Kemono Friends s2

Did you arr rike it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Welcome to youkoso finding your rage in the Kemono Friends

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I'd rike some moa cawfee

>Thread subject says Kemono Friends s2
>OP image is from Kemono Enemies S1

Cursed season.

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I loved episodes 3 and 10, and thought that overall it was better than I expected, but it was still incredibly inconsistent and stupid at the same time and had no sense of pacing. There was some potential though.

what did they do to bag?

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Look at her, she's baked out of her mind. Obviously she just couldn't remember

cucked her hard.

>Let's waste new Friends by introducing them and never hearing from them again

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Did this last season

You were a good girl.
You deserved better...

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>lets bring back a dead friend almost nobody cared about but kill a friend everybody loved

"Anyone want some tea?"

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>drunk kaban blasting eurobeat at full speed with all these friends in the back
Who the fuck allowed this?

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I'm tired.


Atleast her cafe is still standing

This image made me laugh so hard for some reason.


All the cool kids.

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And then she wakes up find more cool kids.
Give up. Tea Llama is eternal.

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I just don't understand how they could fuck it up so bad. They didn't even need to make a good anime, they just had to do half decent job and they would've raked in money from fans, but they decided to make a shitty anime and shit on it's fans while they were at it. How the hell did that happen?

I just love Serval's "Who the fuck are you?" look.

Eternally alone


Furryfags, bronies, mlpfags and trannies which were the fans of s1 were not true fans

It's amazing how they unintentionally made a sad, miserable ending through laziness.

How's the 'stache, Lee?

A prequel might have made more sense.
Show Mirai, Serval I, and a functioning Japari Park.
Retconning the first season was a huge mistake.

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No friends were introduced season 2 that died.
Aardwolf is the only friend to die in Season 1.
Please, when you shit post, at least watch the fucking show.

I hate it!

It wasn't retconned. What the fuck is everyone talking about. Lmfao.

Siberian tiger?

bitch, please

Serval didn't die. She clearly knows Kaban. Lmfao.
Tiger? Well, the skyrubble killed her, but we saw Friends fucking hit by buses and falling off mountains. She should be fine.
Hululu was destined to die.

How does Serval "clearly know" Kaban?

>Serval didn't die

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends S2 - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.45_[2019.04.01_15.31.08].png (1920x1080, 3.4M)
What's Kyruru's character song gonna be like?

When she turns back to Kaban when Kaban wants to see her again, she has a tear. It's very blink and you'll miss it.
Only reason Serval's been avoiding Kaban, is cause Kaban, instead of coming back to live in the Savannah to have tanoshii with Serval, she decided to live with the Owls and study ceruleans (which is not Tanoshii.) Cats can hold fucking grudges man.

*rips a line*

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends S2 - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.45_[2019.04.02_20.35.40].jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Nice headcanon, good thing Serval says she can't remember Kaban in the first episode.
Serval shed a tear the same way she did for Mirai in S1, she knows she had a bond with Kaban but her memories are not there.


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Yet Caracal points out Serval CONSTANTLY spoke of Kaban.

wasn't Serval crying for the Serval who appeared in that one recording? Mirai's voice appeared in plenty of other stuff.

It was when she heard mirai's serval she started crying

Wow calm down Alpaca

*sniffs glue*

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends S2 - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.03_[2019.04.02_20.52.34].jpg (1280x720, 96K)

Friendly reminder about Season 1 marathon in cytube, this Saturday 8PM ET.

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Punished Kaban: A bag denied her Serval

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She didn't do shit. Pig and Snek did the work.

Yes. Season 3 when?

Yeah as in past tense.

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she had the vision, the drive, and she motivated those lazy bums
without her they'd be NOTHING

Bat-eared fox must hate Kyururu, it was her fault her hotel got destroyed.

Not really. Ship Cerulean was there anyways.

It's still her fucking hotel, dumb commie.

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>almost nobody cared about
I will fight you.

>Caracal was Serval's side bitch to get Kaban jealous
Doujins when?

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What we need to solve now?
Why did Giant Armadillo change designs between season 1 and 2?

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She doesn't, just like every other game sprite.
She is useless once her part is done.
Only shameless hypocrites would have say that.

Hi Kimura

Don't worry Fox's hotel will be rebuilt by next season, but only if PPP's latest album sells well.
You filthy peasants better buy 12!

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How many japari buns is an album?

otherwise known as the director

Yes, a Kadakowa director comes to a fucking knockoff 2chan. Fucking stunning logic there, Sherlock Shitlord.

For me he's just a pancake.

>missing the point completely
So it's verboten to even say his name now?

You don't have to try so hard.

Fucking crying babies.

Nice flip

What was the point with this weird object in space? A new ISS, or some structure on the moon?

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This thread is getting depressing post some tanoshii.

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They thought it looked cool.

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Isn't that a little harsh? He's almost 50.

The tanoshii is dead, it got brutally murdered

God bless WaffleHandle™

Hahahahaha we did it bros.

What is this?

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going to guess it's the twitter short that was posted recently

Fucking people need to calm down. We get it, you hated it.

It wasn't retconned, but the writing in S2 was so retarded I can see how someone could come to that conclusion.
Serval and Kaban went their separate ways for no apparent reason, then revealed in the end they were pretending to not know each other. None of this has any reasoning or explanation, much like how domestic doggo friend is left behind despite having a connection to the main character.
I can't tell if they were going for sequelbait or if they were just that terrible at writing. Hopefully nips ignore this shit, the franchise deserves to die at this point.

Go suck off your bf or something faggot.

I don't understand the point of this season, at the end everyone lost everything, the beast wasn't relevant, and nothing was achieved.

Tanoshii is not only for those with a real life.

So is no April's Fool joke? Since it says "Kemono Friends 3", will check it out then.

the real winner was Niconico which owned by kadokawa dwango, it was also the highest viewer count this season

What is this?

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nay no april fools, seems to just be shorts to promote the game

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>doggo never gets a family
>Kaban never gets to really say goodbye
>Shitbird never gets noticed by Pronghorn
Lalalala lalalala oh welcome to the Japari Park~

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That picture hits me a lot harder than it should.

