How does Yea Forums feel about crossdressing anime boys?
How does Yea Forums feel about crossdressing anime boys?
I'd suck their dick and swallow their cum no homo
dumb trope
A curse on maid enthusiasts worldwide for decades. We just want to see cute girls in frills in peace.
I want to put my penis inside their rectums.
>his name is d'arc
>it's pronounced daruku
daruku meido :3
It's not gay if you go in through the backdoor
This. Fuck that trap/sissification bullshit.
Boys are best girl.
Makes my heart ache that I'll never experience a cute girl (male).
Superior to girls
as long as they get the guy in the end otherwise it's blueballs
We need more manga with trap ends
>walk in a park
>some crossdressing boy drops condoms in front of you
True waifu.
Kinda gay desu
You know you want...
I'm an enthusiast
If they sound like HanaKana I'm ok with it.
I prefer them when they're slightly boyish and not full blown girls with dicks.
Stop confusing transwomen for men, you bigoted asshhole.
Thats pretty gay.
I generally don't mind, but if they're the cutest and most feminine character in the show I feel cheated.
Nothing gay about wanting to blow a cute boy's brown cock lad.
Komi-san seems to enjoy it
Why do boys make the best girls?
Because to pass they have to put in 110% effort to be feminine, while (((modern women))) scream rape and #metoo whenever a male expects a feminine female
pick ONE and only ONE, and tell me why user
Felix because cutest dress
Nagisa best girl
Only if they're heterosexual.
Either Astolfo or Hackadoll 3, since they're the only ones who won't ever grow old and make me realize how ephemeral a trap's existence is.
>tfw no tsundere programmer bf
sauce a nigga
Felix because he can heal his own gaping anus after furious rectum poundings.
but traps are for sweet loving, not furious pounding
I like them in a completely homo way.
i would also like to get josou seme'd by one.
They are gay and you have to accept it.
>bing can casually search for gay porn, and give good results
Never have been this amazed and disgusted at the same time
I live my life inspired by their example.
This desu
Crossdressing anime boys are the best shit, I'd suck that cock, full homo intended
>female enter a males restroom and surprised to see a trap
i'm guessing she is a trap too but why the reaction?
It's not often that you discover another cute crossdresser in the real world it's happened to me though
I don't know why are they in the male restroom, they would attract a lot less attention in the other one
exhibitionism is a common facet of people who crossdress as a fetish
Real life and h-doujins are not the same, user.
>not riding their cocks and clenching your ass as they shoot their cum inside you
>not staying cozy inside cuddling with your cute crossdresser bf where noone can see you
eeeh it ok but i notice that tranny try to ruin it
>light novel adaption
>no ecchi genre tag
Was it worth a watch, Yea Forums? I like crossdressing anime boys FWIW.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
what did japan mean by this?
Unrealistic body standards for boys
It was interesting at the start and peaked with episode 4. After that it's a downward spiral until the end. A perfect poster child for wasted potential. The trap is a sidekick to one of the main girls so give it a shot but don't expect anything amazing.
i like cute boys in general, the frilly panties are just a bonus that i can steal and use as a masturbation sleeve or sniff.
Haku from Naruto was beautiful as fuck.
I wish I could ninjutsu my way to him and confess my love.
Sexy and humiliating when a girl is forcing him to do it in front of her friends.
they're alright, but only once in a while.
3DPD but it sucks how everyone now expects 100% female looking, feminine boys. Not how it works you closet fags.
could luka even pass as male?
/g/ has lots of pink sock-wearing programmers.
i bet they are excel at socket programming.
Only way to go about it.
Or do you want a proper depiction of reality? All 3D "traps" are disgusting.
>one of them still dresses like a boy, but is only included because he's pretty
Saika only crossdressed in Zaimokusa's fantasy.
luka isnt a crossdresser
luka is a tranny
Are pink socks supposed to imply something? I haven't worked as a programmer yet but I don't remember them being an inside joke in uni
>the girls are too cute and it's unbelievable that they are all boys
lol? only one of them you could say they look cute. others looks hideous as fuck
Yes, I was referring to that one, specifically.
what the fuck
i remember that thread, i made it after all
also they left out the spoiler text
>people will fap to this
has a boyish chipmunk face. pass.
