Shingeki no Kyojin

Pieck has already won.Three titans are no match for one month of Piku preptime.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Chadmin will fuck Piku.

I rabu Piku.

Attached: piku's cute smile.png (720x1013, 271K)

I love Piku and want to watch her torn to shreds.

We know, Yelewhale.

Eren's order of titan snacks:

Porco -> Pieck -> Annie -> Zeke -> Reiner -> Armin

Arumin will kill Eren


And then he'll be eaten by Gabi.

You're wrong.

This is the official announcement for Yea Forums sings "Red Swan".

How to participate (you don't have to sing well to participate):

>Plug in headphones to your computer/phone/tablet/etc.
>Use a mic (computer, phone, doesn't matter) to record yourself singing along to Red Swan.
>Convert the recording file to mp3, if it's not already
>Send the file to [email protected]

The deadline is April 20th. Expect shitty Youtube video to come out between April 25th - May 1st.

Please sing along to this video specifically:


Current preview:

Attached: you.png (764x661, 22K)

5 minutes until spoilers

LM soon.

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Gabo won't get a titan. She'll be saved like Falco wants.
no u

>pour some out for jean
nobody fucking cares about jean you alcoholic shit for brains

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>tfw no avril lavigne wannabe gf

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Eren will betray Zeke.

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I miss Yumiru

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We know, Historia.

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I can't think of a better outcome for next chapter desu

Last bets for who's on the cover?

Young Zeke.

We're getting a new cover?

Eren and Zeke facing each other

historia and ymir snuggling.

Eren. Either a new illustration or that same shitty one they always use

Magazine cover? Hope it's something cool like Eren holding his head

Where my boy Reiner at?

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Armin and Mikasa while the silhouette of Eren is in the middle, his back to us.


Whatever the Bessatsu cover is will probably also be 28's alternate cover, so I'm guessing Levi/Zeke

I keep having the mental image of Pieck shooting Eren but he moves is head back and it goes through the front of his face instead

Or maybe just manlet fighting the titans. I can't remember anything else important happening.



When will Isayama throw out his last fuck to give and make Armin wear nothing but his stripper bunny outfit for the entire rest of the manga?

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Historia as a child.

If it's for the anime starting to air again it could be something from RtS desu.


Magath this chapter?


I can't believe Pieck sucked off Eren so hard until he begged her to stop. What a slut

Caged just for now
Far underground
Sleeping away, she's all alone
Don't know what to think
Nor what to believe
Armin confronts her, no effigy
Crystalline clear
Lend me an ear
So little time and so much fear
Seashell in hand
Head in the clouds
Doesn't hear the girl
Coming doooown...

Pieck -> Zeke -> Porco (After he eats Armin) -> Annie -> Reiner

My wife, Pieck.

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Eren x Pieck kabedon


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low effort bait

Spoilers in a couple of hours

Red swan
Red swan over Paradis

You cared enough to reply!

Detective Neil this chapter

I do.

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Forgot to write my post after selecting the file. But i think this is the moment where Eren starts deviating from Zeke's plan.


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>Porco (After he eats Armin)
jaw would hardcounter colossal though
If I were eren I would eat armin last just to avoid the fuckhuge amount of disadvantages that come with the colossal


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Hello Mrs Smith

>long time since we get a snk cover
But this has been the MO for quite a long time now.

The month after the volume cover gets revealed, the Bessatsu cover shows the alternate volume cover.

Attached: Vol 26 alt.jpg (837x1280, 350K)

>I knew the army was getting cheap with the MRE’s but this is just ridiculous
The real question is would Steve eat it?


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Maybe she meant a cover that's not an alternate volume cover? It's been a while since we got the meme ones.

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Best Ackerdogs

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God, I hated those. Not because of the memes but because of pretending that manlet hangs out with EMA because "gotta have the cash cow on the cover"

There was also the Breakfast Club High School AU cover, but that was drawn by anime team people rather than by Isayama

>it's pandering because I don't like it

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>Annie ate the lower part of an "old" man

That's unauthorized action

manlet on the next cover

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I took one art class and I'm shit at it, but where the fuck are his ribs? Is manlet a jellyfish? Should be some snapped ribs scattered outside the body along with strips of muscle and skin from the entire left side. I swear the incorrect anatomy always makes me rage whenever I see this picture.