>buried alive

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Not with that attitude my friend.

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I come to realize that the season how much I like a friend seems to be correlated on how much they suffered.

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Someone give me the TL;DR of this shitfest. I just want to know I made the right choice by skipping it.

why the fuck do the discordfags use cellian instead of cerulean?

different from s1, a bit closer to manga version, new friends were cute

tl;dr think of everything you liked about KF1, now imagine the opposite and you have KF2

Nothing but suffering for poor Kaban.
Why did we fail to protect her smile.

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Anonymous 04/02/19(Tue)17:58:44 No.186611770▶
I noticed something quite odd in the ending and realized something was edited out in the original. I managed to somewhat restore the image to its intended original appearance. What could it possibly mean?

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I can't believe season 2 ruined Kaban so much she started doing porn for mm3077.

I can't believe Domestic Dog raided Kaban's secret stash

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>Take away PPP fat thighs and asses


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you're drunk friend

Honestly, I liked the way it started, but they really dropped the ball in the end. I would compare the finale to The Last Jedi in terms of contemptuousness.

>Hosoya (producer), upon completion of the last episode back in February:

>The last episode is wonderful...
>I wish I could say more, but I can't, so all I'll say is that it's wonderful...
>I'm so happy.

Do you agree with Hosoya?

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Just watch Kemurikusa instead.


I imagine the money he got payed to produce it was quite nice indeed.

Did the VAs cry when they read the script too?

He said something similar about episode 9, too. The guy is clearly a psychopath.

I'm sure they cried inside.

shiting star edit pls

I love you IeInu!

Psychopath is the second suggestion when you search for Hosoya on Twitter.

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I am sure those who sucked dicks hoping to turn their careers into idoling did.

What's going to happen to them?

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After how disappointed I've been, I'm gonna try and be positive and list the things I actually liked this season.
>Serval's general posture. Standing so straight was a lot more reminiscent of the long legs of an actual Serval
>Although a bit chubby, models were generally cute
>Spheres were pretty fun, especially their defense gimmick
>Ep 3 and 7 were generally enjoyable episodes
>Although a bit disturbing, really enjoyed the reward gimmick of dolphin and seal
>Hotel trio interactions were good.
>Cheetah, Habu, and Dolphin a great
>Doggo was an absolute gem and would have been the biggest highlight if not for the context
>Ep 6 ending reveal with Kaban was really exciting
>Nice Kaban design
>Rambo and hombre lucky beasts

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Oh, I forgot the alpaca episode previews. Those were nice.

How come Kaban hasn't lost it?

>After episode 11, before episode 12

>Hosoya: Lol, I understand that you're worried about whether or not we can wrap everything up with only one episode left. Still, look forward to the finale!

>After episode 12

>Hosoya: Still a lot of mysteries left unsolved...sorry we didn't act on any of that foreshadowing. But we could have if we wanted to . Thanks for coming along on the ride, and stay tuned for more!

>Hosoya: No, this doesn't mean that we ran away. We just wanted you to enjoy the appeal of an open-ended story. Sorry you didn't understand!

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Owls keeping her busy.


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trash can

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What a prick.

Post more please.

Looks like el jefe made a delivery

The face of Kemono Friends 2

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>watch a generic isekai where every female falls over trying to get into the generic male MC's pants
KF2 was better.

Lots and lots of art of leg locking


Never noticed the cerulean spider lol

I'm in

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I can't believe Serval is fucking dead.
Someone had to say it.

Uh... what is Kaban planning on doing after I go into the tube with her?

>Ballet shoes

People think cerulean might've been a mistranslation since the original designs look more like overgrown cells. It doesn't help that the original S1 enemies first seen are a cerulean color.

African Wild Dog a cute.

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Birds design were 10/10, probably the most aesthetically pleasing friends beside foxes

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I liked their designs. The owls got fat though.

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Should I watch this?

Who cares? Their presence in the series felt so forced. Maybe if they had showed up once or twice before episode 10.

They were on kaban suicide watch and had to make her busy so they had her make lots of curry

I forgot my picture, oops.

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Yes indeed. Could've been far better without the self-insert.

All that curry Kaban makes at 3 am aafter 3L of booze had to go somewhere.

What kind of drunk is Kaban? Cute drunk? Angry drunk?

They did though In the background

Their songs are cute, they are cute. I care.

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She's a cute drunk, but she's also a sad drunk. Giggles about something inane before nostalgia ranting and tearing up.

>every female
>try to get into generic MC pants

Please watch it before giving an opinion

>birds of paradise

What the fuck?

A: I couldn't stop crying while watching the last episode. Nice job.
Hosoya: Thanks.
A: (tweet deleted)
Hosoya: Sounds great! Keep it up!
A: You deserve something for the work you did.
Hosoya: Thank you! I hope you watch the next one too!
A: No, I'm never watching your Kemono Friends again. I'm going to support the fanmade one from now on. Seeya.

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Well, technically Wakaba did come from another world...


>all those likes on the last reply
Oh man that's good


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I never knew Japs could be so aggressive lmao.

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How long until Kadokawa shuts down the fan project?

Holy shit

so which fan project is this

im usually numb to shit like that but even i felt that

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Which of those is wrong?

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>tfw you will never be kyururu and be sandwiched between these 2 cuties
It hurts

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I already knew that, but are the species in S2? I haven't watched it.

I genuinely feel bad. I mean, he did not do a good job but I at least appreciate that he's at least polite on twitter. Most western creators just sperg out and insult anyone who so much as criticizes them.

Wanting to be shit is a pretty strange fetish user

At the end. They don't really do anything except spout some cryptic nonsense and were possibly hallucinations.

Kemono Friends R (Reborn/Rebirth). It was created by some Jap who was supposedly healed by the final episode of Kemurikusa, and let go of his hate (he made the .kfp series which he deleted/unlisted from his NicoNico account). This Jap also created an OC called Tomoe which became the darling of the Kemono Friends fandom in Japan.