That's gay, You fag
Programming sock is a meme. But sometime they post selfie of them wearing cute socks in /g/. For the lulz, I bet. There're some edited doujin too, usually trap doujin implying that crossdressing increase their programming skills.
Fuck them
No, the trap is gay because he is the one fucking you.
>crossdressing anime boys
would take to Applebee's
>crossdressing 3D boys
absolutely not
all good he said no homo
this is a crossdressing gay boy and his gay lover servant boy dressed like a maid
All you faggots should be gassed. Fuck off
image search came up with nothing relevant, sauce?
Seems like an interesting manga
google "smug trap"
click the knowyourmeme link
>it was a comic strip posted on twitter and beaten into the ground with redraws featuring actually anime characters for up boats
that's disappointing
>"On May 23rd, 2018, Twitter user Pas (paxiti)[1] uploaded a short comic about a transgender girl[2] needing to use the restroom"
what did you expect?
Bittersweet that I could feel aroused and attracted to a dude. Life is pain, I don’t want to be a faggot.
>tfw at one point his mother almost pulled the trigger on his balls
I'd be pissed if they actually did that, but can't help but think about that "what if" scenario.
Just the latest meme.
They have the best fashion sense.
3D included. Not homo or anything but most traps have great clothes, I just wanna jizz on them on the spot.
Sauce brehs
Gas yourself.
I'm a fan.
Good, good...! Need more boypussy! Yes! Yes!
That's not good. I am conservative. You got to make them know their place as a woman if you are one being passive that makes you a woman. Meaning being fucked, going down etc
>Why did they
Based and trappilled
>This video is no longer available
>sucking the trap's dick
Actually gay.
Jealous. I want to look that good.
>implying you can't forcefully and agressively suck someone's dick to assert your complete dominance
Nigga the only woman here is you
Yes her
Do you have a problem with my wife user?
If that is their preferred pronoun, yes.
no i don't have a problem with your wife. pftphhh.
Putin dont allow gayshit in Russia
>always liked cute things
>want to be cute
>realise there's no way I can be cute with my genes
>accept it and just fap to cute things
They are fine I guess
user talking shit about Paz is going too far
Really extreme role-play
This shit is so hot but so fucking dumb at the same time
Made for female perverts to dom them
traps are fine
trannies should be gassed
/lgbt/ meme "girl"
Cute though.
i respect you and your choice to be with paz. pffthahaha.
Perfect hero.
Assuming you mean looking like a girl, jealous. I'm already just a regular crossdresser, but I wish I could actually look like a girl...
My first trapwaifu.
post butt
Played out middle school tier trope. Lame.
It's a struggle user. But one we have to deal with
Only those blessed with god tier genetics can truly be a trap
We can only hope to look our cutest in a dress
Same to be honest, it's hard.
>I wish I could actually look like a girl...
I think you're me mentally ill.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
is cheating
> not po-ju's character
po-ju's characters aren't traps.
I've been trying to say this to people for the longest time. It really is completely up to how lucky you were born. Sadly, nobody seems to listen (or they outright deny the possibility).
This is the most honest thing I've seen regarding this subject, and it's a relief to see someone else understands.
>casual crossdressing, otherwise a normal dude
>full-time crossdressing + girly behavior
needs to win the MCbowl and become their girlfriend
Traps Hella gay
I feel like the only people who truly understand this are those who have went to the effort of buying clothes, shaving and then despairing at how they look in the mirror
I don't even think I look bad. I just definitely don't pass in the slightest
Who is this girl? I keep seeing her all over the place.
She is my wife user
>that shit eating grin
It's not gay if it's cute.
she's called Astolfo, 50% of Yea Forums and Yea Forums are in love with her, the other half is in denial
this motherfucker made me gay it's not fair
now i wish he was my wife instead of my old love mikuru
When will god emperor finally open up some camps for the mentally ill populace?
a 2D form of my real life fetish
>Still taking that joke seriously when Yang exists
traps are straight, they're girls without the only flaw of the female body: vagina
penises are even uglier than vaginas, but at least you can ignore that shit and just fuck the most aesthetic part of a human's body: anus
Is this thread Haram or halal? I believe it is Haram.
halal in Iran, haram in arabic countries
Based Persia.
you're waifu is a slut! SLUT!
there's nothing wrong with wanting to fuck the trap, but wanting to be the trap is haram
let's just be honest, if girls (male) looked like this in real life like 90% of straight men would turn gay
not going to lie as a straight male i agree
real life traps can't compete with how cute anime traps are
it's another case of
2d > 3d
no wonder he's the most boring one there, traps are only worthy when they accept their real nature
>took 150 posts for someone to finally post Aikawa
boys know what boys want
Gay and should be killed
He is a true and pure trap, who doesn't need the assistance of women's clothing to reel you in.
