Quints are delicious and nutritious.
5toubun no hanayome
cherries > kiwis > strawberries > lemons > blueberries
quint ranking is another story
Quint ranking is just your fruit ranking in reverse
Only the blueberry and kiwi is delicious there.
I want to eat that kiwi and pop that cherry!
Why does strawberry have semen on it?
Fuutarou wants children
who edit this picture with Fuutarou?
please change grandfather's face
I'd like to take a bite of Nino's sweet cherries but I know the pit in them would hurt me.
Who is best Girl? Yea Forums Poll:
Wouldn't the perfect development to Yotsuba's character be her being "selfish" and taking the boy her sisters clearly want for herself? Literally can't find a better way to write her character than to have her win, when she's so intent on not winning out of her own kindness and good will.
>Purple hair
based and fruitpilled
Just Nino...
Good taste user.
From futaba, and that's what he is going to look like after the quints milk him dry every night.
Who should win?
Enjoy the proxy spam
would another name for this series be "The clone wars"
What's the next step of Ichika's master plan to get out of this situation?
Can't disagree.
Who was the kisser?
Ichika 10%
Nino 50%
Miku 25%
Yotsuba -10%
Itsuki 25%
Damn close, though, and can fluctuate per update
That'd just be the repeat of Ichika's arc.
Cherries are just expensive, less-flavorful grapes.
>still no chapter
Fuck. Didn't the scanlations used to come out on Tuesday night?
Occasionally when they were rushing to beat LHT
Yotsuba isn't serpentine in nature.
The best move is to actually not play because Fuutarou is going to go nuclear and I think the girls after him will get in the blast radius.
I'd rather have the chapter be a week late than go back to LHT to be honest. Glad they're dead. Somehow I think them dropping it made 5toubun a lot more popular in the west.
>Ichika still gets to hang out with her sisters in future
It's nice to know everything isn't all gloom and doom
I think we've seen the worst of it and the sisters' relationships. This is the worst it is getting so from her on out it will only be healing.
Strawberries > kiwis > lemons > blueberries >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>> cherries
Chapter 47 to 60 was when this manga peaked. Scrambled eggs was confusing and underwhelming.
Cut the crap, I need my red delicious.
Sister wars is great though. Call me a brainlet I am not sure what the point of scrambled eggs was.
These girls are big.
It’s an arc that wasn’t as impactful in the grand scheme of things. It was just a confidence booster and mostly setup.
Fuutarou start to fall in love
nino a shit
As always, best girls.
Literally only the kiss thing mattered, and even then Negi can just make it up to be anyone at the last second with little to no explanation.
stop the party right now or i will shoot
>futaro coulnd handle 5 bitches
>the milked him too much
its over bros
itsuki won
she literally was the mc
Not so fast m'sister!
Delusional mikufag.
Why doesn't Fuutarou just dick them? That would calm most of them down.
It is Miku. Nino said she doesn't want to do it as Itsuki in one of the earlier chapter.
Yeah you are.The point of the arc was spelled out.
Fuutarou still creating distances between himself and the quints because of his autism and that arc break that barrier.
Now he is more eligible to fall in love with any of them.
miku lost bros
since she is a historyfag she would go for a japanese wedding not a western one
this confirms she is not the bride
How slow are you?
She's takeda bride, that's nothing new.
miku is boring yet cute but dull
literally who.
Fuutarou's best friend.
stop the jokes man
why would miku even like him
>dicking crazy teenagers
If you don't dick them again in 24 hours, they are vicious enough that they will report you to the police for raping them.
Destiny. Also foreshadowed by Negi since chapter 3.
The point was to drive home the notion that you CAN tell them apart with love, just like grandpa said, because Fuutarou managed to recognize Miku (dressed as Itsuki and from behind) for a nanosecond - it was an arc for Fuutarou's growth and reaffirming Miku's love. Also some development for Nino and Ichika too. And the kiss of fucking course.
Miku will asks for Fuutarou opinion first.She is the least pushy of the quints.
My theory is that Negi originally wanted Itsuki to win but for some retarded reason he thought it wouldn't be obvious. Now he's mad people are going by that and his genious drama plan is being downplayed. And maybe he could have her lose in retaliation.
Brainlet. I too do not know what was supposed to be so significant about it.
Seriously quints aren't worthy of him. Fuutarou should end up with Takeda
>She is the least pushy of the quints.
She literally food poisoned him by giving him too much chocolate to the point of nosebleed. No you're right, she didn't force him, she took advantage of his kindness.
Seriously just go and re-read it and you'll see how much happens in that arc.
Have the raws been released yet?
strawberries > kiwis > blueberries > cherries > lemons
Why is Yotsuba so shit? She ruined Fuutarou’s trip!
Braindead Mikufag.
>takeda crest
no argument
he mind be a loser nerd who doesnt deserve them but they are worse for fighting among sisters for a loser nerd
braindead ninoshitter
retarded yotsubaloser
blind ichikacuck
no but nino and ichika did
You could tell which quintfag was insulting you, if you had love
new chapter monday?
What is this bitch problem? Besides being fat of course.
I've always known Mutsumifags are the biggest shitposters. Fuck them
>fuu asked grandpa how to identify them
>with love
>fuu suddenly identified one of them at the end
>the kiss
ninofags are the cancer of our threads tho
being mc girl
set me free
I just don't want Nino to win.
Based Nino laying it on thick, I love how she doesn't take shit from her sisters but still helps them.
Tough love is needed, you can't handhold someone forever.
>mother complex
The quints are good girls and they won't do that. Plus Fuutarou is 17 so he could probably go at it a few times.
I just want Yotsuba to achieve true happiness.
You'll forget all about the bad things with time user, don't worry.
>2 and 3
I can't believe Yotsuba's already spoiled the endgame
she wont
she will become my bucket instead
Thats just rude
cherries > hamburger > kiwi > lemon > blueberries
I miss non snek Ichika.
>thank you I rather be alone
>get mad when he knew the quints only there for their injection and not for him
What did he mean by this?
First she thought they can't have the dick.