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Confessor of the tragedies in Friend
Lurking in the core of us all
The last dying call for the everlost
Brief encounters, bleeding pain

Ceruleans coiled neath the trees
Dying Friends in bewildered soliloquies
Perversions bloom round the bend
Kaban, lost in her quest
Ghosts of Friends frolic
Under the waning moon

It is the year of Sandstar
Wielding its instruments
Stealth sovereign cerulean
Touching us with ease

Infecting the Friends in an instant
Burning crop of Japari buns
I am just a park ranger
An advocate documenting the loss
Fluttering with conceit
This doesn't concern me yet
Still far from the knell
Taunting their bereavement

Friends round the dead
Point fingers at Kyururu
Probing vomits for more
Caught in unbridled suspense

We have all lost it now
Catching the flakes of dismay
Born the travesty of Friends
Regular pulse midst pandemonium
You're plucked to the mass
Parched with thirst for the wicked

Sick liaisons raised this monumental mark
The sun sets forever over Japari park

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He's been far from polite, and even had the nerve to insult all S1 fans as a whole.

>This Jap also created an OC called Tomoe

The best part is that she's his attempt to fix Kyururu's garbage design.

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Aside from S2

>but I at least appreciate that he's at least polite on twitter.

If you look through a bunch of his posts he really isn't.

>I genuinely feel bad

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I feel bad for the VAs especially Kyururu's VA because now she has to live with that shit in her portfolio.

Dealing with rabid fanboys saying how you killed their beloved franchise and saying to go watch a much worse series instead, calling it the true sequel tends to degrade your opinion on them.

Boomer Kaban.

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She didn't do a bad job, if the nips boycott her then that's on them but you can't blame this production if that were to happen.

I don't know whether to be relieved, or even more sad

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Man tatsuki fanboys are stupid as fuck, her VA has been around for a while

she also voiced Mika Ackerman which is far more popular than your favorite literal who character

Is tatsuki your homolord or something?

Those are beers not shitty energy drinks.

And yet it's extremely unprofessional to stoop down to their level, especially so in Japan. The tweet where he insulted S1 fans got him a lot of flak.

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Dumb pancakefag.

It gets pretty obvious that you didn't watch the show if you call it an isekai user, the other points as well show you either didn't watch it or didn't pay attention
Well, that's besides the case of if you're baiting

heh, you're not wrong

>pancakeposting out of nowhere
Tatsuki has nothing to do with this.

What are you even talking about? Can you read?

I know, I'm not blind. But she's riding a tractor and is past her prime.

THEY knew when they took the project user.
THEY knew KF was fucked for ever
And THEY didn't even tried.

>Imagine hating this cutie
>Imagine being gay

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Season 1 was an attempt to do the best they could within a shitty situation

Season 2 wasn't even an attempt at maintaining the status quo, they simply wanted to make as much money by capitalizing off of the first season while keeping none of it's worthwhile qualities. A classic case of greed.

Don't @ me kadokawa fags.

Well Tomoe-Chan is clearly shows how easily they could have made a good design, but somehow they even fucked that up with Kyururu.

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I don’t think you could fit in one, user. Unless...


>past her prime
That was rude and uncalled for.

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Go back to your dying thread friend It can't bump on it's own

I do note you're not denying the self-insert part.


Stupid-ass dreadlocks.

They did try. Their job was to completely reject the first season, and they succeeded.

This is the only thing stopping me from watching kemurikuso.

Good, please stay out

All I got out of KF2 was "This is Mine Yoshizaki's Kemono Friends."

I don't like it, it's no wonder the franchise was dead before the first anime came out. Why would they fall back on old ways and kill it again?

All of it

Tatsuki has only two self inserts
one of them is a cute railway conductor and the other one is a cute oni

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She's reaching her limit. See how broken she is by the last episode. The professor and the assistant are the only ones keeping her alive.

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Who wrote this season? It just feels unfulfilling

A: I signed up for Niconico Premium just so I can get into the final Kemono Friends 2 stream. I'm going to vote 1.
B: 1? Really?
A: I was going to vote 1 for the sake of defending Sakaki Yuuya, but it was so fucking bad that before I knew it, I had already clicked 5.

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Takuya Masumoto, who also wrote the worst episodes of Zombieland Saga. Avoid watching stuff by him in the future.

I think it might indicate that humanity is still alive somewhere.

1 and 5 refer to those blue boxes that range from liking it to hating it, right?

Is that a new record?

>giving money to kadokawa for the epic downvotes
>500 thousand viewers for the final episode
dumb otaku

Kadokawa did good with the Godzilla anime prequel novels. Over 20 monsters in it.

Just because a character is cool and male doesn't mean they're a self insert all of a sudden. You're just throwing labels at things you don't like, even if they're not true

I like Kyururu

I see more people talking about tatsuki and kemonofriends rather than the show itself on that thread, lol

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I want to read that manga the writer did about being forced to write a shit sequel to a good anime.

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>posting the absolute pleb filter meme as a defense
10/10 baited me good.

But Tatsuki's self insert is Rin.

r e n t f r e e

Believe it or not we are the cool kids and all the funposting happens in here.

This. Tatsuki just wants to be a loli.

>the Yea Forums meme was true all along
You have to go back kiddo.

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The real discussion has died down and so the only people talking most of the time are people joining in late, those projecting their fetishes onto the characters, and pancakefags

No one unironically like kemurikusa, they do it only to spite on kemon friends s2


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It wasn't a manga, it was a book.

Saved for future use
tatsukifags are annoying as fuck

Then why did he want the MC of KF to be a guy?

Rin is the one with the big ass and knowing Tatsuki that sounds about right

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Going to check it out of morbid curiosity.

He looks like real life pedophile

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>wojak edits
How low can these threads go? I'm genuinely curious

>saving wojacks
Make a better image with Kyururu riding a big Ritsu.

This is his true self insert. Tatsuki liked this post

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What is this book?

Why she has a fang now?

...Do you not want to be a loli?