Exactly. No matter how gay the concept of traps is, the trap will always be gayer than you.
Ruka is marriage material.
Best thing ever.
i agree i would suck her (male) nipples until they become bright red and over sensitive on our wedding night
This. Traps are born, not made. We've all see that perfect boy casually walking around whom looks more feminine then most girls. It isn't do to effort. Just a combination of perfect genetics (and maybe a testosterone/kidney issue).
Nothing wrong with casting a return value.
traps belong to straight men
I prefer just cute boys over crossdressing boys but the latter are still good
>Cheat his way into Kirara fantasia, and probably fuck your Kirara Girls relentlessly
hey there friendo traps are for everyone
but girl's clothes are cuter
If they're going to be involved I'd rather they just were a special occasion thing
cute boys are cute as-is
Absolutely terrible taste.
doesn't like his traps cooked to perfection
i don't disagree, everyone can appreciate traps, but you know only a straight man can truly handle this
because in anime, you just draw a girl and tell the viewer it's actually a boy. The implied penis turns you on because you're gay. In real life boys make extremely fucking shitty girls
Why do people here keep trying to bring real life into anime discussions? Who cares?
what i wouldn't do to place my penis inbetween the swimsuit and than butt and just rub it around a little
It would be gay NOT to fuck this, user.
Ass classroom
>those hands
>those broad shoulders
would never bring my Charlie even close to his chocolate factory
Yeah fuck clothes. Naked boys are good enough.
people are more attractive with clothes on than off in general
>no face
>broad shoulders
lower body seems fine though, but i bet the feet are masculine af
2d > 3d
Google works, you lazyass.
>3D traps
That's fucking gay
Just tried, it doesn't (not him tho)
i'm straight and 2D>3D, but i'd fuck Suestolfo
no homo
I'd fuck a lot of 3d boys. They're not as good as 2d but it'd still be worth trying out. full homo.
Of course 2D >>> 3D. But what are you gonna do, fap to pictures of your waifu for decades? That's even more degenerate than being a fag. Some 3D traps/boys are fine.
do boys really make that face when their tummies get bullied? Seems like they're playing it up. They're not girls after all.
I never thought of it like that, that sounds really hot when you put it that way
god i wish i could slide my hands under a boy's shirt and pinch his nipples
so, who is this?
>tfw no polyamorous relationship with a girl and a trap
it hurts so bad
>come play volleyball with us user
I want to frot with Astolfo's cute little or big penor.
How do I obtain a trap bf. What does it take? Where should I go?
astolfo is definitely hung
this thread is for 2d
All of these traps are shit and only popular because of memes
Astolfo is 100% bottom when's he's with men
>bikini with bulge
The best.
How do I obtain a 2D trap bf then?
find a character you like
fall in love
remain content
D'Eon > Astolfo.
But what if I want to be the trap and fuck biological women?
Nah, he's a switch. He can read his master perfectly and decide whether he'd be better off topping (to reveal the master's true nature) or bottoming (to support the master)
Shit taste desu.
t. gay
Absolutely this.
correct, she only uses her feminine penis with girls, but she knows her place when she's with a straight man
This is a good doujin.
Needs more frotting.
>Draws a cute girl
>Use soft girly voice
>Make it behaves like a girl
>Calls it a boy
Why is Japan like this?
still degenerate, but less so
you're just like Felix
based and gaypilled
Trannies out
>implying liking small firm boobs isn't the most patrician taste
Why won't these people at least act like humans for once?
>slightly boyish
what's the point? you average shota protagonist is exactly that
traps need to be girls with dicks
But they aren't
>Slightly boyish
I gotta be honest, I just want to fuck a dude.
