only stumbled upon the script out of luck when he ran into Torishima his old editor in Tokyo.
When he found out about another movie being made, he went out of his way to rewrite the pre existing script.
i got screen caps from the new project
geekCHAD said it was
an absolute unit
Reekdom also said Shintani is back and that they will be following the manga from now on.
Based Toyo wins either way.
Reminder that GT has soul and Super does not.
Here we are Panbro!
Reminder that GT heavily references Star Wars on multiple occasions.
what went wrong?
>Blue hair.
That goes to show that Super is not canon.
Isn't this fuckfest the reason that Super was made?
Here it is Panbro.
he specifically hated the kissing scene
>Girl Clothing Death Star Kamehameha Dragon Ball Z Star Wars Kid Varsity Jacket 91471_2
>Girl Clothing
How will Superfags ever recover?
Alongside more overt references, there are smaller details that stand out when scrutinized.
Pretty much
Or at least the reason Super looks like it is today
The most famous influence though is the concept of a healing tank, something Toriyama introduced after the Saiyan arc was over. Vegeta was seen recovering in one on multiple occasions, and later Goku is put in one after the battle with Ginyu.
>No naked Bulma butt or actual not E rated female fanservice.
>No naked shota dick like the original and GT.
>No blood and actual violence like Frieza torturing Krillin,even GT had blood.
>Shitty bright Telletubie-esque colors.
>Le Pilaf gang and nu Broly reformed.
How can any non mentally challenged human enjoy Super is beyond me.
people actually think this is from the dbz movie
forgot about this gem.
Super needs to show us Bulma's saggy tits.
Toriyama has always been a massive fan of Star Wars.
that mask exudes an uncomfortable energy
>Furry Star Wars OC
Toriyama was deviantart before the internet
You don't know the half of it.
Chichi's armor had a basis in Leia's slave bikini, alongside taking some inspiration from the art of Frank Frazetta.
so when is Gohan going Ultimate Instinct
Chichi's armor is a parody of female RPG armors, you fucking retard.
>you have to be mentally challenged to enjoy
Lots of bears there, now I know what Toriyama's int-
>TOP hat
Is this forshadowing?
Cry more.
What was her father thinking sending Chi Chi out to find Roshi in that outfit?
The RPG bikini armors are actually younger than you would think. That type of armor was popularized because of the likes of Dragon Quest and other early JRPGs, with Toriyama having a big hand in those designs. While it was in the work of Frank Frazetta before, the styles were not quite the same.
Furthermore, Chichi's armor, the helmet especially, is also based on Ultraseven.
>Vegeta is 5'5
>Full power Broly is 9'10
Imagine how asspained Vegeta is going to be the next time Broly shows up. He spent years being mad about only being the second strongest Saiyan and he is already demoted to third
So was Kinnikuman's and that came before Dragon Ball what's your point?
>Launch just casually tosses Krillin out of city limits
jesus christ, this woman
That in the future this much skin won't be allowed on crap like Super so better dress her like a slut while you can.
Trivia is fun. Toriyama is a massive nerd and makes no effort to hide any of it.
You are worse than the Vegeta spammer, let me guess you'll do this next thread too?
I did not know that. Thank you, trivia user.
I was just posting ChiChi but your welcome.
Toriyama's a furry, there's nothing we can change about that. Just look at all the fucking characters added in DBS.
Nah, I'm just sharing some bits that I think are neat. This thread seemed to be doing pretty well with all the trivia being posted before.
You're welcome, user.
Dragon ball GT is full of canon characters from Dragon ball Z.
So if that's the case, then DBGT must be canon.
Also, if you anons who claim to have watched DBGT, will know certain characters have flashbacks to DBZ.
I miss this.
Doesn't GT also feature non-canon movie characters?
Even Super knows GT is more canon than it.
You showed that he was right with that bit of trivia, so thanks for that.
Only Cooler who is coming SOON
But is Goku's tail supposed to be gold or brown as a Super Saiyan?
Bojack is there too.
>can we stop the space stuff please?
Yes I agree, it is not relevant to this thread at all.
She's so cute.
The desert planet Rudeeze they visit in GT with the multiple suns is a reference to Tatooine, just with an additional one instead of the binary.
>I thought you wanted to STEP INTO THE GRAND TOUR
This DBGT opening, is terrible.
How abut this one?
Rudeeze is also one of the few places Toriyama came up with when he was asked by Toei, though originally the planet was called Kahra, meaning "empty". Its series name instead takes after "deru ze" meaning "I'm leaving," referencing Pan trying to run away.
It seems more like a reference to Dune, you know the novels hack Lucas stole ideas from.
>Reminder that GT has soul and Super does not.