>that bedhead

its just fetishized and stylized, dont overthink it or use it as a soapbox to flex. explosions don't cut clean chunks out of people and organs don't just plop fully intact out of wounds and so on

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>*Clears throat*
Best girl
That is all

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>There is people in this thread that thinks that Eren did nothing wrong.

They will SURVIVE

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>There are people in this thread that can't speak English

It depends I think. We got an EMA related alternative cover for volume 27 in the BSM issue where chapter 112 was published, even though said chapter is gonna be featured in volume 28.

>Hay personas en este hilo que no hablan español

>Imagine there's no countries

>Hay personas en este hilo que no hablan castellano.

>There are people in this thread that aren't from the USA

>spanish hating Eren because they love being submissive

This desu desu

But they love being lazy neets

They work to maintain all those grandpas and grandmas (who are too selfish with their own family) and maintain all those Mohammed's children. They are SJWs but poor

You are both wrong.

We dont hate Eren. We love Historia, because

>A queen, a monarch. Like us. She might be like Leonor.
>Historia hasnt done anything in centuries. Like us.
>Historia is even written in Castillian.

Eren did everything wrong, he had to escape with the queen and take her on a cover trip around the world.

You are kind of right.

Except we dont maintain anybody, we are actually jobless and mantained by our parents. Also, our grandparents keep voting those who put us on this shitty situation on the first place. And Muslims are not that bad, except when they think they are still in some backward place in Saudi Arabia, thus they wont behave accordingly.

Also, only young people is SJW. For all that matters, people here is waaaaay to sexist.


>And Muslims are not that bad
>people here is waaaaay to sexist.
I seriously want to get out of here, this is the cuck mentality in Spain and no, elders are voting for THEIR own interests.

In which sense? ALL the spanish men I met were literally running away from spanish women. And you have a lot of news of immigrants raping your women and a lot of them live thanks to gibs

had a hearty chuckle at this

>Their own interests
>Casting your vote to PP in any given circumstance

I mean,

>Get in govt to fight corruption and waste of money left by the PSOE
>Spent the next 7 years sacking everything, including the pension fund
>"Oh wow, how come there is no money for the retired now? I guess I'lll vote for Casado because [CARA AL SOL SE INTENSIFICA]"

Also, re-read again what I said about muslims. There are decent muslims out there, some of them even are activists. Problems arise with 1) those who think they still live in the middle of fucking nowhere, where they could beat their wives and get away with it and 2) those brainlets with ghetto mentality.

>yfw the only dutchman ITT

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>The last 6 scandals about rape is about actually Spaniards incurring on sexual assault "en manada" against lonely drunk women.

20 sexual agressions comitted by groups, just in 2018.

Also, your regular common Juan thinks women serve for his desires. Your common Juana happens to be less submissive and more empowered. That's why they run away from us. It doesnt mean they arent sexist pieces of shit.

>tfw jeg er en nordcuck

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For all that matters, you are an honorary Spaniard.

What if Zeke has a plan in case that happens?

>Runs away for a false freedom
What a cuck

>There are decent muslims out there
>Some of them even are activists

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The last scandals were actually from immigrants. They are a few and they commit a lot of crimes

>Your common Juana happens to be less submissive and more empowered.
Your Juanas are submissives to immigrants. I can understand poor spanish men running away from them, they are so ugly and dumb

>yfw the only greek ITT
>yfw greek
>yfw spaniards complain about muslims and poverty

Attached: EvsoW.jpg (640x452, 35K)

>spam a case to death from 2016
>literally la manada of 14muslims raping a girl
>wanted to check your news and apparently 11 immigrants more raped another girl this week

Don't you have some debts to pay?

Really? There will always be rapists everywhere but is worrisome how many immigrants commiting crimes you have there. Last rapes were from Ahmeds and you have those almost every month

Not him but it's an English-speaking board. If you can't speak or write English then what the fuck would you be doing here?

Kek I don't want a submissive woman, I want a woman with brain. You wish to be like my mother and sister that got everything thanks to their hard job meanwhile you feminists were asking for gibs and feeding immigrants who hate us
Btw my sister is nurse and guess who harass her the most? Yes, immigrants, and you feminists ignore her, just like you ignored another immigrant almost raping a nurse

>thread has turned into /int/

just nuke this general

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Didn't some photos leak and that woman was eating one of their butts and having fun with them? And the Media leaked that girl's name. Those 5 are assholes but feminists used that case to ask for a bigger grant from the government. They never defend women if they were assaulted by immigrants.

