ARC-V has already been dethroned as the most hated anime on NND by Kemono Friends 2.
ARC-V has already been dethroned as the most hated anime on NND by Kemono Friends 2
Which series is 10 and 11
That's impressive, really.
Still bitter with Arc-V, I just don't get how can someone shit the plot the way they did.
King's Game, a really silly edgelord series.
The best comedy of 2017.
Isn't Kemono Friends 2 essentially just K-On?
>Zarc still finds ways to job to cute girls
whoever said two nukes for japan was enough? This piece of shit was the third.
Cuck's Game.
Haven't been following anything is it actually that bad or are they just pissed off regarding the director scandal or whatever it was.?
Utterly soulless.
Turns out NO TATSUKI NO TANOSHII shills were right all along.
Apparently the production was a complete disaster from synchro onwards. Zarc possessed Yuya looks like shit because they had to throw a design together at the last minute.
It's the same thing as season 1 with slightly different characters.
okay kimura
I wasn't complimenting season 2, I was uncomplimenting season 1.
whatever makes you feel better, kantoku-san
The final did kinda faceplant but most of it is the director shit.
You mean with the worst animation ever made.
>inb4 just like season 1
That's the joke, how could ANYTHING look worse than S1, S2 is the right answer.
After hearing the news that they fired Tatsuki I knew KF2 was going to have extremely low scores (especially taking into account how hivemindy Niconico is), but beating fucking Arc-V? I'm honestly impressed. I really thought that was going to reign supreme for years to come but seems that Tatsuki's cult is just too strong.
what the fuck happened in ep 19?
>Nico Nico Douga
Kadokawa's dying streaming platform?
They tried to make a gimmicky duel by adding an unlikable asshole and an awful mechanic (quiz dueling) and it was dreadful, just seeing the MC struggling like a retard while this smug fuck just kept going and going on how better he was than the MC. Worst of all, this is only part 1 of the duel. Quiz dueling never shows up in the show again I believe.
Also the reason why the last episode is so hated is because aside from concluding what is easily the worst final duel from the entire series it left a bunch of loose ends and made it seem like it was all good and happy when characters (pic related) literally lost everything in the course of the show, yet they still made them smile at the end like everything was fine. Not to forget that the last arc of Arc-V is to make a baby smile or the world is going to end.
I don't even remember that episode thankfully. I'm actually surprised synchro arc has overall good ratings. at least that's how i interpret this graph as I don't know moon. That arc was basically a filler
Synchro has good ratings because Niconico doesn't usually rate stuff poorly, think of some of the worst shows you've ever seen and they would still have 25%, getting under 10% is truly a sight to behold. Like the BTOOOM entry in OP's image is literally a broadcast error that showed a black screen for 24 minutes and it still had 7.6%