I want to be one and let a girl have her way with me
>tells you to use your command spells to stop him if he gets too rough
>say no
>immediately overpowers you and stuffs your mouth with his panties so you can't speak
>ties your hands behind your back with his stockings
>fixes collar around your neck with the leash end gripped between his grinning teeth
>his pupils begin to form the vague shape of hearts
reminder to report crimes like these
Anime really is a brain parasite.
god i wish that were me
And he didn't even lube up or anything, it's like he WANTS to leave your ass sore for a week or something.
i hate when people bring politics to anime, but she isn't wrong though, Astolfo is indeed a female-leaning non-binary person
i wouldn't be attracted to her (him) otherwise, since male behavior and mannerisms are as about as exciting as watching grass grow
>Astolfo is indeed a female-leaning non-binary person
proofs? he crossdresses because it's based on a small part of his legend, he changes his servant info as a joke
there's nothing to suggest he doesn't identify as male 100% of the time
Mental illness and extreme delusions.
god I want astolfo to make my ass sore for a week
He has a dick. It's not up to choice whether you're male or female, just how you present yourself.
> josou seme
But Astolfo never even identifies as female (or non-binary or whatever).
Would you?
Left is better than right.
without thinking
>based on a small part of his legend
unlike the Astolfo from the legends, Astolfo from Fate crossdresses 24/7 and says he does this because it suits him better. Astolfo's behavior and mannerisms are typical of a female-leaning non-binary person. next you're going to say Ruka from Steins;Gate isn't a transgender female because she thinks of herself as a boy
this has nothing to do with the characters themselves, but with the culture, japanese culture is like 20 years behind in this subject
and she presents as female (dress like one, behaves like one, has the mannerisms of one)
ESL here. What is this supposed to mean. Is it a gender?
>Ruka from Steins;Gate isn't a transgender female because she thinks of herself as a boy
ruka isn't, ruka is a gay man. the only reason he wants to become a woman is so okabe could love him.
Astolfo is canonically a man
You can't say he's a girl because he dresses as one. That's retarded.
Made up term to help people cope with their mental disorders
no such thing, this is subjective
gay men prefer the metal band member on the left, straight men prefer the qt 3.14 on the right
>used to spam ”traps = gay” on Yea Forums for years
>now fap almost exclusively to traps
Kill me.
Me on the left.
Am I missing something.. because that's not how u pronounce d'arc
It's not hard to figure out you monkey
No shit you fucking retard.
Traps are gay no matter what.
It's for someone who does not feel like they are their assigned gender, but doesn't quite feel like the other gender, either. It's a vague term, but that's ok, because the feeling it describes is vague.
dbspic please leave
well you weren't wrong...
no male behaves that way or would accept to change the timeline to become a female, no cisgender man could withstand being in a female body
Ruka is a HSTS transgender female
>Astolfo is canonically a man
yes, she's biologically a male
>You can't say he's a girl because he dresses as one.
she's a female-leaning non-binary person because she dresses like a female 24/7, acts like a female and have the mannerisms of a female
Of course
liking traps is straight when the trap looks like a female
Dressing like a female, acting like a female, having the mannerisms of the female all mean jack shit if the person themselves says they're a male still.
You can try and come up with excuses all you want but you're still gay for wanting to fuck him. There's nothing wrong with that, but you need to be more honest with yourself, dbspic.
But they have a penis.
Go home, stop baiting this hard. It's desperate.
Did you just ASSUME astolfo's gender?
Does it really matter when you're attracted to the femininity, and not the genitals?
Do you decide if a woman is attractive or not only after seeing her vagina?
>Ruka is a HSTS transgender female
back to your freak containment board
>the person themselves says they're a male still.
the person themself say they're a male because they're a fictional character and japanese people are ignorant as fuck in the gender identity matter
their behavior is one of a female-presenting non-binary person is every single aspect
>You can try and come up with excuses all you want but you're still gay for wanting to fuck him.
i want to fuck her, but i'm 100% straight
Or they're a dude who likes being cute but doesn't have a mental illness?
>i'm 100% straight
Most people who say this are in fact 100% deluded
The femininity doesn't matter when they have a penis.