Why the fuck are we talking about rape cases and immigration in Spain? Is that really the best subject you could come up with when we're literally 1-2 days away from 116 spoilers?

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Spanish barely assault, they are so desperate for gibs to fight against "patriarchy" that one reporter sued two men from assaulting her and those two were gays kek

It's a rare moment when none of the usual shitposters are shitposting about their usual shit so there is no one to take their baits and therefore no SNK material to talk about.

>And Muslims are not that bad
Haven't you heard the news lately? There have been a lot of fights about Muslims constant rapes being ignored which is causing hate in the country.

I can concede that there as been some inmigrants commiting rape in group a la Manada. Yet, how bad is the precedent la Manada left by dropping with a judge that dropped the rape charges because "Durr the girl was drunk, she wasnt forced hur dur". They were found guilty of sexual abuse, and then let them go until a proper sentence could be set.

And while I can find a lot about the recent gangrape in Alacant, there is also a lot of news about gangrapes commited by Spaniards in Jaén, Asturies, Murcia and other places.

Check the rules. I can speak English. Just slightly broken. And I do enjoy reading these threads, so fuck off.

We dont ignore anybody. If else, we do support and encourage every women to denounce any kid of sexual harassment, assault or misbehavior, done by inmigrants or nationals. It doesnt matter who does what. Without the MeToo movement, a lot of these would remain quiet.

She was drunk and in no position to consent. Rape is rape.

>If else, we do support and encourage every women to denounce any kid of sexual harassment, assault or misbehavior
False, you just want them to report them and then you ignore them, and the more they die the better because that would mean better grants for your NGOs.

>there is also a lot of news about gangrapes commited by Spaniards in Jaén, Asturies, Murcia and other places.
Uhm...shouldn't this be "normal"? There are crimes everywhere but your problem is the ratio. Also a lot of those cases they don't show their names/faces and some are even Ahmeds/africans considered spanish.
You have way more women commiting suicide than actually being killed, it doesn't look you are helping them too much

I get it, Mudslimes are bad, ESLs are annoying and immigration in general isn't good for any country but can we please discuss some actual snk stuff? Like what are your predictions for 116?

We dont ignore them. Hell, we are even pushing the govt to take this matter seriously because they wont even keep a proper record nor take any preemptive actions to reduce rapes of any kind. We want and need people to speak out in order to put pressure.

But how can we do that when you blame the femminist movement on something that's literally commited by man? And then we have Abascal talking about derogating laws on gender violence because "Muh it's not gender violence, it's domestic violence". Like, hell, this is a gender issue, and the ones who take a stand to defend women rights are the one to be blamed? Seriously?

>Decide to investigate a bit
Jesus, i had no idea that spainards where a bunch of cucks.

It is related to SnS, as you can see with Yelena and co.
Inmigration is bad and they just want to harm you.

>But how can we do that when you blame the femminist movement on something that's literally commited by man?
Because feminazis are the ones that want diversitty, then when they get raped by muslims they decide to blame white cucks.

>we don't ignore them
Not only you IGNORE them but you pin those crimes on spanish. How can you be such a bad person?

What European country west of Berlin isn't?

Austria and Italy

>I can concede that there as been some inmigrants commiting rape in group a la Manada.
Dude you have one Manada of immigrants EVERY.MONTH. I just checked and 11 immigrants raped another girl this week and iirc you started 2019 with some immigrants raping some women.
Imagine being this KEK.

What predictions could we get? We need a lot of things to get confirmed first.

Suicide is not a gender thing. There is also a lot of NGOs providing support on that matter too. I mean, we could use a gender focus on the reasons why suicide happens, but ultimately it's about a health issue caused by systematic elements who push people to end their lives.

Also, like I said before, I dont support muslims who think they can just come here and rape a woman just because they want to. What I'm saying is, not all muslims are like that. That doesnt matter I would ignore the fact that muslims countries have a really poor record on women's right and equality. I'm awared of that, and anybody should go to prision regardless. But, I blame the govt for not taking preventive actions, the govt has way more resources to deal with this, yet they wont.

And then we have our old stagnant judges who think Franco is still alive.