Now she wants the dick like all her sister.
So she feel conflicted.
Lemon a shit
You said that two chapters ago.
Male tsun
Fuu-kun is actually the biggest tsundere
Monday when
on monday
The scrambled eggs are used so that Fuutaro can know more about the quints and due to the circumstances, he got closer to Miku discovering her, which would leave a mystery of how to achieve it
When you shut the fuck up
5 hours
This is Fuu-kuns future bride. Say something nice about her tummy.
It's very cute and lickable
How lickable?
It is very flat, which is remarkable for such a good chef. How does she manage to work out what tastes good?
I want to put my head under her shirt.
So lickable she does yoga to become flexable enough to lick it herself
To the point where I wanna lick delicious cream off her
>blueberries last
>kiwi anywhere near top
wooooow shit fucking taste
I know a person who does yoga, he's dying in a hospital right now.
I know a person who does yoga too. She's perfectly fine.
I don't do yoga and my left shoulder hurts sometimes
Does Fuutarou have the 'tism?
>>fuu suddenly identified one of them at the end
>>the kiss
everyone forgets that day he recognized 2 sisters
Miku and the "kisser" '(bridle / Nino)
fuu goes back to being a delinquent because of this rena shit.
what are the odds anons?
and what will nino do?
I'm pretty sure she's gonna start dying soon.
I believe Ichika goes full oneitis mode a few pages later
>and what will nino do?
Permanent heart pupils.
She is pretty into him. Like way too into him. Who would have thought Ichika would go yandere first?
Being a glutton
Being a fatass
Having a mother complex
Being unable to finish what she starts
Being a fake main girl
>permanent heart pupils
>deep blush 24/7
>love juice trail between her thighs near F
First time meeting a chad that doesn't worship her the first time they meet.
Also is the one and first to help her through thick and thin of her acting career.
pic related
thx but i want to know when 81 releases
It'll be released when it's released. Patience user.
can you do that with the colored version?
Never, /s/'s scanlation team folded and are now begging LHT to save them.
next monday.
Ichika doesn't like him that much.
LHT is dead, though.
PSA: The ED of the anime is amazing and ED of the year
>Itsuki sunk after "The Negi interview" ? Negi clearly doesn't like the idea of "main girl wins"
The Negi interview says clearly that he wants to do what he wants.
He does not like being pushed by his editor, by main girl plot,by muh popularity or majority
Negi wants to surprise his reader and he wants to make a good writing.
Good. Did those fuck ups fold because they suck or that they were using their websites to mine bitcoins?
Uh sure, I guess. Not now though. Do you have the colored version?
thank you man
only underage faggots in this thread i swear
Itsuki has smelly farts.
Says a retard who can't go on mangadex and read the release dates.
how does he plan on surprising anyone when it's this obvious Ichika wins?
see? salty underage faggot.
Why do so many mexican memeing in the LHS comment section?
those are grapes
i want to munch her belly
no jokes aside
she is the best girl
t. quint
It sounded more like Negi was butthurt everyone is seeing Itsuki winning from a mile away.
Bro, Ichika is head over heels for him. She betrayed her sister out of love. You don't just suddenly betray family members without a damn good reason
No, he wants us to wairu war against each other to keep interest in his manga.
ok Yea Forumsnons
which quin shall i fap to today?
Ichika's manager
Your post gave you an answer.
how so?
no one cares that you are gay
Ichika's sweaty armpits.
>yotsubafags are real
they are just meming right? no sane fag would choose yotsuba
dude you can't
Move the whole list one space to the right and you're correct
You'll regret it
Needs to be Pregnant.
yes i can
with my quintuples
> Hanagai
This series was actually great. Main girl who had nothing against the girl with everything (boobs, wealth, childhood friend).
Too bad the author chickened out on the ending.
>who takes a picture of Nino
I want to know the sound of the camera (shutter) is true or not
Elder Miku and Elder Nino looks like Moms.
No problem so long there is a Preggo Fanort of her.
They are. Mothers of my children.
And you want her to sit on your face while delivering one, right?
we have 10 children, 5 each
a quintuplet gives birth to another 5 quintuplet
The weak should fear the strong.
What was the first?
Both 5-Toubun and Kaguya-sama have absolutely pathetic doujins
trips wasted on Ninoshit
i just want some good booru pic
like all of them legs up in a circle
I'm not sure if i can keep partying, party has to stop at some point right?
Itsuki getting banged by Papa.
I'm not sure my body can keep this up much longer.
what should i draw when i get my drawing tablet tomorrow?
Elderly memes from a better era
more like edging
this shitty threads are the only ones i come to since the anime ended
anyother thread or board lost my interesst
>Too bad the author chickened out on the ending
The ending was literally the author not giving a fuck and doing what she wanted though.
i even dream about this cancer everynight
in a brainfucking nightmere way
I want a 5 chapter NTR series by Takeda Hiromitsu.
The author wanted that ending? No way.
> She
>imagine lying in bed with these 5 girls and cuddeling
imagine the flower smell and the comfyness
>ywn experience this
the rope is calling
You should have figured that something wasn't going the usual way when the main girl's main plotline was to lose the bowl so she could break free of the emotional prison she built herself in.
>the bride is transgender Takeda post op
how about that for a surprise, huh huh?
Nothing left to do but to embrace our destiny. There are worse ways to die.
The only good thing in pandas are the ginhaha ones, there's literally nothing else aside from pixiv collections
>mfw i'm waiting for the comfy Non-H's more than the H ones
>a quintuplet gives birth to another 5 quintuplet
mutliple Times...
Who is best Girl. Yea Forums Poll:
>Nino said she doesn't want to do it as Itsuki in one of the earlier chapter.
She said "it might not effective". Read the manga first
At what point is this called spamming?
What's with this lowercase faggot that can barely string together 4 words recently? Wasn't here a few weeks ago.
Could be this honestly. It could explain recent rena development as a way to try to give the character conflict. Though a better way would be. Give Itsuki an abusive bf and make fu go save get.. So he chooses her in the end when he says to the rest he will make a decision.