And comfy and rewatchable.
Who goes on top?
Nah, if it were there'd be wormsign the likes of which you'd never seen before.
And a great soundtrack too
>Panfags still triggered by Star Wars
I hope user never stops.
How is Cabba going to get his three way with Kale and Caulifla?
More like the other way around.
Possible but unlikely. Seems more a strict reference to Tatooine.
He's just delivering random, but relevant, trivia. You Panfags are the ones complaining about it.
He's also giving money to Disney who has actual pedophiles working for it.
Thanks user, this version of the DBGT opening is one of the best.
Nice contribution user. DBGT is full of superior music.
So you must love him!
Isn't Dragon Ball technically owned by Disney now that they bought out Fox?
Only that live action movie.
How would you feel about a u6 arc that's about visiting Sadala and Vegeta meeting with the king to learn how to be a slightly better person?
The GBA game also had good music.
Battle of Gods, Resurrection F and Broly were also distributed by Fox.
So is there a new season of Dragon Ball Super anytime soon?
Cuckgeta is already a good person, there is no need for him to change
rumored, but nobody knows for sure
Don't forget anons, "REMENBER Z"
What does this convey to you anons?
Note the DBZ Pan and the DBGT Pan, and them being canon.
In addition to Star Wars references, Toriyama tends to make some Star Trek references as well, such as occasional references to the Enterprise and its crew, the character of Skop in Dr. Slump (whose house is literally the original Enterprise flipped upside down), and Bulma occasionally drawn with a Type II Phaser Pistol.
Enter CHADren
Only the dubs
imagine neutering your self-esteem yourself so hard you become obsessed with sex as a means of validation
The king can teach Vegeta not to cry like a little bitch
The fuck happened to Chichi that she shrank so much over the course of Z?
Just like every shonen series that crap won't end as long as long as Toei can get bucks out of it.
Like, did getting smacked through a tree scrunch her bones?
Dead thread
Dead series too, it needs to go back to being like this
Also more armor Chi Chi.
>He forgot Zamasu
i'll capture this thread
>You know, Zarbon, with great power comes great responsibility. My father called it "The Lizard Man's Burden". Myself? I just call it as I see it; the duty of the master to discipline the servant.
>Frieza turns to look directly at the camera
>The monkeys, the namekians, the earthlings...It's our duty to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall be blown up from orbit. The day of the Supernova is near, Dodoria. We'll have every lower life form in this galaxy dead or in chains in ten years, and may I be cut in half by my own ki disc if I'm wrong. Frieza-sama bless the Planet Trade Organizationl
I believe that Pan can easily accomplish this.
We all do.
if you panfags don't shut the FUCK up i'll start talking about star wars again
>the day of the Supernova
hearty kek, based
I'd love to see Zarbon and Dodoria end up by Freeza-sama's side again through some bullshit means. Not that I don't like Kikono and co., but those two were such a crucial part of Freeza's whole image in the Namek arc and it's a shame they can't come back when life and death is such a flimsy concept in this series.
dont worry im just ribbing ya
Geekdom is just a little cunt who is posting clickbait shit to promote his dying channel. He posted a SSJ Pan video of all things.
Based Dr.Slump delivering what Super can't.
The world can't handle something as pure as Kid Goku without ruining it. It's for the best.
Did you see it in theaters? 90 percent of people there were people who liked Dragon Ball. I'm sure a good chunk of them didn't even follow super and just went to see it for the name alone since super doesn't get much advertising in the west.
Good, Universe 6 is shit.
I think he deserves some type of return, probably not a major villain role though
The Cell Jrs living on 17's island is the closest thing the bug will ever get to a "return".
They did have some rumors of it before the broly movie came out. But not like I really give a fuck if he does.
Cell will never show up again because of people like you in japan
You know what? Saiyan dykes are never mentioned again since the panpedo outbreak, did they pull a Jobhanfag->jobrenfag?
Are Pan's feet ever shown in GT?
Yes, multiple times.
Oh yes.
Finally a reason to watch this.
>still samefagging
dead thread
dead series
dead fanbase
Guys guys guys I dreamed Goku and Bejita were fighting and Bejita awakened Omen and as a response so did Goku immediately after a-a-nd it was based as fuck
I bet they're very soft.
>p-please lets us (just me) Jobrentards shit up another thread
GT is a shitshow, the opening, SSJ4 and Pan are the only saving graces, I wish they kept Pan's concept design though.
based CHADhanbro BTFOing the GTfags
[Raughter stops]
I accept your concession
What was your favorite DB game bros?
Budokai 3 and BT3 a.k.a the normalfag tier, sorry
>budokai spictaichi 3
Dragon Ball Fusions and Super DBZ
Janemba is the only other movie villian who deserves to be canon.