>But how can we do that when you blame the femminist movement on something that's literally commited by man?
It works like this
>Oh no spanish men don't rape enough
>This mean our 2,000 feminists NGOs can lose money
>Support immigrations
>More women are raped
>Blame it to spanish
All you care about is money, not women. I talked about my sister but there are more cases where you basically ignore or even silence crimes if those are commited by immigrants.

>I blame the govt for not taking preventive actions
>the govt made me rape

Well, Some of the cause of rape increasing are women dressing like sluts for empowering, the "all men are terrible people that shold suck women's cocks" and the mentalitty of instant gratification that is being pushed by feminist,
There are a lot more problems related with education, incopentent law and shit, obviously.

A shipping war would be preferable to the /pol/ shit going on in this thread

She meant "govt don't give use enough billions to help those immigrants that rape is bad". Spanish women are TRASH I tell you, they use rape for business and if there is not enough they want to import more rapists.
They are as bad as rapists because they actually BENEFIT from rape cases (as long as they are not the victims). We have a lot of mohammeds harassing schoolgirls here and feminists ignored them

>Suicide is not a gender thing.
Yes, But there is a reason of why most suicide there are from women, just like how there's a reason of why most suicides in USA are men.
It's not hard to see why but the goverment of both countries are ignoring it, i wonder why...

Is he crying because genocide or is it you that is crying because they aren't performing genocide?

Diversity doesnt mean we want more crimes to be committed. Criminal misconducts are not inheritly part of the inmigrant person, like it's not genetic dumbass. It's all about education and what the govt does to secure a safe net on public matters.

Yes, we are bad people. You should see me going topless on the streets and peeing men's shoes with a swastika pierced on my nipples.

Just how many inmigrants do you think live in Spain? 11? 20? 50? SOME is the best way to describe it. Rather than blaming inmigrants, what if we put the finger on the govt to actually do something with our public space? Since it seems anybody can go out of their way and just commit a gangrape like nothing.

Fuck you're right, i guess that Isayama being based and redpilled wasn't a meme.

>You should see me going topless on the streets and peeing men's shoes with a swastika pierced on my nipples.
Excluding the swastika, this sounds like something that the degerate dykes in the USA do all the time.

Suicide comes from depressive women you didn't help. That's because in jobs women are bitches with others, and in schools girls bully other girls.
If you ask a woman with who people want she work with she will say men.
Also, unemployement but the govt uses your retardation to hide your poverty with feminism.
50 cases of rape (half of them by immigrants) every year don't affect women, poverty does. You have a lot of women over their 30s living with their parents.
Congrats for beung useful idiots

This is not much better than EHcuck

>Diversity doesnt mean we want more crimes to be committed. Criminal misconducts are not inheritly part of the inmigrant person, like it's not genetic dumbass. It's all about education and what the govt does to secure a safe net on public matters.
Exactly and if you know anything about how muslims are educated, then you shouldn't expect that they would go to your country and be decent citzen.

>Rather than blaming inmigrants, what if we put the finger on the govt
>immigrants are not responsible
Are you retarded? And govt brings more immigrants because you ask for them.
Seriously, are spanish women this retarded? I can understand all those men running from you

>Butthurt YH tumblr dyke that doesn't want to read facts

Why would muslims change when you reward them with gibs?

>are spanish women this retarded?
>Inplyng that American girls are better in any way.

So, you are saying La Manada from 2016 needed to be educated and not hated?

I dont think you understand how NGOs work. NGOs dont get money only based on how many women get rape. NGOs get money because they are pushing a lot things up. Not only sexual aggressions, but also gender dispariaty on labor, income, gender role. Do you seriously think Feminism is just about rape?

Abandoning the public sphere causes a raise in criminal incidents. Why? Because that's how it works.

As it happens, funding social spaces for the youth, keeping the police out of their stations and patrolling, creating a safety net for people who actually may need it, it's more effective than just deporting inmigrants en mass.

Seriously? I can think about all the man who actually wear shorts for whatever reason. Why is men not as raped as the women? Because certainly gays are men too, so how come they arent raping all the boys wearing shorts?

It's because capitalism. I dont want to get in deep on that argument, though, because this is getting too much off-topic for a /snk/ thread, that most of its time is offtopic anyway.

How do they get away with everything every time Europe destroys itself?

You benefit from scandals. What are those thousands of feminists living of when you "only" have 50 rapes (half of them from immigrants) every year? I remember reading about Andalucia and only 2% of those grants reach women who were assaulted.
Nice business you have there, whore.