Miku is so cute, alas she's late and weak, Yotsuba deserves to win!
Preggo Art when...
Chapter 74 coloured.
>>mfw i'm waiting for the comfy Non-H's more than the H ones
Shame the translator of it keeps dying.
nah my brain feels like a squeezed tomato
yeah but nino spammer is worse
this one posts it not in a pushy way
Yeah. Nino is the most mother-like
Has there been a translated version of the latest chapter yet?
noice. Noticed colorbros took the time to color the backgrounds recently
soon brother (i hope)
Her fat goes only in the right places
you faggots have to much time
Why is Takeda's hair blonde? I always pictured it
brown. Where did this come from?
I want Nino huggies!
she said" Fuck "about this"it might not effective" the next chapter .Read the manga
with your eyes not with your ass.
that's why she was mixed and run away after the kiss
Ichika's suffering in this page fuels me. Thanks for the coloring, colorbro: the anguish in her eyes looks even better in blue.
Colourfag coloured it blond last time and now he's stuck with it
Damn it Negi, stop putting out redherrings already
>How so?
Look at your post number
>bottom panel
Makes sense for Ichika to get oneitis for this guy
How did the classmates not take note of him anyway, he's not even that edgy nor retarded kind of outcast most harem leads have
Huggies only for Fuu-kun
Ichika looks genuinely threatening in this picture.
Why is this fanbase so productive?
>Yotsuba voice sure is annoying
>this fanbase
Good joke
He's the sort of abrasive non-conformist that rubs most Nips wrong. I can imagine he deliberately isolated himself to get more time studying.
Congrats on finishing another chapter ichikabro~
Being the most self-righteous among the quints.
So if I'm not mistaking the eyesight tier list is 4 = 3 > 5 > 1 > a bat > 2
Discount Shana
The most based tsundere.
It's just a disguise.
5 wears glasses to study, so I think she'd be worse than 1. Ichika's just wearing them as a disguise rather than needing them.
I want to give her a tight embrace
Learn to read and write, then kill yourself
Oh yeah, forgot it was a disguise instead of deciding to wear them for a change of pace.
Lots of the posters have been here since chapter 10 or so, and this thing going was the result of a good few months's time to git gud at. Be it colors, kimetsubro, credits and edits. Helps the author is not one to alienate readerbases like SnS did, now the fucking thing is dead.
Also, waifufagging powers anons like you wouldn't believe
The Quint gene will spread all over the world. Someone make a plot out of this.
I'm Fuu-kun. I came for my huggies.
I'm going to marry Miku!
>Nino is hanging out with her friends
>Delinquent Fuutarou walks up
>Friends: "You look ridiculous. Right Nino?"
>pic related
Unironically this. Yotsuba deserves Fuu-kun.
>waifufagging powers anons like you wouldn't believe
Can confirm, Yotsuba has brought light into my life.
We know, Takeda
You missed colouring in Ichika's shirt when she's wearing the blazer in these two images. Otherwise, really good work -- thanks for doing this.
Realistically, what are the chances of this happening?
I don't think the importance of Fuuts's hairstyle change was mentioned aside from Uesugi famiglia's teasing, but doesn't that open up the possibility of him reverting to his original hair if he ever reverse his autism?
>finally caught up on Negi's recent interview
Nino being the first and main girl means she will lose. How could he play me this way?
There's more of us.
We need 9th Month Quintruplet-Pregnant Art for all five Girls.
There aren't many waifufags in these threads though/
More likely than you think
>blueberries that low
I thought we were bros but it seems I was wrong.
Really fucking hope one of the doujin circles goes full waifufaggotry with the prevalence of said faggotry already going on with the advertisement and polls in nipland. Like Heriyama to Megaman SF's Luna for instance. Or Mogudan to Rei
He already started to revert
Fuutarou is never going back to delinquent unless there's some contrived need for him to dress up like his class is running a delinquent cafe for the school festival or some shit.
We might see him loosen up a touch and have a quint cut his hair and give him a new style, but he won't dye it.
Maybe one day Nino will ask him to pierce her ear again but she's still scared so he'll have her re-pierce his ear to show her it's not scary.
Dumber than quints.
I mean, it's not going back to his pretentious delinquint ways, but his original hairstyle and color. It's not like his current bowlcut double ahoge is going to help him in anyway than making him more nerd-like than he actually is.
>wedding still has the cut
Sex with Ichika.
>tfw no new colored Yotsuba chapter
>Megaman SF's Luna
Aw shit. I never finished the series. My save file was corrupting going on the 2nd game, never got the will to continue.
MMBN was better though.
Is this Ichika?
>Sex with a boy
That's gay
>tfw no new coloured Nino chapter
>tfw no Miku coloured chapter
Shit takes time, yo
If there is one thing neets have it's time
>Posts off-model fanart to damage control
> neets
The more productive members ironically have RL jobs.
The few actual OC makers left because they were disgusted by the state of the threads. Only colorfags and the scan team are left here.
>RL jobs
Are there jobs that are not RL?
>scan team
Even they rarely check the threads nowadays.
>Only colorfags and the scan team are left here.
They segregated themselves on /c/
Thanks for the dump colorbro. The coloring you did for the backgrounds this chapter is impressive.
> I want to know the sound of the camera (shutter) is true or not
Yes it is. Nip noticed that too. See twitter if you don't believe me.
Stop having threads.
Look at that. The face of a pure maiden in love. She's so adorable when she's thinking only of Fuutarou instead of thinking about how to trip up her sisters.
I wish we would.
Because the ones who've been here a longass time actually knows the actual schedule when content drops, everyday that's not a saturday/monday/thursday might as well not have a toubun thread back then but the recent boom in popularity made the
>Everyday is a party!
meme real
Make me.
No really, please make me. I can't stop at this point. It's a problem.
I tried, but then someone else made a thread, then someone else replied and then I started posting. It's become my habit now
Oops. Redundancy on my side. Apologies.
Is their real dad dead?
Kek same her brother
That's why I want this 24/7 threads to stop
But we tall about the same shit every thread
Some one post the Romanian art
Can't stop the addiction when we just had the chapter with one of the biggest cliffhangers ever.
