Well Yea Forums, are you an Orihime guy or a Rukia guy?
Well Yea Forums, are you an Orihime guy or a Rukia guy?
Other urls found in this thread:
Neither because Nel is superior to both
Rukia of course
For friendship: Rukia
For breeding and milking: Orihime
Nel is above your trivialities but Shirayuki and that Reigai girl...
Neither, shit series
Orihime is cuter but Rukia is the better character
Rukia guy because I don't have shit taste.
For me, its Isane.
Rukia was perfect, I won't bother talking about Orihime "people" but I don't really understand not only why they like her but how can they like her over Rukia, it's just crazy.
turn back the pendulum yoruichi kinda guy
damn, Orihime doesn't get enough love...
Imagine not liking this
Sorry, but neither I'm a Tier type of guy.
Rukia, she's adorable in the early artstyle
For me, it's Aizen.
Nuapurista kuulu se polokan tahti
jalakani pohjii kutkutti.
Ievan äiti se tyttöösä vahti
vaan kyllähän Ieva sen jutkutti,
sillä ei meitä silloin kiellot haittaa
kun myö tanssimme laiasta laitaan.
Salivili hipput tupput täppyt
äppyt tipput hilijalleen.
None of the above.
halibel for me
post ichigo and orihime love please
Nel was the best of both worlds, having a titty monster form hotter than Orihime, and having a fun-sized form cuter than Rukia.
I like both but Rukia is superior.
Both are good
(You) are a faggot
I honestly want to like Rukia. She's arguably superior to Orihime in every way and actually has a personality. But there's just something about her that I cant stand, and I don't know if it's her voice or attitude? Also "tough" girls who annoyingly beat up/hit the MC are a turn off
In the beginning I was more of an Orihime guy, but as the series went on I realized just how much better Rukia was in terms of not just being a typical shounen damsel in distress.
Orihime went down the exact same path as Ichigo, that is that they both lost so much of what made me originally love them: character.
Rukia went through a bit of the same problem but to a lesser extent.
Can't choose. They're meant to be enjoyed as two halves of the same heart
Anything happening with the supposed anime return?
>not just being a typical shounen damsel in distress
SS arc
>Anything happening with the supposed anime return?
Already confirmed that the project is Sakura Wars
>I don't really understand not only why they like her
A. Because her boobs are massive.
B. Because she's nice.
C. Because people have shit taste.
D. All of the above.
>a character even more forgotten than tatsuki
I am a tit man through and through but I could never stand Orihime. Even when I watched the series for the first time when I was like 11 Rukia's banter was just so much more entertaining then Orihime trying to be cute.
>autism and tripfag
Not surprising my man
Her character design is fucking perfect, but I can't say the same about her character.
I prefer Rukia by process of elimination.
Whats wrong with her character?
Same. I'm a tit man too and I prefer any other busty bleach girl over Orihime.
Ex: Nelliel is Orihime's upgraded version.
Rukia was just like Sakura to me. Both were massive bitches for no reason.
Their relationship is cute and I'm glad the novel did it justice.
Orihime has the good character design(cute, big boobs, etc.) but Rukia is the one for me. I like her personality better.
I don't like the genki kawaii type. I find her annoying. She's hot, I'd fuck her, but I couldn't stand someone like her as a gf.
Orihime's entire character is just being a clingy, submissive slut and putting her legs up in the air for anyone who can protect her though.
Why would I like that?
Orihime because I'm not a faggot or pedophile.
Rukia was chatty and intolerably tsundere, but not a massive bitch.
Sakura was massive tsundere and a shit character.
Both were bitches to me. Yelling and hitting the MC for no reason, that shit isn’t cute to me.
It was the typical tsundere interaction where boy and girl fight all the time and then become friends. Kubo failed writing original non-bitchy tsundere interactions between characters.
Anyway Rukia >>>>>>>>>>> Sakura
>putting her legs up in the air for anyone who can protect her though.
Literally...when? Why are you people so angry, because she won?
In what regards?
Friendship, spending time, personality wise:
breeding with a luscious body:
But why choose between these two when you could clearly go for the best bleach waifu.
I like both Orihime and Rukia but favor Rukia a bit more, but Nemu and Kamen Rider are best girls
I have my gripes since Rukia was a big jobber and got no real good fights and the ones she did have she got 1uped by another character.
As for Orihime Kubo did good with her until somewhere in the Mexico arc and then in the 2 arcs he made her a useless moeblob damsel but it's nice to see she got to fight by Ichigos side liek she wanted to but he mentioned in the beginning she knew karate and couldn't even do that against her enemies and just healed/reversed time
[spoilers]Rukihime otp[/spoilers]
The only correct answer
How can one post have so much good taste? Halibel is uo there too
Both are shit to me. Plus their character designs are shit. Rukia looks a bit better once she cuts her hair though.