No, I judge if it's gay or straight.
yes, this means she's a natal male
yes, i did and i don't even care; what do you think am i? a retardera user?
i'm going to keep assuming Astolfo's gender and she's going to like it
i'm a straight male, i have no place there
>hello I'm a boy
I bet you're banned from /lgbt/
Since when did crossdressing change your gender?
sorry to disappoint you buddy, but the majority of people in this planet would also consider a "dude who likes being cute" a "mental illness"
i'm not saying i agree, i'm only telling you the truth
i'm a raging homosexual, the biggest faggot to ever walk on Earth, but i only like girls and girls with dicks. is this better?
As someone who has a crossdresser friend, it's not that fucking simple. He identifies male and has only dated women, he considers himself a heterosexual male. When someone asked him if he had preferred pronouns he joked "Thee, Thine, and Thou." Some guys just like to crossdress. It doesn't mean they think they're a girl or want to be one.
Also, Astolfo refers to himself with male pronouns, so why do you use female pronouns for him? Same goes for Ruka.
I consider being a shitposting dbspic a mental illness.
Males have no desire to appear as a female. If they do, then perhaps they are not wholly male.
>i only like girls and girls with dicks
id est, not Astolfo
traps are nothing without bulge.
Astolfo is a boy (biologically), but female-presenting, (presumably) non-binary person in behavior
asian boys are the only cute 3D traps
completely Astolfo, she's not just a girl with dick, but THE girl with dick
>favorite trap isn't even the best trap in his series
crossdressers are better at least they know what they are.
>Some guys just like to crossdress.
absolutely and this doesn't make them lesser or worse men. however, Astolfo crossdresses (presents) as female 100% of the time while behaving and showing naturally female body movement patterns. yes, unlike what your SJW professor says, things like that are innate.
You faggots have been sexually warped due to years of sexual repression and virginity well into your 20s. Get help or get gassed you pathetic faggots.
stop replying to bait
clet here
Why is returning malloc a bad thing?
>implying i don't love d'Eon too
or the girls like Drake, Nero, Artoria, Scat... Fate is a miracle of the universe
this is the worst fucking thread i've ever seen
based, that one is amazing. This one is too.
Are cuteboys allowed to have balls that swole?
Can you faggots shut up before the thread gets pruned
We're here to post cute boys
>do boys really make that face when their tummies get bullied?
i remember a chat screenshot about a nip trap. and his friend noticed it was him and ask him out to seal his lip. there's a manga version of that too.
>traps are almost always the best girl in their shows
>don't exist in real life
How do you people deal with this pain?
why are there so few yandere traps
it's elmon. but i can't find the translated one.
Unrealistic standards. Openly crossdressing also isn't nearly as common IRL
Plot Twist: trap's older sister is a cuckold and all she ever wanted was to watch her little brother get railed by her boyfriend
I'm sad this artist hasn't done anything else
Astolfo and D'Eon!
These girls are really cute
Would suck, fuck, rim and be fucked by. Can't wait for my Thailand trip this summer. No homo tho.
Wait, this got a gay end?
gross, get higher standards
they're my wives, stay away
this is Astolfo's favorite position
don't catch any stds my dude
>find gif of myself on on Yea Forums
>it's labeled as trap
aikawa is a girl pretending to be a boy pretending to be a girl for the attention
>thats your right
>eh whats up so suddenly
>theres no way its not even the room looks like its in your house
>are you really..
>did I attract you? TL Note: I have no idea if thats correct
>to be honest
>yeah, what is it?
>if you were to go out with me I would keep my mouth shut
please tell me how wrong this is
I want to 入る Astolfo
Astolfo is great because he would sacrifice his life to protect you and loves you unconditionally.
wait what i need more context behind this
So You surely want to fuck those in this vid? as a Thai Trapfag I don't.
What's the source on this?
is this on sadpanda?
>Friend: “Hey”
>Friend: *Uploads image*
>Friend: “This is you?”
>@Elmon_0715: “Huh? What’s this all of a sudden?”
>Friend: “I mean, if you look at the room, it’s your house.”
>Friend: “Are you serious?”
>@Elmon_0715: “I’m sorry.”
>@Elmon_01715: “You find it disgusting?”
>Friend: “I’ll be honest.”
>@Elmon_0715: “Okay, what is it?”
>Friend: “I’ll keep my mouth shut if you go out with me.”
>@Elmon_0715: “Eh?”