I was surprised this thread survived at all. Some fags desperately bumped it every time it reaches page 8 or something.
The OP is good for once. We should have more quint OPs.
>Maruo is their real father yet nobody said the truth to them. When Rena got pregnant, Maruo estimated bearing 5 kids can be fatal to her. So as a doctor and as a 'reasonable' person, Maruo suggested her to abort them. Rena was deeply disappointed about that, so they divorced.
Just my imagination.
What's your problem with a girl doing everything she can for love?
God I jacked off to this so many times back then, why did you make me remember this?
Nino a shit
was a shit*
she's good now
She was always. The best.
Interesting, I thought that scene was Nino trying to bolt after Fuu-kun.
Does she have a secret admirer? Maybe it's Fuutarou's chad cousin. He dissapeared so suddenly
Not really
Nothing really happened
No, Rena (mother) told Itsuki to choose men carefully, so their real dad might have bailed on her once he found out Rena was 5x pregnant
So this is what meth addiction feels like, huh
The "I only want you to look at me" was bad enough (jealousy is ugly), but now it's not even about Fuutarou.
It's "I must stop Miku"
>honey, I'm pregnant with 5 kids
>nice, I'll have my own professional dota team
>they're all girls
I just stopped going on Yea Forums. That's why I missed the last 24 hours.
Once you miss one thread is pretty easy to stop checking. Threads with no new content are all garbage anyway
Thank you
It's true.
*knock knock*
Open up, county police
> Nothing really happened
> big hint that Nino is Lolikano
> visual cue for Yotsuba being Lolikano
> Snake caught red handed
> Fuutarou might have heard the confession part
This is what I would call tension being built up to a point where it's unbearable to wait even a second for the next chapter. But it seems that's just me.
Okay yeah that was p fucked. But then again, she had to bear with all her suppressed feelings before when no one else really did hold back. All's fair in love
Post more Yotsubas, she cheers me up.
It's far reaching out there but it would make sense in
>"why is a head physician of a top hospital bothers to pamper 5 kids that's not even his to the point they become snobby rich kids???"
If it were true they were his kids all along, of course he would take care of them, albeit distant because he knows they're also the reason his waifu died.
>Itsuki on top
Now that's just mean.
What heroes would the quints main?
>ice maiden?
>venomancer/phantom assassin
>> big hint that Nino is Lolikano
Nice head canon
> Fuutarou might have heard the confession part
He got one direct and one indirect confession already. He should already realise that everyone likes him
No blunder
Nino mid, Itsuki hard carry, Ichika offlane, Miku greedy support, Yotsuba selfless support
user, you're an idiot. All Negi wanted was to hide the main girl (Itsuki). He wanted his fans to debate and talk about the series as the story progressed and figure out the identity of main girl. In that interview it was mentioned that almost all popular series have an obvious main girl and it's odd for a series to not have one. That's why Negi decided to introduce the Bride first and make Fuutarou meet all the quints in the first chapter. He doesn't want his readers saying "X won because first girl"
His editor disagreed with this and asked Negi to make it easier for the readers to percieve the main girl. And that's why Fuutarou met Itsuki the day before he met the quints.
Horse shit. Miku already gave her the chance with her speech, but she kept pretending to be a support, and straight up lied to her. It's only her fault that she never even tried with any original idea to capture Fuutarou's heart, and only copied what the other sisters wanted to keep up the status quo.
>Once you miss one thread is pretty easy to stop checking.
Not really. I'm genuinely addicted. I can't stop as long as there are threads. I breathe a sigh of relief every time a thread dies and one isn't up already.
She looks a lot like her older sister
>Ichika not greediest hard carry
>Itsuki not the tankiest possible offlane
>Nino's good
sounds like his editor didn't have much faith in him or in 5-toubun
I hope Negi gives him a hard time for it
>Nice head canon
A hint is nothing definitive, it could be a red herring. You don't like it and I don't like it either but Nips confirmed that it was a shutter sound at the very spot where Fuutarou met Lolikano. Even I've been to that spot in RL.
> He should already realise that everyone likes him
I return the head canon statement back to you. He literally says that 3,4,5 are not in love with him. Remember, that guy is dense.
Blueberries a shit. Only good as a candy flavor.
>But then again, she had to bear with all her suppressed feelings before
The thing that nobody asked her to do?Thats totally her own fault.
Miku and Yotsuba wanted her to just stop hurting herself,so as retaliation she choose to hurt her own sister instead.
What a mess of a character Ichika is.
Only Ichika and Itsuki survive adulthood, the rest hit the wall real fucking hard.
Will Miku ever find happiness?
Housewives Nino and Miku look good in fan art. Superstar Ichika looks scary.
Point being, it's not that Negi dislikes main girls, he doesn't want his readers to say "X will win because she is the main girl/first girl". So that's why he wanted to hide that identity and introduced the bride as the first girl.
But even without the editor's interference, by this point, it's already become obvious to us that Itsuki is the main girl by reading the series. All the interview did was tell us this.
>Itsuki is the main girl
I don't think spamming the same fanarts day after day can be considered productive.
Yotsuba is the best
>I've driven a wedge in
What did Itsuki mean by this? For fucks sakes I hope it's not another assbackwards ploy to ruin the others chances.
She will find happiness in death.
I wonder how would Negi connect Nino and the camera to lolikano. I don’t know why this became a clue.
I highly doubt Itsuki would to something like that. Not highly doubt, she'd never do something like that.
Like contradicting her own words last chapter? Yeah. She'd never do that.
I love Miku
She has a better fate than Yotsuba though.
I assume people are talking about this scene in chapter 34. Moments later Lolikano appears and says she witnessed everything.
Actually the expected and the got aren't so different ironically.
feels good to be a YOTSUCHAD
It's almost as if they're twins...
Yotsuba is a snitch, and snitches get stitches
There was a camera shutter SFX that Nino reacted to in the latest chapter.
At least try to use sane arguments snakefag.
