Character becomes sexier when turned evil

>character becomes sexier when turned evil
How common is this?...... for research purposes

Attached: darksignercarly.jpg (201x251, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Not very

Extremely common

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Very common.

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Evil Carly was pretty goddamn hot, a shame how 5D's more or less ignored her development with Jack after that cult thing with her VA.

Goddamn cults, what was even that cult anyways?

She looks hideous

Yeah, sure.

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Does Yea Forums like it when a former heroine/child hood friend becomes the main villain and enemy of the MC?

Bonus if MC kills her instead of redeeming her.

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Lolis are always cute, so if we see a villainess when they're young, this is highly likely.

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what is that, a Carly for ants?

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Op makes a good point

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>not the MC joining her

Bonus points if she ends up becoming a whore.

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Is that... Ilya?

That's Testament from the Fate Grand Order Prisma Illya event. She's got Illya's form, but isn't technically her. Although Illya did get her outfit in the rerun of the event.

Evil is better

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Corruption is better when it goes both ways.

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It's not odd considering being evil tends to correlate with becoming unhinged.
With good girls you get the feeling of wanting to protect them, since there's an air of purity and, of course, goodness to them.
On the other hand, evil girls are just freer to display their own desires openly. They don't have to act noble or pure, and thus come off as more provocative and/or dominating, which eliminates that feel of having to protect them, and instead you just feel like giving in to your base desires with them.

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What is this from?

Bonus points if she gets fucked by the MC and becomes his lovey dovey wife.

whenever they say her name, all i hear is curry

Work also for male ones

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Useless meatbag demon lord

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Does this trope has a name? It's pretty common right.
>Character turns evil
>Reveal real power level / doing something badass soon after.

What’s the name of this LN ?

this """art""" is absolutely fucking disgusting

Attached: 68851434_p0.jpg (1302x1842, 1.08M)

Since saucenao and reverse image search don't work it's Muv Luv: Schwarzemarken's antagonist Beatrix Brehme

What was the reason for so many variants of the same story for this series? Did the author just not know how to pick an artist or something?

Manga and LN art are usually different

except there was like 5 different mangas covering the same story

Corruptionfags. Good taste.

What Japanimation is this?

The new SAO

Only actually completed the story and covered everything.
It also has the best designs and art.

Attached: Maou.(Maoyu.Maou.Yusha).full.1391653.jpg (926x1900, 365K)

>female villain
>wants to fuck the mc
Why the fuck is it always about sex?

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Nothing is more villainous than stealing the MC from the FeMC.

For as long as I can remember, i've always prefered bad girls over the good girls.
Why does it seem like no one ever wants them to win?
I'm so tired of the boring good girl always winning.

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>Character becomes sexier when purified
How common is this?

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>Nothing is more villainous than stealing the MC from the FeMC.

Attached: Strike the Blood.webm (1280x720, 1.86M)

Why would Jack drop his sexy nerd waifu?

But she always was a sociopathic cunt with a god complex.


unironically my fetish

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what show?

What if both romantic partners become evil?

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Schwarzesmarken, the only show that caters to my fetish of girls being mindbroken by Stasi.

>Load size large

Right when carly got new support which is actually decent. Men of taste

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>not taking what they desire by force

>Since saucenao and reverse image search don't work
Obviously, this is an original two pics combined.
Tineye works since it somehow (excuse my ignorance) automatically searched for the right half. If you feel like putting some effort ino it, use ImgOps.

Asking the real, important question.
>sexier when purified
> game
It's a pity what Millet became in Evenicle. I hope nothing this pure happens in 2.

My wife Carly is so beautiful.

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everything is about sex, besides if done correctly it gives a playful tone, which is even hotter

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My brothers of dark complexion from another mother.

Jesus christ what happened to Millet was a waste. She was so fucking hot.

She looks like Satou Kuuki got to her.



Also evil girls are almost always sexy.

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>you will never rule over a world of death and despair with your waifu.

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Didn't her seiyuu get caught up in a sex cult?

Only if it causes the MC actual angst and trauma. Otherwise it just makes him look like a self-righteous edgelord.

All villainesses were cute and innocent girls at one point.

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Oh boy, I had forgotten about this.