They're saying Kemurikusa is good. That low.

Humanity did a soma

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not as low as the other thread bro

>He is very shy when talking on public or facing a lot of people and he has used a penguin avatar on his profile on irodori website since its start on 2008, so he started to used that mask when he got suddenly famous with Kemofure.
>He even says on Hentatsu that is still difficult to grasp that his circle is placed on the walls near the entries, place where only the most popular circles are ubicated on events like Comitia and Comiket because the long lines of buyers are handled more easily on that way
>So yeah, he got from having a small but faithful fanbase before KF, to have a huge and very passionate fanbase after KF, so for a shy guy like him that is difficult to handle, so one of his answers to that problem is the penguin mask.

Almost thought that i was in re**it or tumblr or some other gay faggot site

Wake up, user, the entire production and even the director himself just mocked up of everyone who criticises OF S2 and the director blocks you if you dare to say something against it.

I bet he have lots of cp just like kenshin mangaka

Is there a way to support this project?

It's a crowdsourced project. If you want to support it, make a video, draw a picture, comment on something someone else made, anything. All contributions are welcome.

How is Tatsuki going to crash and burn?
Tax evasion?

I had hunch it will be cp

>Pays a 2000 dollar fine and gets back to work a few weeks later

Wasnt all that CP just gravure magazines? Or am I remembering wrong?

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As someone who didn't like s1 that much, this one felt exactly the same.

Hardcore DVDs but

why would you watch this after not liking S1?

jesus fucking christ

I don't speak moon, please translate although I got a rough guess of how bad that was.

Cant wait to drink myself to death with depressed friends for S1 marathon.

Transcoding is done, used some good raws and sacrificed the CPU for a few hours.

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I'm only here for cute girls, doen't care about drama whatsoever, and i agree

Looks like Kemono Friends 2 won.

Otter ass.

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God's work, user.

Even without speaking moon if you just look at the numbers, the bottom corresponds to each episode and the colors are the ratings, with red being the worst.

The first blue peak are the people that scored the final episode of the first season with a 1 (very good). The red peak, the people that scored the final episode of the second season with a 5 (very bad).

Yea Forums pretending to know what ratings are is cute.

You could've uploaded them to youtube as private videos and send that stream to cytube.

Someone gave her a fang, and it took off.

i rewatch season 1 whenever i have issues sleeping

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>More people watching Kemono Friends S2 last episode than the entire Kemono Friends S1 episodes put together

>paying to downvote
good job guys

I have had that fuck me a few times in the past, my upload is super high and it only takes a few mins in gdrive for a 300-400mb file. I havent tried changing a video hash and making it private yet though, wouldnt need to for these files anyway.

S1 ended in the last two weeks of my finals, kfriends really helped me through that semester.

>people join in and PAY to downvote S2
>the money goes right to Kadokawa

Attached: I can't even read.png (300x300, 142K)

Ah, so I was right at least on the color coding, the number of episodes was odd for me at the beginning since I'm kinda weak from 8 days no sleep and everything small is blurry as shit.

extremely important

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>not voting with your wallet

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You don't have to pay to watch.

>I'm kinda weak from 8 days no sleep
You should be dead by now though.

go to sleep user

The hate has long since been redirected from Kadokawa, an intangible enemy, to Yoshizaki, a tangible one.

user, if you don't go to sleep you could die

yo yo yo~

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>user's final post

I'd slap that like a thunderclap

Here is a quick rundown of the birbs:

>kadokawa bows to the lophorina-parotia friends
>in contact with pancake
>rumored to possess hovering abilities
>control japari park with an iron fist
>own parks all over the world
>direct descendants of the first sandstar eruption
>will bring back humans from the moon
>in the process of creating an underwater park
>own basically every sandstar source in the earth
>first friends were created by them
>both birds said to have 400+IQ
>ancient japari legends tell of 2 angels who will descend upon the earth and guude the last human to create an era of enlightenment and unprecedented progress with him
>these are the lophorina-parotia friends
>they own kaban's lab in japari park
>kaban's kemonoplasm abilities come from them
>every friend has the mark of the lophorina-parotia friends inside them
>the birds are in contact with mine and kimura forwarding the word of pancake to kadokawa
>created the japari station humans used to escape to the moon
>they learned to talk with lucky beasts in under a week
>brown bear allows them full access to the volcano and the secrets of cerulean creation within it
>lucky beasts entrust their japari bun reserves with the birds, donkey's stall is actually the lophorina-parotia stall
>the birds are 67 years old, from the last time they were in contact with sandstar
>in reality, they have been in japari park from the beginning, way before humans discovered the first friends
>they don't lose their memories after being in direct contact with ceruleans
>the lophorina-parotia friends will guide japari park into a new age of tanoshii and love

Since things have calmed down start posting tanoshii images

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More tomoe when

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If I like KF for the cute girls, will I like Keroro?

More quality straight, non-futa Moose when?

>nearly 5 hours of non-stop tanoshii
>live chat
(You) are a very special cat and I like you

Mating birds

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my favorite kf artist is @p8HMIUHYW1KUF6c because its full of inside jokes that you can pick up without needing translation

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I want a dog

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Tanoshii fan-doujin.

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Cytube has a drink counter too, and I think I can set it so people can add their own images in chat. Ill also start it about an hour early so people can join, and put some friend YT stuff in or make it so anyone can add videos.

Get one?

Play Carnival Friends video before stream starts, for maximum tanoshii

Can someone explain what the last episode did to piss everyone off? I was hearing middling reviews about this season up til today.


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>It says she's from a dead franchise?

>hurts more friends
>hurts tiger
>hurts Kaban
>no healing

Any drawfags here can edit kaban and the owls on this picture? Ill do it myself but Im asking if somebody wants to pick up this

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capy is too chill

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Left a bunch of things unexplained (everything about Kyururu and the Beast), left the whole Cerulean thing hanging (nothing was really solved) and formally split Kaban and Serval.
Also, and most importantly, people didn't like the company because of some director drama.