Yeah, I know. That's why I posted the picture as a reference.
asked how Negi would draw a connection.
Too bad Negi hates her.
>Yotsuba is a snitch
Stop right there!
It just the process of becoming the main girl
Ew dota players.
Ichika : Riki, max backstab
Nino : Qop of Pain, buy slutty cosmetics.
Miku : idk, silencer maybe.
Yotsuba : CM, buy wards only.
Itsuki : Pudge, loses mid but claims win anyways.
To be fair she did stick her nose into business that wasn't hers. I am not defending Ichika but I don't think there is only one party at fault here.
How bad will the shitstorm be if Ichika ends up as the bride?
I don't waste time thinking about impossible scenarios.
Ah. I spedread that panel. I wonder who would be taking a photo during the class assembly. Did Fuutarou borrow his dad’s camera (if he still has it)?
Honestly it be the biggest salt storm possible outside of NTR.
>NTR is a more palatable ending
What went wrong?
Not him, but either she's being stomped in the ground continously for fun or in order to overcome all the trials put in front of her. I'll let you decide what's it going to be.
I don't think anything can top this in the history of Yea Forums desu.
I think Erased topped this
Do you really think an NTR ending wouldn't be the hell storm of the century? I can't even imagine it.
Just realized where she was keeping the coffee.
You know there is a good chance of that happening since she is the only two quints that receive the most character development right?
Without a redemption arc I don't see that happening and we're talking about a redemption arc to end all redemption arcs.
Negi is based. The bride will be either Ichika or Nino, and Miku will get the T.
Dubs of truth!
Fuutarou likes Miku, he just doesn't realize it yet.
I'll hunt Negi's ass if Ichika's redemption is her reverting to being supportive of Miku again to gain forgiveness
>but Nips confirmed that it was a shutter sound at the very spot where Fuutarou met Lolikano. Even I've been to that spot in RL.
i understood nothing
I have indisputable proof that Nino cannot be the kisser. If she were, then Fuutarou would recognize her because of his love for her, and as he doesn't, she can't be the kisser.
Yeah, cause Miku needs two girls carrying her to victory. A special kind of doormat.
Mikufags will flip their shit, sperging out and writing essays about why Negi's a hack for leading them on with "muh Miku poses".
I legitimately can't see anyone other than Nino being the kisser. No matter how many times I work through the idea, it just doesn't make sense for anyone else to have done it.
Ichika had barely decided at that point that she would seriously start competing in the MC Bowl, so for her to go straight to a kiss is quite daring. Especially since she does her confession like 6 chapters later with her gambit. Also her leg was still injured so she couldn't run up to Fuutarou, then proceed to kiss him and then run.
Miku reached a conclusion in the arc where she was happy that Fuutarou was able to recognize her. She also said sorry to Itsuki for using her face to end the student/teacher relationship for doing something she couldn't do with her own face.
Yotsuba has been hellbent on supporting Miku through and through from start to finish and this is being shown more and more in the recent chapters. I find it weird for her to kiss Fuutarou when she knew her other sisters liked him. She is a sweet girl that wouldn't try to steal a kiss from the person her sister loves.
Itsuki had just found out that Miku liked him and was completely surprised by it. It doesn't seem like Itsuki is the type that would try to get a kiss not that long after finding out her sister liked him. She had barely started considering him a friend and feels like she had little reason to kiss him.
Nino stopped herself first from doing an Itsuki face kiss. Then when her plan to meet Fuutarou by the bell failed, she found out that Ichika is also chasing after Fuutarou. She couldn't bother to care that she looked like Itsuki anymore and it was the last day of the trip. She ran out of time and had to do the kiss, but because the kiss was embarrassing nor ideal, she chose to hide it.
Posted in the last thread but I do think it's worth discussing.
Nino is such a bully bitch
> past: camera make noise *kachin*
> Lolikano hear sound
> present: Nino hear sound *kachin*
> Nino flinch
Is that amount of information digestable now?
Not surprised. Miku is for bullying, after all.
The end will be that all quint support Miku
Mark my words
This makes so much sense that you will only get other fags calling out this post as Ninofag's delusions without providing reasonable counter-arguments.
It's foreshadowed extremely heavily that she's the bride anyway.
Then Negi really hates Miku.
Fuck Nino. Not a maingirlfag but I still would rather see Itsuki than that bitch win.
Please don't reply to your own copy pasta.
Kisser != bride though
This is the bride. Say something nice!
Final chapter of volume 8 - Final chapter of volume 9
We will have to wait for the final chapter of volume 10 so Fuutaro one step further with respect to that thought?
Disregarding the fact that Miku has one of the lowest chances to be the kisser, Fuutarou will be the one to choose the girl. So even if by some weird miracle 4 quints support one, none of that impacts Fuutarou's decision.
But what about seppuku? Yotsuba would assist if asked.
Why's it becoming a pasta now? It's so well thought.
Congratulations Jamal-kun's bride
Thank you for proving me right.
Yotsuba has bigger chances to be the bride then Miku. kek
>hetero siblings incest
No purer form of love.
>past: camera make noise *kachin*
>Lolikano hear sound
I am sure Lolikano only appear after Fuutarou almost get busted by police,not when he taking picture of Takebayashi.
It's just a foreshadowing of what happened in the last chapter, braindead Mikufags. The same happened in chapter 72.
Cherries a shit
Nino a shit
Mobages are far too strong, sorry mate.
Why so smug?
obviously this will happen when the others have already been rejected and have realized who Fuutaro loves
For Miku's case, it's always about "her conclusion" why she is excluded. Fuuts gave her newfound courage by recognizing her, so she went and did it as Itsuki to see if he can recognize her again, then confess. Fuuts just looked shocked there, and had no idea who did it. She ran away. Doesn't matter what she said to Itsuki, if for Nino's case you use the "She couldn't bother to care about appearances anymore" reasoning,when she wanted to do it without the wig before, or she hides it because being a bad kisser is embarassing.
>> Nino flinch on camera kachin
>she didnt remember the photo taken when she saw it
yeah its not nino
> Why's it becoming a pasta now?
