You're not a boring person, are you user?
You're not a boring person, are you user?
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you prefer harem and boring moeshit?
Well it's the most plebeian show out there sooo...
how boring am i?
I like how people keep sneaking VEG onto these charts, as if it holds a candle to literally anything else listed.
Not being there is a good thing so quit the random butthurt.
but pingpong and mushishi is truly good and not pretentious like the others
>your name
this boring
There's not even a consistency to this, just disliking things that are considered 'good' by a sizeable number of people.
Anime existed before 2011 user
Yeah I am big boring loser who fucking loves ping pong
Where did you get my 6x6?
>not making your own thoughts by understanding every anime you watch,thus using those resources to ask yourself questions of your own personal experiences
look at this faggot
>tfw have only seen half of those
Good thing I'm not a fag that watches shit just because Yea Forums talks about it.
If you proudly base your taste on being contrary to Yea Forums you're probably a boring person
Working! is from 2010, sucker
>shitting on space dandy
Very uncool, baby.
>both Sunshine and SIP
You are just consumer.
>Rose of Versailes
>Ping Pong
Bow down to me faggots.
Ping Pong is just as good as Ashita no Joe
That's what you want to think.
All that means is you look like this.
>Actually accurately guessing my 3x3
Not nice, user.
I sold my soul to the devil in exchange for the most boring taste in anime imaginable, I didn't know it was yours I swear.
Even though these charts are meant as bait, I do kind of agree with the message. 3x3 threads get really boring when everyone's are composed of 70s shows and OVAs with high quality, stylistic artwork (often deficient in the character and story department a.k.a. what actually matters) in order to demonstrate their mature, 'refined' taste and contempt for modern anime. There's nothing wrong with having classics as your favorites, but it's usually pretty easy to tell when someone's just being pompous rather than genuine..
I will say that including Ergo Proxy, VEG, and FMA in this chart is pretty dumb as Yea Forums tends to shit on those shows. FMA in particular has gone through some really strange negative revisionism.
From OP's image:
Anne, Tatami, Angel's Egg
Utena, Evangelion, Lain, Mushishi, GITS
FLCL, Haibane, Ping Pong, Bebop, Patlabor
Everything else but especially Texhnolyze and Gurren Lagann
i like anime and manga
Why are you rating only series you watched or heard of?
Imagine posting in this thread without having seen every anime on the chart.
I'm proudly boring as fuck and wish Yea Forums was less entertaining in general.
Why isn't HxH also in that picture?
the revisionism you speak of is called contrarianism
Shut the fuck up
Why are you posting on Yea Forums?
I could go a little more boring, desu.
Anything on here to bore me the fuck up in particular?
Not sure I like the logic here. Why does it assume that these wouldn't be somebody's unironic favorite anime?
Was this made by a moeshitter so he could feel less alone?
space dandy had retarded faggots here shitting on it the entire time it was airing simply because it was on toonami though
Your name is literally my favorite anime. The sizes in my image are irrelevant except for Your name and Three Days of Happiness, which are my favorite anime and manga.
I can't watch anything with ugly art
I liked Sunshine more than SIP by a large margin. I can't even name all 9 muse girls
stopped reading when you said angel's egg is good
Ashita no Joe, Rose of Versalis, Madoka, Sakura and Ping Pong should bore you the fuck out.
Joe's been on my list ever since I finished Ippo. Sounds like a huge drag and I can't wait to slog through it hoping to watch something with cute little girls.
I'll go ahead and snore through Ping Pong, too. Something about sports anime I can't get enough of lately.
Irrelevant, it's boring as fuck.
Nice, I fixed my sleeping schedule thanks to how boring Ashita no Joe was. For the most boring and tiring experience, watch the first season until episode 54 and switch to the 2nd one, since the rest of the season is all filler, and watching it might make you very hyped.
>space dandy
Space dandy is easily the most fun anime ever made. Shit list for dumb faggots
flashy colors and the eventual sakuga do not constitute something interesting
Nice minesweeper screenshot there
/nu-a/ will always hate space dandy
Gentlemen, I love pretentious shit.
>Space Dandy and Ping Pong on this list
actually fucking kill yourself, you immature, contrarian asswipe
Ping Pong is literally a snorefest.
>good anime bad
>bad anime good
I doubt the majority of people on Yea Forums have read Rose of Versailles.
Of course not! Railgun S is the only respectable anime.
>as if it holds a candle to literally anything else listed
That doesn't matter, the only reason these charts exist is for shitposting.
>a.k.a. what actually matters
Did it ever occur to you that some of the most arstically unique works in existence have more character and narrative depth than what you give them credit for? There are many examples of anime that sport more actual subtext and structural genius than those you would likely consider to be "well written" shows. Ironically, most people who claim to value writing tend to ignore and discredit actually well written works, simply because they are unable to see what's beneath. It's almost like they are more interested in reading a book than deciphering visual cues.
Because HxH is actually good and entertaining.