>Seriously? I can think about all the man who actually wear shorts for whatever reason. Why is men not as raped as the women? Because certainly gays are men too, so how come they arent raping all the boys wearing shorts?
Because men can easilly beat a women or another men.
Girls are phisycally weaker than men, it's basic biology.

Why are jewish girls the best?

Attached: Best Girl looks behind.jpg (700x1000, 55K)

How can a country that have 50% of their young people without jobs (and the rest working are almost everyone poor) have so many NGOs??
Holy fuck Spaniards are corrupt as fuck

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>I can think about all the man who actually wear shorts for whatever reason.
>It's because capitalism.
Now you're being totally retarded.

So capitalism makes you rape?

>You should see me going topless on the streets and peeing men's shoes with a swastika pierced on my nipples.
You actually do. Where did all those millions the government give you go?

Some shitty pic they've used before

He is crying because a tear gas cannister blew 2 meters away from him, he is dressed in the silliness unform on the whole damn earth and he is obliged to remain stationary at his post.
And also quite possibly because he can't genocide the T*rks
It's understandable

That's the joke. The swatika is a pun. Because I know that's how you think about us.

>Women raised with patriarchal values are to be blamed for bullying other women
>Not patriarchy

Cool story bro.

The same could be said about Americans. Should I expect them to be decent people when they have shootings every fucking month?

Yeah, well, no. Just as I dont expect a shooting on my kid's school, I dont expect ANYBODY to think that rape is ok. If inmigrants needs help to re-educate themselves so they can properly behave, I welcome such initiative too. I do recon that no NGOs nor the govt would try something like that because they are affraid of being called racists.

Which it's stupid. Because it's like saying feminism discriminates against the men just because feminism stands for women's rights.

Inmigrants, by being inmigrants, are not responsible for raping. Persons that think they can get away with forcing a fucking penis inside a vagina are responsible.

Yeah, we may need to change that, just like we need to change the whole welfare system.

They need to be punished with jail and get in a process of reinsertation after they get proper education on what they did.

I dont care about them going to jail 9 years, if they will still be pig raping guys.

We dont benefit from scandals. We benefit from results. NGOs must report results to the govt in order to secure funding. There could be scandals and public exposition, but endgame is about what a NGO did about their target and how they fulfill their annual objectives.

This is not like lobby groups, user. NGOs are actually a serious thing. Except if you are Santiago Abascal, who basically got paid for leading a NGO who literally did nothing just because PP gonna PP.

Aaaaaand there's that. Sure, boy. I guess you can protect your anal masculinity against a gay gangrape.

Hint: You wont.

>next chapter

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>*shitposts in spanish*
>thread turns into /int/
Every fucking time

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>We dont benefit from scandals. We benefit from results.
>the more they rape the more money we get

>Should I expect them to be decent people when they have shootings every fucking month?
And whose fault is that the spawns are weak overly emotional little fags that are easilly offended and can't controll their rage? doesn't sound familiar?

>Muh PP
ALL of you are corrupt as fuck. All your NGOs are mafias

>Aaaaaand there's that. Sure, boy. I guess you can protect your anal masculinity against a gay gangrape.
Why would someone be near them anyway?

Spoilers when? EH chapter confirmed?

>Except if you are Santiago Abascal, who basically got paid for leading a NGO who literally did nothing just because PP gonna PP.
>feminism receives 800 MILLIONS every year
What do you do with all that money?

>>Women raised with patriarchal values are to be blamed for bullying other women
How is patriarchy invoved? Women bully other women all the time doesn't matter where, just see how feminist are always bullyng conservatives or housewifes.
Same shit with men.

Why you feminists never show where you spent the money the govt gave to you? sounds fishy

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Simple, Spanish curricula sucks cocks really hard. This crisis is not about NGOs, it's about what little does the govt to provide the youth with skills that may serve to attract new jobs or create new ventures. Instead, you have people like me who will never speak English properly because they would settle with working on a workshop or a bakery.

Wanna kiss my retarded ass?

Yes, user. Rape is an analogy for wild capitalism.

On my feminazi parafernallia, of course. I like leather.

>He thinks rape is a parameter that works for a NGO that's expected to explain what are they doing to prevent rapes on the first place.

You arent's the smartest nut at home, arent ya?

Yes, it sounds like you have a problem with violence and guns control and how you deal with such problems by ignoring your youth.