It has been pasted several times.
> It's so well thought.
I only see pros that justify an opinion. Where are the cons that challenge it? If you don't reflect on the possiblity that you could be wrong and don't try to defeat counter arguments, then it's not well thought out.
>I don't think anything can top this in the history of Yea Forums
Today I will remind them
because slut
Asspull of the century.
there was no kiss in the first place
>didn’t remember photo
Nice speedreading. No wonder.
Perfect package and she knows it.
Being dumb just makes girls cuter.
That doesn't cause because the author did that out of spite.
Still seething I see.
> Thank you for proving me right.
>Negi Interview
>Ichigo 100% mentioned.
So when will Itsuki "lose"? Because it's kinda obvious she doesn't actually have romantic feelings with Fuutarou anyway.
She said that she saw "everything", and by that I assume she means everything. So she must have wittnessed when he took a picture of the cosplayer by accident.
It's just a hint and it can be a red herring too.
>Did Fuutarou borrow his dad’s camera
>next chapter is Fuutarou side
>Ichika had barely decided at that point that she would seriously start competing in the MC Bowl, so for her to go straight to a kiss is quite daring.
Ichika already tried to kiss him earlier but still has doubt.Talking with Yotsuba might've affected her more than you thought.
>Miku reached a conclusion in the arc where she was happy that Fuutarou was able to recognize her
That really not a reason to stop.Miku is heavily mood-dependent and she proned to do more things if she in good spirit especially if the one that caused it is Fuutarou himself.Also Fuutarou recognize her after she tried giving up the disguise,so if she went to kiss him it might've been a gamble to see if he can recognize her again with the same disguise.
>Yotsuba has been hellbent on supporting Miku through and through from start to finish and this is being shown more and more in the recent chapters.
You said it yourself,Yotsuba somehow support Miku MORE recently,which is pretty weird outburst.Maybe it because of guilt that she start become more active of supporting Miku.
>Itsuki had just found out that Miku liked him and was completely surprised by it
Again this might've been the reason she even do it.Itsuki only start behaving weird after Scramble Eggs and that the only new information she knew about.
He does not know very well about that feeling, since he was not interested in knowing about that before, so obviously he will have no idea how to be in love
Nobody knows the meaning behind it one way or another. Why're you so insecure?
So she went from kissing to giving him a bread to confess? That doesn't even make sense. Mikufags should support the bride is not the kisser theory since it's highly unlikely for her to be the kisser.
What's more, we don't even know if she wanted to confess after giving him the bread, she's playing it slow, she should've assumed only a bread won't make him to fall for her.
That doesn't seem like Miku though because of her talk with Itsuki and genuinely sorry to Itsuki for using her face. Do you really think Miku could have built the courage after how satisfied she was when Fuutarou was able to recognize her. She doesn't seem the type to take another risk with a kiss.
Except for the fact that the only quint Fuuts could kinda sorta recognize at that point was Miku
>Did Fuutarou borrow his dad’s camera (if he still has it)?
ch32" wedding day"his father is holding the camera
>Mikufags should support the bride is not the kisser theory
They do.
But nobody said anything about this being a proof. It's just a hint and might be just Negi messing around.
>she didnt remember the photo taken when she saw it
Yeah, I'd like to have good explanation for that. The lame solution would be for her to forget it because it wasn't that important to her.
> yeah its not nino
We both don't know.
Maybe more than one quint met him, but not all of them.
These are all good points, but then I remember that almost each quint except Nino reached a conclusion to their problem by the end of the arc. Ichika with finally coming to term with her feelings, Miku finally being recognized by Fuutarou, Yotsuba pulling off the disguise she was worried about, and Itsuki worrying about her sisters and Fuutarou was able to handle that.
The only person's issue who didn't reach an end was Nino's because of how she was stopped at the bell. Her problem of not having a conclusion to the arc would be her finally giving a kiss to him.
she said he is my type
post your headcanon then
>So she went from kissing to giving him a bread to confess
Not a huge stretch
>Fuutarou recognize her without hint and realized her Valentine gift way back then
>Miku thinks Fuutarou might develop little feeling of attentiveness to her
>Miku kiss using disguise to see if it true
>Fuutarou didn't recognize her
>Start to better herself so Fuutarou would look her in better light
The only way that Miku can be the kisser is that she probably thought that he could recognize her once more and that it would serve as a confession that she would then build, but as Fuutaro did not notice, she is trying to reach him right from the start
>It has been pasted several times.
It's the second time it's been posted almost word for word, though.
>If you don't reflect on the possiblity that you could be wrong and don't try to defeat counter arguments
Pretty sure that user did that a few times.
You are kinda right, I'm madly in love with her.
Cute Fuuts' wife
Fuck your Nino quads
>The only person's issue who didn't reach an end was Nino's because of how she was stopped at the bell
Which bring us to the arc just before,the final exam arc.
In that arc every quints have satisfying ending for them,except Miku.Did she get any good conclusion in the same arc?
No she didn't.The one who got 2 good things was Nino.So the same can be applied to Scramble Egg arc,as in not everyone will get a satsifying conclusion.
Abe will have the final say
Could just be any.blonde boy unrelated to Futarou she remembers
Reminder that we already know who the wife is
Aww. I got nice Nino quads.
Now you're headcanoning.
yes its itsuki
Yotsuba will make a great adopted daughter to Futarou and Nino.
>cutting her fat lumps of fat titts from the picture
you gay.
>Nino panel in a post with Nino quads
I wish Yotsuba had a shot, but we can't have nice things.
>Miku kiss using disguise to see if it true
That's too reckless. There're many ways to confirm that without kissing. Not to mention she ran away before he said whether he recognized her
I posted it again because the last thread I didn't get any discussion out of it and was hoping to.
Alright you bring up some good points. I still think Nino is the kisser, but the others have a chance to have done it.
no you
You got Nino dubs now, too.
Miku said she will find something that will make Fuutarou fall for her. Started immediatel, went and kissed him. That didn't work. Time to go for something else. And it didn't came from nowhere, she already had a fantasy about kissing him in Chapter 51, then in Chapter 52 again while Fuutarou's face was close to her.