Yes which is why her character was basically dropped in the series and the plot of the second half of 5d's got fucked up because it was meant to be about a cult

It's funny how great of a mom she was and how shit and bad the real one was.
God, I wish MC got her as some sort of constant summon/phantom like that little one that was his powers incarnate or something.

Evil grils are the best!

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Dark Sakura/Kama >> Regular Sakura

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>cult thing with her VA
What's the story there?

That manga stopped getting translated or I did I just forget it existed?

Stella Glow 2 never faggot

There is only three things that matter in the world, money, power and sex. First one is a way of getting the second and viceversa.
And both of them are only a way of getting the third one.

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>no hips
Into the trash it goes.

Long story short
>Violent sex cult on the rise in Japan and making headlines
>VA for 5Ds turns out to have been a member of the cult
>Konami scrambles to remove any and all traces of occult themes in 5Ds
>Show takes a shift next season and becomes science and time travel
>Character is now sidelined to be part of a harem. Hijinx ensue.

Goes the other way too. For a Yea Forums example, Ram traded a lot of her sexiness for cute when she turned good.

Attached: CtlvuBeUMAAAGMR.jpg (1920x1080, 212K)

It was sad as Carly was the winner. It was an insult to her and Mikage for putting them in a harem with Stephanie to fight over for Jack's affection.

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I wasn't translated for some time, but then it was dumped all the way to the end last year.

>caring mother at day
>loving mommy at night

Evil in Fate means eating junk food and being tsundere

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>wants to fuck the mc
I fucking wish it was always like this
I hate it when the femvillain just irrationally hates him and doesnt want to fuck his brains out
making the villain some kind of tragic yandere is almost always the best move

>villainess rapes hero
Any other anime do this?

>that miyu
this cant be official

I need statistics on how many men go through this process, for mathematical purposes only.

Could the cock beat the cock?

All media is either about sex, death, or both.


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Was about to say the same

Not anime but here in a manga too bad she also dies later on.

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Absolutely god-tier taste but
>Shinobu and Amou in the same category as the others
Those 2 are actual heroines and one of those isn't even an antagonist or evil for that matter.

That's a bunch of old men possessing her body though.

>sexy seductress villain defeated by the even slightly more attractive, exotic and well-endowed sidekick who is the MC's devoted and faithful lover, a woman of otherworldly grace with a strong sense of justice and empathy
>but only after a very long drag-down knock-out sweaty grappling well-choreographed sword-duel-turned-martial-arts-turned-brawl-turned-wrestle scene
>ending with seductress being held up by the remains of her tattered clothing with her nakedness exposed to the MC as punishment for her cruelty and hubris
Haha why does this not exist ever at all, has Japanese taste simply not evolved far enough?


It's part of Japan's mentality of
>Pure women good.
>Sex women evil
Because sex has become foreign to them

kouya ni kemono doukokusu. A few chapters have been translated and someone is back on translating it. It will take a while to reach the raws.

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Amou is a villain heroine.

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This but unironically

Whenever I see a hot villainess, I get the immediat urge to shove my tongue in her anus.

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Good instinct.

>eyes slightly narrow

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Not common enough.

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Why do villains always have more narrow, angular eyes? is the only one I can think of who had the same eye shape as the good girls.

I guess big puppy dog eyes are a more common design choice for younger or more innocent characters.

While narrowed or more shadowy eyes are often used for characters who are simply more serious or have gone through some shit.

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why does she have a star of david cutout?

The hell? Isn't it obvious? Haven't you ever looked at another living thing before?

That's normal.

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fuck off with the loli shit, illya should not be lewded.

Why am I so attracted to evil women?

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If it's for the same reason as me, it's because it's an extension of femdom fetish.

We should lewd her mother instead

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Don't some people like dangerous, powerful, compent women because it reaffirms their masculinity, kinda like owning a dangerous animal?

Because the writers made it so.

The source material was a script for a play posted on a text board. Possibly related.

Because you want to fuck them user

evil bitches man, what's their secret?

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Quinella is the best villainess of this season, no question.

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They don't sound like bitchy children?

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When's her route?

In 2/3 of the routes, she's MC's final opponent. The last route, she's his last opponent inside of a mech. He kills or helps kill her in all the routes, and the canonical route end is her losing a MGS style knife battle with him and getting stabbed through the stomach.