Yeah, absolutely hilarious. The most boring person here is you.
In OP's defense making a grid with stuff people didn't like and implying they're great is a stale bait.
I've only seen 9 shows and 1 movie from the chart. Inb4 someone tells me to watch more anime. I've seen over 1000 shows, I just know how to spot overrated shit.
put thunderbolt fantasy in there too
>seen 1000 titles
>hasn't touched a lot of what many would consider the basic
user would you like to confess something?
>Jeanne posting
K-on! is probably one of the most hated shows in western anime fandom
neo-Yea Forums is too retarded to understand Ergo Proxy.
What is the anime furthest to the right in the second row? Only one on there I don't recognize
What's to confess? Not liking entry level pleb-magnet garbage?
OP's image is just bait, especially calling people who like those shows "boring". They're standard stuff that are recommended everywhere because they're good. It's okay to like them, just doesn't really define or express your taste, because so many like them.
Similar to saying "I like video games" nowadays. Basically everyone does to varying degrees.
a. you're lying about your count
b. you're saying the truth and you've purposefully avoided the popular stuff and became what OP is jesting at
user it's time to confess your sins.
I'm not confessing anything user. Why don't you tell me why my ability to avoid garbage bothers you? Or maybe it's that you're jealous that I've been watching anime for a lot longer than you, giving me a higher total without having to pad it with popular schlock. Still the point remains: why does it bother you? Are you part of some kind of entry level anime cult?
That's a b. batman!
>Tfw LOGH is my favorite anime
I hate you all.
You're clearly half-new, but I'm still on board.
Take off Monogatari, K-On, and especially Space Dandy and Violet Evergarden. Those two are quite controversial on Yea Forums. Lurk more, stay cynical.
Mindlessly consuming seasonal trash like they're microwaved cheeseburgers is real boredom to me. I think it's impacting my enjoyment of anime as a whole. And being criticized for having boring taste is still better than actually being bored.
we hate you too user
let's be friends
Why the hate for Utena?
Nigger stole my 6x6.
>he's not a seasonalfag
>there are human beings out there who like the absolutely retarded slog that is monster
what does it mean if I liked watching it because of the world building but did not understand anything after episode 15
I have finished everything on this list but hanabi renmai and anne, and I only liked 4 of them
>having taste
I bet you watch moeshit, you fucking faggot.
FLCL is trash
OP is a hunterwhisperer
what a boring bait
Be honest Yea Forums do I have bad taste?
>he watches anime for "art" instead of entertainment
Haven't you heard? Yea Forums is the new Yea Forums
you forgot hxh
There's been a lot of twitter screenshot threads lately it wouldn't surprise me if eceleb threads start staying up next
Not boring, just trash.
Utena, Lain, LoGH, GitS
Bakemonogatari, Bebop, NHK, CCS, Madoka, NGE
>I don't understand Angel's Egg
Angel's Egg
>Didn't watch
The rest
My top 20
>20: Jojo 2012
>19: Parasyte
>18: Fate/Zero
>17: Gurren Lagann
>16: Utena
>15: Princess Tutu
>14: Death note
>13: Steins gate
>12: Yu Yu Hakusho
>11: Serial Experiments Lain
>10: Katanagatari
>9: Monster
>8: Trigun
>7: Berserk 97
>6: GITS SAC 2nd gig
>5: Great teacher Onizuka
>4: Clannad after story
>3: NGE
>2: LOGH
>1: Haibane renmei
Nothing is here to impress nobodies on the Internet. This is 100% what I liked and how much I liked it.
Marked the best ones even though only a few aren't at least decent.
Thank you for the recommendations faggot.
>Nothing is here to impress nobodies on the Internet.
We can tell.
Remove all shounenshit, haremshit and moeshit and you have a solid list.
Ah, it's the classic 'pretend Steins;Gate isn't good' post. I do agree that Fate/Zero is overrated, though.
Thanks the mods are pretty dedicated to banning that garbage
>mods are pretty dedicated to banning that garbage
They're getting more lax was my point it's twitter threads are becoming more common which is the gateway for allowing shitty eceleb threads
Shit taste.
literally everyone could find your username, user
>ABe, Konaka and Nakamura
>shit taste
Sasuga newfag
Try it
Shit taste.
Congrats user, now send me a friend request
Where you from user?
Imagine being so hungry for validation that you practically dox yourself on a barbary slave trade port.
If I was avoiding popular stuff I wouldn't have watched anything in the OP. The fact that I've seen half of the stuff in the OP should show I'm not avoiding popular things. I just know what kinds of things I like and don't feel the need to force myself to watch popular things just because they're popular even though the concepts don't interest me. Not to mention that OP's chart isn't every single popular anime.
He's Mexican, so...
>added another line and another column
Nice, I hope it keeps growing until it has so many names people finally realize this is pure shitposting that shoots everywhere.
wow user ur so smart
Isn't that what this thread is for?