That was just a small apology, then she went and said why couldn't she said everything as Miku. Doesn't mean she won't use Itsuki's face again, in fact all of them had to use it except for real Itsuki to pull that last minute kiss off. It's not worth talking about why some of them won't use it. The kisser remained silent, ran away, and all of them still looked like Itsuki.
Everything else is just your assumption. We don't know jackshit about Miku thanks to Negi just giving random ass panels to her, no inner thoughts most of the time, no trauma revealed so far, no dreams revealed so far, no origin for her cowardice so far. There is no risk with the kiss if she banked on Fuutarou knowing it was her. He didn't, so she lose nothing from it.
Blueberries > kiwis > cherries > strawberries > lemons
Also, peaches are either god tier or trash tier depending on where you get them.
Will Nino actively seek a blonde chad to get herself wet over after Fuutaoru rejects her?
Nino likes Fuutarou way too much. It just doesn't feel right.
It's retarded. She has no reason to like I'm if she hated him from the begining. Negi asspull
I mean when you consider everything Fuutarou has done for her and her sisters over the course of like 6-7 months it makes sense. Fuutarou stuck by through the toughest moments to make sure they passed, he helped them deal with their emotional baggage so they would become better people, and Fuutarou saved Nino's life twice. Fuutarou and the quints have been through a lot together and Nino took notice of it.
How did yotsuba posting become a thing?
Yeah, she's just experiencing her first puppy crush. Soon she'll get bored of him when he doesn't give her any attention, and will start lusting after other hot boys.
Monday when?
I stopped lurking, 80% of yotsuba posts are by me
He isn't hot.
Can we agree that this will not be the final arc? I would be weird if it ended before we got a volume of each quint in a dress, so we should go AT LEAST until vol. 11
She can have my dick tho
Can you please stop it tho? You are nearing yourself to become a cancer as the nino spammer
I don't want you to become a subhuman like him
Nobody said it was the final arc.
Post all till now
everyday is a party
Can you please continue it tho? You are nearing yourself to become an enlightened being as the nino spammer
I want you to become like him
I love itsuki and I will marry her!
Am I the only one that thinks Nino's love feels a little bit forced and shallow? Sure the little steps towards her falling in love can be seen throughout the chapters and it does make sense to some extent. But overall I get this feeling that this was forced onto her for the sake of story progression.
Love and hate are two sides of the same coin.
Make it stop
I want my life back
>marrying a pig
Fuutarou-nyan is my master, all you other rabies infested alley cats need to be euthanized meow~
I said itsuki, not nino
Nowhere near that. Let the fag have his fun, yotsubafags are harmless.
Negi already said that they had a meeting for the plans concerning volume 11, so yes.
You ok there user?
>she probably thought that he could recognize her once more
Mikufags forget that
>Fuutarou recognized Miku after a big logic elimination of her sisters.
>Fuutarou hesitated between Miku and Ichika
The fact that he did not recognize Ichika ch74 is proof that it is not love for Miku but lucky
>Ch74 Fuutarou is "quite" when Ichika says that's she can do "Nino" and Fuutarou reacted like he can make the difference between Nino and Ichika
That's what I said, a pig.
how many chapter has a volume? At least 5? So at least 10 more weeks?
I won't survive on this
It feels pretty shallow to be honest. Not terrifically substantiated. She just basically loves him and wants her to like him. Not the worst thing in the world and I admire her pursuit but I never felt like it was meaningful to the story or even her.
Why would it be the final arc?
Life expectancy of cat/snake hybrid?
No way fag!
The final arc would be graduation and Fuutarou setting off every quint for their career.
I think this arc is just some sort of breaking point+reconciliation and to tie up some remaining subplot of Rena/Lolikano.
More like 9 chapters per volume.
I expect 13 volumes.
You do the math.
Can we all agree on not making any more threads for today?
>I only see pros that justify an opinion. Where are the cons that challenge it?
This is not plebbit where you post autistic essays about why you want your quint to win, retard. That user just posted his thoughts.
It's a stretch, especially when she couldn't even bring herself to ask him to form a group with her. Also, Fuuts used logic as well to recognize her, Miku herself knows that, kissing him would be a huge risk to take.
This all happened with the Rena thing too. Even if made the most sense for Itsuki to be her, a lot of anons thought she was Yotsuba, they had to rely on headcanons as well.
I bet the kisser is just a red herring and Yotsuba's the true bride
Fuck negi and fuck his editor
Next chapter speculation?
Strawberries > Cherries > Blueberries > Kiwis > Lemons
Seriously, who the hell likes lemons as a fruit to eat? It's too sour and acidity . Coincidentally enough, Ichika's recent behavior and actions leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
Nino finally dies
Fuutarou pretends to not hear anything and run away before he gets involved with all the drama bullshit
Give me your best smiles.
At a local farmer's market near me, during certain times of the year, one of the vendors has something called sweet lemons. They aren't super sweet but you can only taste the sweetness.
It's not about satisfying conclusion. It's about resolution they got from the arc that affecting next arc. Miku despite her confession plan ruined by Ichika she still manage giving him the valentine chocolate and then her failure leading her to her action for scrambled eggs because it. Compared with Nino where her plan ruined by Ichika and she got resolution " i couldn't care about appearance anymore" somehow it ended up dissappearing without any trace of it on next arc which doesn't makes sense unless she is the bell kisser herself.
: D
a smile worth dying for
Miku runs away, it turns into a can you find miku quest.
Lemons are a good supplement to fish and certain beverages. Standalone I don't know anyone who would eat them. Among those are people who eat raw potatoes.
Miku goes in swinging.
>That user just posted his thoughts.
Exactly, it's nothing more than an oppinion.
Also insults hardly count as argument.
Don't forget about the weirdos who bite into a whole onion like it's an apple or something.
>>Fuutarou recognize her without hint a
only bbetween Miku and Ichika
chapter 75 Btfo the chapter 67
honestly it is so hard to predict what happens in this manga anymore because Negi just pulls the timeskip right after important events. When was the last time we got a direct continuation from a previous chapter?