It's shit
Reverse traps are good though
I prefer Trap X Female and Trap X Trap.
so elmon made a manga about the experience or was it the friend?
he exploded in popularity and got all sorts of fanart drawn of him, so some fan drew a manga
That's really gay
>female scissoring
>female solo
rest is irrelevant
you're all faggots
which gif? post it so i'll never make this mistake
meant to
Search for Jairou on sadpanda.
Where is this from? Looks pretty lewd
it's heavily implied Aikawa is indeed a male, but does it matter? that's the point of Prunus Girl
he's the ideal girlfriend
>Reverse traps are good though
reverse trap
the superior kind should be obvious
i wish she was my girlfriend and we would have sex behind all her fangirls
Friendly reminder that anime is a gateway drug to crossdressing and gay sex!
only moralfags care about that.
If its cute, fuck it.
i hate you guys so much for turning me gay
Not if Abe has anything to say about it.
Crossdressing boys who try their hardest to be cute is the purest form of moe!
The cutest heterosexual couple in FGO.
Daruku is especially cute
More anime should show the effort traps put in to become even cuter than normal girls. It's less interesting if it's entirely natural and effortless on their part.
but Astolfo isn't d'Eon's boyfriend, he only dates straight boys
Kashima is amazing, but she unironically looks like a otomeshit love interest, it's off-putting as fuck
Of course he is dating her. Why wouldn't he?
I prefer the opposite.
Imagine if your bf was also your gf.
Astoflo is such a good and caring bro he'd dress up and be your gf for the day when you couldn't get one.
I read so much trap porn that I grew bored switched to josou seme grew bored of that and switched to trapxgirl and stuck with it this is all I read now how???
Let's be honest. Both are great, and trap getting pegged by reverse trap (and Reverse Trap x Trap relationship in general) is top tier.
because Astolfo is a property of straight men and he knows that
My favorite part is the "How did those even FIT in there" reveal
josou seme is a patrician tier fetish I'd just like to make this clear.
I SO badly wish he was one of the super popular traps.
I bet if he was just more popular fan works wise, he'd easily be my favorite trap.
Sieg doesn't deserve Astolfo, she is too good for him.
He's literally the only reason i watched nanana, it would have been forgotten otherwise.
Both Tensai and Daruku were amazing and easily the best part of that show, and it's a shame they both faded away into obscurity.
>tfw your girlfriend is also your best bro
Because the precious relationship between a cute boy seducing a straight guy is enjoyable to read, and also makes me sad I can't do it too
Exactly the same with me. I couldn't care less about the rest of the show, and I'm not usually one to watch for one character either.
I pick all my anime based on whether it has trap doujins of the characters, I've never been disappointed, and it's led me to plenty of otherwise forgotten series.
>Watching Yaoi series feature Trap X Male on Chink Site since I can't read it
>Expect cute fuccboi Trap to get fucked by that guy he falls for at the last chapter
>It turns out to be opposite
>Female Author
Super Duper Yikes, Why this is allowed? this is the second series that this happened hopefully this isn't a new trend.
>male bottoming for the trap
Is there a tag combination that finds all trap × trap works on sadpanda?
god i wish i could experience that picture at least once in my life
>went from trap manga to twinks to bara to now watching Austin wolf fuck twinks
where does it end?
Whats MY % of gayness for unironically liking girls with dicks like Astolfo?
unless you want to suck his girlpenis or bottom for him, 0%
That depends, with or without balls touching?
>tfw married with kids
>recently can't stop thinking about how much I want to just have a life with Astolfo instead
>He's on my mind 24 fucking 7
>I don't even like 3D traps or crossdressers so it hurts even more knowing I'll never have something like that
I fucking hate all of you.
I don't think blue boards are fit for boys cumming from their butts
in my bed
>tfw married with kids
I hope this isn't true
I want to fuck his tight little hole so bad no homo
>Jeanne is the one taking action here
>Astolfo is grabbing the bitch by her ass
how do we stop this madwoman (male)?
Beware of the slippery slope, it happened to me, it can happen to you.
>still not translated
You people are attracted to boys, and that's more than just gay.
>was paying too much attention to Jeanne's wonderful butt and didn't notice Sieg hoverhanding
Astolfo is the real Chad here
>I hope this isn't true
It's even worse now that I'm finding it harder to cum to anything that isn't thoughts of him. If I'm not thinking of astolfo I'm thinking of how long until the wife thinks I'm cheating on her.