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>Girl is the best character of her series
>She gets even better in the movies

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Jeannu Alter's personality is closer to real life Jeannu ironically.

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Why does Maaya Sakamoto always voice the best villains?

Yukarin an honorable mention.

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For me it's the urge to watch her pee but along the same lines I think?

Bottom left is the original Oboro who is good

Is it true that the Japanese have a meme that dominant evil women are weak to anal?

Why does Yea Forums think everything in the world is a Japan-exclusive? That's an old and basically universal meme because evil women are of course vulnerable to taboos due to their emotional issues. Just for a fun example, take that scene in Law Abiding Citizen near the start where he yells at the judge that he bets she takes it up the ass. Now this is a little different because she's technically being lawful neutral, but she's portrayed as a complacent or even corrupt beaurocrat with more power than sense. He's also doing it specifically to get a reaction, but the meme is still identifiable to everyone as the premise is universally understood - people, especially women, who are in positions of power, grow frustrated and often want to be made to do submissive and degrading things. This doesn't show up in normal men, but it shows up a lot in women and fatherless/non-self-made men with too much to prove (think the 80s coke-snorting overcompensating businessmen, for example)
Anyways the point I'm really making is you should watch Law Abiding Citizen if you haven't user, the plot is honestly a fucking mess and it's not anime, but it's entertaining.

Extremely common

Is that why 5Ds turned to shit?

Did he just fall asleep on her?

Corruption fetish is god tier, bros.

Purification fetish is God tier, corruption is shit demonic tier

How about corruption and then purification?

the production during the first part of WRGP was a mess inside and out, they had to rewrite the plot altogether because of Carly's seiyuu, Aki's seiyuu was pregnant and as such she couldn't work that much and BBT was consuming their best animators, it's a miracle no one in production killed themselves with that, but it picks up pace in the second half of WRGP and in the Ark Cradle

How about a nuanced tale about a sincere woman raised in less-than-ideal circumstances struggling to overcome her own deep-rooted conditioning by showing acts of mercy and camraderie, trying to make things right with victims of her previous nefarious ways even when they understandably abuse her or just tell her to get lost, seeking redemption by joining the hero's religion, cause, or mission, being rejected too harshly by society or people relate to the hero and also her victims, relapsing due to her crushed fragile self-esteem and unruly ego, getting back into her wicked ways and going too far this time, getting defeated and sternly chastised by the hero, reforming once and for all when he promises to be there for her and help her to make a real positive change so she can learn to stand on her own and no longer let people down by giving them false hope, learning to trust him as she builds up character through a combination of good deeds, simple labor, and womanly virtues taught to her by an old woman mother figure with some association with the hero, all leading up to her eventually asking the hero to forgive her even if she doesn't deserve it, with him saying he already has, with her confessing to him and him returning her feelings, with a happy domestic dating arc still punctuated throughout by monster/villain of the week episodes to keep building her character and show her standing up to perils and temptations, culminating with her half begging the MC to bed her which she does at which point she is finally completed by the holy power of dick and her evil is sealed within her for good but only if the MC continues to go through live hand in hand with her giving her the holy dick regularly and doing that thing with her that is a sexual surrogate for her previous sinful thrills but also happens to be you're fetish but also instead of ending there the shows goes on with more adventures and erotic stuff for at least another whole season?

>Basically Carly's Voice Actress in Japan, Li-Mei Chiang, was a member of a cult called the Roma Sophia Society (give or take). Basically they weren't anything too crazy beyond pretty shitty "Women as sex slave maids" and "All women in the group must wear miniskirts", IIRC. Big problem is the group had several high ranking members of the JSDF and government connected to it.

>Apparently it was a huge scandal when the group was being exposed piece by piece.
Just like my hnetais plots

Pic related ended her carrer because weed

Attached: agiri.jpg (650x416, 37K)

>the Japanese are actually, consensually doing what they are constantly reading erotica and making porn about
>minus the rape and pedo stuff
>somehow this is a big serious scandal because it devalues the public face of the members
Japan is such a kooky place anons

Japan has cultist but unlike mudslims , he keep in secrecy.

Attached: Shoko Asahara.jpg (570x671, 52K)

>All women in the group must wear miniskirts
Was this cult run by Roy Mustang?