Nobody wanna talk about how hell chapter ripped off the Yu yu hakusho opening at the end when they were fleeing hell?
They are shitty designed, but Rukia has a nice face and is prettier than Suckura.
btw.... I wonder how much divided Orifags and Rukiafags would be if Kubo had given Rukia bigger boobs... really makes me think.
Depends on what kind of kid you want, I say.
exactly the opposite
Rukia is far cuter early on in the manga and anime. Something changed with Kubo's drawings and Rukias looks after like chapter 100
A man of taste.
really makes you wonder how she survived childbirth let alone sex with a gorilla of a man like Renji
Rukia is a miracle of the universe.
honestly what happens at that point? Like does the dick even fit?
Retarded or tsundere?
The latter it's better.
I vote for Rukia.
Rukia is the only answer.
I want to fuck a fusion of Rukia and Orihime
She is so fucking ugly.
Byakuya and Renji want to have a word with you.
Orihime, cow tits will always be my weakness.
What if she was flat?
Would you still choose her?
How challenged do you feel right now, user?
t. lolifag
Did you call me?
so, what is Kubo's newest project?
Rukia is my type 100%
Orihime would be an amazing friend tho, I fuckin love her
sakura wars, WSJ confirmed it
Probably something related to Sakura Taisen. Be prepared to be disappointed if the word 'Bleach' isn't anywhere when the announcement has been made just in case.
Stop. Lilynette is for headpats.
Lilynette is for doggy style love making.
>Rukihime otp
muh nigga
orihime, rukia is for cuck losers
I'm not a titman though I respect a nice set of tits, but Orihime got one of the fakest personalities I've seen and at the same time got none. Which is supposed to be pretty fucking hard to pull off.
Rukia is the patrician choice
Orihime is for degenerates
Nnoitra agrees.
What was the point of that move?
1. Giving her oral pleasure.
2. Teaching her how to suck dicks.
You choose, user.
Rukia desu desu
>tfw there will never be a fem mc like rukia again
The sweet girls that loved the MC before he became a hero won, and that's all that matters.
>The worst girls won.
I actually don't have a problem with Rukia and I shipped her with Renji anyways, but I honestly don't get how anyone could like Sakura.
They don't even feel like real people.
What do you mean? They're characters so obviously they won't feel like real people, but both had self-esteem/confidence issues which is something I believe most people can relate to.
Some people happen to like Sakura's brash personality.
They aren't. Just cocksocks waiting for the MC.
Nah, they just feel fake all the time and having no personality. I personally can't relate to someone so shy they can never say or do anything mildly controversial. And I have my fair bunch of insecurities, but this is just too much. I can't support a relationship where one of the partners is that submissive and spineless.
If I had to pick between these 2, obviously Rukia.
But I'd rather take Soifon.
Are you implying they aren't?
>Liking Bitchfon.
He just likes rocket launchers
Sure they had their moments of timidness, more so Hinata since Orihime is outgoing by nature and can easily make friends as noted by Ichigo, but I never found either spineless or submissive. Had Hinata truly been spineless she would have never stood up to Neji despite him telling her to give up during their fight, had Orihime truly been spineless she would have never slapped the likes of Ulquiorra.
Ironic that use cocksock for them when that term applies more to Sakura since she was 100% spineless when it came to Sasuke.
>not liking putting a bitch in her place by anal full nelson
Also rockets man
>Sure they had their moments of timidness, more so Hinata since Orihime is outgoing by nature and can easily make friends as noted by Ichigo, but I never found either spineless or submissive. Had Hinata truly been spineless she would have never stood up to Neji despite him telling her to give up during their fight, had Orihime truly been spineless she would have never slapped the likes of Ulquiorra.
Too small of a gesture to matter to me. It's like "good for you, but nowhere nearly enough".
How can Booblets even compete?
>Too small of a gesture to matter to me.
Yet not for me.
By having characters with some actual personality
Well, that's your choice.
Yelling and constantly hitting the MC aren't personality traits.
There is still barely nothing to them besides being obvious "trophies" for the MCs. Big, tits, madly in love with them; it's shallow at the end of the day and only comes off as wish-fulfillment.
Shallowness can go a long way.
you have to be mentally disabled to choose orihime over rukia, or perhaps the most normal person in the world
>dislikes shallowness
>likes sakura
Make some sense.
No one said it is.
Sakura is less shallow then Hinata. Don't act like Hinata has character outside of Naruto. You can bring up her crush on Sasuke, but her character doesn't revolve around him on the same scale as Hinata with Naruto.
