Hating on Dragon Ball is literally the pretentious edgy teenager phase of anime fans

Hating on Dragon Ball is literally the pretentious edgy teenager phase of anime fans

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Shut up spic

Not getting the fuck over Dragon Ball and still actively following the empty husk that is the series today is the tasteless, I don't give a shit anymore phase of """anime""" """fans"""

Budokai AF

what I find ironic is that most of the people who say this shit like idol and moe garbage

say what? that they like DB or hate it?

DBS is objectively bad tho.

Congratulations on everyone outing themselves as fake fucking "fanime" fans who couldn't finish a single 21 minute episode of content without searching for a youtube "THIS HOW PERSON REACT TO THING ON INTERNET" video
OP a faggot


Read the OP i said Dragon Ball

Hating the Shonen genre is a phase all readers go through.

Those who have passed it realize Shonen is objectively the best genre of manga.

If you don't like
>Dragon Ball
>battle shonen
then you are not a mature fan of anime.

Liking Dragon Ball is refusing to grow up and still clinging to your childhood and nostalgia.

replace dragon ball with anime and you are correct

silence dog

I though you were talking about DB in general.
The original series is fine, DBZ should have ended in Cell's arc. The rest are shit.

Do you want some Good Old Fashioned Cola?
>Hydrant captcha

no u

should've ended with frieza, cell was the beginning of retarded asspulls

To be fair though DB has plenty of reasons to be hated.

Agreed, unless we are talking about Super. True DB fans refuse to evem acknowledge Super as canon.

If Dragon Ball was never good as some keep claiming then why was it so successful?

why were transformers movies successful?

Why is Sonic successful? Why are the Transformers movies? Just because children and autists like it doesn't mean it's not trash

the latter

You're just as bad as the people who hate Dragon Ball

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no shit
its literally Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums tier

Finally some god taste

I hate Dragon Ball because it started an awful genre, here are some trends that every shonen copies from Dragon Ball
>Retard Protagonist
>Edgy asshole rival loved by future school shooters
>Asspull powerups.

>Edgy asshole rival loved by future school shooters

I love that panel. I had forgotten how good of an artist Akira Toriyama was.

This, contrarians only hate what's popular to make themselves seem more intelligent than they actually are.

Still love granny shrieking in your ear about her her new hair colour that let's her beat the next bad guys never mentioned but are oh so much stronger than the last bad guys huh

Toriyama's art in the saiyan and freeza sagas is pure kino

There's nothing likable about Dragon Ball unless you have a two digit IQ. It will be embarrassing when in the future History students will read about how big DB was during our time period.

The first part had a charm, it all went to the trash can the moment Raditz appeared, it literally became Dragon Ball Mexico.

Dragon Ball's plot is fanfiction tier.

You can hate on DB without seeming pretentious, it has lots of flaws. Even the biggest fans of the series acknowledge that.

Saiyan saga is literally peak dragon ball what are you on

Wrong this is peak Dragon Ball, should've ended there.

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