>tha pic
The leader takes more than 20 years to be hanged. No wonder has influence even in the prison.
Soon after her father was arrested, Matsumoto was just 12 when her family broke up. Her mother, Tomoko, another senior cult leader, was convicted of murdering another colleague in Aum Shinrikyo.

>As a young adult, Matsumoto said her past affiliations have presented significant setbacks in Japanese society. She said high schools and colleges denied her admission, and that she was dismissed from jobs because of her family ties.

>Matsumoto said visitations with her father stopped in 2008. During her visits, which began in 2004, she said she realized her father had lost his mind, the Journal reported. He was also physically deteriorating and was appearing in court wearing diapers.

>fucks you
>then kills you when you climax in her
Is this good?

Attached: O0001.jpg (1131x1600, 383K)

I'd watch it

Yeah but Aum Shinrikyo is a whole different thing. Was the stigma not about the maids and miniskirts and stuff, but more that it was a cult with government officials and that reminds the Japs or this because it was such an extreme case?
I'd give you it if I could animate and had art

As long as she reanimates me as an intelligent undead servant.

>pull out and shoot my load directly into her bellybutton with perfect aim
>she's now forced to grant me eternal life instead
Big brain hours lads

>Implying she won't leg lock you

>implying I'm unversed in martial arts and won't apply sideways pressure to her kneecaps and ankles to force her to release it
>implying if that somehow doesn't work I won't resort to tickling the back of her knee until she wets the bed and looks too ridiculous to keep up the evil act

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this user is the NTRguy of sexy villainesses, stay well away from my evilfus

>get raped by villainess

Attached: villainess rapes hero.jpg (1280x960, 129K)

>stab her with sword later
Is this how you treat a villainess?

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Teaching your succubus to cook right now, cuck.
Going to give her cute headpats later after she puts the kids to bed.
Guess you'll have to look elsewhere for your seductress rape, pic somewhat related.

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Kinda. Pic related was an attempted rape though.

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Great isn't it.

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Pic related was trying to literally put her tentacles up the hero's ass. Unfortunately for her, he gets the super special weapon that can kill her and gets her back.

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Obboy! Seing someone reference this is as likely as getting struck by lightning.
Hilda sexiest evil grandma loli

who doesn't weak to anal?

>villainess establishes dominance by defeating MC or feMC before raping them
Why isn't this a thing?

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>influence even in the prison.
Asahara was a complete wreck of a human being, completely insane from his previous 24/7 acid trip and then prison isolation. Guy was barely functional during his incarceration. I doubt he had any sway whatsoever.

Sounds like my kinda cult.

It's normal.

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I despise femdom but I like strong women.

>evil female character
>has a tragic and fucked-up backstory where she's raped or other terrible things happen to her
What's the deal with that? Does every villainess need a tragic backstory?

>death by snu snu

2nd part was better, go throw your shits elsewhere, shitposter-kun

Should've stayed a loli though.

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There's something about wanting to fuck them into submission. Good shit.

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>195cm woman with those proportions
Holy shit, legs for days

I don't like that kink of mine.

Extremely good taste OP

Just to be clear, that's the guy calling out for his dad, not the girl calling the guy daddy.
>But don't worry, I intend to die with you
Was this peak character development ?

Brain problems probably, just like me. Don't think courting a villainous qt girl would ever work out well versus nice innocent childhood friend but my dick likes it regardless.

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Thanks my dude for posting this. Best time I've had in a while reading it

MC and evil villainess falling in love is my heart's fetish.

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>mfw someone has actually played Stella Glow

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>make the perfect design
>ruin her by turning her into a generic titty monster per ascension
Kama sutra is about eroticism not vulgarity.

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Trips of truth, patrician tier fetish

I apologize, but the objective best taste is brainwashing, not to alter their outlook on reality and morality, but to ensure complete sexual obedience while maintaining their personality

Surprisingly many people on Yea Forums have played it.

Not for Altair.

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>villainess seduces hero by telling him that she gets him and that they're kindred spirits
>MC buys it and kidnapps/rapes her

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Beatrix is the best!

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Double the points if they switch places, with the MC redeeming the heroine and becoming corrupted himself shortly afterwards.

sauce on the girl in the middle ?