>season 3, Kaban and Serval team up again and travel with Dog and Kyurururururururururururururururururururururu

Do you think they're just hate fucking with everyone by making everyone more angry and depressed to the point of having suicidal thoughts?

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I think a Kaban, Kyururururururu, Serval, Caracal teammup would actually have a better dynamic than the shitty trio we got this season

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There are some cuties on Keroro Gunsou but if youre going to like them you can only find out going into it

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They already did that. No one watched it.

You too user? At 2 in the morning when I can't understand what's wrong with my code I watch the KF. Watching the Toki and Alpaca episode while half awake is so comfy idk why.

Is this going to be another Milky Holmes?


When is the marathon?

Why was Kyururu such a shit character with a shit design?
Stupid hair, stupid eyes, fat round face, she's just a shitty Kaban bootleg that feels forced as fuck

You all lied to me. You said you wouldn't watch it.

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This Saturday, starts at 8PM ET. Ill make a thread about it around an hour beforehand.

literally the absolute opposite of healing

I hope the majority of you kill yourselves

How about leaving Serval out of it? What, too unprofitable? I mean, Kaban, Kyurururu and Dog are probably among the friends who (should be if not the case) sharing the same interest, which is finding out where the humans went. Doesn't stop a Friend-filled adventure, and Kaban can basically double as a proper Park Guide in place of Lucky Beast. Kyururu seems to have a tendency to be very knowledgeable about human stuff compared to S1 Kaban, and dog could theoretically be one of the last Friends who actually bother remembering AND have an attachment to humans right before their disappearance. Four seems a bit crowded but that's just my opinion.

I never said I wouldn't watch it
how could I not watch it?

But I didn't, user

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Serval's the muscle, clearly.
Caracal can come too.

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I just come onto the threads and get the story through screenshots and replies. I am angry without context

What happened to Ceruleans being an actual threat and not everyone being able to fight them, man? It at least gave tension in situations and Friend/Human characteristics to shine, y'know, trying to avoid these things that threaten a Friend's existence.

I think they learned the weakness or the ceruleans are slowly becoming weaker and weaker. I mean the ones from the volcano on land don't appear anymore and it's the ones from the sea.
And they're only dangerous cause they can clone friends and attack in numbers to swarm.

Hell, we don't even see them EAT friends this season. They up, sometimes knock shit over, or when in Friendulean mode, mimic the friends (Sleeping, in Giant Panda's case.)

Kyururu is completely unlikable as a character, so she can stay left out.

Well, the fact that she's key now can't be avoided. She's from the age of humans.

>bruh look at this dude, oh no no no

>They up
>That PPP one that literally just showed up
>I still laugh at it

Is it worth watching? Or even watching to get angry at?

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Okay, someone spoil me. Who was Kyururu and what the heck was going on in this season?

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I agree with shitting on KF2 but
>Yea Forumseddit memes

Kyururu was an original visitor of the running Japari Park. Probably left something there when humans evac'd while the friends were left to fend for themselves. She was one of four people that were present.

I'm kinda confused here, what is a shitpost and to who is the shitpost being directed at? At least in the mob threads the shitposting is clear and have 1 direction only.

...and how is she still alive?




the shitpost was the anime and it's directed at us, so all that's taken care of and we can just despair now, no need for more shitposting

>tfw we could have witnessed a flying bomber Cerulean who threatened to carpet bomb the island threatening Friends everywhere
>instead we get derpy cruiser cerulean and a bunch of pointless not really threatening Friend-shaped ceruleans.

also what if the Friendruleum was only written because Gray Wolf talked about it in the first season so they just ran with it for S2 without even thinking of why that was a good idea? Wouldn't THAT be a shitshow

what if s2 is just one of wolf's mangas

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Why would you insult wolf?

because she's a stinky canidae

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I typically like birds but I'd fry you for that you filthy feathery friend

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absolutely rude shitbird poster

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I want to hatefuck her so badly.

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Kaban never mattered since Kyururu came first is basically what Mine wants us to think.

it doesn't matter, because Kyururu is a big dumb meanie, and Kaban-chan is smarter, prettier, better and cuter than her

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This is how I interpreted Kyururu's character. I know that's a cynical view so I'm hoping someone can challenge that.

Unfortunately, there's nothing in S2 to defend her with. Oh, but she did jump over a crack.

Anyone saying they were going to boycott Kadakawa is retarded anyway, that's basically saying "I guess I'm not watching 75% of anime".
Since almost everyone just pirates this shit none of this matters either way. The true tragedy is the time we lost watching this shitshow.

>How about this. Thorough ntr script
>the bag-chan's authority is dropped to taste humiliation
>"The former director Satsuki is not a contributor to the flame, but the true hero is the director Yoshizaki". It is unknown who and how often (or ordered) this script was taken.
>From a masterpiece animation of miracle to a hate anime

Attached: 1549305357337.png (600x600, 182K)

>The previous work protagonist Kabchan is shaken by the friend of the former trip Serverl by the time it is completely shaken and cries (Serval has no memory with the Bagnant due to amnesia). Serval is excited and runs into a sweet life with her main character, Kururu. At that time, the first theme song is played back.
Is this what I think it is? I don't understand.

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B-but user, didn't you like the Japari Buns, Japari Bread, Japari Chips, Sticks and Japari Soda?!

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Stick to the format user.

Fuck S2.

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Remember to fill out the survey!

>no apparent reason
you must be new to the internet

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>People thought this was a case of them killing the goose that laid the golden egg
>Turns out they didn't care about the egg for profit at all, just methodically destroying the remaining egg to spite the goose that got away

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Carcal is another shitty Serval bootleg though
another shitty forced as fuck DUDE NEW FACES THAT RESEMBLE S1 LMAO

Can you imagine being the owls and having to watch Kaban the entire day to make sure she won't kill herself?

Meanwhile, the goose goes on to take a big far egg shaped shit, which the fans lapped up anyways.
They needed each other. Hope the dream team returns for S3.

Your brain.


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>Then why did he want the MC of KF to be a guy?
He didn't make Kyururu.

