Credits sequence starts playing

>credits sequence starts playing
>its just looping walk cycles of the main cast over a blank background with upbeat music

Attached: 1558BE00-0F57-4B65-87B1-7AAD32F4F9AA.jpg (399x400, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

cute frogposter

>Go on Yea Forums.
>It's just one guy reposting the same frog meme over and over.

>And knowing is half the battle.

Attached: goku_vs_zamas_color_by_marianorocker22-dc9ddb9.png (802x995, 567K)

dubs check em
Also saged

>frogposting on Yea Forums

Nice digits



Attached: Manehattan Lunaverse with Opposition and a side of Glimmer and Chysalis.gif (640x359, 981K)

>the one person responding seriously to this kuso thread is some dragonball spic
You can't make this stuff up

What are you going to do about it faggot?

Attached: approved frogposting2.png (1920x1080, 1.61M)

Dumb frogposter

Fuck off back to Yea Forums

Yeah, including the spic part dumbass.

Attached: Dumb froggu.gif (261x300, 241K)



Find me any other example.

What was the purpose of making them not horses? Just to appeal to the perverts?


watch more anime

I would guess that is to deter the perverts actually

Also based frogposter.

>op plays during the ed

Attached: 1544264557269.jpg (540x545, 49K)



Horse show is targeted towards like 3-8 year olds.

Equestria Girls is for 10-12 year old girls who are into high school stories, romances and fashion.

Attached: Pinkie.gif (2273x1266, 2.72M)

How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

Pretty based thread

dumb frogposter

April fools is over, bud.

>credits sequence starts playing
>some guy singing about how he's horny while static images of the characters scroll by