You should see me wearing a classy mafia suit and my exposed chest. With a swastika. And partying like 2008 with PSOE's fund money.

The thing is, that's not how it works.

>Spanish curricula sucks cocks really hard
Europe are literally importing all your engineers.

Hey, If capitalism is what gets you depressed then explain venezuela or go read about any socialist country and how they ended.

>feminist are always bullyng conservatives or housewifes.
I love how women cant choose to be housewifes or conservatives but choosing to be a muslim is cool and tolerant and free.
I also love how presenting women here were against models because that is sexist yet they do this

Attached: hypocrite.jpg (1000x567, 83K)

jesus christ go back to arguing about ships, anything please

>Spanish curricula sucks cocks really hard.
Yeah, I know you bully your best people till they go and you only accept people with "great" studies in gender and feminism.
Of course you need 200,000 euros to give some classes in a tiny class. The rest of the money: gone.

nice thread /snk/, a lot to do about Shingeki no Kyojin.

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I wish Isayama had balls and made this the sex chapter. Hanji was more trending topic that Erwin's flashback. Do it Isayama

Ok, Has anyone heard of the Urang Medan? Very spooky shit

Any theories of what happened?

>I am useless because it's the gubment's fault
This is what happens when you don't Anniepost like a normal autist like i do, now get to work, i want to see some new Annies.

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It's all related with Yelena and the Volunters, i swear.

Ask that to a girl who got gangraped. Do you think they chose to be near a rape group?

A lot of informs about female situation, what's happening with girls, studying causes, dealing with people like you who think NGOs are a waste of money, advicing govts on any level what should be done, actually working to get shit done that's supposed to be done by the govt. Hell, user, it's not like all NGOs are the same and only one. It depends on what objectives has a NGO set.

>Women must stab each other for a job, a social status and even for male partner.
>Women who doesnt comply with social status quo must be bullied
>A strong women is expected to display the same values a strong men does in order to be perceived and accepted as a strong women
>Agressiveness is inherent to patriarchy because hur dur I'm strong

While I do admit I have colleagues who bully conservatives, I must say there are more people that we want to help than to get bullied. Also, it's not bullying when we get literally attacked by the conservatives.

About housewives, we have sorority for something. We try to understand that they are hostages inside a system that doesnt even value their work at home.

Every NGO in Spain is forced to show what does they spend their money to the govt. Some NGOs might even display that information willingly. You just have to ask.

That's how people found out that VOX leader Santiago Abascal got paid from 2008 to 2012 for doing nothing by PP govt in Madrid.

Do you think a country can be ran based on engineers? Get serious. I know we have some good things. Medicine for once is a spanish stronghold. It doesnt mean we have the best healthcare system.

We suck at everything else

Did you know people in Spain could barely speak any English up to 2008? Even now, there is a lot of people who cant do it. Curricula is not based on people's needs. That's our problem.

>I will not blame the govt for not doing its job
>I better blame myself for not doing enough, despite I'm paying taxes for something


>Ask that to a girl who got gangraped. Do you think they chose to be near a rape group?
Most of those cases happened at parties with very drunk dumb people, Why would someone with a brain be alone in a party with drunk faggots?
Gay gangbangs aren't a common thing, why are you acting like if they were? Probably because a boy wouldn't use heels and a tight dress.

Based nosebro, how corrupt can they be?
You are paying taxes for NGOs to feed the problems so a lot of you can make a living. The corrupt govt represents your corrupt mentality very well, you are stealing everywhere disguising it as "humanitary" while your own people are poor and yet you laughed at their curriculums. Disgusting

Attached: hans.png (1024x576, 558K)

>Probably because a boy wouldn't use heels and a tight dress.
and wouldn't have problems running from them.

5 minutes

>>Women must stab each other for a job, a social status and even for male partner.
>>Women who doesnt comply with social status quo must be bullied
>>A strong women is expected to display the same values a strong men does in order to be perceived and accepted as a strong women
Feminists are the ones pushing that tho, every strong indepent woman in media is a cunt that looks and acts like a boy.

I'd take shitposting that's actually on topic over this /int/ shit any day. This is fucking terrible.

>>Women who doesnt comply with social status quo must be bullied
WHAT? You can't be this delusional.

Actually, you never show where all those millions went. Recently Andalucia got caught with millions stolen, you only use 2% to give to abused women, the rest "disappeared".