Not like there's anything better to do. At least you get free food looking after her.

>big fat egg shaped shit
Did you even watch Kemurikusa?

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>"I don't need your pity. I just need another six pack... and wine, WHERE IS THE WINE!!!"

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Looks like the writer is only smart person in production team, He stay silent entire time on SNS while other idiots never shut their mount.

I did. It was just as good as KFS2. Aesthetics were better but the main character was more annoying than a hundred Kabans and Servals combined.
And yet you get a legion of idiots praising it as the best thing ever made because Tatsuki made it.

What happened at episode 9? If you don't respond in less than a minute, you're full of shit.

>it was just as good as KFS2
>main character was more annoying than a hundred Kabans and Servals combined
I see, so are you just parroting what the shitposters are saying or were you one of the early shitposters in the KK threads?

So that why her arms is black now.

Hosoya-P is right though in that those who liked S1 shouldn't act like complete dicks to the S2 team even if they hated the sequel.

Incidentally, I was fine with most of S2 for what it was, but did not like the ending at all.

It was always black.

Looks like he was full of shit. What a surprise!


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The whole season was pretty meh but not bad, with ep 9 and 12 being terrible and ep 10 being actually good compared to everything else.

Not him, and while I liked Kemurikusa, people here need to stop treating it like it was the second coming of Christ.
It had great world building and a fantastic, oppressive atmosphere, but Tatsuki and his crew really dropped the ball at the end. They answered all the relevant mysteries of the world in a single episode, so the finale's focus was on tension-less fight scenes that they couldn't properly animate and a shallow, underdeveloped romance. I honestly don't understand how people can be so satisfied about a final episode that doesn't pay any respects to the strengths the show demonstrated in its previous 11 episodes.

I was sure Kaban always wore bodystocking.

>The face of Kemono Friends 2

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I'm super enthusiastic about KF and Kemurikusa and treat them like the second and third coming of Christ, but in all honesty they're more or less 8/10 shows and that's the score I rated them.

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>doesn't pay any respects to the strengths the show demonstrated in its previous 11 episodes.

>>The face of Kemono Friends

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One of many happy endings on this season.

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I've seen this scene in VRChat quite often, as many people don KF avatars and also quite many of them drink booze, whether it's Strong Zero or their local equivalents.

While there definitely could have been a bit more tension and better animation, after having all the pieces of the puzzle connected all that there really was left to do was to solve the problem and give a good ending, which is what Tatsuki did. It wasn't perfect but it definitely wasn't bad.

I feel pretty much the same.

Owls are the best suicide watch.

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>anons! You totally missed this very interesting plot because you're all blinded with rage to kdkw. This is the Tofu you've requested. Believe in Kimura! He will deliver! I swear
Oh, I still remember that.


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Tomoe & Dog's Merry Adventures (ft. Road Runner) when...?

Why is roadrunner so prevalent? Because of her lines or she just has memes all about her?

>no pronghorn

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Are you literally retarded? Its just another supressed memory like in season 1 lodge episode. Serval forgets, but some subconcious memory remember it.

she's like the jaguar of s2

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>shallow, underdeveloped romance
How? They build up Rin's tsun throughout the whole show. She's couldnt let her guard down and didnt realize why she even was tsun for Wakaba until seeing the past. After the Red Tree was destroyed she was free to fully express herself and understood why she felt that way. There was so developed romance because it just started as the show ended.

Cheetah and Pronghorn were great so their episode would most certainly still be in. Also one of the best pairings in the whole thing.

Pretty much.

I wonder if it's because everyone watched Looney Tunes (I sure did)

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High quality pic of Tatsuki when?

Fuck no.

Here you go user

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Rin is in love with Wakaba before she even meets him. This already means that there is barely any room for her side of the relationship to grow. The show then proceeds to put barely any emphasis on this romance until the flashback, where she discovers the origin of her feelings. Then, the last episode makes it clear that she loves him for her own reasons, rather than Riri's, but since the show never really focused on these, it ends up being pretty shallow.
My real complaint, though, is that we have basically no insight into how Wakaba feels about Rin. Even in the flashback, he's much more focused on kemurikusa than Riri, and any kindness he does show to her is strictly paternal.

To make this somewhat thread-relevant, just compare Rin and Wakaba's relationship to Kaban and Serval's, even if the latter is non-romantic. What made KF so special was seeing how the two protagonists changed through their relationship and how it helped each other grow. KK, comparatively, had very little of this, and what it did have in the flashback is largely irrelevant because Riri/Rin and Wakaba/Wakaba 2.0 are different people.

I'll admit I'm maybe being too harsh on KK, especially since I did like it overall. I just did not like how the final parts of it played out.

Both Kimura and Hosoya provoked fans. Don't try to paint them as innocent victims without knowing the facts.

"Don't be assholes" is provoking fans now?

>The show then proceeds to put barely any emphasis on this romance until the flashback
Theres plenty of emphasis. Rin slowly begins to trust Wakaba more and more to the point of planning their next actions and working together. Theres even the moment after all the roombas die, Rin asks Wakaba if he'd feel the same way if one of them died, he says of course and she completely changes to saying that she wont let him die after repeatedly telling him he would be the first to die.
Its subtle because Rin refused to let her emotions get to her(every sister claims she is a crybaby but shes always very stoic during the show) until the very end. It was all laid out.

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I feel bad for Kaban

idk user. You see, at the moment of the last battle before the appearing of the sisters, both Wakaba and Rin were fighting on a synchronous way, a thing that never happened before, kind of meaning that both have helped each other to grow each other.

I can think of the breaking point you're kind of requesting at the moment after the roomba bossus died, when Rin asked Wakaba if he would also cry if the sisters died, while he firmly responds "of course I would cry!". Overall I kind of get the point of Wakaba not being sensitive enough towards Rin's feelings, but that's something to develop on the new world.

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Where can I find some good dog arts? The boorus I know have even less than what I've seen posted in these threads.

most is on twitter, as many artists already left pixiv

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Tell me that if you were forced to make a KF anime what could you do to make it respect season 1?