Has Neji confirmed anywhere that this will not be a harem ending?
This is the stretch here. Miku asked about the group, Ichika interrupted with Yotsuba, then Nino forced her love into the whole thing, where Miku only could have come out on top or at least equally on top if she confesses on the spot. Kissing her bears no risk. If Fuuts finds her again, she could say anything starting with the chocolates, how finding her gave her courage, what Fuuts means to her etc. If Fuuts doesn't find her, then go for something else, just forget the whole thing. And I fail to see how Fuutarou using logic has anything to do with Miku going for the kiss. What he said to her when she asked why was "She looked like Miku to her" not "I used logic and it was a tossup between you and Ichika, then I changed my mind from Ichika to you". Fuuts saw Miku for a moment, and that was enough for her.
I like lemonade and lemon pie.
Lemonade is diluted in water, most acidity gone.
The only thing that I'm sure is that the first 3/4 of the chapter will show NinoxItsuki. Screencap this.
>somehow it ended up dissappearing without any trace of it on next arc
Nino main problem in Scramble Eggs was that she worried that Fuutarou is not conscious of her despite her confession.Thats the reason she asked Ichika advice and that also the reason she decided for a kiss.All to make him conscious of her.
The same worries was brought up again in chapter 71 and she did get the conclusion for it.
I wonder what would have the most impact.
Actually I see her turning around and trying to confess but Fuutarou discards it because he thinks she said "I'll be cheering for you and Ichika". That shatters her heart and the bread drops down, with her leaving in silence.
Fuutarou picks up the bread, eats it and even compliments the taste, but Miku is already gone.
Ichika will somehow profit from that.
how can there possibly be any doubt at this point???
why does she make me so happy, bros
Yes, Eba's wife.
Imo that'd be weird considering she wanted to keep the student-tutor relationship but still building up her love toward him. If she had believed Fuutarou might recognize her as the kisser, that kiss could've caused a drastic change in their relationship. I think she would've kissed while thinking he didn't know that if she had been the kisser
>Fuutarou recognized Miku after a big logic elimination of her sisters.
What?, read again the chapter 67.
Futarou has a memory of the grandfather about love and instantly says the name of Miku, nor does he know why, he only says that Miku seemed to him
>Fuutarou hesitated between Miku and Ichika
That's because both are the most difficult to distinguish after making a discard based on what he knew
>Ch74 Fuutarou is "quite" when Ichika says that's she can do "Nino" and Fuutarou reacted like he can make the difference between Nino and Ichika
That only happens in your head, Fuutaro does not even react when Ichika mentions Nino, but in the next vignette he says he could find Miku after Ichika mentioned that he still could not recognize them
Have HOPE during these trying times bros
I'm sorry, I have to evangelize the ninofags so they can go the right way
>Fuuts used logic as well to recognize her
Using the logic he thought Ichika was, but then he changed his mind because he remembered grandpa's words about love
Take it as you like
Me on the right
Nino is pretty ugly tbqh
I cracked the code guys
the same day but from Fuu POV ending with him hearing yotsuba's words
the following chapter Miku will drop her bread and run away, Fuu will follow her but Ichika will try to stop him before being slapped by Yotsuba, Fuu will find Miku who'll try to run again and we'll get a parallel to chapter 4 chase sequence reaching the "special place" Miku was talking about, Fu will hand her the bag she dropped, she'll confess after that
>If Fuuts doesn't find her, then go for something else, just forget the whole thing
The night before she felt pretty pissed and disappointed when he didn't recognize her at the first moment. I doubt she would "forget the whole thing".
>And I fail to see how Fuutarou using logic has anything to do with Miku going for the kiss
Because she knows that he used logic to down his options to 2. He couldn't have recognized her otherwise.
Yeah. I'll take the bullet for you guys and marry that ugly.
I wish this was real
He said she looked like Miku to him after he noticed Miku's clenched fist behavior though.
what chapter is this from? I don't remember reading this
>The fact that he did not recognize Ichika ch74 is proof that it is not love for Miku but lucky
She recognized her because he has seen Miku's behavior when trying to hide her emotions more times that he realizes so when she did it again it was clear to him that was miku, he has never seen Ichika being a evil snake before so he couldn't tell it was her and the logic part of him wouldn't let him assume one of her sisters would do something like that out of the blue
He saw her clinched fist and that love can be romantic or not.
>Because she knows that he used logic to down his options to 2. He couldn't have recognized her otherwise.
We are talking about Miku mentality that time.
The fact remained that Miku was so overwhelmed and happy of the fact that he recognize her that she went flying straight to him.
She gave her hints, and he didn't get it. Then her leaving there ended up the key for identifying her.
There is still no problem with logic. It came down to two targets, and he used LOVE in the end to finish the task. Miku was absolutely delighted, and could go for the kiss, if she just hugged him on the spot for that.
Last for Nino a shit and Ichicute a best
First, when they first met
Adult Nino sure looks motherly.
153 look so timid next to yotsuba.
Let's stop partying until new chapter
Will we be getting chapter 80 on Monday or how was it?
i figured out, Miku is Lolinakano
The special place she told yotsuba about is the temple she visited with shotafuu, she recognized him when she saw him with the blonde wig during the courage test, that coincides with the point in which Miku came to terms with her liking Fuu, she hasn't said anything because she's embarrassed for not being able to be an example for her sisters to study more, still her efforts left her as the quint with the better grades, this is also why she became fixated on the idea of getting the top score and stop being fuu student, her shyness come from her mother scolding her and her sisters about trusting boys too much, this also explains Nino's initial reaction at seeing Fuu with Miku as she still overprotective of her little sister and the creppy kid who tried to take her away when she went missing five years ago
I figured it out. I'm lolikano.
The kiss happened the next day. She was delighted and that's why she was not desperate to go for a kiss. She seemed pretty pumped up improving her cooking skills, she would feel disappointed/sad if he didn't recognize "her supposed kiss",
I figured it out. Everyone is Lolikano
Who will win?