sexy edition
Buyfag thread
good thread
Enjoy your ban.
where's the hot glue
>dat fucking neck
Holy shit what
That neck though
Is it even legal to own that outside of Japan
is she pregnant?
puffyvulva, is that you?
Cute and funny?
100% Freedomland approved
Very cute and funny.
Really nice, but the head is quite big.
I want to be a figure and get hot glued by Anons all day.
Dang, this is pretty good.
What the fuck is wrong with her mid section
what figure was the blonde one at the back
are you a girl?
Looks like Alice.
>not shota
Cringe and blue pilled
I wish I could be a man of such bold taste
Base mods saving all the pics before purge.
>delicious DFC on the front page
Yea Forums is alright today
Day of the rope for all pedophiles
Reminder me again why this general wasn't purged to /jp/ during the general purge
>yfw the mods ate hot pockets near you
>yfw they finally ban you
The first time I saw this I thought it was a trap and got all excited. Just like how I thought pic related was Saika Totsuka.
The mods are gonna have a field day with this.
>That neck though
what's wrong
I wonder what OP looks like and then I'm disgusted
I found a pic of him.
If you wanted a pic you just had to ask
Based on the guy's wallpaper I probably have saved a couple of his images 5 years ago
I wonder how much these cost. Probably pretty substantial if he lives in a western society, so the guy who sells it to him doesn’t call the police.
wtf I love OP now
There's nothing illegal about this unless you live in some draconian shit hole like the UK
I wonder how will your parents react to this
Damn that neck and head fucks it all up.
Can we still be friends?
>those tears
But can you put your dick in it?
you can
I demand proofs.
This is art.
If mods delete it they're gay.
Probably the one time where having a tiny dick is a good thing.