Good thing there is more than that.
>You can bring up her crush on Sasuke, but her character doesn't revolve around him on the same scale as Hinata with Naruto.
Except it did. With Hinata, you can at least excuse it with the fact that she's a literal side character who's main role was to be the love interest so of course majority of her paneltime would be used to reenforce her feelings for Naruto. Meanwhile Sakura was the heroine yet completely revolved around Sasuke, majority of her actions were for/because/influenced by him. Hell in the last arc, there's this scene where Kakashi is recalling how much each team member has grown/changed and the only thing he notes about Sakura is her "love" for Sasuke.
Renji is just 188 cm, a normal height for a man
>Sakura was the heroine yet completely revolved around Sasuke, majority of her actions were for/because/influenced by him.
in fairness that applies to Naruto too
Rukia is the better girl but Orihime has the better body by a long shot. I'd marry Rukia and keep Orihime as a mistress
>in fairness that applies to Naruto too
You can't compare since the entire manga revolves around the Naruto/Sasuke bond. On top of that, they at least had a bond/connection so Naruto being so desperate to save him is understandable. You can't say the same for Sakura which why her longstanding feelings for him made no sense to so many readers. Hell, we don't even know why she fell for him in the first place. All we got is that she found him hot, and that's it. Meanwhile Hinata, a side character, started to fall for Naruto since he inspired her to better herself.
>All we got is that she found him hot, and that's it
And that is the most normal reason to fall in love with someone in real life
> Meanwhile Hinata, a side character, started to fall for Naruto since he inspired her to better herself.
But she didn't interact with him, she didn't know him personally, so it's basically admiration for an idol, like people who idolize actors, singers, atletes, or even a character in a work because they found them relatable
>And that is the most normal reason to fall in love with someone in real life
No, it's not. It's enough for a crush, enough for lust, but it's not enough for love. Sakura finding him hot doesn't explain why she married the guy, and had a kid a him, even after he choked her and tried to put a hole through her. SS is such a joke of a pairing, and Gaiden is enough to tell you how little Kishi thinks of it.
>But she didn't interact with him, she didn't know him personally,
So? His way of going about things inspired her to change herself in positive way, and there's nothing wrong with that. Plus she tries to overcome her shyness in order to interact with him.
Neither, I am a Best Girl guy
Always figured Black Clover was the new age Bleach
Orihime has a sweet personality, so there still a chance I would pick her, or I could jump to matsumoto, but Orihime is the girl you can mold into the perfect wive who does all kinds of kinky things in bed, while matsumoto is probably really experienced and only does what she likes.
I don't see it
Sakura started to like him, to fall in love with him, because he was hot, the most normal thing in real life. But, plus, Sakura did get to often interact with Sasuke, and so to know him more, because they became part of the same team. The premise was good. What damaged Sakura and Sasuke's relationship credibility was its next development, that it was more and more awful, apart from little credible. And Gaiden was already the icing on the cake, the top of how not to develop a relationship.
Hinata's reasons to like Naruto are not more deeper than Sakura's because she didn't know the real Naruto, only his idolized image. And later in the manga she still barely got to know him because theyi nteracted very little, so like this Hinata couldn't really love the real Naruto but his idolized image of him. Of course, this was way better than what Kishimoto did with Sakura and Sasuke, but it's still very insufficient.
>First watching Bleach a decade ago
Absolutely Orihime.
>Rewatching Bleach this year
Absolutely Rukia.
What is it l/a/ds? Maturity? Don’t be me wrong Orihime has a body meant for breeding and I’m not low test by any means but there is something about Rukia that transcends mammalian desire.
maybe you're into dom women
Rukihime is the only correct choice
The problem with Yoruichi and by extension Soi Fong is that although I find them both erotically stimulating, because of their chosen style of combat (recon) they are beyond flat and absolutely boney. I mean you couldn’t find an inch of fat on them, so thin you could play the xylophone no their rib cages.
Having said that I can’t help but find the pair of them aesthetically pleasing.
ITT seething Orihime won.
Rukia his fierce but I wouldn’t call her dom, I imagine she gets very complacent when the mood becomes compassionate/erotic.
But I like both...
This nigga knows what's up.
Also acceptable.
That only applies to Soi Fon not Yoruichi.
You need to decapitate a shinigami to kill them
>By having characters with some actual personality
I prefer Rukia, but I'd say they're by far and away two of the least attractive girls in Bleach, a series otherwise full of attractive female characters.
Seriously, only the lolis are less appealing
I'm an aizenfag so I don't care about either of those.
>not reading