Is iris the smartest otome isekai protagonist there is?
Duke's Daughter's thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I rather want to know who is the dumbest
Bertia or Katarina?
Theres a goddamn new TAS chapter up holy fuck
I'm writing my own re:monster where the MC reincarnates as an Imp. Does this please the Minotaur?
Is this the real thread? The other one seems to be an anime only thread.
Depends, how many fistings gonna be in it?
Unless jahy and one of the minofags do a fucking oopsie, yeah.
A couple I guess.
Nothing wrong about having multiple discussion threads about the same subject, so don't try forcing a general culture.
All threads are threads right?
>Tfw no isekai taking place in Habsburg Europe
Fuck off animefags deserve nothing but scorn
One day user, one day.
It's fun to write.
imagine if isekai crap was still a thing centuries later and some lucky user would be able to browse so many shitty titles all in digital format to read
but we wouldn't be alive anymore to enjoy it
I don't know if being born just as the internet was starting is a good or bad thing. How can anyone in the very far future ever get bored with all these digital content that won't degrade with time with sufficient backups
>born before perfect autotranslate chips can be installed directly into your brain
guess we'll have to suffer with SEAniggers, MTL, and dying moms for now
I didn't know I wanted this
What is Yuuris endgame?
Dude ... you should go outside just one in a while!
This. I can see why the mods banned generals/circlejerks.
Nah fuck you leatherman. Watching these threads turn into deepcore circlejerks at an accelerating pace has been quite the unpleasant experience.
Then go back to your shite anime thread scum.
Where is the circle jerk?
Make me, limp biscuit eater.
crashing this country with no survivors
Do not engage false flaggerfags, they do nothing but undermine legitimate threads.
So, when's the next volume for mob?
Any news in the wire?
>Tfw you feel obligated to keep up both your Homebrew Isekai and your fanfics, which are both essentially Isekai.
Life is pain and carpal tunnel.
I know it is a fucking isekai but I still have standard
The most important thing is that you have fun user, otherwise you'll lose your passion.
Yeah I'm a falseflagger because I called your orgy-porgy what it is. Do you feel proud for bravely standing up for "teh TrU ESAKI Therd" underdog against those mean old UNGA BUNGA anime watching cavemen in the other thread?
>read the chink shit
>no crop rotation
ain't crops like something every chink and their mother loves?
>ain't crops like something every chink and their mother loves?
Not that kind of cultivation
That true that dragons cultivate via sleeping?
What if some young master who dared claps them while they sleep? the chinese sam fisher cultivator
Cringe bro.
>thought cultivation meant crops
that's adorable user
>first chapter have atrocious fonts and typesetting
>second chapter is a huge improvement
>hurr durr april fool
Fucking SEAnigs
It's more like a deep meditation, years passes like nothing or so I heard. Also why would anyone cultivate in a place accessible by trash that wants to cultivate your ass and steal the hard-earned essence I accumulated for hundreds of years without any remorse and then backtalk you if you so "dare to insult them" or "trying to kill them" despite being the first ones to attack, trash is trash but talking trash is the worst.
2nd chapter is by another guy who realized even MTL would be better than that
also, chapter 3 neverever
i honestly didnt even notice that improvement until you pointed it out. First impressions too strong
Orphans are already irrelevant, now it's
Speaking of pills, what is up with that? do they legit like reading about MCs juicing and roiding it up so much it would make a gym rat blush?
Weirdest culture shock i've had Yea Forums.
ancient chinese culture, they do shit like take mercury pills because they thought it'd make them immortal
I don’t mind it. It’s jyst a different form of dungeon grind.
Everyone in Chink Cultivation is a crop.
>What if some young master who dared claps them while they sleep?
Reverse isekai?
>not even chapter 1 fully released
Oh fuck me.
>The furry didn't die, he was playing gatcha shit
Why do i even bother.
Bow autism will never lose his V card and that upsets me greatly.
Only because the author won't start writing again. Once that happens, no one female in Asora except the orcs will be virgin either once Tomoe has her way.
It's only a matter of time until we see Roxanne or Sherry bent over here.
>kirei cake
>no begging for shekels in either part
did it happen, did she finally get isekai'd
>Addicted to GBF
I can't do anything except hope he dumps these bonus chapters soon and sticks back to a somewhat regular schedule. At least we're gonna see Wolflord Brendel now.
You fucking wish.
Patreon is back online so hopefully the dudes that pay him will put pressure on him so no delays happens,
Is that the nip version of Invisible Dragon?
I'd honestly be half tempted to donate if he had half the TNE translators drive to do chapters instead of putting all his effort into his horribly anthropomorphic art.
>Dragon is girl
Every time.
>Then you mount her
>She does not like it.
The dragon, is their mount now and you can't stop it.
why can't his mother just die already, I swear it's been at least 10 years since this guy started doing this
i stopped reading ch1 at three pages in
i rather not read that than torment myself with that shit
You think the makers of that game ever imagined that their PC was an agent of a foreign power?
i like to imagine that some writer made it up as an injoke that would obviously never be in the game release.
Dragons are meant to be mounted.
It's the >ulfric gets gold and arms from the high elves thing
Teen pregnancy.
she's got some sort of debilitating illness, damn our medical technology for keeping her alive this long
Confucius say, mount dragon before bigger dragon mount you.
>Thinking mom is actually sick.
What is a beggars sign. Ironically a subtle watermark.
The new potion loli.
I love Francette but really potion loli? Really?
not a very good watermark if you would consider it one, he puts it in the margins
I don't really follow the fan translator for that.
What happened?
Francette died protecting her prince.
Potionloli revived her, gave her the sword Gram (that is a potion bottle with a sword on top of it, because fuck it, why not, and make it a monolayer vibration sword), proclaimed her an einhajar of the goddess.
So yeah potion loli is now Lenneth.
Deus potion machina
Or just let the dragon do what she wants.
I wish this dragon was more aggressive.
We should have been reading more about her attempts to get him to desire her. It took far too long for the onsen, and there haven't been enough of those chapters either.
I guess the LN is much better overall?
Oh, you're following the manga.
Yeah, Kaoru's potion powers are basically limitless, as long as there's a potion somewhere in the container.
Considering most watermarks makes people fucking despise the translator/group, kirei cake seems to have found the sweet spot. They have a watermark begging for money and people don't seem to hate them because they actually translate a ton of good shit and don't start drama.
I don't know what the LN changed, but I hope there was more of that than the WN. Small events like "accidentally" being undressed around him or walking in on him changing like that one image from the manga artist would help.
What's the name of this one?
most egregious example in recent memory is the isekai maou translation
god fucking hell that was awful