Fuck off redditor.

Thats Enigma. Forgot the name of the anime but she appears and takes over the body of the MC's mother.

Myriad colors phantom world

KyoAni's Enigma

Why do villains like to fondle themselves?

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They should leave the fondling to professionals, like me.

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That's nice and all, but if she isn't into facesitting, she ain't a real villain.

Just helping anons who found a new fetish.

Why do Nip artists do this. She already had nice firm tits, no need to turn them into balloons

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she's the best girl of alicization, but i'm depressed over how she died

What ever happened to just wanting to cure their evil ways with your dick?

No Quinella doujin?

Excuse me why the fuck are they flipping me off? No tip for you!


You're gonna leave a big tip or this will end very badly for you.

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>1 image set, 2 artist CGs
The world is too cruel

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>user gets irritated when someone posts a thumbnail
literally me.

>Fate and SAO niggers
So this is what Yea Forums has become

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Type-Moon runs this board, faggot. Never forget this.

>That's what he really believes

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This man tells the truth

Strong women are more like this, I assure you that this woman can beat half board barefist

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To increase the waifu factor

It's worth playing?

Too old, at least post a /fit/ girl.

She's perfect.

Attached: carly3.png (480x640, 487K)

I'm a little surprised no one posted her yet.

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No, I honor the farmers and their hard work

How's the anime?

Okay adaptation. Boils her personality down into pure powerhunger and sadism. Introduces some plotholes and fixes others. The Mech fight are good though.

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I wasn't speaking only physically.

Do you think that a woman raised as a peasant in a postwar fascist dictactorship isn't stronger mentally than muh my waifu?
Protip: Being dominat =/= Mental strength, wanting to control someone reveals lack of security (Like doubts about how a person would behave given free wild)

At what point did I say anything about controling anyone? I dislike meek waifus, I like someone to be able to hold their ground in an argument. Being physically strong != being mentally strong.

My point is that you need to be mentally strong to survive in the shithole that my country was back in the 50's-60'specially in the countryside

Dude, I live in fucking Africa.

Beatrix did nothing wrong.

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I liked Regina more than Twilight to be honest. Eas too.

Shame about them sex cults though.

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God I wish that was me.

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Source on that one, my dude?

Spooder witch.

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>Jack and Carly never because Yoshida a fucking hack that instead of making Carly go travelling so she can become a better reporter, turned Jack into a misogynist
>VRAINS is so shit it makes me question how the fuck I enjoy Arc-V and ZEXAL more

she was a shit post snek

Sneknigger raus.

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Why did she get stabbed then, if she did nothing wrong?

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How did she die?

She didn't shag her fiancée while he was alive and get pregnant.

Dumb Tsundere's always get their rightful punishment.

I like evil business lady cakes.

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Who was your first evil crush?

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Solely because of plot. Instead of you know, Axeman, the real bad guy of the series.

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I'd like to stab her in the guts with my dick.

Please tell me there's more to this.

Three chapters, user.


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So what’s her story? Why is she evil/antagonistic?

Stasimouto a best.

>loli black lady
I'd take it.
Or loli Sailor Moon.

I want an evil/corrupted Sakura now.


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Actually there's a fourth too.

>destroy my whole village and I nut in your womb and make you my wife

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Very cute!!

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This is cute (not evil though) as well.

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I don't understand why they can't get a new VA to replace her? I know Japan hold their seiyuu high regards but its crazy how they change entire plots around because a single va either get fired or died.

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it's not that, she was a part of a cult scandal and the series had strong cult themes up to that point with 2 antagonist groups being cult-like, and her character was member of one of them and almost killed the leader of the other, not changing the plot would have been a bad pr move

Oh man i forgot about Millet, what a waste of tits.

>no ass
>no thighs
>no hips
What did ReDrop mean by this?

>you will never play card games with Carly
>and by play card games, I mean have sex with while playing card games

>5D's manga
>Luna and Leo are brainwashed to be evil
>Leo breaks free
>Luna refuses to let the good guys have him and mind breaks him back into submission
>when Yusei tries to save him, she gets mad and says that Leo is her possession and only exists for her sake

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Wow, no wonder she hasn't been in much shit

worry not there will be a fuckton of them in the next comiket