Everyone else, including cooler, has no place in the current continuity
It is what happen when you temporary remove the MC status from Goku. Everyone can stop handicapping themselves so that Goku could be the best fighter.
I'm not the one to judge since i've downloaded some of these as well
Unironically the best DB game in the last few years. Yes Xenoverse is fucking trash
>GT is a shitshow,
So there are aspects of DBGT you appreciate? However, on the other hand you are disgusted by DBGT?
Care to elaborate user?
Budokai 3 and Burst Limit.
>dat goku vs frieza cutscene tho
>plebbit trash
One of those is you
>streaming instead of torrenting
What a fool you are.
The Super anime isn't canon*
FTFY GTspicdro
Is this even a contest? Fucking Roshi's moon-nuking Kamehameha from OG would overpower and destroy that dinky little pea shooter.
Nice spic-canon my pet
Falseflagging fucking faggot. You're not a Chadhanchad. You're a fucking fake. Real Gohanchads prefer Gohan's ACTUAL daughter, the one who had Vegeta jobbing to her and Trunks too.
Deepest lore
>I wish they kept Pan's concept design though.
i'm not a pedo, i only like women above 14
concept Pan looked a little cuter and matched Goku better
yes, Pan is an amazing character, SSJ4 is good form (would look great on Gohan), but it's too much of a Goku Show for its own good. there are some bits of fun here and there (4 Star Dragon is cool), but it's worse than DBS (excluding the trainwreck of BoG and RoF retellings)
I bet he likes Jar Jar, the faggot
When he becomes relevant and powerful enough to hang with the threats that Goku and Vegeta are tackling
So never
DBZ / DBS Pan is better than her older self, but the same can be said about all women
imagine the same design, but shorter
Concept Pan was about the same size as Goku
What's wrong with you, you stupid fucking faggot? Trivia that instills actual discussion is infinitely better than "DOG SPIC COPE COPE MASTER KENNEL CONCESSION COPE KEK KEK JOB KEK COPE COPE PET COPE LE KISS MY WIFE"
Fucking retarded fat fucking cocksucker, you're probably one of the above shitposters mad that you can't derail this thread. Kill yourself.
>Concept Pan was about the same size as Goku
That sounds awesome. Man, why did they have to change it?
>Panspic crying because the thread is actually decent and no one is paying attention to him
Cry all the way to the morgue after you slit your wrists.
>still samefagging
>look mom, i'm being edgy on the internet!
Keep crying, wetback.
Reminder that GT is factually dogshit quality, not canon, and anyone who likes it is wrong and automatically an inferior person.
I do like how you can tell who's posts to not read by them attaching a picture of Gohan or Pan
>posting trivia=giving Disney money
Are you spics actually this fucking stupid? I hope you get murdered in cold blood
>U6 arc
Not happening waifu permavirgin, now fuck off.
>Mom look i fucked a kid! Just like how you used to fuck me!
Cry more
Ow the edge!
user, you have to be even edgier! So your peepee feels big!
Quiet, Pedro. My lawn is starting to get overgrown. Get your greaseball ass outside and mow it. A taco shall be your payment, and be grateful for it. You aren't even worth that much.
Stop responding to the Panspic, you're just giving it what it wants by allowing it to derail the only good thread in months
Alright i concede
cringe: the post
Settle down, kid. Or your dad might hear and you'll get the belt again.
Silence, spic.
PACO. Why the FUCK don't I hear the sound of your shitty dimestore push-mower? Get your fucking alien ass outside into the blistering heat and mow until my lawn looks as pristine as a world devoid of Mexicans.
>DBZ Pan is better
literally "cheerful the girl"
go and watch moeshows for thousands of those.
GT Pan was the only one with actual character.
>trying this hard
Imagine being THIS inferior.
gohan got stronger after the ToP too
DB IS a moeshow fucking speedwatcher
fucking newspic
Nice headcanon.
>implying zenkai boosts dont exist
vegeta mentions it at the end of the tournament
Show me a panel of Vegeta saying Gohan got stronger or concede.
>m-muh Zenkai
It was literally explained in an earlier chapter that Goku and Vegeta no longer get Zenkais you speedreading cuckspic.
What a soulful cast of characters, ruined by the likes of Vegeta, Boo, Beerus, Goten, etc
>Literally only once
Each arc since the namek saga
Geets is such a fucking Chad!
Jobgeta is the 8th strongest saiyan as of now.
>Yamcha never got to pass on his genes
It's not fair. I bet his daughter would have been a major qt, too.
>Reminder that GT is factually dogshit quality, not canon, and anyone who likes it is wrong and automatically an inferior person.