Of course Wakaba would cry for the sisters, considering he is crying for robots that he only just met and with whom he has shared far less experiences compared to the sisters. That doesn't really explore his side of the relationship much, especially when you consider he is willing to put his life at risk to protect any of the sisters as early as the first episode, before he actually knows them.
I understand what you mean about Rin's changes, though, even if it feels more like a change in trust rather than her love growing.

By not including any characters from season 1. Just make it its own thing with new Friends. Even a simple CGDCT would be better than this trash.

All I'm going to do is make the season not 3DCG.
Season 1 didn't set any kind of standards for KF for me so anything KF would be fine.
More solid lore would be nice too but it's not really important.

Make it a direct sequel. Kaban, Serval, Raccoon and Fennec make it to another island. Cue the setting of S2.

fuck me I can't into japanese tags

I like the Kemono Friends R idea, could be that in an alternate universe (prime KF-game universe for example) with no references to Kaban except for maybe a blink-and-you-miss-it allusion on the level of "we know you liked KF1, we did too".

Though some friends would inevitably make a return as you have to sell those PPP CDs.

That or just remove the human protagonist altogether and make each episode a standalone story with different friends, kind of nature documentary style.

Which Friend would require to fewest rounds of fucking to get addicted to cock?

I would include more characters from season 1 to be unFriended. It's not fair that only Kaban gets broken or only Toki and Hululu get bullied, etc.
Most important though, in keeping with the vision of the first season, I would make sure Aardwolf is dead by the end.

Hire Tatsuki for plot under an alias, still go with different more Mine-accurate 3D models.


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>in keeping with the vision of the first season, I would make sure Aardwolf is dead by the end.
I don't get it

They claimed S1 is nothing special, and they claimed it's easy do do that.

a story about mirai or kako, or even a parallel story that would go on a different island and a different human-friend on one of the islands happening at the same time of Kaban events. Trying to poorly follow the S1 formula fucked them up worse.

there's a chance that something that might have been lost on translation. We heard Rin say "好きだ" which literally translates to "I like you very much", although the translation reads "I love you". Maybe in the end Rin's intention's where to tell him how important is he for her, rather tan admitting to be wishing to become her significant other or something like that

search "イエイヌちゃん" or "イエイヌ "for better results

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Otter, just let her know that it's something fun to do first. I want art of moose doing the opposite though, slowly getting addicted to cock through multiple sessions of crotch to crotch combat


She was the scream Serval hears before the encounter with the big cerulean at the end of episode 1. You see her again in the same spot in episode 12, only in animal form.

The friend who got eaten by the Cerulean in the end of episode 1 was Aardwolf.
It is hinted at in episode 1, and the anime shows an animal aardwolf in the same location in episode 12.

>make it respect season 1

Depends what you mean by "respect". I definitely wouldn't want it to be exactly the same as S1. I'd want a longer series with a bigger budget, better animation and more focus on the world and the setting.

Otherwise anything would be fine, even a prequel about Mirai.

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Sure, Otter'd be easy to convince, but I don't think she'd get addicted that fast. I'm thinking Dog, one of the penguins or Arai while she denies it.

I thought being Cerulean'd back into an animal wasn't the end. You could be reFriended but you'd lose your memories.

Yes, which is exactly the same as being dead since there is no way to regain memories.

a pig orgasm lasts for 30 minutes, so...

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>Let's just say it moved me... TO A BIGGER HOUSE

>there is no way to regain memories
People say Serval got her memories back at the end of S2 though.

Kaban did immediately after the Big Cerulean killed her.


>mfw she was just pretending all this time

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I beg to differ. I'm still waiting for the next episode. It wasn't canceled, was it?

Kaban got her memories back because she is a human and therefore losing the sandstar in her body didn't change her body at all.
The part about Serval getting her memories back sounds like bullshit to me, because I didn't see anything pointing to that and knowing the writing excellence of KF2 it probably didn't happen.

it was supposed to release during these days, but seriously, it seems that no one cared. The Director of that show has been Mine's lap dog for a whole lot yet he only got bread crumbles.

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Demand that Mine Yoshizaki has absolutely nothing to do with the project, cause it is clear that he is the cancer and no KF project will be successful with him around. How KF2 turned out made it clear, Mine's vision of KF is muddled and he has absolutely no idea where to take the franchise to. According to Kimura when he went to the first KF2 meeting he was given a thick reference book called the "Bible" of Kemono Friends and was told that anything he makes must follow that book.

>Kaban got her memories back because she is a human
She's not human. She's a human Friend. Did you even watch the series?

>According to Kimura when he went to the first KF2 meeting he was given a thick reference book called the "Bible" of Kemono Friends and was told that anything he makes must follow that book.

Doesn't it mean that he actually does know how he wants his franchise to be done?

I hate this smug asshole more than I hate Kimura.

She's a human friend who got turned into a human by losing her kemonoplasm.
That's why her gloves were growing back in episode 12.
You can also use the excuse that she wasn't fully digested is why she regained her memories.
Either way it's incomparable to Serval.

Humans don't grow back their gloves

The director of that made it clear, he will never want to direct season 2 of Kemono Friends cause he knows that he will never be a match for the talent and ability Tatsuki. People in 2ch speculate that he said that out of spite cause he's known to be a long time Yoshizaki loyalist, but it does seem that he is smart enough not to carry the fire.

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>You can also use the excuse that she wasn't fully digested is why she regained her memories.
Yes that's how I explain it to me, even though it's bullshit because nowhere in the series it says that it takes time to lose your memories. Kaban completely lost her shape for fuck's sake. She was completely digested...

Also, Kaban is definitely NOT human. She's like any other Friend.

Yeah, they were growing back because she still had some kemonoplasm left.
But seeing as the other friends acted when she turned into a glowing ball might mean others that did the same weren't rescuable.