Astolfo cannot be stopped, he takes what he wants, when he wants.
god i hope this is true. i've had so many fantasies of being a crossdressing homewrecker who seduces the man, turns him gay and then dumps him once his life is ruined.
>1.5x - 5x as many posters as any other thread on the board
and Yea Forums thinks they're gayer than us...
cishet here, i'm attracted to the female form + feminine manners
as much as i love Astolfo, i'm not attracted to him in the anime shower scene
if astolfo, sieg and jeanne where to have a threesome astolfo would be the one on top
and Sieg the bottom with Jeanne in the middle with a strap-on
My life is already ruined given the one I desire isn't real.
>on top
This guy is so bottom it hurts. Take out your dick out of your ass and think.
my favorite doujin is that one where selfish ultra-horny astolfo gets chastity magic locked by gudao and then he proceeds to cheat on him
>canonically picks up chicks all the time
>also doesn't care about his partner's gender
>is a total chad knight
he's just versatile
Astolfo is a strict bottom when he's with a straight male, he's 100% top with girls, bis, gays or other traps.
Normally these kind of threads will have around 170-195 Posters.
He certainly is in canon he likes fucking anything that's cute
actually, I think I'm gonna use a dildo for the first time in a while thanks to this thread
>3 days without a straight cock filling her boipussy
Astolfo will slowly corrupt and change any straight male until he gets to top them
thats a good amount some threads just have 20 posters samefagging
I feel bad for you. I have no clue what I would do in that situation.
Honestly I never understood why AIDS spread so fast among homos until I started jerking it to trapshit. The temptation to go raw is intense. I'm not gay though.
>no domestic life with Astolfo as your wife (male)
Actually the idea of a threesome isn't so bad. Works better than any other TM "threesomes"
It also spreads much easier from unprotected anal sex than unprotected vaginal sex. It's also why I've always required my partners to either use an extra strong condom or bring a negative STD test that's only a few days old
Well, that just made my boner bigger than it already was. Thanks, corruption fetish.
>sieg has no dick (just a hole to piss from) but does have an anus to excrete from
>does not have a prostate so sexual pleasure is impossible
>is forced to orally serve astolfo and jeanne as they fuck
impossible, a straight male cock is Astolfo's kryptonite
he becomes a cock-hungry girl unable of thinking about anything else at the mere sight of one
the fact is that any cock that enters astolfo long enough is not so straight anymore. his aura of gay corruption is absolute. the only way to resist and remain bi is to bottom as little as possible and always top him when he's indecisive. that way a small semblance of straightness might remain.
chastity is 10/10 cringe unless it's non-con in which case its 11/10 patrician
a trap fucking a male in the ass is top tier as being humilated by someone less manly is like a drug
>non-con chastity
>subject slowly trained to only enjoy anal
>eventually won't care whether chastity is removed or not since they won't want to touch their dick anyway
Fuck, this is what I call imagination.
astolfo gets the pussy sieg gets Jeanne's anus as she ridicules him
Traps topping regular guys with the goal of turning them into trap sex toys is top-tier, I agree.
Not a C guy, but I think malloc() returns a pointer to the start of the allocated memory, so why would you ever want to cast that to something else? You dereference pointers, not cast them.
>jeanne sits on his face while astolfo fucks the anal saint in the ass
>sieg rims astolfo as jeanne blows him
>astolfo fucks sieg as jeanne sits on his face
sieg humiliation is always good
people who only loves girls with dicks are gayer than people who loves slightly boyish traps.
if you loves girls with dicks means that the DICK made your eriction, and it's fucking gay.
slightly boyish traps is a better taste because the struggle of the gender dysphoria made it delicious.
checking the gender of the thing you fuck is the ultimate gay action, gayer than original gays.
I just wanted to let you guys know that you're all really gay.
Fuck, where do you get this stuff? Harlequins?
just my imagination
Astolfo's aura of perfection is absolute, anyone who touches his body becomes infatuated with him.
However, the simple contact with a straight male's rough body makes Astolfo's butt in control of her desires.
Just because you take it up the ass, that dose not make you any less manly. Are men here really that insecure?
is astolfo fucked tons of girls where is his children
you also post similar stuff on Yea Forums trap threads, right? your posts are hilarious, never change bro
There's a reason it's called "bottom", user.
there are over 7 billion people in this fucking planet already, Astolfo always uses protection
malloc returns a void * pointer, in pre-standardized C, there was no such thing as void *, everything returned as an int by default unless you cast it.
also since C++'s C compatibility reflects the state of the C language in 1985 (C was standardized in 89), it also requires explicit casting of malloc or else you'll get compile-time errors.
how many Yea Forums posters get baited by him
You people are fun to watch kek, lack of sex really breaks you people.
tomboys have periods.
check mate christians.
Not when Trap cock is in tomboy pussy.
>tfw trapge saved the vn industry
"look, Astolfo, a straight guy!"
"say no more!"
every time with this bait people can like both fuck off with this shit
Yeah, I know that. But I do not see that as less manly position. Now I am not men male but I think taking it up the ass takes more guts than giving it. Sure more than likely person that takes it is more submissive but I have met pretty buff and confident gay men that just happen to prefer that position. And that is not even counting people that are OK to do both.
What? I know several games from ensemble in recent year, but is that enough to save VN industry?
> or bring a negative STD test that's only a few days old
Why only STD thought? If you gonna ask tests then you might as well as for overall VD status.
Yeah, that's what I meant. I didn't realize there's a difference between the terms in English.
Yes, it is. Trap Shrine is VNOTY and the hero we needed.
This thread should be about delicious brown traps, not Astolfo.
Ah, a man of culture in this cursed thread.
imagine being a "top" and thinking that spending all your energy manhandling and humping away at a another guy until you're a sweaty exhausted mess, knowing that each swing of your hips is a conscious choice to mate with a male is somehow LESS gay than the other choice. There are people like that in here right now. And let's not forget they're probably the ones initiating the encounter in the first place.
mega yikes
>you will never be one part of a highschool trap idol duo while dating and having a lewd time with the other idol.
I wish I had more Daruku to post, but he's barely even got a single page on Gelbooru. Maybe we can start a campaign to get him back into popularity as a trap.
but I like both
I know, I would have used him for the image in my post, but there's almost no art of him.
can the player get the traps pregnant?
asking for a friend, i'm not interested in the game
There’s always the drawthread
we need another popular trap to offset astolfo
You can tell nobody watched the show either because there's hardly screencaps of daruku either.
ah a trap shitposting thread let me take a guess, it's filled with anons saying this shit is gay and /d/ shitposters shitposting and making up headcanons how it's not gay(pro tip it is).all the while the shitposter refusing to let their thread die so they're in constant surveillance and at best getting 1-2 replies and maybe a new shitposter...pathetic
The artist, Aogiri Penta, addresed this in a tweet pretty much confirming that the sequel will let you. That is, if we get a sequel which I’m almost positive we will.
I'll have to redownload it to take some.
should 男の娘 wear panties, boxers, briefs or spats and why is the right answer spats?
Traps aren’t gay
what did they mean by this?
I will never forget that retarded doujin where kurisu brainwashes him
All of the above, also nothing at all
Any answer that's not typical boy underwear is fine.
yeah and futas arent gay either
Wat's the manga/LN where the mc fucks and also gets fucked by a trap?
if he's the person i'm thinking, at least 3 every thread
>be ruka
>be wannabe girl your whole life and don't know what being trans is
>get caught doing something incredibly shameful
>get raped by a girl with her female genitals being shoved in your face
>she verbally abuses you and reminds you of what you can never have until your mind breaks
the art style sucked but i remember that doujin fondly
Wew lad.
whats this???
This sums it up pretty well. Mind break fetish is a thing, and even if it was rather silly I greatly enjoyed a take on it that wasn't "girl loses to cock"
Male MCs from VN by Ensemble, This company is known to love to make Trap leads VNs.
there's a doujin about Yea Forums's favorite sexual fantasy of inviting a qt anime boy you met online to come live with you and be your live-in maid bf and sex slave so they can keep being a neet
god i wish that were me
>tfw will never assrape the shit out of Asstolfo
>Someone has made new thread already.
ah yes I remember now
god I wish I were that pillow
Astolfolded a shit
the more power to you user, to each their own after all. cheers mate