Yeah, the problem is that while his designs are 10/10, his narrative concepts are disastrous. Take for example the script that Mine sent to Tatsuki and that he rewrote to make Hippo sound less hostile. I actually don't have the page atm, but here's a fenneku

Attached: D3Iuf1HWAAAy4wZ.jpg large.jpg (1536x2048, 244K)

He knows how he wants his franchise to be done. His vision is to milk the franchise with the characters rather than tell good stories with the franchise. In another words he has no idea where to take the franchise to.

I suppose, though I feel like Otter is already addicted to tanoshii things and would fall for it pretty fast. Sandcat, on the other hand, would be one to easily lose interest. I really wish people would draw more non-futa Moose so we could actually get things like that, I love her design but it's a little annoying to see a dick slapped on every single time

That guy was defending Mine a day after 9/25 even before we had any idea what was going on.

It's common knowledge that 好きだ actually translates to "the moon is beautiful".

>she still had some kemonoplasm left
That's... bullshit to be honest. Anyway, "humans" aren't born from other human's hair and humans don't have kemonoplasm and don't regrow their gloves.

That part reminded me of Kamen Rider Blade way too much.

Would this even happen on ones that have mating seasons?

Can we ever go back to comfy threads about cute Friends and learning about animals again? Has season 2 forever tainted the discussion of Kemono Friends?

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She was born as a human friend, but we really don't know what would happen to her if she were to be completely digested.
Whether she would turn into a regular human or back into the strand of hair she was formed from.
Even the owls were surprised when she still had her memories so that lends credibility to the idea that such a thing hasn't happened before in japari park.
And they weren't surprised when they saw a half-digested ball of sandstar.

Kadokawa did, back in 2017.

Mine's script aren't particularly hostile. His characters simply have personalities, with quirks, emotions and other things you'd expect to see in a character.

But depending on which audience you are trying to cater to, it might indeed be easier to just not add any kind of deviations from the absolute base of a CGDCT character which is just being cute and not cause any kind of reaction from the viewers except "woah.. she's so cute...".

are you memeing me or this is legit? I'm still new to japanese, but I'm sure that moon is "つき" rather than "すき".

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retard alert

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She was essentially a human human by being a friend as friends are like human forms of animals. Because of this, though she got eaten by the cerulean overall she didn't change, meaning she got to keep her memories and everything since her body wasn't altered. At least that's how I interpreted it.

It is a meme user, don't worry

I'm memeing of course, the moon is beautiful literally would be 月がきれい, it's just an old meme associated with Natsume Soseki, nobody's even sure if he's actually responsible for it.

>she didn't change
It actually confused me a bit in the anime because she did change into a goddamn lump of sandstar before regaining her original form.

Oh well sandstar logic.

It's good to know that. For a second I thought on pic related

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Post nonlewd dog thatI can fap to anyway

Reminder that KF2 is not the first time Serval was NTR'd from Kaban.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends - 05 [1080p].mkv_00_09_24.605.jpg (1920x1080, 178K)

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but now she can fight back

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I don't remember exactly how it looked off the top of my head but when turned into a giant sandstar blob the animal could still be contained inside instead of being turned into mushy nothingness. Either that or if the sandstar blob got too small for that, it could try to recreate the animal, with Kaban being created as the same creature and thus keeping her memories. I don't think human memories would translate very well to an animal's mind, hence why friends might not keep it and only have faint memories when they come back.

No Friend would ever lose interest. The addiction treshold for every single one of them is between one and six rounds, and that's a fact. Though I personally like futa/female, I get what you mean. Tough girls getting dicked into addiction happens too little.

It was definitely smaller than a human.

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Very good taste

Very cute, more please.
god I wish she were real

So what's next after this shitfest? Can we recover?

I wish someone translated this guy's fanart

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degenerates OUT


>Are you always doing this kinda stuff...
>Heheh... Of course.

For a second I thought she grew another pair of arms.

Futa can definitely be nice, it just sucks seeing so much of the lewd art relating to one of my favorite friends not being stuff I actually enjoy. A fit, tough girl like her slowly falling more and more in love with the pleasure a man can bring her would be wonderful

sasuga, moose-sama

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Doggy is adorable. A friend worth saving

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oh no no no no

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goodbye frens

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I wish the whole anime was in this style, and not just the preview segments.

Worth saving with my Dunconditional affection
Post the one where she returns the frisbee, I need it.

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I feel so lonely now

There's a followup to this where the raccoon finally learns after two more tries and just eats the fucking cotton candy

is this one?

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>two more tries
Dumb Arai-san

it's ok user,

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No, she's on all fours and her expression makes me want to unsavory things with her consent but that one's very cute too.
God she's cute

she's a good girl!

Attached: D1sdqqaUgAAdZlM.jpg large.jpg (1384x2048, 225K)

She's a great girl
Almost, just a bit more fuckable. I'd post it myself if I could just fucking find it. Thank you for posting these dogs user

Don't fuck your best friend!

No problem. I have a mess on my folder, so finding an specific picture can be troublesome

Attached: D1jueIZU8AAAWWX.png large.png (720x540, 459K)

Why wouldn't I fuck my best friend? I've done it before and I'll do it again.

mega it and we can look together


Me too, but I want the sad friends to get a happy ending

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Perhaps this one?

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Or this one?

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Dumb puppo!

I'm glad to see chocolatation is back into drawing friends.

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>back into drawing friends
Literally what friend is that

There it is! Thank you!
And also thank you for all the other dogs, she's very cute
and an adorable idiot

My dog is broken.

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The problem is that he's inconsistent

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Throw frisbee that'll fix it

thought Kaban retained her memories because she was still a blob of kemonoplasm rather than being fully consumed

so is it implied that serval died sometime between 1 and 2?

Why is this drawn
Why does it exist

I don't even know what it means I just like posting it cause it's funny.

Sure, I'll gladly marry her!
If she fixes those bags under her eyes, cleans up that sloppy handwriting, sopts being such a desperate downer, grows some actual tits, becomes any kind of mammalian friend, ditches the doll, and basically I want to marry another friend instead of her.

when does the healing start

hot damn that's a lot of red


When you rewatch S1